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Forums / In game politics / LGC

02:28:30 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

Not many people may know, but there were a lot of Kingdoms that were "shortchanged" if they started in the 1st hour of the era. Fantasia was accidently loaded on the small map, that is 1/4 the size of the fully expanded one. I reported this bug and then the map was expanded to full size. Unfortunately, anyone who already started was stuck in the middle cores.

That is why so many Kingdoms started next to each other, and even now there are cores that are basically empty on the outside.

It is out of necessity that some Kingdoms have 2 or even 3 NAP's. This is not a lot when you consider, for example, Abydos was starting within 30 ticks of Legacy, Dark Blood, Music, Zeon, Mirror, Jester, Predators, PKS, TMD, SMITE, PHI, and MAD.

My final point - the era is not over yet! Anything can still happen with over 800 ticks left.

02:45:58 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

enyalius, jester has over 120k in that area.

also, jester has no part in a multi alliance. we have not even touched DB/legacy/or phi. zeon and abydos are our only powerful friends. good luck to all!

02:56:43 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

i congratulate sloth for that non-flaming comment :)

I shall call my post, The Truth about the Evil Osiris Alliance

Abydos, Jesters, Music and Zeon started on practically the same area.  They whipped out a NAP among themselves.  But only Zeon and Abydos has a MAP.  Abydos and Zeon is attacking Legacy and at the same time Legacy is clearing out MAD. 

Abydos and Zeon claims that they are only napped with jesters and music.  But Zeon has openly threatened Mirror to attack us if we enter that area.  I know that is reasonable. But come on! how do you expect us to win a war without entering the core of the enemy?  Based on that, I think your "we're just napped" alibi is bs.  whether you like it or not you are mapped. 

Zeon unofficially tried to get a NAP with Mirror
Abydos tried to get a nap with Carnage, so does Zeon. 

as far as i know, PHI and Abydos/Zeon has no relations.

With Music's unhonorable departure from fantasia, that leaves Abydos, Zeon and Jesters to defend that area.  I saw some Music players join Zeon.  I dont know if that is still true since Music has restarted in its right place. 

03:01:41 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho:

half of what you said is completly wrong... so don't talk of  what you don't know or don't have certains about!

i will leave the explanations to the leaders of the kingdoms in question!

03:03:11 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

jester does not have an MAP with anyone. we messed up our last one (sry to BoW again) and are not willing to try it again anytime soon. sry twamao, but there isnt one. they have the right to not let u build in their core, they gain nothing from it and lose some land!

03:42:45 Jul 10th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

lol, Osi... i had nothing to do with the wall attack. All i know is you guys declared war on us, and we got scared....that's right, scared, sux to have a heavy hitter coming at you even if they mean no harm... the CF well, that was alot of craziness and stupid pep not listening, or not hearing.

oh, and, i never said PHI was fighting LGC...don't call me a dumbass when you can't read...or write. And yes i dare to compare this to last era, sorry Aby got hit by sooooo many pep, that's not my fault, i never once attacked any Aby last era, i have a deep respect for some of you guys and think others are...well...anyways the comparison is basied globally on the fact that there is a large alliance ruling the map. not how it's being played...boy, you know, i said i wasn't complaining yet you want to verbally attack me cause you think i'm downing you. I'm not, i never said what you did was wrong, i never said what we did was right. I was telling a story, like i tell my son every night at bedtime, geez, you all act like I'm flaming....would it have made it all better if i'd have just said at the bottom "congrads all"? cuz i woulda.

03:45:04 Jul 10th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:'t touched? hmmmm i build Big Hard owned by Jester...hmmmm, you also burnt my blocker and built your own in it's you just touched me a little.

04:01:54 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

<Twamao quote> Abydos tried to get a nap with Carnage, so does Zeon

Why the hell does everyone think abydos tried to get a nap with carnage? its never even crossed our minds

06:57:12 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

This is another case of a kingdom whose members does not know what their leaders are up to. :(  deja vu anyone?

