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Forums / In game politics / Lost for words.

Lost for words.
14:15:40 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Also, I find it fair for our armies to jump back into our territory for protection, right? Since it's Phi land to Phi land?

Not on your side with this one. River jumping is and stays river jumping.
It's just wrong in my opinion.

14:35:47 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Should we just stay and allow this immature lowlife run through our core? And tell us we're in fact guilty for not placing scouts all over our territory? :(

14:37:51 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

Shut up spoon, music river jumped us, 4 times. 

Twamao - lol

Im the l and you're the o weird.

14:41:42 Jul 5th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Weird, you can keep creating threads to bash me all day long and it really wont matter, in the end my ingame msg you posted publically speaks for itself I have nothing more to add.   The more posts you make the more you show everyone the lack of character and respect you have for other players in this game.   You insult and accuse people of doing things that you yourself do and so do other players in your kingdom-- and are you really really sure you want to claim that you havent bought bts?? Think really hard about that before you reply...

Regardless, this is the last post from DB on this matter, other than maybe shyers who is working on his flame degree.  

You have continued to show repeatedly what type of kingdom you are- you are poor losers and you are poor winners-- you have badmouthed every kingdom that has nap'd you or fought you in the last several eras and then turn around and suck up to them when you think you might be in danger.  You and I both know that if our start had been better you'd be on the losing end of this war and if you think that losing isnt a part of your future - you better think again :)

As far as any other insults you want to throw my way-- feel free darlin, it only makes you look bad.  You have a lot of growing up to do.   Maybe your lack of sleep is catching up to you....

15:13:50 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Quietone... pathetic. GO ASK ZETA U FOCKING STUPID XXXXX, I DIDNT BUY BTS!!!!!! What's your problem, you lying bs-er?

Also, you are wrong, who have we badmouthed? M, Zeon, Jester, Music, Carnage, Baccus, BoW? We have had no problem with others except your petty Kingdom, Legacy and Abydos at a certain time. I fear your Kingdom has far more enemies than mine. You just can't handle the truth.

Also I thought someone who played VU for so long would realise none of my actions shown the buying of BTs. Like I said, ask Zeta.

You river jumped and buyed BTs, we didn't, still you're trying to prove the opposite? You should create a world just for you and your friends and the ones that accept your lies and play there. Maybe it would be less confusing, huh? It's not a pleasure to play with the likes of you.

Why can't stuff go like last era between us and Carnage? There were no flames, everyone won a few and lost a few but there was mutual respect. Guess this would be too hard for you...

And don't talk to me about losing lol.. you're just so pathetic and manipulative, we lost two times on Fantasia, both times to Legacy, both times we accepted defeat and admitted their superiority.

Your Kingdom loses once and does all it can to get out of *beep* by cheating and buying BTs. Who's guilty?
More hypocrisy please, FTW!

15:18:20 Jul 5th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

that's really funny coming from you weird....considering you were the one who started this thread. DB hasnt made one flame thread about you, your kingdom or this war.  We havent said anything - it is your kingdom that keeps hurling the insults from the moment we turned down your nap request.  Regardless, as i said i'm done, please feel free to keep the insults flowing however....


15:24:30 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Uhm... can you at least read? Cause I don't see the connection between my post and yours.

Your just avoiding any true issue and I'm amazed that you really think that you are impressing anyone. You fake.

15:45:11 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

Quiteone, I really dont see where your rant is going, Phi as a kingdom never spoke negatively of you as a kingdom before your started resorting to Riverjumping and other questionable tactics, please feel free to show me where and when we have insulted you? Maybe you even remember the "Phi Townswapping" thread in which many of your members were quick to join in insulting Phi.

About Phi and cheating as a kingdom, It has never occured. I dont know of any of our members buying BTs(even thought this isnt cheating) nor have we resorted to riverjumping EVER this era. We have strict orders not to do it, however my personal patience is growing tired of seeing DB armies pop up inside our core out of nowhere.

I also see you speaking so higly of yourself and your kingdom, going on and on about how if your start had been better , you had been on the winning side and how we are going to "lose". My personal opinion would be that you should come down of your high horse, your washed up as a player and a sad remainant of what once used to be such a proud and honorable kingdom.

