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Mantrax 44
16:15:59 May 27th 16 - Lady Lilith II:

Those are leftovers from oop war
Hardly a decent sized army...

But indeed, it is located most north of all our armies, currently looking for cities belonging to Woody and Middle Earth, thought I got lost battle when I found one earlier.

02:13:55 May 28th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

We are starting to see the Baratheon cities now

Its time! :)

We are probably far away from your large armies still...
We have a lot of people that did not play VU in a while, lots of returning players, and several newish players, but the main thought in the kingdom is 
I hope they bring some impressive armies at us to make it fun era

Thumbs up for good spirit!

Good luck Baratheons, and FW, Shaolins, Hammers, Woody and Middle Earth
We wish you a fun and interesting continuation of the era 

05:37:09 May 28th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"We are starting to see the Baratheon cities now

Its time! :)"

Are you sure about that? Both kingdoms seem far more interested in leftover FW/Tyr towns right now ^^

05:45:02 May 28th 16 - Princess Aisha:

I just took a city from Hammers that had a lot of towers, that gave us some more vision over the map. But considering Hammers and FW are in between us, it seems not logical to walk around FW cities, considering we have no relations, this era we have no relations, any kingdom that consists of 15 members should not have relations and we will never do any relations as long as we have these numbers.

I assure you once these cities in between are taken, Baratheons will be our next target. We already casted on them and they know it cause there was a fail attempt, so they should know who did it. 

08:42:59 May 28th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"and FW are in between us, it seems not logical to walk around FW cities"

The FW sandwich in the middle of the map isn't the only FW area being attacked though :) (Look out Monks)
Not really annoyed. Every kingdom should aim to be NAP free.

Really just passing time until Collective walk over Baratheon and someone casts arma :)

11:47:20 May 28th 16 - Princess Aisha:

To be fair, Dark Spawn is attacking city Doom, only because its the only one we see now, if he is able to take it, I hope we will see some more cities there. But indeed we know Monks are next in that area, and obviously we will target Monks as well.

I will not give much information about what magic we have, but when ever Collective plays, casting armageddon will not be an issue. So you will not wait a long time once the era is finished if we are victious.

I am pretty sure the era will be more even, saying we walk over Baratheons is bit too much, I am not even sure who is in better position, since the kingdom scores are pretty even, we will see how things go. Highscore armies and towns are always tricky and you never really know whats going on.

19:27:48 May 29th 16 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Third time this era...


I'm terribly sorry My Lord. But we have lost the battle.

We killed or injured a total of 23901 enemy troops.


21:56:52 May 29th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord The Farmer):

VU is trying to tell you to pick a tougher fight.

00:45:20 May 30th 16 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Well I attack people that are closest to me first, your kingdom happens to be the closest now. But understandable for your kingdom, this place seemed the most safe in the time when you settled the cities.

01:23:37 May 30th 16 - Mr. Riddler:

Vemonz your situation is mostly because of the reputation of your kingdom, we are a group of players that kept getting killed at least 4-5 times in row when we started playing, even when we got together we kept getting killed by Death Dealers back then and Forgotten Warriors when ever we would start a world. 

We had an internal discussion about going only to fight the large kingdom, but most people do not really want to let you guys farm your way to victory, knowing just how skilled you guys are, just a little bit of time would be enough of you to make this era very difficult for us all. We are all still very new here, and making mistakes on a daily basis, like our mage doing earthquake on a city thinking the troops would die inside, not knowing peasants die first. We are all learning as we go, and any advice and help is very much appreciated 

01:40:53 May 30th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord The Farmer):

Didn't say anything about you guys attacking FW. Just that if u don't want high % losses you got to find a target where you can get 60% max and won't feel as unlucky.

FW just had an inactive era, so you guys are lucky hehe. If we got to sit in a safe position instead of landing next to the biggest kingdom around I think we would still have a good chance.

And hey, If you have any questions you can always message me :)

Revenge is sweet dont you think Venomz?

09:23:27 May 30th 16 - Mr. Troll Spatter:

Im shocked this games still going... i come back after god knows how long and theres still people here lol

09:27:23 May 30th 16 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Troll Splatter?? Never heard of you.

01:22:35 Jun 3rd 16 - Lady Wild Rose:

Is this someone farming to cast arma? ^^

Owner:Mr. Arma FarmaKingdom Banner
Size:403 building(s).
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*
Gates:no gates

01:57:08 Jun 3rd 16 - Sir Force:

Our north team is doing so much better than our south team, even though there are more of you in the south. You guys in the south suck! :P

11:34:02 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

i stopped playing this game a little while ago. can someone tell me, has it got fun again? why on earth is shoalin on the bottom of those rankings theyre usually top!

