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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era 38

Mantrax Era 38
17:04:48 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Hollywood:

so u had to get collective to try help you win an era lol
i rest my case. have no fear, i beat you EVERY era I face you, and collective will learn what happens when i get pissed and make her players leave the game for good :P

17:22:03 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

To help me win an era?

I landed simply because world was newest. Got a good spot (which you could of killed me long ago if you did something besides farm like me)

and you don't beat me every era you face. You rarely even face me because you are a solo player and either die OOP vs a big KD or get some ground but lose later due to being orc.

you simply acting like a 3 year old because you are being ganged up on at the moment.

and almost everyone here knows the only reason I came to play vu this one era.. Then I'm gone again. Same stuff again and again. Vets all in one kd killing others. Then get pissy when nubs team up in them and they lose. Or just mass feeding on nubs.

and me being human. Hard to win vs halfers in collective. Or whoever eats your core for that matter

17:28:33 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Hollywood:

die oop... ur having a laugh right.. every era I'm first out the blocks, and very rare do i get killed off. And i dont need to hide behind a big kd to beat you or any player for that matter. One on one i play for me, and in a kd i play for my kd. you play for you, no matter what. so fuck you and your kiddy fiddling habits

17:43:36 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

I play for me. That's right.

that's why I always train players and go mage. Cuz that's solo at its best.

but ye I play for me. Gives me a boner training guys and a bigger boner when I burn those naz armies you have with no mu

mmmmm mmmm

17:44:06 Sep 6th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

this is getting sad guys, go outside, take a deep breath

18:01:33 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Okay I did. Now what?

18:02:41 Sep 6th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Mr. Hollywood:

die oop... ur having a laugh right.. every era I'm first out the blocks, and very rare do i get killed off. And i dont need to hide behind a big kd to beat you or any player for that matter. One on one i play for me, and in a kd i play for my kd. you play for you, no matter what. so fuck you and your kiddy fiddling habits

First off, I've seen you die oop, almost everytime I see you play. Heck, I only ever just see you die, and I say this outta love cause I like you. 
Secondly, where is the mod? I fight like this and I get told I'll get banned the next time I cause trouble, but these schumcks are allowed to bicker and swear?

18:14:29 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Hollywood:

if i died oop, how come i keep getting top 3 kill ratio's. last time i died oop, we still had walls

19:02:51 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Because you fight Gaia spam. Anyone can get kills OOP fighting Gaia spam

and having high kills doesn't mean you don't die.. What if the era is over right after OOP because all the fighting is done. Leaving you with high kills...doesnt mean anything

21:44:39 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Hollywood:

shut up you fool. go mod some other site to death and make their players leave.

21:48:56 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Not even a mod. Keep up will ya. Its disappointing

21:55:31 Sep 6th 15 - Mr. Hollywood:

you were the start of the decline of VU. ask the players who left. go hump a kid.. its all ur good at doing

22:05:26 Sep 6th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Players didn't leave because I was mod lol

ppl leave because either butthurt or dumb game updates.

but hey I could be like you and be good at nothing. But least I'm good at something ;)

22:43:19 Sep 9th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

we're not going down to you farmers without a fight

23:26:53 Sep 9th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I farm to live, I don't live to farm

02:25:25 Sep 10th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

What's a farm?

11:00:39 Sep 10th 15 - Legend (I am Legend):

I like puppies!

01:31:05 Sep 11th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shysters):

It's where they process puppies for mass consumption 

12:39:43 Sep 12th 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

How... How much does Collective actually need to plunder? I lacked resources to raze a city, sure, but to plunder it ~5 times? even though only the first plunder actually gave something.

Are you trying to farm "battles won" or something?

17:03:24 Sep 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I'm im trying to farm bums won

Did I win yours?

16:14:29 Sep 14th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Probably trying to farm for experience 

19:24:24 Sep 14th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

That's true, I'm limited on my bum knowledge. Teach me pure

19:40:09 Sep 14th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

What about magic circles

20:58:07 Sep 14th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Like a séance?

11:09:29 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

Casting Armageddon from More upon England with 24% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 16772 of our Spellweavers died and 5590 got injured.

click yes, fools

13:26:31 Sep 15th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Not until every last one of ur cities belong to us arg!

13:52:36 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

come and get them arg!

