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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of Magneto

Mantrax Era of Magneto
03:51:37 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

We never entered. LAWL. How can you get kicked outta something you were never in. xD we never had any real presence there in the first place, but that will change.

And, teach Fate a lesson? If Fate had an easier way to get to you they'd utterly pulverize you into ash. xD

05:11:15 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Pks is only sitting in a blocker cause Sol's 2 armies on the other side are scary!!!!

Oh and technically you did invade Mant even if it was only 4-5 armies its still entering and thus they kicked you on there side at least ;)

Now Santanclaus and Polydueces armies are another matter.......they are scary thus why we are hiding in that blocker :P

16:44:56 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

lol Vuggy it's sad same people do not understand the siplest irony ^^

16:51:41 Aug 11th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Irony?  Is that when my shirts get wrinkled and I have to irony them to flattened them out again??

*sorry, had to copy from the Redneck dictionary lol*

17:10:14 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

That's exactly it Big Mac. :P Angel that's not the only side you need to be concerned about. xD

23:27:00 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Oh what do we have here, finally Hanky showed up, bored from farming all era long ^^.


Army Info
Commander:Mr. Hanky PankyKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving North East

23:33:13 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ah, he's just a dwarf

23:57:00 Aug 11th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

hanky has armies? wow

11:36:55 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

if i wasnt so drunk all the time i'd be at your core by now :(

i got screwed over kept only getting short logins and trapped in pks's walls so kept having to move when i could in the logins i could get if it wasnt for that i'd be at your core... :(

i just got shit loadsa lame messages now

and i think alot of people are starting to have hissy fits o well...

13:55:17 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ezzy Teh Elven Warrior:

dont tell them where they are Stirlin!! They my lucky beads

16:26:24 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Late response. xD

Hanky is going to come and throw lingerie on you guys! Male lingerie!! >:D

17:57:30 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Hanky, what happened at Brotherhood Pas?

18:16:24 Aug 12th 09 - Duke Deadpool:

I guess its one of those hush hush no comments like they have done in the previous era's

18:37:40 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Looks like Hanky and SIN did some unallowable things in VU...I guess people have no problem doing that anymore?

18:45:26 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Chris:


18:48:11 Aug 12th 09 - Pirate Leela The Eyepatched:

Mr. Ignis


18:37:40 Aug 12th 09 Looks like Hanky and SIN did some unallowable things in VU...I guess people have no problem doing that anymore?

such as?

19:05:53 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

How do you know my first VU name, Chris?

@Pirate Leela

Hanky getting SIN to crush walls on a PKS blocker so Hanky could get through PKS to us. (confirmed).

Hanky opening Fate blocker to allow SIN to get through to PKS. (unconfirmed, but there's no other explanation).

FYI, PKS is NAPed to Fate.

20:26:00 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Hanky getting SIN to crush walls on a PKS blocker so Hanky could get through PKS to us. (confirmed).

yes... ile show you the plans if ya like... had it planned all era for a surprise attack... i aint done nothing wrong lol just clever tactics...

Hanky opening Fate blocker to allow SIN to get through to PKS. (unconfirmed, but there's no other explanation).

no... assumption is the start of all fuck ups... im nothing to do with this... ok? :)

20:27:09 Aug 12th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

such a bad player

20:30:43 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

and for fcuk sake since when is taking two hour to reply ignoring?

i have to sleep sometimes...

Lord Polydeuces (8/12/2009 5:42:04 AM)GOODBAD
wow lol, my bro ACTUALLY tried casting CW on oneway only, and hit your city somehow by accident dude...

honestly he came to me while i was in bed and was liek SHAYNE SHAYNE I CRUSH WALLED ONEWAY ONLY GO PASS THROUGH IT QUICKLY!! and I was like wtf? came running downstairs to the computer and turned out it was on your city.. if this is a big deal for you i will allow you to take two of our cities for the troubles. near tyrgalons arms, they are right now owned by MR spud but may soon be owned my mr satanclausas

20:35:42 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Mr. Hanky Panky


12:26:00 Aug 12th 09

Hanky getting SIN to crush walls on a PKS blocker so Hanky could get through PKS to us. (confirmed).

yes... ile show you the plans if ya like... had it planned all era for a surprise attack... i aint done nothing wrong lol just clever tactics...


