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Forums / In game politics / Hats Off to Carnage

Hats Off to Carnage
00:12:47 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Threadlord:

OMG Cobra u just single handedly coused a OOP war with carnage.
and we all learned from you OOP requires no skills what so ever.
im gonna train 2k hobs with my starting gold how many will u pro's train? more?
with ur brilliant STG? building buildings and waiting for it to pay back? or just create money out of lead?

00:27:16 May 3rd 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

We will pray to the earthmother and she will grant us what power we need to smite you down!

00:28:32 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Aligreat:


you dont need to be a pro to fight OOP....its pretty simple really.

Troops > no troops.

That should be your first thing you learned this era, if you still havent learned that I dont know how else we can drill it into your head.

00:57:55 May 3rd 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Carnage and OOP War in the same statement? That's just too funny.

02:03:27 May 3rd 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

and here I was...thinking Carnage could only farm and eventually produce armies only when being protected by hordes of allies surrounding them...indeed...Carnage + OOP War = ROFLMAO!!!

<3 teh Snake :)

03:18:12 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Messiah:

DB really was in a class of its own this era. But that doesnt mean that Carnage or whatever kd couldnt beat them oop the next. Just take a week off from work/school and put on ventrilo. What I am saying is, dont belittle people becouse they fail, next time they might not and the higher your ego the further you fall. Look at LGC and the wonderfull flamefests we had in the past. They where so used to winning that when they occationally didnt their heads where close to exploding becouse of high blood pressure.

Either way. Most my eras I have been on the loosing side. Sometimes becouse off lack of dedication, from me and my peers. Sometimes becouse of lack of skill. Sometimes becouse of poor diplomacy or strategy. Sometimes becouse of betrayal, cheating or multies. But I've also been on the winning side a couple of times, and those victories tastes so much sweeter knowing I didnt soil them by belitteling other people.

It sure is enjoyable winning. But if I have to choose between a tainted victory and a clean defeat. My choice is always the latter.


On a side note: See you guys in a couple of eras. I'll check the forums every now and then to keep tabs but I wont be playing. When I'm back from my vacation I'll bring foreign booze and lots of fun!

04:29:45 May 3rd 08 - Sir Stone Cold Steve Austin:

We did'nt start the fire.... Cobra is in Sheolic... Very few of our people have responded to this thread, and none of them with the invective that was expressed by some...

04:35:02 May 3rd 08 - Duke Fafnir The Killer of Dwarves:

Leave Carnage alone, they had a very bad start due to their landing. If DB and Carnage switched starting positions the outcome of this era could have been very different. Not to mention that Carnage is mostly inactive and are playing this game for FUN, yes people there is such a thing as fun in this game.

11:33:04 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

and we all learned from you OOP requires no skills what so ever.
im gonna train 2k hobs with my starting gold how many will u pro's train? more?
   <--- you just showed how much of a newb you really are if you think you cant train more then 2k hobs oop

11:41:19 May 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Cobra - I never knew you had an elephant hat

12:20:30 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:

This is the most ridiculous thread ever...

Cobra has the personality of a rock. Not even his own friends like him, in fact they only befriend him to be able to say they are no longer friends with him.

DB did well, so did Trio, and so did Sheol...well duh... They were all filled with what 30 great players and allied together? Who could stand up to that?

To say Carnage, PK, Legacy etc. are bad is stupid... They have always been here and always will be. What should have happened was everyone else team up from the start to be able to compete with 90+ players...and even then I am not sure we would have held... So great job if that is what you are looking for...

But hey...On a personal note, I was never made to restart, and I am still here, taking cities... :P

Albeit tiny insignificant cities, but my head is above a small victory indeed...oh the joy!!!

12:25:10 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:

Why is DB being dragged into this debate? We are innocent observers of a pretty stupid thread :)

Ofc suppresing chuckles and snorts isnt that easy with all the nonsense being posted, but hey... as Ali said, Cobra is Sheolic :-> What else do you expect from people who associate with ex-phi scum :p

13:02:25 May 3rd 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

Argh! Who let the lezzie slip out of its cage again! *tranquilizes raist and attempts to drag him back where he/she/it belongs*

13:07:45 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Yes but hey 300...Isn't DB associating with "Ex-Phi Scum"

13:11:15 May 3rd 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

Yup, we are :)

13:58:26 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Some really awesome posts here... 8-)

Nice to see how well mannered and mature some of the old fant players can be ;)

Oh and Trio only had 22 players!! :D

14:04:19 May 3rd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Manners FTW.