07:00:47 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

shyers, i dont consider setting up our territory really touching u. putting up a blocker is just something u do to keep urself safe :)

im just saying jester has its own agenda, and are not really involved much in any sort of an alliance.

07:17:46 Jul 10th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

i congratulate sloth for that non-flaming comment :)

I shall call my post, The Truth about the Evil Osiris Alliance

Abydos, Jesters, Music and Zeon started on practically the same area.  They whipped out a NAP among themselves.  But only Zeon and Abydos has a MAP.  Abydos and Zeon is attacking Legacy and at the same time Legacy is clearing out MAD. 

Abydos and Zeon claims that they are only napped with jesters and music.  But Zeon has openly threatened Mirror to attack us if we enter that area.  I know that is reasonable. But come on! how do you expect us to win a war without entering the core of the enemy?  Based on that, I think your "we're just napped" alibi is bs.  whether you like it or not you are mapped. 

Zeon unofficially tried to get a NAP with Mirror
Abydos tried to get a nap with Carnage, so does Zeon. 

as far as i know, PHI and Abydos/Zeon has no relations.

With Music's unhonorable departure from fantasia, that leaves Abydos, Zeon and Jesters to defend that area.  I saw some Music players join


ok well what to say about this

1. we are only napped with jesters but do you really think we wouldnt do anything about mirror armies running around our core?
2. we never tried to nap carnage so wtf?
3. try to actually get some facts first eh

As for you shyers Yes you attacking the wall had EVERYTHING to do with it

and how in the hell can you compare the Abydos/zeon map to the carnage lgc db mirror alliance? are you really that retarded?

08:42:18 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i am Mr. Sun.

good luck all.

08:45:35 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Swofty:

"With Music's unhonorable departure from fantasia, that leaves Abydos, Zeon and Jesters to defend that area.  I saw some Music players join Zeon.  I dont know if that is still true since Music has restarted in its right place."

Well, maybe you can tell me what we could've done otherwise. Every attack we would make against a player with a bunny simbol would result in a new thread about how unfair it is that your KD couldn't contain a traitor. Yeah, it hurt you pretty hard, and Music made the mistake of taking him in for the full 8 hours. But you aren't defeated yet, hiding safely in the Carnage area.
Our options were.

  1. Don't care about the bit of respect we had left and focus all our armies on the passing Mirror players. yeah, sure some would pass, and the others would be able to restart, but you were able to move completely unharmed.
  2. Try to defeat Red Hand, and settle there. if that succeeded, then what.. we would be facing Mirror again and, they had to restart their whole era, so it wouldn't be fair.
  3. Restart in Zetamania, and try to build up a new group of players. This is the only place where we have no chance of facing Mirror (right now). Which allows us to try and do what we 'want'. The only way to restart is to have few enough cities and armies. Yes, you can raze all your cities and wait long enough for all buildings to disappear, have fun with that. Some players didn't realy want to leave Fantasia and decided to join ZEON instead. And we just gave ZEON permission to take over the cities from the players that were going to restart. Though Carnage and Mirror together with Red Hand in our other area, took more cities then ZEON took with the players joing thme added.
Basically it was the most honourable thing we could do. Not picking on Mirror while they were weakened. And trying to not damage the KD's we were Nap'ed with.

To try and stop some flames that will definately come.
- I never said we would beat Mirror. Just stated my thoughts on what would happen.

09:43:16 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Wow, I can't believe I agree with Sloth on something...

10:12:00 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Bananahallow:

woohoo..Great Saying Swofty!! :D

10:25:10 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Sloth: that explains alot.

Twamao: I dont know what you're basing that on. Mirror approached us not the other way around. What I said then was that we had no interest in either NAPing or attacking Mirror since we didnt consider you a threat. But if you were to break Jesters blockers we would see you as a threat.
And when it comes to Carnage, couple of our vices did talk to them. But not with the intention of getting a NAP, more to try to keep that option open if worse came to worse. Though this was only after they had begun sending armies into our core.

