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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era 42

Mantrax Era 42
09:58:22 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Famous:

WTF is whith this topic :D later i replied and nothing was in their are both..strange s*it..

10:00:32 Sep 9th 09 - Duke Random:

maybe you're blind? O.o

p.s I suck

10:09:29 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Famous:

haha...well i wear glasses..but im not blind whith my glasses on ofc & i got 2 lcds of 22 inch infront of me for about half of meter away :)
i guese it was a time topic delay ;) hehe

14:36:42 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i've had 12 hours sleep in 3 days

mad will die <3

14:43:43 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

i have had like 14hours
dammm you always win :P

15:42:21 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Juggernaut:

yes we will die...

in your dreams...

16:00:41 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

we gave you 20 hours head start so that you have a chance on us :)  as you can see you came out  from protection and we still have some days to go...

16:06:19 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

sleep well  little ninjas ... the DarkZ  is  watching over your city's  ...

16:11:41 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

you cannot kill that which has...NO PULSE!

16:13:06 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

i m  a Witch hunter .. i can kill  anything :)

16:15:18 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

you cant kill a ninja who you cant see >:D

16:16:14 Sep 9th 09 - Duke Random:

mad, i lovers you therefore i will not have any offensive troops oop (sun)

19:24:53 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

*gives Random the KD plough*

19:33:27 Sep 9th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

[18:29] Mr. Pingvinai Daug: who's turn is it to sleep tonight?



21:24:48 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

i dunno but we are also gonna take ur cities slowly to make u feel better :)

03:30:01 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Covardly act No Pulse or i could just say Mr. Hanky Panky :P

05:45:14 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i dont get it... :P

i left you one city...

09:33:32 Sep 10th 09 - Ms. Macarodge:

That's what he is saying "Covardly"..

You should have left him none..

09:55:03 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

i don't know what Mr. Famous thought that he can just settle here  and survive alone  and not to mention the way he built his city's 10 km from each other :S  real bad strategy  you just gave some  easy bounty to Hanky  :P

09:57:50 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

true that!!
but you will still die ;D
so bad strat for starting there :P

10:40:28 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Random:

Mr. Famous


04:30:01 Sep 10th 09
Covardly act No Pulse or i could just say Mr. Hanky Panky :P

haha LOOOL

cowardly... I remember you saying that to me once when you cried after i destroyed your KD's core :)

11:17:05 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

BTW i was there first soo shut the f*ck up No Pulse and behave :P I didnt know you 2 were comeing down there.If i knew these 2 kingdoms will come that fast i would use a different strategy plan.And yeeaa covardly show for my opinion :P You could just leave me some time.I am the only one in this world from my kingdom.Soo you could just pick your own size.Not your kind of strategy plan picking on the small ones to build for the higher.Now i see where you get you fame.Andd yeaaa your one of the good players...i would be ashamed whith those kind of actions.

And yea like Ms. Macarodge said.You should have left me none.You will see in time why ;) Shes a better thinker then all of you in No Pulse.Soo read and learn heartless kingdom :P

Duke Random..anybody asked you any s*it?Go send money for BT soo you can do that again.I will help you and tell you what i have in cities too easy things up for you :P Aaaa i remembered you your the one whith no honor right?OFC you are!Now it doesnt suprise me why your king called the kingdom No Pulse.Only cold and heartless people in there.Evil is not welcome in Mantrax :P

11:22:43 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

i can thnk
hmm lets see... you have two scouts heading east most likely to settle a new city ;)
and tht is most likely!!

11:37:17 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Hammy The Squirrel:

Can I have Random and Spoon and Hanky?

11:40:58 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Random:

you spaz.. you still can't accept that I beat you without buying BTs.....

this is a war game not a farming game.... reguardless of what last era's winner suggests.... go farm elsewhere :)

where are the dendarii leaders? shouldn't they be keeping their loud mouthed members on a leash ;)

12:03:54 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Nice thinking Mr. Some Fcked Dude but maybe thats your plan.. ;)

Sir Hammy The Squirrel ofc you can.Wanna join me?We can share the bodys.I could use some decorations in my castle walls ;)

Duke Random..what is there to accept?Want me to congratulate you or something?Man im here only for 5 full eras.What about you?From the first era?You should be ashamed 2 for what you say.And BTW i dont farm :P

where are the dendarii leaders? shouldn't they be keeping their loud mouthed members on a leash ;)
^^^ loooool...looks whos talking!First go learn yourself & your kingdom members how 2 behave before you tell 2 somebody else :P

12:10:38 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

lol why would it be my plan o_O!!
and it is your plan and i am going to follow you :O!!

12:12:27 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Hammy The Squirrel:

Mr. Famous... I don't want them dead, I preferr them alive. They're just so much more useful that way.

12:17:19 Sep 10th 09 - Duke Random:

lol no, i want you to stop callling me dishonourable because i killed you in a war game with no game advantage over you apart from my experience...

12:22:15 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Mr. Some Fcked Dude..i didnt say its your plan.I meant "plan" like thinking.Dont take my word literally ;)

Sir Hammy The Squirrel i understand.What about prison?..or any kind of tortureing soo they would wish they are dead? ;D Hehe

12:27:33 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Duke Random..k i will stop calling you that.If you did win like you said whith no advantages then i respect that.But i dont realy remeber fully how it was.Accept my apologies.I will send you a wagon of barrels of my finest wine ;)

12:32:24 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Famous:

Mr. Some Fcked Dude..i see you have no other work to do then to follow me a? ;) I dont see no need for that.Unless your kingdom is scared of a one Dendarii member? :P Hehe

13:04:34 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

LOL :)

MAD wont last long either

I think they think their going to take our cities...

13:30:12 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

lol, for how long mate?

14:11:54 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

mr. famous dont take my word literally ;)
why would i follow you iwas joking :P
but it is your plan :P
 a week or so :P

14:12:20 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

at MAD "a week or so"

14:18:38 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Ok. Prove that to me and if we lasted more than a week, I say you better stay quiet in this forum.

14:20:56 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

you might last abit longer thn some :P

15:27:38 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

You dont know what you are saying, eh. ;)

15:29:36 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Darkzthevengefulspirit:

Aloy don't you see  dis just some Fckd up Dude :P don't  listen to him

16:05:28 Sep 10th 09 - Prince Sprout:

I wanna see mad last :)some one go help them :)  what would the world be w/o Mad....... every one would be all glad and happy ... would sux

16:22:35 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Hehe. If that's our fate why not. :D

16:30:43 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

>=D tis your fate :P

17:15:21 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

yep its ur fate x)

18:49:37 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

I got cake

18:56:42 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Is it special cake?? :)

20:11:35 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

You'll be dead within 3 days :)

21:05:32 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

*looks at Hanky wide eyed* "when i gonna sleep then?
*scowls at evil MAD* now u made me angry

21:06:33 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

*what he said >:D*^^^^

21:43:21 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

^^^^^^_______________________ NO PULSE

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