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Forums / In game politics / IT BEGINS

14:41:44 Dec 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Lgc Abydos db etc have always had under 25 kd members. its just recently that large kds have formed. i dont like it but you cant stop it unless you show how powerfull 20-25 members can be

14:49:05 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Mushasji:

all hail the normal-sized kingdoms!


14:54:32 Dec 22nd 07 - Lord Clone IX:

Luckily the reason why we are large kd is not just to be on top :)

15:14:47 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

It is recently that these large kingdoms have appeared, i agree. But it seems some seem to think carnage has always been above 30 members. Not always the case. Before the mirror merger  around 3 eras ago we were at 22-25 members and still did quite well ourselves...staying in the top 3 all please dont make it look like we needed above 30 to succeed on Fant....

Of course we have yet to see a behemoth like serenity at 50+:P However at that time i believe that a kingdom couls have members on other maps....

15:29:27 Dec 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

no one said anything about needing above 30 just that you have above 30. thier is no need for a serenity because thier is no all conquering mafia :)

19:19:19 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

Word. Lgc don't seem like such an evil super-villainy. I think I liked them more as monsters than the way it is now =/ haha

22:12:29 Dec 22nd 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Well, we here at Legacy now have a thing called 'lives', and some of the other guys have this other thing called 'group sex'. In fact, I know Osi received the invite a couple times. So, not as much time and energy get put into VU anymore. ;-)

23:10:29 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Using the you got real lives which cut into your game playing excuse I see... Funny how all of you got lives at the same time... :P

05:49:21 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hoongfu:

At least some people dont have usernames based on old obese ex porno stars come on where is the creativity in a  Jenna Jameson username sheesh.  Stop using "a life" as a lame exscuse for your poor gameplay.   I have a life too.  Its called College, parttime job, and paintballing.  ;D

05:53:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Verll:

What is this thing "life" everyone is talking about?

05:55:00 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hoongfu:

I like to define it as breathing, eating, and taking a dump once in a while.   

05:59:03 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Binh The Assassin:

No drinking and firing your machine gun? I like to see what you look like now without water to hydrate your body :P

07:26:38 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Everscape:

If we all had hot girlfriends, we wouldn't be here.

07:39:34 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hoongfu:

Oh ya drinking......Um.  I dont enjoy the taste of Heineken taste like GARBAGE. 

Hey everscape you have had hot gf's in the past, and you have a hot (yet super short) one now...why are you still here? lol  Cause this game is FUN.  Thats why.

08:16:24 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Mr. Everscape


12/23/2007 9:26:38 AM
If we all had hot girlfriends, we wouldn't be here.

I just set this as my Y! Messenger status.

08:23:15 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

pfff...if you had hot gf you'd know that you can't be with her all the time, you need private time for yourself :P so shut up.

08:34:26 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Random:

dude i had a hot gf....
but she broke up with me ='[

09:04:02 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

I had a hot gf but I broke up with her middleway through 11th grade :(

All other hot chicks I met since then broke up with me too fast :(

09:04:24 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

I just want to say, it is rather fun to war Carnage, you guys ahve big merges, although it seems that you are using extra BT's, but it may be just your skill, which I hope it is :P

I really hope this will be interesting and I will do my best to make it as hard for you as possible :P

Just don't try to merge your halfling army in to your halfling scout in our territory over a river, it is not nice ;) those who don't know what I am talking about don't need to know.

12:19:34 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Clone IX:

One of us has extra BTs for winning the screenshot competition :) For as far as I know, the rest of us rather spends his money on Ale, women and men for some.

Riverjumping is not possible anymore since last Era or so. Don't worry. We already tested this :)

12:46:59 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Clone V:

yes lgc have lives 50 min of every tick :p

14:22:47 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

hmm wierd i seen asmuth from godlike riverjump and most abydos members seen it too

15:23:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

riverjump = swimming
walljump= climbing

you dont like it, patroll your borders like any kingdom should

15:46:07 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Willem II:

i like 10 member KD's

00:23:33 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

i dont mind...nothing wrong with it really unless i lose cus of it

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