Well done, make your banner proud!

Mr. Hanky Panky


12:26:00 Aug 12th 09

Hanky opening Fate blocker to allow SIN to get through to PKS. (unconfirmed, but there's no other explanation).

no... assumption is the start of all fuck ups... im nothing to do with this... ok? :)

Yes, that is when you burn ur own walls to allow SIN armies to pass by. Well done again mate, hold that fate banner uphigh now!  wo0t!

20:36:17 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

accidently casting on wrong city my ass.

20:37:07 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Lord Polydeuces (8/12/2009 5:42:04 AM) GOOD BAD
wow lol, my bro ACTUALLY tried casting CW on oneway only, and hit your city somehow by accident dude...

honestly he came to me while i was in bed and was liek SHAYNE SHAYNE I CRUSH WALLED ONEWAY ONLY GO PASS THROUGH IT QUICKLY!! and I was like wtf? came running downstairs to the computer and turned out it was on your city.. if this is a big deal for you i will allow you to take two of our cities for the troubles. near tyrgalons arms, they are right now owned by MR spud but may soon be owned my mr satanclausas



Lamest Excuse ever award!

20:37:41 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

05:30:12135 walls in Brotherhood Pas got destroyed by magic!

"Yes, that is when you burn ur own walls to allow SIN armies to pass by. Well done again mate, hold that fate banner uphigh now!  wo0t!"

now lay the fuck off me prick

20:40:49 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

05:30:12 135 walls in Brotherhood [how hard is it to do this? ]Pas got destroyed by magic!

20:42:09 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Well, Stewie the magic in your city sucks, as proved by this:

01:16:40 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:16:37 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:16:34 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:16:32 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:16:30 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.
01:13:18 Lord Stewie Griffin attempted to cast a spell upon us.

And yeah, my twelve year old brother tried to cast crush walls on your city, and he must have accidentally switched it to Hanky's city... I've done that by accident before and cast magic on the wrong stuff... My computer is crappy and it likes to jump around sometimes, even built and trained in the wrong places plenty of times this era.  Anyways, Virtuoso, my brother later I found out even had a 13% chance to cast CW on your city anyways.

20:42:39 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

seriously ?

you think i destroyed my own walls?

i havent been online too for one and at 5am when that was cast i was facking smashed....

20:46:07 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

No hankers, i dont think u destroyed ur own walls, but what you did was sure wrong and dirty....well mayb not in the FATE rule books

@ Poly: Dude seriously couldnt u come up with a better excuse? seriously... and wat does the magic in my city have to do with u playing cheap? please dont go off topic..thank you

20:49:30 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:


20:51:45 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

"pks got no reason to be mad at me``

ofc not..we are just gonna loose about a couple dozen undefended cities..y be mad...ofc not mate :)

20:53:00 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Nice edit hankers

20:53:07 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

I was just proving that he had chance to cast on your city, so it was possible for the tab to get switched.  And it's not an excuse nor a lie.  Mistakes happen especially when your little nuby brother doesn't really understand what he's doing when casting magic while this is his first time ever even really using a computer.  Had to beg my parents to let him play because they don't want him using the internet for anything where he can communicate with others yet.