16:03:12 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Threadlord:

if anythings staying around for a long time deprives u of your few remaining manner :)

16:53:32 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

and we all learned from you OOP requires no skills what so ever.
im gonna train 2k hobs with my starting gold how many will u pro's train? more?
   <--- you just showed how much of a newb you really are if you think you cant train more then 2k hobs oop

YOU *beep*.only a fool trains troops with ther starting train science mining to level 5 then build are in protection long enough to amass half of the sarting gold back and over the time you gain more then 4 times it.why build troops if you are in SUPER *beep*.

17:27:22 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

in the start I'm buildings like
100 homes / 100 taverns / 500 mines
and than continue till I've got around 10k a 20k income
than 500 homes / 400 taverns / 2500 mines
till 100k homes
than I make it
1000 homes / 600 taverns / 5000 mines
and now I'm making
10.000 homes / 6000 taverns / 50.000 mines

17:41:27 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

BREAKING NEWS! Mirror napped Heaven.. How oh how will Legacy handle this news now they face the other two powers on the map?

King Azaruc of Mirror[M] (8/29/2005 11:06:59 PM)
King Azaruc and his fellow viceroys headed towards the great King of Heaven, Finwe, still discussing what they should reply to his generous offer of a Non-Agression Pact between Mirror and Heaven. After some days of thinking they made their decision.
When they were accepted into the capitol, to announce their plans, the scribe of Mirror stood up and with clear voice he said: "To all the members of Heaven, Mirror won't be aggressive towards you this era. There is big evil to be destroyed and a pact will be good for both parties. We hope to live in peace with you!" After the good meal which followed to these words the Mirror rulers returned home, to instruct their fellow knights.
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17:50:59 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:


18:05:44 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Thunder:

Quiet Squidward... Nobody takes you hang out with a sponge for crying out loud!!!

18:13:07 May 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Mr. Periannath


5/3/2008 5:27:22 PM
in the start I'm buildings like
100 homes / 100 taverns / 500 mines
and than continue till I've got around 10k a 20k income
than 500 homes / 400 taverns / 2500 mines
till 100k homes
than I make it
1000 homes / 600 taverns / 5000 mines
and now I'm making
10.000 homes / 6000 taverns / 50.000 mines

Why so many taverns  O.o

18:18:37 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Caturday *beep*ers! Longcat is long.

18:22:22 May 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


18:27:02 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Water:

nice cat

18:35:11 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Teacher:

that was long

18:47:51 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

Osiris in Ani the Scribe says: Praise be to thee, Osiris the Bull. O Amentet, the eternal king is here to put words into my mouth. I am Thoth, the great god in the sacred book, who fought for thee. I am one of the great gods that fought on behalf of Osiris. Ra, the sun-God, commanded me-Thoth-to do battle on the earth for the wronged Osiris, and I obeyed. I am among them moreover who wait over Osiris, now king of the underworld.
I am with Horus, son of Osiris, on the day when the great feast of Osiris is kept. I am the priest pouring forth libations at Tattu, I am the prophet in Abydos. I am here, O ye that bring perfected souls into the abode of Osiris, bring ye the perfected soul of Osiris in the Scribe Ani, into the blissful home of Osiris. Let him see, hear, stand, and sit as ye do in the home of Osiris.
O ye who give cakes and ale to perfected souls, give ye at morn and at eve cakes and ale to the soul of Ani the Scribe.
O ye who open the way and prepare the paths to the abode of Osiris, open the way and prepare the path that the soul of Osiris in Ani the Scribe may enter in confidence and come forth at the resurrection victoriously. May he not be turned back, may he enter and come forth; for his conscience has been weighed in the scales and is not found lacking.

Says Osiris in Ani: O thou, only shining one of the moon; let me, departing from the crowd on earth, find entrance into the abode of shades. Open then for me the door to the underworld, and at length let me come back to earth and perform my part among men.

O thou statuette there! If in the underworld I shall be called upon to perform any tasks, be thou my representative and act for me- planting and sowing fields, watering the soil and carrying the sands of East and West.

 Tur, the overseer of the houses, says through his god Tmu: O thou wax one, thou image of Apepi, who takest thy victims captive and destroyest them, who preyest upon the weak and helpless, may I never be thy victim; may I never suffer collapse before thee. May the venom never enter my limbs, which are as those of the god Tmu. O let not the pains of death, which have reached thee; come upon me. I am the god Tmu, living in the foremost part of the Sky. I am the only one in the primordial water. I have many mysterious names, and provide myself a dwelling to endure millions of years. I was born of Tmu, and I am safe and sound.