15:56:46 Jul 5th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

First of all Carolus...whoever you are-- I have never ever been on a high horse anyone who knows me knows that about me.   Our start was horrible- when we declined your nap- and at the time our war started-  Half of DB was still in protection, in addition to that our kd was split over the river again due to another mistake.   You say we are washed up and what used to be a proud honorable kingdom.... DB's first era was last era, we are a new kingdom with several new members so I am not sure where and why you are throwing that insult at us.  

As far as the insults go you need to check back through all the flame threads your kingdom is dragging on-  None were started by DB members - this one as well was started by your own kingdom- again, for flaming us for something your kingdom has done themselves, and for something that has been used against us or against any kingdom since I have started playing this game.

Since the day this war started your kingdom has been sending rude and insulting ingame msgs repeatedly-  And Weirdgrivi has appearantly made it a personal mission to insult me directly in everything he posts.

Diamond Lady: you just said you've riverjumped against carnage
Diamond Lady: you just said that lol
weirdgrivi Adrian: yes true
Diamond Lady: you are such a hypocrit
weirdgrivi Adrian: and ur point is?

This is part of a conversation I had with him just a few mins ago-- since he's fine with posting my private msgs to him.   You see my point is that while i congratulate your kingdom on a war well won--  I cannot accept the vile insults that your kingdom has continued to throw as us since this war started.  You guys have something really wrong with you that you cant accept your win and move on.... that personal insults have to be a part of it.... you arent winning any points with anyone in VU by your ugly flames....


I know i have said it before but this is the last post from me on the subject.

we'll see each other next era--


16:17:17 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

Weird stut up......don't restort to personal insults you little boy, grow up yeah.....i would have thought from our recent chats that maybe wierdgrivi had grown up.....but clearly your still the immature and down right spiteful little prick i have grown to hate. If your gonna create a thread about what you see as a wrong doing....thats fine, but when you start going out of your way to insult people who just want to say their side of the story, thats another thing.....and i condem the fact you're doing it. So very diplomatic of you, if you wanna throw insults around then throw some at me....either that or go find some small lonely hole to go die in..

16:22:12 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Talking about private messages :

Diamond Lady (7/5/2007 4:35:28 PM): you should really get off the crack you *beep* head
Nistor Adrian (7/5/2007 4:35:34 PM): lol
Nistor Adrian (7/5/2007 4:35:36 PM): speak nicely

If you would have listened better maybe you could finally understand something. If you would get off the phone or stop cooking or whatever it is your doing while reading our posts, maybe you could concentrate better and not make stupid afirmations.

Diamond Lady: you just said you've riverjumped against carnage
Diamond Lady: you just said that lol
weirdgrivi Adrian: yes true

I have said we river jumped. Well, I was mistaken. Since I haven't done it, I don't know exactly what happened but it seems from Zero's post that we actually attacked across the river, not river jumped. It was only done once and through a place Carnage tried (/succeded, can't remember) to do it too.

So we didn't actually river jump. That's what's happening when you don't really listen but only make assumptions. And if you would have fought fair, there would have been no flames but it seems you ask us to just accept your river jumping and BT buying (although it's fair, how would you feel if we all would buy BTs?). Imagine 20 members using 8 BTs per day... Where would that lead?

If you would just be more reasonable, maybe I could keep my calm and not flame you but I cannot do so when I hear such unthinked afirmation you're making. I'm sorry. I'm sorry our friendship (call it however you like if friendship means more than what we had) had to reach this point. You're free not to believe me but I really am sorry. As I am that my relation to Legacy had to get where it is. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be :)

16:24:01 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Oya... Quietone's lover to the rescue FTW :)

Maybe you should read her accusations before starting this. Why does everyone have to speak without thinking first?

16:25:22 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

got nothing to do with thinking....i stepped in because you're being insulting.....enough said, be mature and i wont have to eh :)

16:36:44 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

I'm sorry Quietone, I should have been more clear about that part of my post, I was refering to your past as a player in Legacy. I am well aware that "DB" is infact a "new" kingdom. You start your post with how your not and never have been on a high horse, yet you still have to try and push me down refering to me as a nobody? Whoever I am? Does it matter?

Quietone, once again I ask you to find one of this thread and give me the link, If you do I'd be more then happy to apologize to you. I can only speak for myself and from what I've seen so far..

About your conversation with Weirdgrivi, Ive read the whole of it... and I cant say you were very polite either?


16:44:07 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Patrick is that you?

16:48:02 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Who's Patrick? Wasn't that Swifty wtf?

