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Forums / In game politics / Midgard Era 42

Midgard Era 42
20:11:14 Sep 27th 09 - Sir Pools Closed:

zelda will own all

20:19:40 Sep 27th 09 - Lord Wraith The Inactive:

Lol cheers Wins xD
Btw, Midgard isn't open yet..

22:12:03 Sep 27th 09 - Mr. Wins:

Lord Wraith The Inactive


21:19:40 Sep 27th 09 Lol cheers Wins xD
Btw, Midgard isn't open yet..

np :)
why culnd't u see it urself ? :D
it isn't ?
oh open as in for other worlds to come in and kill us ? :D
i thought open as open to join :D

23:32:38 Sep 27th 09 - Lord Wraith The Inactive:

Because I made the Kd after I posted here :)
And yes, its not open for other worlds to come kill us xD

07:23:46 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:


good to see you...



07:41:02 Sep 28th 09 - Lord Wraith The Inactive:

Hey Pendragon :)
How ya been?? Long time no see :)
I'm not active, no xD In fact, I'm just wasting my time screwing about ;)

08:35:35 Sep 28th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

alright, well i meant in the forums.

I found your activeness in the forums ironic seeing that your Ruler name is what it is. lol

08:38:45 Sep 28th 09 - Lord Wraith The Inactive:

Just wait till I start school ;)

Besides, its all just an illusion o.O I really amn't on very much :)

02:29:42 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Weakling:

soo... midgar is open now, seeing first travelers arriving :D

02:46:30 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Chuck Norris:

Yer midguard open prepare for attacks :P

03:05:43 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Haha, yep, ya'll better prepare for me :D

12:58:40 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. William The Vendingmachine:

hmmm what shall i do now my scouts have entered the lands of midgard..o.0
Yay lets farm!!!:D

14:36:30 Sep 29th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

CRAZY looks at 5 stars.

14:43:59 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Weakling:

haha its funny how everyone is so eager to pwn newbs :p

15:32:00 Sep 29th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

We aren't eager to pwn newbs, we are eager to bash the name thiefs, they will regret this mistake.

BoW will walk all over them with only two players..... 20k zerkers on the way.... None but brotherhoods need fear myself or arthur.


Arthur, lets do this my brotha!!

15:43:49 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:


Brotherhoods is dying quickly now

sorry to tell you, but Wolflord if you and Dent want to be my neighbor and have some crumpets and tea then i will be more than happy to have you.


19:46:25 Sep 29th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

well, we will still be there to help you on other future endeavors, my zerkers that arrive will be at ur disposal until they are gone =)

23:09:20 Sep 29th 09 - Mr. Zdzislaw:

oo I want some tea and crumpets too plz. =D

01:22:37 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yeah! Well... crumpets and tea do sound good... NO! NO BRIBES! You shall feel the wrath of the REAL! Brotherhood! MWAHAHAHA

01:40:22 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

does the rest of Phi Factor know that you are helping us?

I will notify the team

01:47:00 Sep 30th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Lol, does it matter, my few zerkers are of little consequense to us. Anything to help an old friend =)

02:30:18 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Zdzislaw:

ahhh so no tea or crumpets for me?

05:49:02 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

hmmm, i will think about it

17:50:12 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. The Beast:

old friend phi i just killning innocent newbz in midgar

17:50:27 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. The Beast:

ow the massacre

18:46:24 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:


: /

I have friends in Phi Factor

21:15:43 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

I got 10k beskers plundering there citys lols its very fun  :P

03:31:35 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Krizmn:

Yeah Midgard is pretty much pointless to be on.  I feel bad for new players that even try this game now.  I will just join some friends in a stronger kingdom next era.  So Midgard started late and borders recently opened. 

We had just started to plan some wars on the map, but became rudely interrupted by the following kingdoms; some of which are merely just present at the moment:  Insane Asylum, OBLIVION EXTREME, Phi Factor, Hamish, Grid, Rebirth, Revelation, Dynamite, Sol Invictus, Outsiders, Godlike, and others which I cannot see due to LoS. 

I came to Midgard to hopefully help some new players and also get refreshed as I took a lot of time off.  I do not blame these other kingdoms for doing this.  I too did the same, but I now realize the horrible reaction that this has on new players.  There is no sense of an enemy, cause you have too many of them.  Their numbers are so great, the only possible way to survival is to spend endless upon endless hours to work out diplomatic relations with EACH one.  The sheer number of naps/maps/cf's/wars is just too mind boggling.  It's literally impossible for anyone new to the game to be able to comprehend such an invasion and understand what is going.

Like I said.  I am fine, I'll just join something stronger next era.  We'll nap our neighbors and rush to lower worlds for free bounty.  Everyone is complaining that the 50% rule is stupid.  I agree.  I'd rather have my cities taken from me rather then being sucked dry with no income :P

Anyways.  There needs to be a few secluded worlds purely for new players and for experienced players to train them a bit.  Or just not have worlds that start late not open up borders so quick....