14:06:17 Sep 15th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Aisha already told me to prepare for armageddon, as we are gonna cast it very soon, as soon as one of the blockers is broken throught we will end it. Even thought the era has been pretty much over for quite some time, we always like to wait till the winner is clearly decided. But as Aisha told me, many of our members started being bored and not too active, stopped training for several days, so we want to prevent our members from getting bored, so we were gonna arma is soon. However you can not cast arma as the losing team, especially since you know very well that we have the ability to cast arma. So sit back and relax, we will cast arma when the time is right.

14:08:55 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

what do you mean we can not, i already have done! seems kinda silly to me that such an expensive spell yields such little power when the opponent kd can simply veto it. i was expecting it to at least continue the spell after the no vote until the 200 days was up. huge waste of my resources

14:26:27 Sep 15th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Well I think its a great game mechanic, you get to chose when the world ends, thought in times there have been strange things, I am not sure if they had fixed the possible bug we found few eras ago. I cast Armageddon and the entire kingdom voted yes quickly, and since we are 10, we were able to end the world even before anyone else on the map was able to react. But that was just for jokes, admin might have fixed that, and I think if there are more than half the alive rulers on the map that vote no, it will cancel the Armageddon. If you had wrote on forums about it, we as a kingdom might have agreed to vote yes if everyone was ok with it, but then you would say you were not defeated, even thought the outcome of the era will be your death sooner or later. If our member continue to go inactive I will cast Armageddon quickly, so we can end this to start a new interesting era. By the way, such an experienced vet that has been around for so many years should know that Armageddon will be cancelled, to be honest we were discussing why you were wasting resources on casting that, as AoA told us you had 6 fails.

14:34:06 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

how on earth do Aoa know how mnay times ive failed?

14:35:34 Sep 15th 15 - Ms. Melisandre:

You told someone, and someone told Zondervan, and Zondervan told Aisha, and she told me?

14:37:04 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

i havent told anyone outside of my kd so thats a bit concerning

14:38:19 Sep 15th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Does it really matter, is that a secret?

14:42:26 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

yes of course it was a secret, i didnt want the enemy kds to know my magic was temporarily weak, or that we planned to end the era early as it could have effected the outcome

14:51:48 Sep 15th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

Oh well, considering how the era has been going, we actually did not even made much plans about this final attack, and to be honest we have no magic up north in your area, since you think you have given us valuable information (that we have no use in actually) I will give you a screen shot of our core

My Mages are in Defend The Pass, and as you can see in the picture, I am currently preparing for Armageddon, and I am actually ready, just have to send the mages down there. Was quite surprised when you cast it, really was a waste of resources.

15:13:45 Sep 15th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

i didnt doubt for a minute that you were preparing to cast arma yourselves. the point was to cast it BEFORE we had our core destroyed rather than afterwards. it was pretty clear to us that we werent going to attack yours and AoAs farmed up armies attacking us in unison, so took the only viable choice available to us, which was cast arma and end the era relatively unscathed

15:33:30 Sep 15th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Why the fuck do you have 3 cities for arma?

16:59:43 Sep 15th 15 - Lady Elisa Day The Mage:

You even posted on the thread where I explain how I cast arma and now you ask it again.

18:52:20 Sep 15th 15 - Legend (I am The Forgotten Airplane):


23:49:34 Sep 15th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

What's awesome about vu is almost all of its content is accessible through a simple click. Teehee

02:23:36 Sep 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Damn it zingy zong, sometimes when I tell you stuff you need to keep your trap shut, I thought we discussed this last time when everyone found out I was hung like a horse and leg accused me of cheating cause you shared my D pic with all the VU hoes.

Bran I assume everyone already figured you were magically weak anyways 

04:21:52 Sep 16th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

Its bran after all.

he reminds me of bran-flakes. What a shit cereal.

12:06:45 Sep 16th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):


13:20:32 Sep 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I love raisin bran, bran muffins, bran holes, bran new things, 

22:04:29 Sep 17th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

I'm comin shyers. Gonna say hello to others along the way though.

05:47:16 Sep 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

My cites only belong to you zongy, don't let that nasty anon get em, I heard he has cutties.....and the aids

Just be careful mr Hollywood don't make his come back and take you out

05:52:56 Sep 18th 15 - Zond (The Master of The Universe):

He sadly did nothing since his last post. Didn't even fight back. Lame o

07:00:21 Sep 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I see anon got my city, now I got the HIV cause he doesn't wear condoms and I'm to shy to tell him to.

08:49:47 Sep 19th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Considering both blockers of Shaolin have been broken, we think its about time for Armageddon, well fought everyone. See you all next era, thank you for a nice era
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