18:10:23 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Shut up spoon, music river jumped us, 4 times.

We did not. There was a new guy, who build two sides at the other side of the river.  He tried some stuff out, and ended up doing that.

You (7/1/2007 2:37:26 PM)
Sorry about those walls, Rubyian is new, he just tried something out, and it worked. He found it funny. I didn't =(
Duke Azaruc [M] (7/1/2007 2:38:11 PM) GOOD BAD
hehe, ok :)
I also saw that merge coming, so decided to make sure no-one could hop :)

good luck to you in this war :)

You (7/1/2007 11:03:25 AM)
Please don't ever do this again. It is not considered honourable.. I don't want any over river building, attacking, hopping, or anything.
Mr. Rubyian [] (7/1/2007 2:01:52 PM) GOOD BAD
I'm working on destroying them. Sorry:'(
You (7/1/2007 2:02:08 PM)
Np :)

Mr. Adelbert Rockbeard [M] (7/1/2007 3:58:30 PM) GOOD BAD
Hey, try to avoid riverjumping =)
You know we do the same^^
You (7/1/2007 4:04:11 PM)
Yeah, I messaged my guy about it... He said he didn't do it again ^^


18:14:07 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Btw Weirdgrivi. Valar actually said something that is right..

On a sidenote, if you are stupid enough to leave your core undefended, you deserve to get owned...

I would say it a bit more like, keep some armies in your core.

20:35:23 Jul 5th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

DB has plenty of good players.

You should be honored they even needed to riverjump you :D

20:51:12 Jul 5th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Hehe :p

Weird, i'm fascinated how u r able to turn around things.
1st someone outside db starts a thread about u swapping cities and u make it a post about DB riverjumping.
2nd :

Well... DB is losing the war... Now they're losing any grain of dignity too. Whining is one thing. But this is pathetic and worthy of pity.

Dvsmasta, you are in the appropriate Kingdom for you. I don't care if Quietone or the whole Legacy bunch comes here and flames me and backs you up but you are as much of a loser SoB as the fake Condinho from Mirror is.

when have we whined?, and how can u say the whole kd is loosing any grain of dignity because of the actions of 1 person? saying loosing any grain of dignity implies that we don't have a lot of dignity.

Let me try to turn this around.

U r making all these posts cause u want people to know that u r winning, no other reason at all. In fact u hate it soo much DB ain't making threads in which we whine, that u decide to start them yourself.

It must suck to be u. Having to live with all these prejudices.

Really i used to think u were a cool person, but i'm rapidly loosing respect for ya.

and clearly u r not lost for words, u just don't know when to shut up. If someone has been whining this era it's u.

22:18:59 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

ho ho ho. merry xmas.

Coal for all the naughty little flaming VU players Hahahaha.


on a more seriouse note i think that everyone is entitles to their own opinion about this thread, there will be an argument then a counter argumnet and so on and so on.

therefore i feel that no one is going to change their already afirmed view, so this should be locked.

22:51:26 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Sun:



00:17:18 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Drenth, burning your towns to the ground and suiciding your armies in desperate river jumping attempts is not dignified.

And about that Phi Townswapping thread. You guys have river jumped so I don't see where's the problem that I talk about it. I've started the talk about it cause I was furious of being accused of such a thing (which we didn't do, and ask Q about it if there's any problem) when you guys were river jumping and no one said a thing.

Later, if I'm not mistaken, I apologised for taking a humourous flame like that as something serious.

P.S. : Dvsmasta was not the only one river jumping.

P.P.S. : It's a small Fantasia. I don't have to create threads in order to let people know we're winning. It's visible from afar. And from your knowledge of me and of Phi, do we come forward to brag on about our victories? We mostly defend ourselves even if I can see some who will come here in 1 minute to prove I'm wrong and flame me...

01:35:40 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Sun:

"omg backdoor! nooobzor!!!!"

"since when is backdoor illegal?"

A dota pub conversation.

01:56:34 Jul 6th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

lol.... first i will say:
hey Q, looky, i wasn't the first DBer to post :)
You guys take the game too seriously
We all know you can river jump, we all know that every era pep do it, we all know you can easily stop it, yet you let it happen.
again i say SHUT UP YOU WHINERS!!!!! all of you, not just PHI you think Zeta wasn't thinking "river jump" when he made the invisible scout?
If you are not carful someone can and will river jump you, everytime, be prepared for it, don't whine, stop it before it happens.

