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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Wars IV

Fantasia Wars IV
11:29:21 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

very strange indeed i had to fight LGC all the time too ( untill like10 era's ago)
then i never had to fight them :S (just once)

21:01:57 May 17th 08 - Mr. Katsumoto:

lmao is it true legacy has NAPed every kingdom apart from DB and TRIO??? lmao i remember when legacy used to be a kingdom that Wared everyone... seems a bit cowardly to me lol

21:43:52 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

well katsu unlike you some people dont have the need to prove their manliness in an online game :)

21:56:22 May 17th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

I think a city called "Loaded Penor" proves otherwise ;)

22:01:06 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

I hope u are right Drenthi,but every time i read it manliness is the last thing that comes in my mind :)

22:20:46 May 17th 08 - Sir Drunken:

Time have changed you know? Issn't it better for VU than what it was like many eras ago when only one kd is the winner every era? When your kd is at the top you become *beep*y. LW comes to mind. ZZ took down LW. ZZ become *beep*y later on. Same thing happened to Mafia... Debate on cheats etc but its the same... then LGC's turn... This time its internal splits too much loaded penors dun work well for all it seem. Nvmz this should be what its like in VU no one pwn u all. Hope this game will grow abit huh?

Side note this map is refreshing :-) 

LL ZeTa's penor!

22:24:24 May 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

ty thats very manly of u drunken :P
i can sleep peacefully now GN. :)

23:15:16 May 17th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Katsus I am sure that it's true.
LGC NAPs For Sure

There are only six kingdoms really in the "race"

LGC has NAPed three of them

Only Two kingdoms stand in LGC's way this era, Trio and DB

I remember eras when the whole map was against LGC, but I guess times have changed. LGC now needs others to help them win the era.

23:48:31 May 17th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yes times have changed. The eras where the whole map was against lgc there was probably 50 good players and 30 newbs on the map. I have probably been one of lgcs more vocal enemies but i think you need to give them a break. Fafnir i didnt hear you whine when Carnage used mass naps or when BoW went on river jumping rampages every era or even when mad was pulling troops out of nowhere so if your going to target a kd for mass naps at least target everyone and stop being so hypocritical.

01:36:18 May 18th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

i dnt think he was tryin 2 b hipocritical........if he was he wudv mentioned the kds u hav jst insulted in praise bt he refrained frm mentioning them ergo u cant assume he is tolerant of such behaviour!!! now y r u twistin the guys words finwe.......if any1 is hipocritical its u 4 tryin 2 b self-rightous n insulting a perfictly legitimate player who posted nothin that is untruth on this thread unlike u!

01:37:43 May 18th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

bt goin bk 2 the purpose of the thread. wats happend 2 pks n wolves this era? they dnt seem so involved in the least frm wat i can c n i cnt see much past sheolic really lol.

01:40:50 May 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

please tell me how im being hypocritical for saying that a player who was in the biggest mass nap kd i can think of digging out a kd for napping is hypocritical.

02:16:17 May 18th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

how come everyone is experts on kingdoms they've never been in? concern yourselves with yourself is how i play. i used to be a LGC hater many eras back, truth be told, they have became very honorable and trusted allies, if others don't like that it's too bad for them. opinion's are like butt holes, everybody has one ;) Faf has always been a good friend to me and an honorable player, so that means i should war him? some kind of logic i don't understand.

02:22:51 May 18th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

I would just like to point out that 37 member is really a bit extreme....

02:47:51 May 18th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

fafnir is drt n we r anythin bt mass nappers!!!! ur a hipocrate

02:57:15 May 18th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

and yes 37 is a lot n if they are all active n organised then boy r they gona need a lot 2 stop em!

03:36:29 May 18th 08 - Mr. Sakrian:

meh carnage cheats on era i play with them

09:58:21 May 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Fafnir was in carnage Orcinus so try to learn something about vu before shouting your mouth off and oh yeah dont talk txt speak like a god damn retard

10:41:57 May 18th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

yes fanfir has no ties with carnage :).

12:45:44 May 18th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

i have no ties with music what so ever... i think o.0

12:54:56 May 18th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Duke Fafnir The Odd
Member of: The Musketeers .

13:04:58 May 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yes because we all know you can only be in one kd throughout your vu life :)

13:33:13 May 18th 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Dark Lord Finwe


5/18/2008 9:58:21 AM
Fafnir was in carnage Orcinus so try to learn something about vu before shouting your mouth off and oh yeah dont talk txt speak like a god damn retard


It's his style Dark Lord Finwe , like it or not :D

13:47:30 May 18th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

"It's his style Dark Lord Finwe , like it or not :D"

His style is to type like a dyslexic monkey?

14:04:57 May 18th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

Fafnir, I wouldn't blow a lot of steam considering the history between us. Maybe you've forgotten your little stint when you ran multiple accounts to try fight us (and fight me in particular), but I haven't. Try badmouth us all you wish, but an elephant never forgets. And this elephant doesn't forget your multying with several accounts, so hush your gums.

What we do or don't do this round is none of your business. Last round we had one NAP, while our enemies NAP'ed multiple kingdoms and even ended up CFing/NAPing our sole ally. We didn't complain then, I don't expect any of you to complain now. It reeks of fear.

No need for flaming.

18:45:56 May 18th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Osiris you've always had it out for me=P It was a long time ago, yes I turned you down, but that is no reason to hate me.