Ohh, and about how you are supposed to win? Easy! Take over blocker, raze stuff down. = you have won. THen you can either retreat to blcoker or take on the next kd.

14:59:25 Jul 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

Dammit, i try to stay out of these threads but sometimes it just doesnt work....

I just wanted to respond to Messiah's post above..specifically one point....

You make it look like Carnage came looking for a fight with zeon and that some of your vices tried to open the option for a nap....

We did come with armies, but as a response to this post from you at the beginning of the era...

Mr. Messiah


6/26/2007 4:58:44 PM
We declare war on carnage!


How else were we to take zeon's intentions towards us other than hostile?


And then we get this pm...

Lord Crom [ZEON] (7/2/2007 3:27:30 AM) GOOD BAD
tell stormcrow zeon is asking for pardon.


But by that time things had gotten worse for our friends in mirror and most of our kingdom still remembered you declaring war on us right out of the gate so....


But all of this is really a moot issue now, there is really no sense in these threads other than to flame and insult....

15:15:22 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Reznor:

But the drama is so damm fun=]

15:23:42 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

there was only 1 reason LGC/DB are here. they are complaining their heads out cause they are losing. accusing people of naps and alliance against them. they simply cant accept that their are losing.

DB/LGC is complaining about their armies being split, (actually members being split). have you ever considered my part? like at the start of the era i had 4 HOH armies all over the map? now thats what you call armies being split. 3 against DB, 1 against LGC.
and Mr. Enyalius Shut the hell up if you dont know facts.  as far as i know we only have 1 MAP and 1 new NAP, MAD, abydos-zeon alliance.

we have no relations will all others yet though they have offered. as weird said people from my kingdom are too lazy for NAPS unless absolutely necessary. and LGC say you have 4 inactive players? mind counting the inactive players in PHI?i call it maybe 7-10? plus a lot of new members.

and SMUFF. only 1 reason you are their (currently 3rd) well most top kingdoms are fighting each other. leaving the small ones to farm. but i doubt it wil remain like that. since carnage is heading your way

15:34:00 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hush up zero.

you only making more reasons to flame.

It seems to me that there are 3 main alliances this era.

Anti LGC and DB - not sure about that one but im sure there was a bit of double teaming ;P which envolves Phi (surpise surprise)

Anti Carange - Jester and Zeon trying to get a gang bang going on carange.

Carnage alliance - offering support to smaller kingdoms within their borders


am i wrong?

please add anything to my break down if you feel its needed.......


Edit: Zero there is no need to be so nasty about me being on the HoH. *beep* head.

and yes carnage is 'heading our way' im sooooo scared :P

15:39:11 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

well we can hande jester and zeon its just that also abydos is joining thats turning the tide.

15:40:38 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

lol. you still really are a crazy *beep*.   all i did was answer your question. and kindly read that post again if i got nasty on you.. still a *beep* as ever

edit: you might need to learn english to understand things better. your mouth is stil faster than your brain
edit2: and why need an anti legacy? lol.. as if we are an alliance.

15:43:10 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

hahahahahhahahaha, oh zero.

you were the reason i left Phi; Arrogant, self centered, a crap leader, rude. hmm the list could go on.

every heard of a retorical question? twat.

15:43:44 Jul 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<Carnage alliance - offering support to smaller kingdoms within their borders>


Heh, not exactly true, at least for some kingdoms;)


<quickly grabs marshmallows from Weird's tent and heads back to the growing flames>

15:45:08 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

well actually if you didnt leave phi i would have kicked you out anyways. if you need confirmation on that. ask all the vices.

we dont need a  player who doesnt know how to read right, and his mouth is faster than his brain..

edit: can you scroll up?? and read it again or here it is for you

and SMUFF. only 1 reason you are their (currently 3rd) well most top kingdoms are fighting each other. leaving the small ones to farm. but i doubt it wil remain like that. since carnage is heading your way

----all i did was answer your question and your mouth is full of sheet again.

