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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 37

Mantrax 37
16:51:41 Jul 16th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Well thats it, I will never promote anyone as viceroy any more in this kingdom.
Let it be heard that official statements from kingdom Collective will be posted by me and nobody else.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Collective
Members: 10
Created: 6/24/2015 10:30:53 AM
Leader: Princess Aisha

Compare kingdom


__ The Collective __

Recruitment is closed.
Diplomatic Relations are closed.

Be kind to one another.


There is no giving up, I do not know whats up with that crap.
We are 3 people fighting Anonymous, and he has defeated 3 of them
Big deal, we have 7 more. Come get us.

17:21:37 Jul 16th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

  • 15:59:31 Jul 16th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:
    I remember an era, the one before last. A kingdom called Omerta came to Mant and NAP'd just about everyone to fight a few FW players ;)

Just to clarify this post up there, that is a false statement

Quick overview of the era mentioned:

FW start near BoW, and they fight right away.

Omerta starts near RoC, only Ery spawned.

Omerta accepts NAP offer from Ery, we did not want to kill 1 player

Omerta farms a bit, while FW and BoW fight.

Omerta goes and attacks both BoW and FW

Both BoW and FW kick back Omerta giving us big loses

FW armies even break throgh to Omerta core

But we manage to chase the enemy back to their core...

Omerta keeps fighting BoW, but BoW has no organizayion

FW comes and attacks BoW, takes their cities, BoW disbans, Fred whoz cities are in the battle zone stays untagged.

BoW dies, Omerta attacks cities taken by FW, FW armies get killed or pull back to their core

Untagged Fred asks for NAP, we give him NAP cause we do not want to fight single player again.

Cathup of BoW also was untagged, on other side of the map, we did not attack her either, we do not attack untagged.

FW west blockers get taken down, they seem to be falling but far from it

The era ends when nobody is actually dead. Many FW still have large armies.

Arma is casted, era ends and I am supposed to be "winner"

Crappy victory cause nobody died, lame era... Should be forgotten and never talked about again.

Only true victory by our kingdom was on Nirvana when Scimitar killed half of the map.

17:27:57 Jul 16th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

We might have lost a single battle, but war is not lost.
For the princess!

17:36:17 Jul 16th 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

Your battle lost is one of many, the war is already over.

Hail Lord Slade!

17:46:59 Jul 16th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

It is ok if you disagree with me.
I can't force you to be right.

Hail The Princess

17:48:30 Jul 16th 15 - Lady Lillie:

So you say Shaolin Vs Elsin?
Its not fair I know.
You need more people.

17:56:48 Jul 16th 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

I have accepted the fact that Lillie's posts are personal whining and do not represent Collective. They are the product of fact-twisting and fantasy.

If you want to lose that bad, go ahead and resign while yelling about how 60 (shaolin) vs 5 (collective) is unfair.

Good luck to the rest of you.

11:08:30 Jul 17th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Just to clarify this post up there, that is a false statement"

I don't see anything you said after this to show that what I said was a false statement. After a week or so RoC and Freddy with his 200k 10 ticks from FW core was "just about everybody" on Mant and you did NAP them :) *shrug*

 From my pov this era is almost a mirror of two eras ago.

-Collective is where FW was.
-FW is where BoW was.
-Monks are where Omerta was.
-Anon replaced Freddy.

Only difference is FW (BoW) is at war with your (Collectives) enemy.

If a kingdom wants to NAP, it's their choice. Just don't turn around and complain when your kingdom is on the receiving end :)

10:32:05 Jul 18th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

I have much to learn about this game... I can build up, train decent armies, but its those important battles that I should learn how to win. I lost a city that pretty much directs this war into our defeat, and Aisha just showed me what I should have done. She had the same low percentage against Anon that I had, and instead of hitting the army and getting aotd, I put all my trust into reaching the city with reinforcements. She just hit the enemy 3 times and on the last hit he did some pretty good damage, considering with aotd she will get back to almost where she started. Those are the turning moments, determining how much we stay alive, I am sure as time passes Collective will have a couple more people that they can rely on in these hard times.

07:38:49 Jul 19th 15 - Sir Demonic:

This turn of events we sure did not expect... So we had two giant armies coming at us, and 90% of our kingdom just chickened out and ran away deeper to our core, thinking we might need to try the so called guerrilla warfare and try to avoid these big armies, and then Aisha said this on our forums...

  • 12:59:22 Jul 17th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

    Through the eye we can see this information about The Roc from Prince Ranginui of Royal Order of Claidmore:
    Roc from Prince Ranginui
    Pony riders:200000

    Death Merchant from Prince Anonymous

    13:03:24 Jul 17th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

    Damn, those are massive armies
    What do we do, do we all pull back?
    Retreat everyone?

    13:32:06 Jul 17th 15 - Lady Lillie:

    We can use the tactic of guerrilla warfare,
    Use our numbers, smaller armies attacking multiple enemy cities
    Make Anonymous have to retreat to his core?