20:54:05 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

You (8/11/2009 11:22:06 PM)
"no gates"
I didnt know u played this way bud :(
Mr. Hanky Panky (8/12/2009 3:26:14 AM) GOOD BAD
give me a second i didnt do anything i been offline

Mr. Hanky Panky (8/12/2009 3:48:35 AM) GOOD BAD
i dont mean about the the sol crushing your guys walls that's me ofcourse tho but thats just tactics, team work etc...

i had a busy day yesterday other wise i'd be at their core right now :P was always being rushed whenever i got on the computer because of being with other people... im still drunk, its like 11 am :S

was suppose to be online all day to make the journey :@


Well hanky i must admit that who have adjusted very well with your new kingdom. well done mate :)

20:55:32 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Lord Polydeuces


12:53:07 Aug 12th 09

I was just proving that he had chance to cast on your city, so it was possible for the tab to get switched.  And it's not an excuse nor a lie.  Mistakes happen especially when your little nuby brother doesn't really understand what he's doing when casting magic while this is his first time ever even really using a computer.  Had to beg my parents to let him play because they don't want him using the internet for anything where he can communicate with others yet. u r basically prooving how you are sharing your account with others and therefore deserve a ban...i c

20:55:38 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i edited because you said you now dont think i destroyed my walls

as you can clearly see poly told you it was them not me... im nothing to do with the reason pks getting screwed over... hence no reason to be mad at me...

20:58:47 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Uhh, who said I am sharing the account?  Lol, I don't even know his password he plays himself and asks me for help when he needs it.  My bro made a mistake.  I offered Fate compensation for the loss of the walls.

20:59:07 Aug 12th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

aww stewie fool crying over losing a few cities?
there there child, era will be over soon so you can start again!

20:59:13 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Yah, yah, you can say what you want, so long as those SIN armies go take blockers ahead of you and open the walls so you can get to Phi right?

Edit: Stirlin, the way this is happening both SIN and Fate are basically breaking NAPs. Sure it's only a few cities, maybe a core or two here and there. Why don't we let this happen every era and see how things go?

21:00:38 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Common you think we are just fools? Anyways, since it was your blocker that allowed our enemies to get through, and considering we have a NAP with FATE, u dont think you have any responsibility about the consequences?

21:02:25 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Dark Prince Stirlin


12:59:07 Aug 12th 09
aww stewie fool crying over losing a few cities?
there there child, era will be over soon so you can start again!

sorry who are you

21:03:55 Aug 12th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III:

Actually, even if they made this so called "Mistake", they by your NAP terms have had no right to exploit this, or with you NAP with PKS, you should have demanded them too return through the way they came, as it is you did niether, theirfor, you can both be held responsible?

21:05:26 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Mr. Ignis



19:59:13 Aug 12th 09Yah, yah, you can say what you want, so long as those SIN armies go take blockers ahead of you and open the walls so you can get to Phi right?

either way i was going to have them continue crushing the walls in the cities i needed
the face their now owning the cities has made it longer for me to get to you as they stopped crushing walls... why would i want to make it longer for me...

Lord Stewie Griffin


20:00:38 Aug 12th 09Common you think we are just fools? Anyways, since it was your blocker that allowed our enemies to get through, and considering we have a NAP with FATE, u dont think you have any responsibility about the consequences?

like i said... nothing to do with me lol why am i responsable ive not made them do it... i'd have asked them to ignore it if i was online

21:07:37 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Lol...Hanky just admitted to asking SIN to crushing an allies walls for him to get to another kingdom.

21:08:48 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

admitted???? i never tried to hide it... if i wanted i could have just walked around but it just takes the element of surprise away...

21:09:20 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

he said its called ``tactics`` Ignis

21:11:21 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

haha i love this <3

you guys city swapped an armoury so coolcat had one on their front line close to sin
i dont see them moaning lol
thats "illegal tactics" by vu terms

what i've done is simply tactics...

21:14:25 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Hanky u played this game for 4 or 5 years u said...well we swapped cities with our allies to fight our enemy (SIN)... nuthing wrong there dude...

what u r doing with SIN is illegal in vu terms....

21:14:25 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

sorry for double post

21:18:37 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

what i did with sin*
they cw'd your guys walls so i had a clear path to phi...

its not illigal its just never been done before... so who's to say its illigal.... its just clever... lol

21:20:12 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

if what i did was illigal everybody would have flipped in public forum by now...

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