On the other side of business, LGC, you guys may have only had one official NAP last era. BUT you guys where so secluded that it didn't matter. No one else but Trio and DB where even near to you at the beginning of the era and by the time anyone else got even near you guys it was basically everyone VS DB, SHEOL, and Trio. I saw ZEON, Carnage, and even PKS cities near your core grow all era long and nothing was done about them.

Also about Carnage, yes I was in Carnage, yes I still love Carnage. Yes, I still hold respect for them (even with 37 members ;-) but I am not in Carnage anymore. I am a Musketeer

So in the end I just said the facts and what happened. Take it, Flame it, or go have sex with it. I don't really care ;-)

19:00:08 May 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

i dont hate you :) im just sick of people doing one thing then mass flaming lgc for doing it and not flaming everoyne else who does it at the same time.

19:41:18 May 18th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

yeah they should flame everyone inclueding themselves for doing it :P

20:28:58 May 18th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Let's accept it, we all suck.

20:31:50 May 18th 08 - Duke Epymon:

Dark Lord Finwe


5/18/2008 2:00:08 PMi dont hate you :) im just sick of people doing one thing then mass flaming lgc for doing it and not flaming everoyne else who does it at the same time.

you're defending LGC?? who are you?!?! :P

20:33:39 May 18th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

epy shush :D u arent allowed to talk in public :p

20:44:33 May 18th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

see you know its got bad when i defend lgc

21:11:25 May 18th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Yeah, we all suck.

Now on your knees *beep*es.

21:11:39 May 18th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

PS: I like u epymon!

21:48:06 May 18th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

well mayb its a compliment 2 lgc that they r being "CRITICIZED" - not FLAMED - how dare u guys speak bwt my typin. i atleast type the right english words in the right CONTEXT so my typin makes perfect sense!
it showes evry1 respects them even if they dislike em!....n evry1 is expectin a lot frm them cos they hav high standards that r consistently expected of em....its a price u pay 4 success so y r they complaining?!

22:29:21 May 18th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

my IQ drops when i read orcinus' typing....

22:41:59 May 18th 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Sir Soocerinitaly


5/18/2008 10:29:21 PM
my IQ drops when i read orcinus' typing....

Hehe, its his way of typing :D, bah, so much about your IQ

00:12:28 May 19th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Orcinus is like Hamish, but more gangster.

00:34:41 May 19th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:


00:39:22 May 19th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Oh shut is Soccer, at least you can read his writing, unlike some people's.

Yea, we expect a lot from LGC. LGC is one of the best in history of VU, but I guess our expectation should lower because the LGC of today is nowhere near the LGC of 10 eras ago.

00:46:52 May 19th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

And that's so important to flame about, because...?

02:41:47 May 19th 08 - Sir Soocerinitaly:

i can't read his writing...........hence the reason i bothered to post. tough to make an arguement when it takes 10 minutes to sound it out...

03:03:36 May 19th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

excuse me fellow inteligent ppl on vu im teribly sorry i hav 2 state the obvious here.......SOOCER i dnt think u hav ever seen my writing!

03:09:11 May 19th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

furthermore i apologise 2 thomas i didnt intend 2 hijack this thread n make it bwt my "TYPING" - soocer the word is TYPING -  can u try pronounce it now???....its T.Y and then u make a PING sound u so; PING.....n u hav the word TYPING....YAY u learnt a new word now now u can learn another time its bed time now.


anyway, my apologies thomas n hope we can go bk 2 the topic now so who wants 2 start us off?

03:27:03 May 19th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Trying to flame someone when not using real words nor proper grammar doesn't really work.

03:27:15 May 19th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Lol he's not like Hamish. Hamish attempted to say the same things but wore mittens while typing.

07:37:21 May 19th 08 - Mr. Little Brain:

"txt tlk" or whatever the *beep* its *beep*ing called is god damn *beep*.

Don't use it, you sound like a 4 year old with a plastic typewriter.
That or a downs kid with a speak n spell..

ANYONE who talks like that to me gets war declared on them, and if they are in my KD, I kick them out and then war them.

Frankly, its a insult to your own intelligence, and I don't like *beep*s.

07:47:04 May 19th 08 - The Dark Knight:

Mr. Little Brain

"txt tlk" or whatever the *beep* its *beep*ing called is god damn *beep*.

Don't use it, you sound like a 4 year old with a plastic typewriter.
That or a downs kid with a speak n spell..

ANYONE who talks like that to me gets war declared on them, and if they are in my KD, I kick them out and then war them.

Frankly, its a insult to your own intelligence, and I don't like *beep*s."


Wow, do you expect anyone to give you any sort of respect with a comment like that?  You're bashing someone for using, as you say "txt tlk", while you are in-capable of speaking without being blocked by the language filter...  At this point, I'd say hands down his intelligence is higher than yours, as he has the presence of mind to stay away from making stupid mistakes like triggering the language filters...  If you are going to insult someone, do it in a better way than by throwing a bunch of general insults out there that everyone hears daily anyways.  Put some freaking effort into it.

What world and kingdom are you on/in Little Brain? 

07:52:56 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Oh wow can I please be the "mature guys that doesn't swear" next time? You're so kewl and stuff. I want to be just like you when I grow up. All those mean kids in the playground use bad words which my mommy told me to never use and now that I see how cool a guy that doesn't use bad words is, I'm certain I will never use the bad words the rest of those *beep*ing retards use.

08:05:32 May 19th 08 - The Dark Knight:

Haha, I'm not even gonna get into this with you, but the fact that you can't come up with something better then that makes you less than intelligent and quite foolish in my eyes.  You totally just went past the entire point of everything I said.  It would be kinda like me reading your last comment and reacting by talking about my favorite apple pie recipe...

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