04:01:10 Oct 2nd 09 - Endless Death:

You need to start on Latha and below to find that world.

Edit: but even then you won't because anybody restarting from higher worlds will end up there if they want to finish an era

04:19:15 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Zaxou:

I agree with Mr. Krizmn.

I'm a new player myself and by the time I finally got a good grasp on the game mechanics and strategy; I already had three different Kd's attacking me.

04:49:48 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Weakling:

yeah but zaxou the thing is you dont need to learn all of it on your own. There are experienced players already who should help you if you only joined the right KD. And even without a KD i bet there are a lot of players that wouldnt mind to share a few tips with the new players if asked.

how to deal with the invading KDs. Try to work it out? sign a nap? etc.

and if it all goes bad, you still have options, like if u cant get them to stop attacking you try getting local allies, secure your cities... etc. etc.

It's not easy but there are ways to deal with it. Join Five Stars for example and ill do my best to teach you what i learned :)  (hehe yeah a little promotion going on :D)

04:58:06 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Zdzislaw:

hah dont even try. lol even though this is our first era he isnt gonna quit. I told him we have all next era to do everything we need but he wont believe me or something. personally I might change kingdoms but right now I am just increasing the size of my army as much as I can.

05:04:11 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Krizmn:

I am not even going to comment on Mr. Weakling's reply.  It's just the redundant shit we always hear.  Bottom line, there needs to be something done for newer players.

05:19:23 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

I think they're right about action that needs to be done about new players...

then again there is always the player who normally get the short end of the straw like me.

Either way you both hold great arguments. A good leader willing to take the time to teach you and help you grow properly is the best leader, or at least the best when it come to compatibility.

05:59:42 Oct 2nd 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

hehe  at least yellow bean is finally havin some fun.  after getting raped sideways by demons.  lol

08:18:36 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Weakling:

see krizmn, one thing is that even though nobody likes it, if you truly enjoy the game you'll learn something every time you get your @$$ kicked. and that's that, this game isnt continuous, its roughly what, 3 months per era? you can wait for new one to start and play it out differently, and even if you do die its not game over, you can start over on the lower world (more newbie).

meh, all in all i dont think its that bad as you make it sound. And even if you do hear it a lot that there are options for newbies to take, its only because its true and if you dont listen you should have noone to blame.

09:09:54 Oct 2nd 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Ah hem Puff Daddy and Yellow Bean. Crazy does not Nub bash. What is going on while I sleep

13:43:18 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Krizmn:

That's true Weakling, I should have thought about that before.  The game is fine as it is.  I mean even though it's even more difficult for new players than how it was before, it's probably better for them that way.

So after they get ripped apart by veteran players after 2 weeks of starting.  They at least get a chance to restart on the next work which has been open for some time now.  Best advice is to start late and beg to be accepted into another kingdom and disband the one you tried to make on your own.  Cause you'll be killed again due to late start.

03:04:07 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

Heyo everyone im new first era for me. I thought talking about helping newer players out was ironic since it was Krizmn who picked me up and basically has been helping me learn the ropes. However what i want to honestly know is if we are all suppose to be teaming up to save midgaurd why do we even attack each other in the first place. It seems pointless then, also why not form a single alliance instead of a bunch of smaller ones? Is there some bitter memories from past era's im oblivious too or is it all just for the sake of sportsmanship?

06:16:47 Oct 3rd 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

what usually happens is 2 or 3 kingdoms team up and defeat a neighbour.

06:21:56 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Just always runs that way, and if things start to go well then some dick like Lord Resistance ruins it because he's too greedy.

I'll have to kill him now

19:15:56 Oct 5th 09 - Lord Resistance:

Midgard,      I'm Recruiting ^_^

19:18:48 Oct 5th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

What have I been searching for??

20:12:32 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Dude:

the muffin man ^_^??

23:36:24 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

dibs on the gingerbread boy and the witches candy house. Btw, resistance if you repent to BandW u may be able to get back in. Otherwise dont worry, era is coming to a close soon.

23:38:47 Oct 5th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

Well....he can't really, after leaving a kd, you cannot rejoin that kd that era >.>

01:37:06 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

i think he meant after the Era ending...

05:51:42 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

Ya there is only 24 days left. So we should all be getting ready to do what we want to do.

13:24:03 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Zippo:

"We Are Anyone And Anything Ganing Access To Anywhere Leaving No Trace Behind,We Are Not Sactioned By Any Agency Or Branch Government There Are No Faces Or Names And Once We Are Set In Motion,There Is NO Switch Off"
                -=Welcome To The Black Ops Unit=-

We Are Set in  Motion Prepare To Die .

03:43:16 Oct 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

"Overconfidence is like a blacksmith and his art. Hammer too soft the metal becomes dull, hammer too hard and it shatters into oblivion." Teirdel

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