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Kaths at it again
01:48:39 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Bones:

lol slade didnt war anyone and these so called 5 armies u repeled was 3 scouts a 1k army and a 2k army, well done you should be proud, and as i found out kath makes up lots of stuff

02:02:17 Dec 17th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

bones your comment doesnt make sense at all..

02:07:11 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Bones:

it makes perfect sence, a few scouts went to your blocker and a 1k army of mine was going around it, and a 2k army from somone else was on it and slade had a very small army on it, u manged to kill the scouts and the other 2 armys so u think your good. Slade didnt attack u at all. He had a 1 man army and a small army they probably scouts, trying to get around your blocker, i dont know how this is break of nap, when u allready had several corps on the way to his blocker, which got killled in very short time, and u havent returned since.

16:13:58 Dec 18th 09 - Lady Lillith:

Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau


17:18:42 Dec 15th 09

I thought slade was alright.   I offered like 6 days ago so I have no idea what he has been up to since then.  He is welcome to join CRAZY.  Ryan doesn't make our decisions either.  hahahahahahaha.  poor ravage.  can you confirm that I don't make your decisions either...   lol 

lol wut

16:20:37 Dec 18th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

yuh I'm Random, slade is the other duchess ;)

23:53:48 Dec 18th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

Mr. Bones (12/18/2009 2:50:39 PM) GOOD BAD
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/18/2009 7:16:54 PM)
Truce , you get hunters cities and doom mines and i get the rest of Koss' cities?

So next time you wanna talk about Honor Kath get your shyt straight first!! Since Koss and Hunter are YOUR members!! ;)

00:32:31 Dec 19th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

00:33:13 Death Dealers lost a battle against Anthrax from Mr. Koss. We lost 2 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 4818 Knights, 5343 Magicians and 346 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

Koss attacked me , i asked hunter for help and he said he is aiding koss.

i was honorable. and wait , your still in contact with bones? funny you said you wouldnt act on this as bones wasnt your member? so is he or is he not?

03:31:55 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:

your damm rite i attacked you i had every reason to an army was prepping on my cities

i was going to leave it at that but low and behold i log back on and find that i lost most of my cities and now you talk about peace cuz i have an hoh army ready to kill you if you try to pull that shit again

thanks for the heads up bart

03:48:46 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:

and to settle the argument with darkmoore

kath sux you suck we all suck but were past that now and attacking everybody so just have fun with the rest of the era

09:15:21 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:

Message From Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth


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Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:07:58 PM) GOOD BAD
Anthrax from Mr. Koss

not quite 70 K
You (12/20/2009 6:14:46 PM)
youll die just the same now do you want to give me my cities back or do i need to kill you? ps ill be at your gates in 10 ticks your call
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:25:57 PM) GOOD BAD
i can freeze you when you get two ticks closer and keep you there if you want? and lol this army cant take amroth tower LOOOOOL , i offered you peace and got no reply . why are you fighting hunter?
You (12/20/2009 6:30:55 PM)
he like you tried to attack me i fended off his army and now we fight eachother but i cant take his cities

and fine ill have peace with you i didnt want war in the first place
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:34:08 PM) GOOD BAD
I was simply heading for the mine he said i could have , which was his originally and you took when we were all in the same kd ( whilst merging)
You (12/20/2009 6:38:53 PM)
fair enough

so do we have peace of war?
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:49:23 PM) GOOD BAD
You (12/20/2009 8:24:19 PM)
alrighty but i want my 2 cities back

2009-12-20 - 1 days ago
22:47:03 The progress of Dol Amroth has been hindered by magic!
22:33:16 Stalkers of Night lead by Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth attacked and took over Kossland. We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 147282 peasants in the battle.

09:15:22 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:

Message From Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth


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Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:07:58 PM) GOOD BAD
Anthrax from Mr. Koss

not quite 70 K
You (12/20/2009 6:14:46 PM)
youll die just the same now do you want to give me my cities back or do i need to kill you? ps ill be at your gates in 10 ticks your call
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:25:57 PM) GOOD BAD
i can freeze you when you get two ticks closer and keep you there if you want? and lol this army cant take amroth tower LOOOOOL , i offered you peace and got no reply . why are you fighting hunter?
You (12/20/2009 6:30:55 PM)
he like you tried to attack me i fended off his army and now we fight eachother but i cant take his cities

and fine ill have peace with you i didnt want war in the first place
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:34:08 PM) GOOD BAD
I was simply heading for the mine he said i could have , which was his originally and you took when we were all in the same kd ( whilst merging)
You (12/20/2009 6:38:53 PM)
fair enough

so do we have peace of war?
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/20/2009 6:49:23 PM) GOOD BAD
You (12/20/2009 8:24:19 PM)
alrighty but i want my 2 cities back

2009-12-20 - 1 days ago
22:47:03 The progress of Dol Amroth has been hindered by magic!
22:33:16 Stalkers of Night lead by Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth attacked and took over Kossland. We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 147282 peasants in the battle.

23:29:56 Dec 21st 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:

u should always keep a watch when u  should make peace with a enime

23:34:01 Dec 21st 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Ares Maliusbum


17:29:56 Dec 21st 09
u should always keep a watch when u make peace with an enema
For more clarity.

18:01:42 Dec 22nd 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

i agreed to give him back his cities , he misses the part were we agree to not attack hunter , he carries on attacking hunter , a friend who lost his troops trying to help me , so i helped hunter.

00:56:48 Dec 23rd 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

lol WTF!

12:57:30 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Bones:

this is too funny not to post

Tiger II

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Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/22/2009 11:40:08 AM) GOOD BAD
You really want to suicide this army?
2009-12-22 - 1 days ago
16:58:08 Tiger II won a battle against Lords of The Night III from Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 3722 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 4197 of our soldiers got injured

13:31:29 Dec 23rd 09 - Mr. Raddan:

slade he loves u , so he wants to join u :P

18:39:05 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

Bones , you ran away from the army heading for that , attacked a DIFFERENT ONE, then got killed by the one you ran from , hows it funny ? :S

19:00:45 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Bones:

lol u have no idea what your talking about cos i wasnt on that whole time the army stoped moving he went and attacked it and failed the attack like i posted, urgh can people who know nothing please stop thinking they know it all

19:05:39 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Lazuras of Acre:

this is kath you retard lol

03:48:50 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Koss:

we never agreed to not attack hunter granted i could have destroyed him if i wanted

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