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LDK kingdom
06:15:38 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

actually i live in Russia... :P

well i can concede we both can be right....just the era when i consider it to be the most influential it was known as the grand principality of Lithuania...

Duchy- Duke

Prince pwns Duke...indeed the correct title for the tsar of Russia( and before Ivan IV was the only title used) is Grand Prince. To say you are a Duchy puts you on a lesser footing than Russia(and this was not the case because hierachy of Kings was established by the Roman Church which Lithuania had a greater claim to)...thus in politics at this time it was treated as a soveriegn state and Kingdom , whereas Russia considered it subserviant and "ancestral lands"(indeed some cities did indeed pay soem tribute to Russia and there was a lot of swapping of princes from Lithuania to Russia and vice versa).

what i am simply saying is by calling yourself grand duchy is to not describe Lithuania at its peak power(ok what i consider its peak anyway) and indeed it was powerful. in no way am i putting it was a fascinating time in history with the remains of livonia(former teutonic knights), Sweden, Russia, Lithuania,Poland and the Crimean Tatars all swapping land and negotiating and warring.

There is a few inaccuracies in the wikipedia entry...the Moscow state was never called that on its was always Moscow and Vladimir mentioned together as the ruler of one was the ruler of the other. 

and your wiki entry only adds more support to my argument they were merged into a commonwealth.

08:20:04 Jan 5th 10 - Sir Famous:

Very good kingdom :)
Wish ya all good luck ;)

14:16:58 Jan 5th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

dynastic union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland.

BETWEEN /// commonwealth between two countrys. NO MERGING INTO POLAND. you tard. seriously 

16:21:53 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

lol...not my problem you misunderstand what a commonwealth is.... Commonwealth of INDEPENDANT states (CIS) ...Commonwealth of Australia....etc...nor indeed what merging meant....(it aint vu) can say Countries of the Europe merged into the European union (merged =joined together) doesn't mean Germany isn't Germany nor France not France...

i was in no way belittling Lithuania, I was giving it credit.

A duchy(duke) is inferior to a king or Prince as a later Holy Roman states of Germany of Duchys with a kaiser above...a Duke is generally a title to a Lord of a large city or city state or oblast equilavent...sometimes the titles run concurrently ie Prince Phillip Duke of EDINBURGH(note not England), Archduke franz Ferdinard III etcera..

Grand Principality of Lithuania for that era is correct, in that it correctly identifies Lithuania's prominent position as an equal (at the very least) to Russia being a Catholic Kingdom( according to the Pope) and thus higher elevated than Russia who wanted Moscow to be the "third Rome" after the fall of Constaniople. The fact the Lithuania's did not treat Vassily, Ivan III or Ivan IV as equals in ceremony or allow them to be subserviant to a Grand Prince in Diplomacy means Lithuania, in protocol, was not a mere Duchy at this time.

I was only giving your country credit, the reign from Vassily to Ivan IV in Russia I am currently studying, and Lithuania is so much a part of that it is a de facto history of your country.

19:52:45 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

anyway i dont want to hijack this thread anymore...Lithuania was once a very powerful country which could of easily handled Russia had a few things been different(such as Russian losing or being bogged down in the war with Kazan)....and i wish LDK all the best in their fight in VU. 

i hope our little debate got a few people to look into some history.

21:37:10 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

same too you :)))) ty

09:12:01 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Looking 4-5 players for this or next era.

14:32:13 Jan 29th 10 - Duke Random:


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