    13:32:33 Jul 17th 15 - Princess Aisha:

    No, need, we can stop them.

    13:39:28 Jul 17th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

    Who can stop them?

    13:39:53 Jul 17th 15 - Princess Aisha:

    Just watch me :)

Honestly I thought she will not be able to do anything...
The outcome two days later:
Anonymous army crippled, he is running back to his core to reinforce
Ery's army crippled and in his city, Aisha preparing with a superior army...

Moral of the story is
Do not be a chicken, fight :)
Second outcome of the fight: We no longer consider Anon to be the best in the game.

08:11:21 Jul 19th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

13:38:49 Jul 19th 15 - Sir Demonic:

Second outcome of the fight: We no longer consider Anon to be the best in the game.

Anon is a very good player and a vet with many accomplishments. But he was never the best in the game, even today :)

If you want to know who is really the best in the game today (this past few years, really...), ask your leader. Unfortunately, he no longer plays actively or competitively on most of the VU maps :P

And no, it is not me either :P

10:14:34 Jul 19th 15 - Princess Aisha:

I think the person who gives most time will get the most results, so it is not possible to point out the "best" player, there are many aspects to it, the starting points, the kingdom plays an important part, there is also the luck factor, but the main part is just how much time you will invest in this.

I have already told my kingdom who the best players are for me, I am sure you mean Mike, he is great, but once again to point out he prefers playing in Beothuk with other super active people. You can never know if others that I consider best like Anonymous, Binh, yourself,  or Elsin, all might be able to perform just as good if not better. It all depends how much time they invest and if they are lucky on some important dice rolls. In this kingdom they consider Anonymous the best because the guy has destroyed them in their first 2-3 eras that they played in VU, and they did not know if its possible to stop the guy. So I wanted to show them it is possible :)

10:28:08 Jul 19th 15 - Sir Dark Force:

My move was purely tactical.
You might have thought my army was running like chicken
But in reality, they were just going to pick up some more troops.
Maybe it was possible to just send troops to merge up in the battlefield?
Quite possible, but I did not want to risk it...
So the tactical retreat was the best thing I could come up with...
Now that my army is full again.
I say come at me bro.

11:03:04 Jul 19th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

Jasmina, Mike is also very good, but best is Binh :D

08:43:25 Jul 20th 15 - Sir Saladin The Wise:

We are lame this era, instead of using numbers and having 7-8 armies take on those armies we let Aisha take those two alone. Lucky she is good so she managed to chase away one and kill the other. Time to regroup and actually make a contribution in the war. 

11:12:53 Jul 20th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

I think I know what happened.
Ery made a huge mistake. He took a city and left his Advents in city to lower army upkeep. Aisha then rushed to his 90k city to take it while he is elsewhere. But he noticed and then rushed to get to his city before she does. But he then made a mistake, he was in a rush and he forgot to get the Advents back in the army.
So he only went with Ponies and Mages, thats why Aisha had 99% on him, was too easy. And now his Advents are stuck in city with no Mages and Leila is coming with Naz to finish him off :)
This proves even the vets sometimes make silly mistakes, happened to us all. Patience is a virtue, never rush things :)

18:56:53 Jul 20th 15 - Sir Dark Force:

People understimate the benefits dwarves have, they are an awesome race. Its all about the gold, and I just love those Cavemasters :)

The cavemasters blew up 9505 mines and took aditional 4764123 gold.

19:30:41 Jul 20th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

Go cavemasters:)

09:42:18 Jul 23rd 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Does Shaolin have a mage with magic level 9?
Please let us know so we can plan on, just to know if our mage needs to survive in case of our defeat...

Magic Level
Level 9
Upgrading will cost 617,872,500 gold, 54,922,000 stone, 54,922,000 tree and 54,922,000 food.

09:50:32 Jul 23rd 15 - The Real Josh (Mr. Baelish):

No, but if worst comes to worst get him to send a scout to the top left of the map and I will SS him

10:18:32 Jul 23rd 15 - Sir Dark Force:

I have just been assigned to battle in the north.
The march has began.

10:35:59 Jul 23rd 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it, and we'll welcome you with open arms.

Also I think the first Hobbit movie was better than the third one.

10:46:12 Jul 23rd 15 - Sir Dark Force:

And who is gonna stop me?
I am supposed to be newbie, but this guy is just simply bad.
The army name is just asking for a laugh I guess...

Lol from Mr. Decimation Penguin
Pony riders:124553

Fire rains from the sky and 28968 men in The Lol from Mr. Decimation Penguin got burned to death.

The Lol from Mr. Decimation Penguin is now frozen for 10 day(s).

Even the Advents army can not even touch my army...
You guys are all fails almost like Fox News.

10:51:54 Jul 23rd 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

Well that's just plain rude, blindly insulting a kingdom of late starters. Guess I know who I'd rather not have in any kingdom I'm in. =/

10:59:15 Jul 23rd 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

I'll stop you :)

Send your army up north and I'll give it a good old slapping!