01:59:57 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:


You are the weird in weirdgrivi
The brut in bruto
the bury in roxbury
the arsse in NARSSE
the goth in gothrim
the con in condinho
the demon in demonic shezmu
And the o in twamao, quietone, oya, zerocool, spoon and all the names that has the letter that looks like an *beep*hole in it

02:13:10 Jul 6th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Grivi should really get out more:(

Can you stop insulting people in PMīs?

02:35:02 Jul 6th 07 - Sir Pelagius Septim II:

Mr. Zach Mihard


7/5/2007 5:59:57 PM

You are the weird in weirdgrivi
The brut in bruto
the bury in roxbury
the arsse in NARSSE
the goth in gothrim
the con in condinho
the demon in demonic shezmu
And the o in twamao, quietone, oya, zerocool, spoon and all the names that has the letter that looks like an *beep*hole in it

Hey! I feel left out. : (

02:57:24 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr. Zach Mihard: the goth in gothrim

Hey, first-ever mention in a thread that i have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with... ;)

03:16:54 Jul 6th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

i got left out too :*
nobody ever thinks of me

04:05:15 Jul 6th 07 - Sir Pelagius Septim II:

We need Seloc over here, he would be all too happy to insult me..

04:14:11 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Weird what the hell? Darkblood hasn't complained one bit about the war. I am all too happy that I was able to play in such a battle since day one and until my last day. What forrum are you looking at? The only ones that have whined so far has been Phi.

04:19:10 Jul 6th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

.....i think it's funny 'lost for words"....hmmm, deceptive title :)

04:25:07 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Just looked back and saw this...

Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat


7/5/2007 11:22:12 AM

Talking about private messages :

Diamond Lady (7/5/2007 4:35:28 PM): you should really get off the crack you *beep* head
Nistor Adrian (7/5/2007 4:35:34 PM): lol
Nistor Adrian (7/5/2007 4:35:36 PM): speak nicely

If you would have listened better maybe you could finally understand something. If you would get off the phone or stop cooking or whatever it is your doing while reading our posts, maybe you could concentrate better and not make stupid afirmations.

Diamond Lady: you just said you've riverjumped against carnage
Diamond Lady: you just said that lol
weirdgrivi Adrian: yes true

I have said we river jumped. Well, I was mistaken. Since I haven't done it, I don't know exactly what happened but it seems from Zero's post that we actually attacked across the river, not river jumped. It was only done once and through a place Carnage tried (/succeded, can't remember) to do it too.

So we didn't actually river jump. That's what's happening when you don't really listen but only make assumptions. And if you would have fought fair, there would have been no flames but it seems you ask us to just accept your river jumping and BT buying (although it's fair, how would you feel if we all would buy BTs?). Imagine 20 members using 8 BTs per day... Where would that lead?

If you would just be more reasonable, maybe I could keep my calm and not flame you but I cannot do so when I hear such unthinked afirmation you're making. I'm sorry. I'm sorry our friendship (call it however you like if friendship means more than what we had) had to reach this point. You're free not to believe me but I really am sorry. As I am that my relation to Legacy had to get where it is. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be :)


You are joking right? Phi has been buying ZeTa diamond rings and gold bars lately and it hasn't gone unnoticed. It has even been mentioned in IRC and admited. How can you deny it when you BT across the map with a merger? So go grow up or shut up and just play the game.

04:47:21 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

useless trivia:  the banner in this thread has peace in it.  How ironic?

04:53:36 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Binh The Warlock:

*Binh walks up to the crowd to see what is going on.

*Binh walks away quietly.

*Binh yawn.

*Binh goes back to planning his evil scheme of dominating the world.

*Flames burn brightly in Binh's eyes.

To be continue.........

08:26:39 Jul 6th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

"The brut in bruto"

Remind me what a 'brut' is?

08:53:33 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

But with an r in it. I am not saying you r a but, but clearly the whole statement was about a certain part of the human anatomy. But I digress. We all know what Wierd is.

09:33:15 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Jet:

Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat


7/6/2007 12:22:12 AM

If you would have listened better maybe you could finally understand something. If you would get off the phone or stop cooking or whatever it is your doing while reading our posts, maybe you could concentrate better and not make stupid afirmations.

You sexist motherf*cker. *beep*less wonder.