 Says Osiris in Ani: I go forth against my foes endowed with the defence of truth and good conduct. I cross the heavens, and traverse the earth. Though a denizen of the underworld, I tread the earth like one alive, following in the footsteps of the blessed spirits. I have the gift of living a million years. I eat with my mouth and chew with my jaw, because I worship him who is master of the lower world.

Nu says: I cry aloud to thee, O Ra, thou guardian of the secret portals of Seb, which leads to where Ra in the underworld holds the balance which weighs every man&aposs righteousness every day. I have burst forth from the earth; grant that I may remain on to a good old age.

The scribe Mesemneter, chief deputy of Amon, says: Praise be to thee, O God, who makest the moments to glide by, who guardest the secrets of the life beyond that of the earth, and guidest me when I utter words. The god is angered against me. But let my faults be wasted away, and let the god of Right and Truth bear them upon me. Remove them wholly from me, O god of Right and Truth. Let the offended one be at peace with me. Remove the wall of separation from before us.

Osiris in the scribe says: Praise to thee, O Ra, when thou risest. Shine thou upon my face. Let me arise with thee into the heavens, and travel with thee in the boat wherein thou sailest on the clouds.
Thou passest in peace across the heavens, and art victorious over all thy foes.
Praise to thee who art Ra when thou risest, and Tmu when in beauty thou settest. The dwellers in the land of night come forth to see thee ascend the sky. I, too, would join the throng; O let me not be held back.

Praise be unto thee, Osiris, lord of eternity, who appearest in many guises, and whose attributes are glorious.
Thou lookest towards the underworld and causest the earth to shine as with gold.
The dead rise up to gaze on thy face; their hearts are at peace if they but look on thee.


Prayer: Praise to thee, O lord of the starry gods of Annu, more glorious than the gods hidden in Annu.
Answer to each prayer: Grant thou me a peaceful life, for I am truthful and just. I have uttered no falsehoods nor acted deceitfully.
Prayer: Praise to thee, O Ani; with thy long strides movest thou across the heavens.
Prayer: Praise to thee, O thou who art mighty in thy hour, great and mighty prince, lord and creator of eternity.
Prayer: Praise to those whose throne is Right and Truth, who hatest fraud and deceit.
Prayer: Praise to thee who bringest Hapi in thy boat from his place.
Prayer: Praise to thee, O creator of the gods, thou king of the North and the South. O Osiris, the all-conquering one, ruler of the world, lord of the heavens.

When he sets on the underworld the gods adore him. The great god Ra rises with two eyes of sun and moon; all the seven gods welcome him in the evening into the underworld. They sing his praises, calling him Tmu. The deceased one says, "Praise be to thee, O Ra, praise be to thee, O Tmu. Thou hast risen and put on strength, and thou settest in glorious splendour into the underworld. Thou sailest in thy boat across the heavens, and thou established the earth. East and West adore thee, bowing and doing homage to thee day and night."

Osiris in the scribe Ani says it is a good and profitable thing on earth for a man to recite this text, since all the words written herein shall come to pass.
I am Ra, who at my rising rule all things. I am the great self-made god.
I am yesterday and to-morrow. I gave the command, and a scene of strife among the gods arose. What is this? It is Amentet, the underworld.
What is this? The horizon of my father Tmu of the setting sun. All of my failings are now supplied, my sins cleansed as I pass through the two lakes which purify the offences which men offer the gods.
I advance on the path, descending to the realm of Osiris, passing through the gate Teser. O all ye who have passed this way in safety, let me grasp your hands and be brought to your abode.
O ye divine powers of Maert, the sworn foes of falsehood, may I come to you.
I am the great Cat of Ra himself, and therefore in his name which I bear, I can tread on all my enemies. O great Ra, who climbest the heavenly vaults and who sailest in thy boat across the firmament with undisputed authority, do thou save me from that austere god whose eyebrows are as menacing as the balance that weighs the deeds of men. Save me, I pray thee, from these guardians of the passages who will, if they-may, impede my progress. O Tmu, who livest in the august abode, god of gods, who thrivest upon damned souls, thou dog-faced, human-skinned one, devourer of shades, digester of human hearts, O fearful one, save me from the great soul-foe who gnaws and destroys shades of men.
O Chepera in thy bark, save me from the testing guardians into whose charge the glorious inviolate god has committed his foes; deliver thou me. May these never undo me, may I never fall helpless into the chambers of torture. O ye gods, in the presence of Osiris, reach, forth your arms, for I am one of the gods in your midst.
The Osiris in Ani flies away like a haw, he clucks like a goose, he is safe from destruction as the serpent Nehebkau. Avaunt, ye lions that obstruct my path. O Ra, thou ascending one, let me rise with thee, and have a triumphant arrival to my old earthly abode.

