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Forums / In game politics / Music III

Music III
06:54:52 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

ZEON, Jester, and Abydos good luck with your alliance with this filthy kingdom. I would say more, but I can't find the right words........

But don't ruin other kingdoms because of your immaturity. I'm lost for words: I didn't think you (Condinho) could stoop much lower than being deleted multiple times for running multiple accounts in the past. But this? Wow. You're disgrace to this wonderful game.

1. were not allied to jesters or music
2. that isnt the real condinho

Wait what your put down as NAPed in our alliance thread.

06:57:14 Jul 4th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

a nap isnt an alliance is it..

06:58:40 Jul 4th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

i thought a nap was something i did on my couch with my cat

07:01:04 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Dark Lord Finwe


7/4/2007 12:57:14 AMa nap isnt an alliance is it..

Logic you have thwarted me once again.

08:02:16 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Lets GO

Owner: Mr. Condinho
Size: 14400 building(s).
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Gates: no gates
Kingdom Banner

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08:04:50 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

is that all?  for all we know that is a multi.  So its easier to sacrifice it. 

what i wanted to know is who in music accepted him and why? 

08:09:59 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Mr. Adelbert Rockbeard [M] (7/4/2007 4:33:10 AM) GOOD BAD
Old friend. How can you approve of this?!
This is the worst of every kind, and honestly, i'd thought better of you...
Our war was equal and interesting, yet accepting this betrayer is something i'd never EVER think you'd even consider doing... I'd think the likes of Jester may have considered it, but you spoon! You i held of high regards...
Truly, i can never find pardon for this. And unless you kick Condinho and put all your efforts in killing the betrayer, i will hold you personally and equally responsible for his unhonorouble actions. And i assure you that you shall never find friendship with Mirror again as long as i serve it as Viceroy unless i see that swine tagless!

Viceroy Adelbert
You (7/4/2007 7:37:26 AM)
I'm sorry my friend, but we're desperate.
We are warring about 400%, which allows Zeon and Abydos to war Legacy.
We are seeking for any possible ways to be able to survive this.

I don't want to end up like last era, or I'll quit this game for good.

I know what I've done is wrong, I'm just not enjoying the game with this much pressure. I've got 10 new players who need very strict orders. That takes up about 2 - 3 hours a day. I need to be on mIRC almost 24/7.
I have to wake up at night to help them.
Just to get them on the vet level in one era.

If I wouldn't, Music would've collapsed already, and this would never have happened.

Sorry my friend, but it's just that I'm desperate.
You (7/4/2007 7:44:22 AM)
I've made up my mind, it's the wrong thing to do.

Once he's asleep I'll kick him out, and enjoy the *beep*ing day.
Then I come back and woohoo, it'll all still be *beep*ed up.

Going back to sleep now

And I think I won't go to sleep anymore. I'll go eat something instead.

08:15:28 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

You (7/3/2007 4:45:53 PM)
that was an excellent plan, we didnt expect that
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/3/2007 11:32:30 PM) GOOD BAD
Me either actually
You (7/4/2007 12:02:58 AM)
would you enlighten me as to who accepted him in Music
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/4/2007 12:03:52 AM) GOOD BAD
It was me on drugs.
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/4/2007 12:04:28 AM) GOOD BAD
Would you also want to be enlightened about who has kicked him out of Music?
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/4/2007 12:04:40 AM) GOOD BAD
That was me too.
You (7/4/2007 12:05:28 AM)
I do not wish to know your face-saving maneuvre. Why did you accept him?
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/4/2007 12:06:57 AM) GOOD BAD
I do not know, nor care.
I'm enjoying my last days on VU, and will go backpacking to Australia.
Mr. Spoon [Music] (7/4/2007 12:07:21 AM) GOOD BAD
In other words: I'm quitting when Music dies.

I think you are hiding something. Quitting VU is your easy way out.  Go on.  I hope the kangaroo bite your treacherous balls.  I admire your balls to admit what you have done.  But you have failed your kdmates who swears by your honor.

08:16:58 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

[22:57] <twamao> i admire your bravery coming to this channel :)
[22:57] <twamao> wahehehehe
[23:10] <Gallyon> lol
[23:10] <Gallyon> i should come
[23:10] <Gallyon> i'm an ex-king
[23:10] <twamao> spoon admited it
[23:10] <Gallyon> what??
[23:10] <twamao> at least he has the balls to admit
[23:10] <Gallyon> that he talked with Condinho??
[23:10] <twamao> not like the music pawns who dont know anything
[23:11] <twamao> lol
[23:11] <twamao> i should laugh at you
[23:11] <Gallyon> Condinho did make his own decision
[23:11] <twamao> you call yourself a viceroy?
[23:11] <twamao> ill post spoons admission in the forums
[23:11] <Gallyon> lol...well, i dont exactly know  what ur saying here

After i showed the message of spoon

[23:13] <Gallyon> that last thingy was against spoon right :d
[23:13] <Gallyon> coz i wasnt on when he joined
[23:13] <twamao> i know it was spoon who did it
[23:13] <Gallyon> but, well...Sp00n was talking with Condinho for a long time already
[23:13] <twamao> it was very clear on rubyian post :)
[23:13] <Gallyon> and we knew Condinho was gonna backstab u guys
[23:13] <Gallyon> though it's still his own choice
[23:14] <Gallyon> who cares who accepted him :P
[23:15] <Gallyon> wtf...who kicked him out??

