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I Declare War On...
01:16:00 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

my estimate. starta will be mainly ret by tick 981 (104 ticks from now)

good luck! :)

01:32:27 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

We shall see What you can muster. I know its only a matter of time, but I think I will do ok for a 16 year old attending college. Heck, one can only be on here a few ticks out of the day. Oh well, lets see how the dice roll =]

01:38:42 Mar 11th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Duke Random


3/10/2009 5:42:25 PM
FFS. its not charleynub.... LOOK AT THE TITLE..... unless ofc ive been lied to by the nub, then ill cut his penor off.

Silence you :p

Septim sort of...disturbed me.

01:55:47 Mar 11th 09 - Duke Random:

no you -_-`


thats about the best i got... soooo meh.

02:03:13 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

whoa theo youre 16 in in college? thats in sane! XD i jsut turned 16 and im 2 or 3 school years away from college (counting the end of this one)

its not really a fair fight but its much better than farming haha. im an avid farming hater.

03:11:21 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Its an early college highschool. a 5 year program. We get our associates degree when we graduate =]

It demands a lot from us, but Mr. Gate's provided us with enough money for all our computers and stuff, so im gonna do my best to stick with the program. We were one of the first early Colleges Ole' Bill started up. And I can brag being President =]

At least ive got a life if I die on this one.

But yes, I love my farming. Im a defensive player, but boy do I defend. And repell, when need be. I have never gone on a conquest before, and have played for over a year.

03:14:32 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

thats cool. im trying to get into a school where we do a year of college in senior year in high school :)

ive always been an offensive player and always hated farming (mainly cause i cant do it haha) but i can be defensive if needed

03:27:43 Mar 11th 09 - Duke Random:

i like farming :D

03:34:49 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Oh, i like doing the crisis management aspect. I  always liked playing tower defense games and stuff. Its almost like I am testing my preperation skills. If my defenses and my strategy can outwiegh vast numbers. Im all about strategery.

03:43:19 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Nemesis:

thats cool. im trying to get into a school where we do a year of college in senior year in high school :)

Thats what im doing :P
I coulda did it as a junior if i wanted cause my grades were high enough  even after slacking off and never studying for tests or even paying attention most of the time during class XD  Its a plus to be not paying attention and still learn :)

03:55:33 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Ah, but its an even biggger plus not to pay TUITION and still learn.

04:02:37 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

haha ya if i go to that school i could get a free year of school (worth $45k USD) and then i could also possibly get up to 25k worth of scholarships per year to a certain school if i go to it its insane

11:18:41 Mar 11th 09 - The Architect:

1 year of school for $45K?  What the hell would you pay that much for?  What field are you going into?  I'm in my last year of my Audio Engineering degree, and I'm looking at a $38K bill total, from a good university.  I mean really, unless you're planning on going to an Ivy League school, there's no reason to pay anywhere near $45k a year. 

You feel comfortable with coming out of school with a $180K bill starting you straight in the face?  Again, what field are you going into?  And what's the job market looking like for it?

11:29:49 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

And Round 3 goes to Karac
because Charley is a wanker and a Nub

13:48:12 Mar 11th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

really? he left the area...also I'm ordered to stop annihilating what's left of his troops/cities in MY area by decree of I hereby will do so...since he fecked off anywayz...

15:04:18 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

Architect, the school is a pretty good math and science/engineering school. its like one or two steps below schools like MIT and Cal Tech

16:10:40 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Testing:

this thread has so many topics in it,

talents is doing just fine, thank you for asking

oh it was nothin really

so hows starta doing?

how were being attacked by mega armies and merges

ah, can you beat them back?


so will you come to my aid when they will probably invade talents when talents open?


oh come on dude!

nope, and you should probably get back on the topic of the thread :D

18:13:58 Mar 11th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Mr. Griffith


3/11/2009 6:29:49 AM
And Round 3 goes to Karac
because Charley is a wanker and a Nub
The failboat is waiting for you.  You managed to buy yourself a lifetime pass so you can hop on it anytime.

18:52:40 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

SHUP.. i thought it was you trashing on Karac.. so i protected him :P

im sorry the whole name chaning thing is confusing to meh :P

but no it was Carrot :(

19:13:18 Mar 11th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

Griffith has a do many can be arranged you know?! :)

19:20:31 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Went to Georgia Tech...#1 in Industrial Engineering...out of bill was $63k =)

Only skewls I've ever seen worth $45k a year are maybe some of the medical schools (Duke, etc) or Ivy League

19:53:32 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

so i looked up the costs to that school its 37.8k for tuition and 11.3k for room and board plus then theres books and stuff. damn schools expensive

19:54:34 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Testing:

hey if you use VU money you could easily get in 5 times, if you have a million income per tick

21:23:25 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

You guys are wanking around to much. We need to repell the RETards from our world.

02:13:08 Mar 12th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

why? I love Lew and her Slave!!!

04:13:44 Mar 12th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

what about the trusty vices? do you like them? :)

04:19:20 Mar 12th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

who cares?! wimminz on top ftw!

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