If this chapter is recited over the deceased he shall come forth into the day and pass through the transformations which the departed one desires.

 I have come to you, ye gods of heaven, earth, and the underworld, bringing with me Ani, the scribe, who has done no wrong against any gods, so that ye may protect him and give him good-speed to the underworld.

Praise be to thee, O thou ruler of Amenta, Unneferu, who presides in Abydos. I have come to thee with a pure heart, free from sin. I have told no falsehoods nor acted deceitfully. Give thou me in the tomb the food I need for the journey, so let me have a safe entrance to the underworld and a sure exit.

 I come to the gods residing at Restau. I have brought you Osiris in Ani; grant him bread, water, and air, and also an abode in the Field of Peace called Sechithotepu.

 Praise be to Osiris, everlasting lord, and to the gods of Restau. I come to thee knowing thy goodwill and having learned those rites which thou requirest for entrance into the lower world. May I have a safe arrival, and find food in thy presence.

O thou who makest Osiris triumphant over his foes, make thou this scribe Nebenseri victorious over his foes.
O Thoth, make Ani triumphant over his enemies, etc., etc.

Thy father Tmu has made thee this beautiful crown as a magical charm so that thou mayest live for ever. Thy father Seb gives thee his inheritance. Osiris, the prince of Amenta, makes thee victorious over thy foes. Go thou as Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, and triumph ever on thy way to the underworld.
Yea Osiris in Aufankh shall, through this recited text, live and triumph for ever and ever. Horus repeated these words four times, and his enemies fell headlong. And Osiris in Aufankh has repeated these words four times, so let him be victorious.
This chapter is to be recited over a consecrated crown placed over the face of the deceased, and thou shalt cast incense into the flame on behalf of Osiris in Aufankh, so securing triumph over all his foes. And food and drink shall in the underworld be reached him in the presence of Osiris its king.

Nu triumphant, son of Amen-hotep, says: Let me remember my name in the great House below on the night when years are counted and months are reckoned up. If any god come to me, let me at once be able to utter his name.

My heart, received from my mother, my heart, without which life on earth was not possible, rise then not up against me in the presence of the gods in the great day of judgment when human thoughts, words, and acts shall all be weighed in a balance.
These words are to be inscribed on a hard green, gold-coated scarab, which is to be inserted through the mouth into the bosom of the deceased.

Avaunt! serpent Hai, impure one, hater of Osiris. Get thee back, for Thoth has cut off thy head. Let alone the ass, that I may have clear skies when I cross to the underworld in the Neshmet boat. I am guiltless before the gods, and have wronged none. So avaunt! thou sun-beclouding one, and let me have a prosperous voyage.

Nu says: My seat, my throne, come ye to me, surround me, divine ones. I am a mummy-shaped person. O grant that I may become like the great god, successful, having seat and throne.

He who knows this chapter by heart is safe against danger in this world and in all other abodes.
Nebseni, lord of reverence, says: I am yesterday and know to-morrow. I am able to be born again. Here is the invisible force which creates gods and gives food to denizens of the underworld. I go as a messenger to Osiris.
O goddess Aucherit, grant that I may come forth from the underworld to see Ra&aposs blazing orb. O thou conductor of shades, let me have a fair path to the underworld and a sure arrival. May I be defended against all opposing powers. May the cycle of gods listen to me and grant my request


19:02:42 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

 taverns are useless now. i can fight oop! well sometimes...

19:26:51 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Teacher:

....thats was boring and osi is missing ;)

19:39:45 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

20:38:52 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

Mr. Teacher


5/3/2008 8:26:51 PM
....thats was boring and osi is missing ;)



20:52:15 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

no one sees the untill 100k homes part of the strat! remember this and then when we invent time travel and go back 10 odd eras to when that strat was made you can pwn!

21:04:31 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

22:21:46 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer


5/3/2008 9:39:45 PM

To bad he is from AUSTRIA, not australia.

22:27:27 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

22:29:52 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:


22:44:35 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

01:05:04 May 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:

What a Cat-astophe

02:28:38 May 4th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:


What a terrible pun.

02:50:31 May 4th 08 - Mr. Thunder:


11:32:28 May 4th 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

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