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Forums / In game politics / I wish to be deleted

I wish to be deleted
16:32:06 Dec 4th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Written by mr. Gothrim

Given that Legacy/DB had a spy in our kingdom and various halfling scouts wandering around, and therefore could see much of the map where MAD is, I would have expected some concrete evidence by now.

We did never have a spy in your kingdom. The person that left your kingdom and went rampant in your core. Was not in any connection with us, other than he has been in Dark Blood, under the name transporter. But he went wild and attacked Legacy, so he was kicked from Dark Blood and holds a grudge ever after.

There is NO connection between us and him.

16:36:00 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Binh:

"havent you read in the past that players playing in the same workstation can log in as long as they keep the 1 hour interval? meaning black ice and stawberry can log in each others account as long as its 1 hour after so why delete them when they are following this rule?"

Whoever you are, you are no0b Banned. Players in same workstation can only play in separate world, cannot interact with each other (market buying/selling, feeding each other city/etc.) and most importantly cannot be in the same kingdom.

Black Ice and Strawberry are not only both in the same kingdom, but they also interact with each other. If they share the same computer, they deserve to both be banned.

As for why Zeta delete only 1 guy but not the other, I think you should consider this a blessing. As Zeta only deleted the multi account leaving back the original account if the guy was actually a multi. If I was admin, i wouldn't be so lenient and banned both/all accounts.

16:44:22 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Sorry to see ya go Aloy, I had fun playing with you back in the days when we strugled from one day to the next, fighting against LGC, Abydos, Serenity and every other Kingdom in sight. I don't really beleive that you have any multies, weather ot not anyone else in your Kingdom is a multi, I don't know about that. IE had it's fair share of multies that I didn't know about, it happens. But regardless, it's always best to start a clean slate and jump right back in the game so that you don't miss a step.

Sincerely, Arzun
A Friend and
Your former King ;P

17:53:21 Dec 4th 07 - Duke Mielo:

sad to see you go Aloysius, I remember we fought together in NT few era's ago :) I remember you as a good man :)

23:23:52 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Ms. Quietone


12/4/2007 5:15:03 PM

I am so sick and tired of hearing people bash legacy because they talk publically about something that is clearly wrong in the game.   They arent in here whining because they are getting beat by these armies and none of you people even know what armies they have on their own that are comparable so the fact that you are even talking about something "legacy cant do" is really stupid.


I havent paid alot of attention to this mess because it personally just makes me sick that people go to this much length to cheat a game that we all enjoy playing so much and turn it into something less than desirable.  Whether you are a friend to MAD or not there is CLEARLY somthing wrong with a weak kingdom with a tiny income producing these numbers of troops repeatedly.   There is CLEARLY something wrong with the situation if Zeta is banning them.   Zeta isnt known for doing anything anyone asks so the fact that you even accuse him of deleting people unjustly is wrong.

All I have to say is wake up people open your eyes and stop spewing on Legacy everytime one of them's so old already jealous just knows no bounds i guess....


You are all wrong Q.

00:12:34 Dec 7th 07 - General Ezatious:

What a brilliant argument you made there Lord C

00:38:22 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Maybe what he meant there is that the farewells, while honorable, were, let us say, premature. ;)

01:46:59 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

I'm sick and tired of all accusation against me. I've never cheated. You all have no evidence that I've cheated. A sudden jump on an HOH army doesn't mean that I've trained it overnight. If you are really keen, you can see my army moving before the tick for upkeep. I've done this to prevent ROF on my army. I've trained them from the start. Moreover, I've never been banned or deleted. A strong evidence that I have never cheated. The only reason that you have accused me is because you guys can never make such a big army. It's your fault. You are just jealous cause you don't know how to make it.

The one that started to cheat is legacy. wall jumping to get into our core. remember?

@Lord Carnage: who the hell want to let others cast an ownage to their catapults? also i have no ownage magic.

@quiteone your statement of "stop spewing on Legacy" is wrong. it's the legacy that is spewing on me.

01:47:40 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

ps. to stop all this argument, why not pay zeta to delete me

02:38:30 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i wonder why u have 400k cata, then trained less than 100k knights the 2 weeks after

02:49:16 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

then you should wonder how not accuse me of cheating.

02:50:44 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

well this thread is pointless.....

Mr. Aloysius
Member of: Phi Factor.

he didnt quit!! :O

04:36:06 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

The thread said deleted not quit. :)

04:41:31 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

well, he wasnt deleted, was he? :D

04:46:16 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

he was unbanned after talking to zeta zeta looked at him and unbanned him because he played fairly

04:47:34 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

hahaha yeah. he wishes but zeta did not grant his wish.

as far as i've known. they have the same case as lenard.

04:56:14 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

06:48:52 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

@ Lionel.

Sorry to tell you, but the majority of the VU population follows Legacy in their opinions. Unless you tell how/prove you didn't cheat, you'll just be considered a cheat by the majority. And by not telling, it just seems to be more and more true for the regular VUer that you've cheated.

08:42:10 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lionel Vincent:

so it means that if everyone can't do it then it's a cheat. say spoon, can you show to the public all of your secret strategies?

12:28:43 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Spoon wrote: "Sorry to tell you, but the majority of the VU population follows Legacy in their opinions."

Sorry, old friend, but you've lost the plot. That may have been true once, but no longer.

And let's be fair. The earlier argument was: "Zeta has banned them so they must be cheating". The apology now should be: "Zeta has unbanned them so they must be innocent". After all, Lenard had to supply his records and undergo cross-examination, and Aloysius underwent two days of cross-examination. The implication is that Zeta is satisfied they weren't cheating.

Legacy people should get out and about more. The old dogs need new tricks.

13:09:13 Dec 7th 07 - Duke Epyon:

I agree with Spoon :) :P

17:42:39 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

Lionel Vincent,
hey, you can write a nice thread of your strategy in the Guides and Articles forums, you'll be given some RP points if it's a good guide.
I've wrote some, answered on QnA...
I don't see what's wrong with posting your strategy into public forums...

I really don't see why people cling so much to their strategies... somebody will discover them anyways...

19:27:42 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

No matter how detail we explain at things, we cannot force them to believe us nor  to understand us.. I had fun observing how my post was replied here. I found friends in my enemies.  I also found that old dogs need new tricks.

TittyBang, Elsin, Moe, Sezy, I was offended at your post. Judging too much is bad!

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