17:03:05 Jul 23rd 15 - Sir Dark Force:

That was poor choice of words on my side, did not mean to be rude
Problem was that I thought your post was very disrespectful and not honorable, when we mention we have a guy that can cast arma, you did not offer safety to cities but to steal science. Our mage got offended and in case of your victory you will have to work on that yourselves, you will not get help from us. That is what got me upset as well, so my message was harsh. For that I apologize.

17:17:24 Jul 23rd 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Last time I offered safety to someone's elf it came back to bite me!

I have SS capabilities so it seemed easier!

If you guys take offense from a small comment I feel sorry for you. 
Grow a pair seriously! 

17:27:12 Jul 23rd 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

To add to Slade's comment, we chose not to take the comments of a member of your kingdom as the opinion of the kingdom as a whole, and we would very much appreciate it if you did the same.

Other than that, if no disrespect was meant, then it's ok by me. Honorable warfare is the best warfare.

Good luck :)

17:52:13 Jul 23rd 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

-.- bad penguin!

09:33:16 Jul 30th 15 - Lady Lillie:

10:07:52 Jul 30th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

the calm before the storm...

11:02:24 Jul 30th 15 - Lady Lillie:

Its almost like you knew your 90k city will be burnt and destroyed :O
Well... I got hit and lost some Naz. Both did well :)
Good fight :)

11:12:25 Jul 30th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

lol, i didnt know it would be burned, but i had a feeling you'd double back on it if i left it. lol. so i made sure to make time and watch your dang army :D

Good fight. i look forward to our next one.

17:27:11 Jul 30th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

This is one of the most interesting eras on Mantrax in quite some time I think :)
Usually not many people around, this era bunch of kingdoms colided
And we even have some small kingdoms that are doing well :)
Good job everyone :)

Kingdoms in Mantrax
The Shaolin Monks14Mr. Brannigans Law109
Collective10Princess Aisha100
Planet Hollywood3Mr. Hollywood32
Army of Anubis2Prince Anonymous30
Forgotten Warriors16Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal9
The Tabooless1Duke Sesugh The God6
Royal Order of Claidmore13Prince Ranginui4

07:21:41 Jul 31st 15 - Sir Moon Shine:

Sir Moon Shine is making a late landing arrival!!! =P

17:14:32 Jul 31st 15 - Princess Aisha:

One, two
Aisha's coming for you
Three, four
Better lock your door
Five, six
Grab your crucifix
Seven, eight
Can you stay awake?
Nine, ten
Never sleep again...

19:05:54 Jul 31st 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

im not scared.... lol

10:00:53 Aug 1st 15 - Princess Aisha:

There are many things you can buy using money...
But when your sister says "you are doing it wrong, we can not fight the entire map"
The moment when she says "you were right, I was wrong"'
Priceless B-)

08:56:56 Aug 2nd 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

I misclicked and reported the message by mistake. I am sorry forum moderators.

17:08:20 Aug 2nd 15 - Sir Demonic:

There we go, Army of Anubis dead
Shaolin is next :) And gonna have to kill FW again this era :)
Good job guys coming back :)

Thumbs up for Planet Hollywood, our allies this era.

11:13:56 Aug 4th 15 - Lady Lillie:

So wait, you guys said Shaolin has been fighting one guy from FW all era
And now I see Blah has 100k army... you have been fighting 1 guy all era and he is winning?

14:06:05 Aug 4th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

No, we have been fighting ignis and blah.

But I wonder Lillie,  have you ever prepped a player who I own how to AoTD attack properly? 

A tiny army is able to obliterate armies 10x it's size.

Ooh and I'm not one to underestimate elsin. 

15:18:07 Aug 4th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

Elsin is a monster when he has aotd :( doest matter how strong you armies is ,aotd attacks of his will destroy :(

15:20:03 Aug 4th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

Lol, true he is a scary guy

16:54:04 Aug 4th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Obviously we know how to use aotd attacks... Phiew...
What do you mean how I managed to defeat Anonymous
Without aotd we would still be fighting him.

16:59:23 Aug 4th 15 - Lady Lillie:

Slade I went to your cities in the beginning of the era with a sole purpose to get hit, so you guys lose troops just as I would lose troops. I just got bounced back to core and got aotd and got my army back. But the halfers that attacked me were not able to get aotd, that was the only reason why I attacked using Naz army in beggining of our war :)

17:13:31 Aug 4th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

I don't remember hitting you? I'm maging so the only armies I have are the ones I took from ignis

17:32:27 Aug 4th 15 - Lady Lillie:

Apologies, I was talking about Senturu :)
Wanted to weaken him a bit :)

17:37:13 Aug 4th 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

Congratulations Forgotten Warriors, Planet Hollywood and Collective. Shaolin's spread-out core was unable to handle the coordinated attack by Collective and Planet Hollywood.

Let's fight again next era.

17:47:24 Aug 4th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

My army stands strong!!!!!

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