15:47:41 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

haha, ill ask all the vice's. im sure that thats not the case.

i can read fine, and yes my mouth is faster than my brain, i can amuse quite a few people with that old trick :)

like i said; Arrogant and self centered and rude :)

Edit: again do you no what a retorical question is? OMG!


15:50:15 Jul 10th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

I´d just like to point out one thing to Zero. I have spotted 2 Legacy replies in this thread and none of them the least bit negative, so kindly retract your statement about "whining".


As for the NAPs ect, it doesnt really matter, does it?:) You do what you have to do to ensure your own KD´s safety, simple as that.

Respectfully Submited


15:54:36 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

LOL, hahahahaha at both Zerocool and Smuff.

Anyway, I'm off to have a smoke before my granny stops watching The Young And The Restless and then I'll be back with a small comment.

LOL again though, hehe :)

15:56:50 Jul 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Mr. Zerocool


7/10/2007 3:45:08 PMwell actually if you didnt leave phi i would have kicked you out anyways. if you need confirmation on that. ask all the vices.

we dont need a  player who doesnt know how to read right, and his mouth is faster than his brain..

>strange ... but those descriptions just fits your character very well zero ...
I hardly saw anyone of DB or LGC complain about the fact they are getting bumped by almost everyone on the field.
Besides ... look at last era, all the guys complaining about the alliance are doing it themselves ... Why should Legacy or DB not have the right to complain?

16:00:34 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

last era the alliance was LGC+DB+ MIRROR+CARNAGE.

right now its just ABYDOS+ ZEON
                         PHI + MAD
                         JESTER + MUSIC

these 3 alliances arent allied with each other.
its just like DB+ :LGC.
                MIRROR+ REDHAND

in my point of view its a 5 groups of alliance with 2 kds each.. the biggest ones are abydos+zeon and lgc+db ..

16:00:43 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

The Young and the Restless? HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAH

16:02:29 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Zero saying it's just Abydos+zeon and phi+mad is very stupid of you, since everybody knows PHI is NAPed with Abydos and Zeon.

16:02:48 Jul 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

right now its just ABYDOS+ ZEON
                         PHI + MAD
                         JESTER + MUSIC

> somehow there is a connection between the 3 alliances of this ... you cannot deny that ...

16:03:00 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

for your information NAP isnt an alliance

16:03:57 Jul 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

lol ... it still means you guys are on the same side

16:04:38 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

It is as far as this debate is concerned. You can spew all the crap you want but all those kingdoms you posted there are more or less NAPed between themselves.

16:05:41 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:

*Tiber walks in and sees everybody in an argument, Tiber then sits down in the corner and watches with some popcorn.

"This is going to be good"

16:08:40 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

well its up to them if they nap themselves , what do i care? the only reason we napped abydos was because our exit towards lgc is their exit towards lgc. it would be stupid for us to fight who gets to fight lgc first. only lgc wins that way. you're the one who isnt thinking.

edit: and why the hell should we fight if we have a common goal. and that is LGC.  we didnt organize to fight them. and abydos nap is even lessthan a week happened after DB was defeated in this area. though they are still far north.

16:09:34 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

*Smuff joins Tiber in the corner for a time out and a drink, then throws stuff at zero from afar*

"50 points for a head shot. ok. go!"

16:12:11 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Orly:

I'm the one who isn't thinking? What are you retarded or something, personally I don't give a *beep* about your alliance, you can do whatever the *beep* you want, but coming here and spewing BS and saying it's roses gets a reaction out of me, since I the kind of guy that calls *beep* for what it is.

I don't give a *beep* why you NAPed Abydos, but anyway I also know the real reason why you did it and I also know you've been crying to Osi to give you that NAP.

No reply KTHXBAI

16:12:13 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:

*Tiber throws an unpopped piece of popcorn at Zero, hitting him in the eye

"Hehe, 50 points!"

