Forums / In game politics / GvE Era of Goodness signups
GvE Era of Goodness signups | ||||
we wanted to play around with dragons and now im salty im being attacked, need 2 cry this off a bit 1 sec | ||||
might get some xp? lol | ||||
ZeTa if you want to make GvE a causal world or a permanent non-arma world, then please "Announce" it first, then restart the world after a week or so. Caz if it's a casual world, many player would be interested to play from beginning, instead of joining after a month already & getting smashed by big xp players. This could be the settings you might wanna add for a casual non-arma world: 1. Make 3 Factions: Good (white banner), Evil (black banner) & Neutral (yellow banner). 2. When each player spawns, he/she will randomly join with a Faction, and can NOT change his/her faction again, & cannot leave the faction to play tagless. [P. S.: Player can though delete that character to restart n try getting to another faction but he'll have to wait till protection time, which still a pain in the a**.] 3. All faction will have almost equal players. For example, if Good has 10 members, Evil has 10 members & Neutral has 9 members; then next player spawns will auto join with Neutral. Meaning spawned players will join factions in a circling way: 1st player join with A faction, 2nd will join B, 3rd will join C, 4th will join A,... like this. 4. Own faction players are like kd mates, cannot attack each other but help. 5. No Faction Leaders, so no kicking. But Faction members can see other members activity, just like in a kd. You can switch faction word with Kingdom for easy implementation, but I'd suggest make it Faction instead of Kingdom. Think i got pretty much all. Now will there be peace n all farmings or not, it's up to players. Happy farming & peace for all. | ||||
All of that and a mobile app | ||||
If someone stopped selling their stone at 1gp each, they might have the money to defend their cities... How am I supposed to profit from S2G at that rate? Peace through superior firepower as I always say. | ||||
Where’s the good kingdom? Seems like evil won already | ||||
Yes unbalanced it is. Hope admin likd the suggesion... posted b4. | ||||
Is there army merging on this world? | ||||
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