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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 12

Mantrax Age 12
20:30:00 Jan 11th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

^ if you can figure out a way to abuse mechanics, you should do it. that is the only way to stay competitive with the 'vets'

20:36:26 Jan 11th 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kob The Stealer):

Well said Horus, totally aggree

21:09:04 Jan 11th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

i would say that is sarcasm, but i've learned to accept it as the new status quo... holding out against it is pointless if you want to be competitive

23:06:25 Jan 11th 12 - Mr. Hannibal The Recluse:

amen brother, it's sad that the standard of play has lowered by so much since I first started playing.

01:55:58 Jan 12th 12 - William Shitfaced (Mr. William Pinktoe):

It hasn't lowered a bit.. this game has been abused since the start

02:03:56 Jan 12th 12 - Mr. Hannibal The Recluse:

In my opinion I'm seeing more and more people using exploits these days, though it could be simply due to the lack of admin attention.

02:21:36 Jan 12th 12 - kevdwayne (Prince Kevdwayne):

*cough* still waiting for my guideline here *cough*

15:37:32 Jan 22nd 12 - Mr. Bruce Leroy:

Speaking of dirty tactics and cheating.

18k naz from feeding of his inactive kd mates. Well played Demon Fang

15:49:15 Jan 22nd 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Hammered Fail):'ll just feel that much better when we beat them? Lol, who am I kidding, we're effed now...:D Guess you can only handle so many shady tactics.....

22:22:18 Jan 22nd 12 - heroix (Mr. Unicorn The Voodoo Priest):

And "no" they were not multis:

[16:11] #:
Mr. Froezix          Warriors of South    Fantasia             Dead
Mr. Jnaexuck         Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive
Mr. Waltier          -no kingdom-         Zetamania            Dead

[16:11] #:
Mr. Trollbeer        Forsaken             Zetamania            Alive
Mr. Sauron           Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive
Mr. Trollbear        Mad and Dangerous    Fantasia             Alive

[16:11] #:
Mr. Plopsa           Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive
Mr. Shadowx          -no kingdom-         Fantasia             Dead
Mr. Hopfand          Warriors of South    Zetamania            Dead

[16:11] #:
Mr. Rolexx           Warriors of South    Fantasia             Dead
Mr. Silverlin        -no kingdom-         Talents              Dead
Mr. Yaelinx          Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive

[16:12] #:
Mr. Theodur          -no kingdom-         Fantasia             Alive
Mr. Aaaaaaa          -no kingdom-         Valhalla             Alive
Mr. Theodor          Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive

[16:12] #:
Mr. Feast            Warriors of South    Fantasia             Dead
Mr. Alexis           -no kingdom-         Talents              Dead
Mr. Teotlan          Inglorious           Mantrax              Alive

19:00:54 Jan 23rd 12 - Santa (Sir Santa):

I might be landing in Mantrax soon, so I'm wondering what the situation there is.
Anybody who can tell me? =)

20:36:25 Jan 23rd 12 - kevdwayne (Prince Kevdwayne):

*looks up from tending his Orc carrots (best carrots in all the land)*

'Just farming away here, probably have to hire some migrant farm labor to help with the harvest soon'

13:47:09 Jan 31st 12 - Orin (Mr. Vesta Orin):

Looks like FW got scared this era so they Napping everyone....?

The Allies - (25 total )
RoC - 22 Members
Imperium Romanum - 3 Members

The Axis (51 Total )
Forgotten Warriors   - 20 Members
Brotherhood of the Wolf - 20 Members
Twenty Twelve - 11 Members

Neutral - 2

13:58:45 Jan 31st 12 - Sir Glene Innes:

lol i like that the axis.. but you must be blind, or your los is soo bad you cant see whats going on..... because unless im mistaken i see fw attacking twenty twelve....

14:01:58 Jan 31st 12 - Orin (Mr. Vesta Orin):

ah i see now :P

15:06:43 Jan 31st 12 - Prince Erythnul:

00:47:09 Feb 1st 12 - Orin (Mr. Vesta Orin):

Looks like FW got scared this era so they Napping everyone....?

Nope ...just doing what they always have era after era.. killing everything not under a blue banner (or under there protection) which looking over the map seems to be none.. well done FW even though we are @ war what i have seen impresses !

15:43:09 Jan 31st 12 - Mr. Lokken:

"lol i like that the axis.. but you must be blind, or your los is soo bad you cant see whats going on..... because unless im mistaken i see fw attacking twenty twelve...."

And a freeby. We're not NAP'ed with BoW either.

"well done FW even though we are @ war what i have seen impresses !"

You caught a few people with their pants down this era, but I'm glad you did :D
I was expecting a pretty snoozy era and I don't think I was the only one. More of the same next era?

Something I'm not so impressed with though.

McMax plundering former member Koss.

Then doing the same on his other town

Also Koss's town Heroin Mine now owned by Kevdwayne.

If we weren't winning I might have a bigger problem with it, but now it's just disappointing.

15:55:51 Jan 31st 12 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax The Magicwarrior):

Well, why leave the pure gold to bandits when clean dirt seems to be enough :big-grin:

16:01:19 Jan 31st 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Hammered Fail):

Item number 3 that I've posted about here? :D

16:55:53 Jan 31st 12 - Endless (Lady Xochitl of Chichen Itza):

can I get a two week pass from the Blue Meanies? I dropped late :(

18:10:48 Jan 31st 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Us Blue Meanies are making this world a very dull and oppresive place. Why do you think Music disappeared? Next we'll kidnap the nowhere man.