16:13:40 Jul 10th 07 - Sir Tiber Septim II:


*Tiber throws an unpopped piece of popcorn at Orly, hitting him in the ear


16:15:47 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

OMFG. There really is no connection between Phi and Abydos+Zeon. We haven't came close to each other yet lol. Each of us is fighting the KD's next to them. We're fighting DB, they are fighting Legacy.

Smuff, even if you and Zerocool haven't got along too well, there's no reason for you guys to flame each other now. Of course that your HoH spot wouldn't be the same if your Kingdom would fight one of the bigger Kingdoms of VU but I don't think anyone is upset at your current position.

And I don't think Zerocool would have kicked you if you would have stopped stepping on each others toes. We are all friends in PHI so if you would have gotten along, you'd have stayed, if not, not :)

16:16:07 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

if i hear one more damn word about abydos trying to get a nap with carnage im going to flip....i havent spoken to damn carnage all era and im co-leader of abydos ffs....

now i do remember however that after last era had ended members of carnage came to me to come to some sort o*beep*reement.....

again most peoples knowledge is flawed, cant you people ask both sides of the coin before making your judgements?

16:17:49 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Zerocool:

cant do anything about that oya. these people here assume things. 

16:19:29 Jul 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

:o oya you said F@g :o

16:25:09 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Orly, I edited my post to respond to your accusation of crying to Osi for a NAP since I felt offended by it being its negotiator.

However, it took more than 3 minutes so it didn't appear and I haven't copied it :(

Now I want to watch The 4400 insted of trying to do that post again so you can have your way. But bear in mind that I didn't cry to Osi for the NAP. I wanted it bad cause I wasn't in the mood to organise my Kingdom's defenses against Abydos, Zeon, Db and Legacy. Also, I'd rather be friends with Abydos than foes. They seem to be good guys lately and it's much better to love than hate :) <3

16:53:51 Jul 10th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Mr. Smuff


7/10/2007 9:34:00 AM hush up zero.

you only making more reasons to flame.

It seems to me that there are 3 main alliances this era.

Anti LGC and DB - not sure about that one but im sure there was a bit of double teaming ;P which envolves Phi (surpise surprise)

Anti Carange - Jester and Zeon trying to get a gang bang going on carange.

Carnage alliance - offering support to smaller kingdoms within their borders

quite wrong really

Abydos is ONLY allied to Zeon we ONLY help zeon Anti lgc? well our alliance doesnt exsist to kill lgc so nope that one doesnt fit. Anti carnage? who cares about you enough to form an alliance to target carnage?

We are at war with Lgc DB and Carnage just because Phi are warring lgc or jesters are warring carnage doesnt make us allied :/

16:54:05 Jul 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

Damn i try to leave and it keeps sucking me back in....

I am going to try to help settle this whole carnage/abydos thing.

There has been no official talks of any kind with abydos leadership about a possible my knowledge none of the Carnage leadership has spoken to any of the Abydos leadership. So once again there has never been any talks...

What got this rumour started was when several of us have been having talks with a good friend of mine in abydos (who shall remain anonymous for now so as not to piss him off, good friends are hard to come by in this game after all) about the possibility of a nap with abydos. We in carnage had nothing against the damned abydos (right back at ya Oya) and didnt want to fight them, but it was made clear to us that if we napd abydos we would have to nap zeon so as to avoid any napbreaks and what have you. And as far as carnage is concerned we have nothing against abydos (at least on our part), they are doing the honourable thing by honoring their map with zeon.  Obviously though nothing came out of these talks with my abydos friend i said earlier this whole damn thread just goes to show how seriously unreliable vu rumours are. You know what they say about assuming?;)

This is why Carnage has tried to avoid naps and alliances this era (or at least until recently) too many headaches:(

<goes to sit with smuff and tiber to watch the events proceed, holding up a big foam finger that reads "Go Twamao" on it...>

16:57:44 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

*hits Finwe in the face from the corner*

"hahaha 50 points. go me :)"


and Finwe, im sorry for being wrong, thats just what i managed to pick out from all this garbage being posted, thanks for the correction :)

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