11:04:35 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

You are joking right? Phi has been buying ZeTa diamond rings and gold bars lately and it hasn't gone unnoticed. It has even been mentioned in IRC and admited. How can you deny it when you BT across the map with a merger? So go grow up or shut up and just play the game.

I have crossed the map with WG and our merger killed a lot of DB armies, I am proud of it. And yes we used BTs for it.
But I am more proud of it that none of these BTs were bought nor get from other things then voting and offline times.
If you would bemore active dear Azrun you might have got a better view, maybe.

I hope Zeta is not too upset, that his promised Diamond rings doesn't exist, at least not those sponsored by Phi.

11:51:46 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

What can I say? That the whole of DB is too stupid to send a PM to ZeTa asking him if any of us has been buying BTs? That they're too stupid to have anything to back up their accusations?

Arzun, you should go back to kindergarten, you retard. As you might know, during arma, all armies move as a scout. Yes, I had a merge and 5 BTs and yes I moved a lot but none of those BTs were bought. (if you're talking about Carnage)

Admitted? By whom? You are crap. All DB whiners are. G3t a life. I will ask ZeTa myself to prove all you crappers wrong.

12:11:47 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Devi:

Weird are really that stupid? Zeta isnt gonna come right out and say who bought bt's. He could care less about what people thimk about bought bt's. He is just thinking of his bottem line.

You have done a great job at making yourself look like a total tool, Congratulations.

12:34:17 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Damn Wierd just shut the *beep* up man, you're nothing but a *beep*.

12:37:26 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Lgc is kewl FTW!

Devi... you are right though but how else can I prove my KD's innocence when people come here to tear it down, huh? What would you do in my place?

12:44:07 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Helmuth Von Moltke:

I'd shut up if I were in your place, as you're making yourself out to be a fool. Some diplomat, heh.

12:51:30 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Sun:

What can I say? That the whole of DB is too stupid to send a PM to ZeTa asking him if any of us has been buying BTs? That they're too stupid to have anything to back up their accusations?

Arzun, you should go back to kindergarten, you retard. As you might know, during arma, all armies move as a scout. Yes, I had a merge and 5 BTs and yes I moved a lot but none of those BTs were bought. (if you're talking about Carnage)

Admitted? By whom? You are crap. All DB whiners are. G3t a life. I will ask ZeTa myself to prove all you crappers wrong.

how do u keep 5 bonus turns.

u can have 3 max bonus turns stored at the end of one specific day.
then during the next day, you get a bonus turn from 12 hr, then the other one must be from voting in that day, which is at least 24 hrs from the last day, meaning ur bonus turns will be resetted to 3?

is this how it works on the capping of 3? does this mean u can only reach 5 bonus turn during a day if u buy bonus turns, so u get 1 bonus turn every 3 hrs?

someone enlighten me on this, and correct me if im mistaken.

13:38:50 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

You can indeed have more BTs then 3, (3 saved up, 1 from not logging on in 12 hours + then another one from voting)

13:47:39 Jul 6th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

First off I'd like to apologise for my post that was quoted by Sun above. I was tired and nervous for being accused of something that we didn't do.

If DB cannot accept the truth than so be it. The facts are that PHI has never river jumped and that afaik PHI has never bought BTs. I will follow Q's example and stop posting. Flame us if you want and continue to accuse of stuff we are not guilty of and that YOU have done.

Sun, to answer your question : you can have 3 BTs and then vote for another one so you will get 4. But this 4th BT can only last for 24 hours, then it will be lost. I had these 4 BTs and was close to the 24 hour limit. I used some of them and when 24 hours passed I was able to vote again. So the conclusion is that I had 4+1 BTs to use in a very short interval.

I am from Romania and as Cobra can tell you, credit cards are not very much spread here. I am 19 and have never had a job under contract thus no way or use for me to get a credit card. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't have bought BTs. What else can I say? I've tried to talk to ZeTa and no, he can't help me... You can think whatever you want, there's nothing I can do to prove myself.

And regarding Dvsmasta and the furious message I've sent him... He told me his wife wouldn't let him buy BTs but he used more than the amount of BTs he could get without buying... I tend to be upset when lied to my face :(

I apologise again for all the mess I've made and hope that this thread will die soon...

P.S. : Carolus, if you have 3 BTs and not log on for 12 hours, you don't get a 4th BT, you can only get the 4th by voting :)

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