Also what happened to the exp feeding ring? What happened to the orc who took that whole KD (his own? his multis?)?

18:16:45 Jan 31st 12 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

idunno lol, one day there was a kingdom and the next day there wasn't :D

think he joined ROC?

09:19:35 Feb 1st 12 - Sir Glene Innes:

12:10:48 Jan 31st 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Us Blue Meanies are making this world a very dull and oppresive place. Why do you think Music disappeared? Next we'll kidnap the nowhere man.

awww music got soo scared of fw they had to leave... hahahaha nice one...

19:59:50 Feb 1st 12 - kevdwayne (Prince Kevdwayne):

So let me get this straight, if a KD member leaves mid-era, messages the leadership and says they have to resign for personal RL reasons it is not OK to take their cities?  Which chapter of the VU Guide and Ethical Behavior Resource is that in?  

In case you did not catch it, that was sarcasm and I seriously doubt that anyone living outside their mom's basement gives a rats azz what the 'purist' think.

00:57:40 Feb 2nd 12 - Zond (General Hug):

tbh, i wish my mom had a basement. but down south we cant, as they flood eh

08:39:30 Feb 2nd 12 - Mr. Elsin:

"messages the leadership and says they have to resign for personal RL reasons it is not OK to take their cities?  Which chapter of the VU Guide and Ethical Behavior Resource is that in?"

Under feeding obviously.

09:59:30 Feb 2nd 12 - Mr. Koss:

my most sincere apologies to RoC for having a social life outside of visual utopia and being unable to maintain more then 2 characters actively enough to actually help my kingdom. after all ive only been playing this game for 8 years so forgive me for finally managing something other then an online video game

You (1/28/2012 3:36:37 PM)
hey your the only vice on and i wanted to tell you that i have to stop playing the game for a while i have to many other things goin on in real life and i dont have the time to be as active as i should be

so to note im leaving the kd feel free to cannibalise my cities but wait to take parked in the rear as it still has 8k mines building in it no need to be wasteful
Mr. Wtf (1/28/2012 4:51:34 PM) GOOD BAD
ok dear best of luck to you

i bid the good day

11:28:15 Feb 2nd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

its feeding...

and 8 years lol? picked a number out of the hat there?

We will not forgive you. As we all know, you'll be back, no one can stay away for long. 
And if your significant other won't let you play, then they aren't worth it. :P

13:43:02 Feb 2nd 12 - Ms. Wilber Noname:

Mr. Elsin


07:39:30 Feb 2nd 12
"messages the leadership and says they have to resign for personal RL reasons it is not OK to take their cities? Which chapter of the VU Guide and Ethical Behavior Resource is that in?"

Under feeding obviously.



Dark Prince Stirlin


10:28:15 Feb 2nd 12
its feeding...

and 8 years lol? picked a number out of the hat there?


Tbh I do remember seeing him die and killing him several times a while ago. I think I first spotted him in Era 20. I don't know how long ago that was, but I don't think it's 8 years :P But hey, I know nothing about the guy so idk.

22:52:54 Feb 2nd 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kob The Stealer):

12:10:48 Jan 31st 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Us Blue Meanies are making this world a very dull and oppresive place. Why do you think Music disappeared? Next we'll kidnap the nowhere man.

awww music got soo scared of fw they had to leave... hahahaha nice one...

Feel the hand of Music Wilbernub

An earthquake strikes Bigup, owned by Mr. Wilberhorse destroying 79402 buildings.

03:17:13 Feb 3rd 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton):

Sorry that's not me bro. That's Mielo.


Btw, it was a reference to "Yellow Submarine" a Beatles film. The Blue Meanies (the bad guys) destroy the town and ban music and the such. Was a cartoon film. Was also some of my inspiration for the Wilber and Stirlin stories that I used to write.

04:40:28 Feb 3rd 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

I gave you that segue ;)

10:26:58 Feb 3rd 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Anyone with the name Wilber is a nub anyway, whether it be Wilberforce or Mielo Wilberhorse....

12:05:06 Feb 3rd 12 - kevdwayne (Prince Kevdwayne):

This game has turned into an incest orgy.....

15:52:50 Feb 3rd 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Hammered Fail):

^^where was my invite?

11:15:00 Feb 4th 12 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

Its on the way Will.. Fedex didn't get there yet?

16:11:19 Feb 4th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Nooooobhammer):

Oh, and here I was thinking that I had pissed you guys off by killing so many of you :P

Your character Mr. Nooooobhammer has won 7 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 1495515 men and women

23:08:15 Feb 6th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber Noname):

Seems the exp feeder is dead. Huzzah.

15:17:10 Mar 6th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

zzzzzzzz 1 month passes and no posts... whats going on here?

01:59:28 Mar 7th 12 - Mr. Iceberg:

It was a short month, literally and figuratively. 

23:32:58 Mar 9th 12 - Mr. Roxbury Kawaii:

02:18:33 Mar 17th 12 - Mr. Roxbury Kawaii:

Good era everyone! Mantrax does suffer a bit from the 15 maps syndrome, but I think we had fun anyway. Much respect to Roc and Bow for actually fighting everyone, and not allying up until later in the era. Made for a more interesting era for everyone.

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