12:35:36 Jun 3rd 16 - Woody (Lord Woody):

Yeah me :p

12:54:37 Jun 3rd 16 - Princess Aisha:

Shaolin has only three players this era, that is what they said. They are doing quite fine so far. 

SM fought Hammers of Tyr and won 

House Baratheon fought FW and won

Collective fought Doges and won

Now House Baratheon is fighting Collective

16:19:55 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

has zeta made any changes to the game in the last few eras?

There will be a new map next round. it was added to cycle and we didnt get it this era(s)

thats all. I played with you last era Donald

16:31:57 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

i didnt play last era did i? that may have been the era i was playing but inactive

yeah you were semi active at the start then disappeared, VU always brings you back

Join House Baratheon in Mant :)

17:01:51 Jun 3rd 16 - Bran (Mr. Donald Trump):

i havent come back i am jsut checking in on the game in between work appointments today. besides, i wouldnt leave shoalins

We they could use an active member, you should play one character

01:10:33 Jun 5th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

Guys this is second time you cast Rain of Fire on army of 10 soldiers..

Why are you doing that?

Whos doing it? dont tell me one of my mages are

02:35:24 Jun 5th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

Its starting to be funny now :D

02:32:22 - Fire rains from the sky on our Move army! 1 troops burned to death.

02:32:20 - Fire rains from the sky on our Move army! 2 troops burned to death.

02:32:17 - Fire rains from the sky on our Move army! 2 troops burned to death.

02:31:41 - Fire rains from the sky on our Fast army! 8 troops burned to death.

I will not say who it is, since our mage has asked me to not say
She made a mistake and Muse showed it here and made her look bad
So I rather will send an IM to the person and not write here.

Sir Scimitar of The Collective

02:46:57 Jun 5th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Thats my guy :) <3

19:33:57 Jun 5th 16 - Mr. Peter Parker:

The Collective and House Baratheon banners look too much alike now on the map. Please change at end of era because its annoying. You guys changed HB banner this era, while we have had the grim reaper for many eras already.

22:27:54 Jun 5th 16 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

After getting hit several times by AotD Nazguls and losing half my army

VU takes away, but VU gives it right back when you're nice

Character news

21:01:06 - Our adventurers found a treasure worth 93419000 gold

We had Robert Baratheon banner but it looked too much like Shaolin Monks so I decided to change it to Stannis Baratheon banner and now it looks like Collective...

Collective should disband and the problem will be solved :)

17:24:13 Jun 6th 16 - Lady Lilith II:

It is an interesting war, Collective is in better position in the north, House Baratheon is in better position in the south. Most likely because Baratheons are no longer fighting Hammers of Tyr even thought we said no relations this era...

Shaolins have been fighting Baratheon all era, but now have also stopped fighting and are focusing on us now, thought they have been focusing on only them before we arrived, so can't say anything bad about that.

I just hope the era will end up being without relations, even thought we made a silly move and offered a NAP to Shaolins because we did not want to fight as they said an inactive 3 man kingdom. They refused (maybe cause they already took NAP from Baratheon, remains to be seen) and now that inactive kingdom has been online on all tries to attack them, funny how in every part of the day when you send something at them they react. I guess saying you are inactive makes it ok if you lose a war :)

17:28:19 Jun 6th 16 - Princess Aisha:

We dont have a NAP with Shaolin Monks...

Its a good war so far, I cant say we're doing very well against the overwelming activity of Collective but its been fun

04:36:00 Jun 7th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Yes we noticed 200k troops in Vlotciy
Thumbs up for that :)

Yeah, sleep is for the weak

09:00:34 Jun 7th 16 - Mr. Bling:

This world belongs to me. Now get off my map !!!

05:39:40 Jun 8th 16 - Sir Demonic:

CollectiveHouse Baratheon

Battles won: 151
Battles lost: 43

Players: 15

Battles won: 50
Battles lost: 70

Players: 22

15:18:37 Jun 9th 16 - Princess Aisha:

This is funny, I did not buy any magic science this era ^^
I will reach level 9 before our mages do :P

Magic Level
Level 8
Upgrading will cost 2,941,951,083,750 gold, 261,506,763,000 stone, 261,506,763,000 tree and 261,506,763,000 food.

05:02:38 Jun 10th 16 - Lady Wild Rose:

Not sure when the era will end or who will win in the end, but we have the ability to cast arma, when we all agree that its time, let me know.

Magic Level
Level 9

01:30:05 Jun 13th 16 - Lady Lilith II:

After showing some incredible activity by the Shaolins, their core has been breached and they have lost many cities, its only a matter of time now... Still a good fight, you guys did well for only 3 guys :) 

05:22:49 Jun 14th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Thumbs up for the plague Shyers, that really makes my news annoying, and I am too lazy to cast cure except on the army...

17:34:59 Jun 14th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Baratheons suffers from too many people wanting to farm up, and not enough willing to pump troops.

We have (I think) 3 mediocre mages (self included) and I dont think any of us were able to get above level 5 magic due to having to invest to win the war against FW out of the gate.

I had thought that any war with Collective should have waited until we had more capable magic protection, because it ended up that none of our mages really had the capacity to do anything, which means three of our most active player weren't capable at mages, and certainly weren't built out for combat.

We have a very large Kingdom. A very dense core, and many settlements across the map, but I do give it to Collective for their activity.It's been incredible. It was nice to finally beat FW, but I do believe Collective has the edge due to magic, as there is no way we will be in a position to compete with that.

Lessons learned, Good Era, and I would vote for an End Era if it came up.

I think as a whole we did very good.

We experience substantial activity issues of some of our main players. But the members who were active have done a great job from day one.

Collective beat us with higher activity and larger experienced player base.

Great work Collective!.


18:46:27 Jun 14th 16 - Sir Force:

Feels unfair to only mention the activity, why not mention tactical decisions, good planning and reacting to certain situations? Its not all about the activity...

No mention of our north team, that pretty much turned the tide of this war, we were able to walk into your east core quickly and efficiently, and we were only three that were sent up there. As soon as there was trouble in our main core, we reacted by sending one of them down to defend. But your east core fell and none of you guys from the other front went to defend your east? Could you tell me why?

I always thought you have some surprise waiting for us there, thinking you have a few beast armies that will stop us, but now I see you almost giving up and congratulating us? Not sure what the tactic was, but if you guys are moving in the attack, you are supposed to have someone defend your core...

You can take a look at Highscores, the third most powerful army Ghosts Elite that is Berserkers + Mages only, that one you never saw anywhere, because it was assigned to defend the core and do nothing else, and that is what the guy is doing. So even when you were walking to our blockers there was never any real danger for us, cause that army would be able to defend against anything...

It is the activity, but I think its also the planning and good tactical decisions that make as a good kingdom.

19:15:30 Jun 14th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Tactics absolutely does play into it. As I said, not having a dedicated Mage, and having too many players that wont even build walls...

Out East, we actually adopted some KDless players, and it was never really a planned core. It is where I rebuilt when FW knocked me out in the innitial OOP war.

I had tried to get up to level 6 or 7 magic, but we were told to go to war instead. That, and a certain player has a habbit of joining a Kingdom, leaving a Kingdom, attacking that kingdom, etc. 

Lots of variables. Good tactics and bad tactics, and again, the innability to have developed an appropriate degree of Magic coverage and strength. 

We should never go to war without at least one mage matching the strongest mage on the opposing side. That goes with experience. We just learned this Era that increasing science magic actually increases the power from each MU. That knowledge would have led to different tactics initially. 

19:33:19 Jun 14th 16 - Sir Merlin The Mage:

We have two mages with level 9 :)
The third mage/attacker is doing STG like you might have noticed on the market

Magic Level
Level 9
Upgrading will cost 4,065,795,000 gold, 361,404,000 stone, 361,404,000 tree and 361,404,000 food.

19:58:41 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Bling:

lol, you will be giving each other handjobs next :P

19:58:57 Jun 14th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Slightly too early to say this is over, especially since  you guys still have several quite strong armies, and several players with huge land count (especially Trojan). But it has been an interesting and fun era so far, at least for us, we are having fun before the summer starts and most of us get into a lot bussier schedules, so might have 1 more era or take a break right after this one. There is still more battles to take here thought, we look forward to seeing the rest of your hidden armies and the surprises you have for us.

Kingdoms in Mantrax

Collective15Princess Aisha100
House Baratheon19King Burninlegion The Beserker64
Forgotten Warriors18Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal4
The Shaolin Monks15Mr. Shyzammee4

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