Pathetic Kingdom

08:22:00 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Mr. Condinho [] (7/3/2007 4:10:04 PM)

First message.
Long time. 8 Hours later this happened.

08:32:49 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Zach Mihard:

As Spoon has admitted to his fault, I shall decline from further comments unless provoked.  I congratulate my kdmates for following orders and not flaming.  Good Job.

08:59:30 Jul 4th 07 - General Konichiwa:

What a brilliant idea. Lets mess up a whole bunch of people's game. Good on ya

11:21:27 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Thank you

13:38:23 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Barny:

You guys DO realize that Condinho is getting away scott *beep*ing free?

I mean, it is so obvious we will take all of his cities, but he knows that. I just checked the map, and he has like 20 scouts going in all directions. He also is keeping all of his resources on the market, that way when his cities are taken he doesn't loose the resources.

This is outrageous, because when all the dust settles Condinho will be in some quite corner of the map enjoying TONS of gold.

If you see a Condiho scout, kill it. But there is no way we can kill all of the scouts. He WILL end up being rich from this; and he WILL end up coming back.

18:34:24 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

This whole saga keeps getting more and more interesting:P



Owner: Mr. Condinho
Size: 353 building(s).
Kingdom: Red Hand
Gates: closed
Kingdom Banner

Send Mr. Condinho a message »

18:37:58 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Ciar:

Oke I guess the red hand is where his scouts are headed so that where you have to go if you want to finish him off ^.^

18:42:20 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

So why is this still under 'Music'? :(

18:46:59 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Gjall:

cuz music is just that alsom?

19:21:38 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

And we've been considering warring Red Hand for a while.....

20:01:57 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Love:

Sigheart. Feel free to kill them.


In fact i want you to urinate on them.

20:07:48 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Your are just a coward Sigheart.

20:19:08 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Gjall:

o ya. spoon, i need 2 ask u somthing.

20:33:25 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

Spoon is a good guy, It's Mirror's fault you guys didn't check on condinho's background correctly.

20:37:38 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Gjall:

spoon is alsomz ^,^

20:41:26 Jul 4th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

I still love you sp00n =)

21:01:13 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Lucimorth II:

Oy...Music has been at war with Red Hand since begining of this era. I personaly have been spending all my time there fighting them. Obviously it was not our plan to hand the Red Hand the most powerful ruler in the game, I would think.

Cordinho has managed to manipulate many people, I say it is time people make truth untill cordinho is dead and then resume your fighting.

21:07:08 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Mr. Kobuskan


7/4/2007 2:07:48 PMYour are just a coward Sigheart.


21:07:40 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

wtf i vice of red hand should kick him hehe

21:32:18 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Considering warring Red Hand Sigheart ?

I only see IE behind walls and blockers, never see them go to war yet.


21:42:16 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Mr. Kobuskan


7/4/2007 3:32:18 PM

Considering warring Red Hand Sigheart ?

I only see IE behind walls and blockers, never see them go to war yet.


21:45:03 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Oh, i did not know that, i thought your where still the leader of Illuminate.

22:07:00 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

What is happening with IE by the way? Are you guys permanently with Jester(disbanded) or are you planning on reforming in Starta or Nirvana.

22:36:13 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Gallyon:

oh yeah!!! Twamao is showing the bad side of me again :D

01:54:13 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

This whole saga keeps getting more and more interesting:P



Owner: Mr. Condinho
Size: 353 building(s).
Kingdom: Red Hand
Gates: closed
Kingdom Banner

Send Mr. Condinho a message »
He is no longer with the red hand kgdm

01:54:16 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

This whole saga keeps getting more and more interesting:P



Owner: Mr. Condinho
Size: 353 building(s).
Kingdom: Red Hand
Gates: closed
Kingdom Banner

Send Mr. Condinho a message »
He is no longer with the red hand kgdm

03:53:45 Jul 5th 07 - Ms. Gjall:

spoon: did u get that message i sent u?

11:28:14 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Love:

If i got the chance to wreck an entire other KD like this of course i would take it!(being someone offered to *beep* them up). Its a wargame and i would play it to my furthest extent. I think its regrettable that there is such unhonorable players around but it spices things up.

17:22:21 Jul 5th 07 - Mr. Imperator:


13:43:00 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Thank you for saying that lol. Now we know who not to trust.

22:51:10 Jul 6th 07 - Sir Razios:

w00t w00t w00t! /

@Imperator Didn't you say that you left Roy/Rob? I'm confused...

22:51:23 Jul 6th 07 - Sir Razios:

w00t w00t w00t! /

@Imperator Didn't you say that you left Roy/Rob? I'm confused...

23:00:05 Jul 6th 07 - Mr. Imperator:

I left, I dont have a VU account, still wants me to make a new one.

Am currently learning for some exams but still got a forum account and read some topics here and there :P

Miss you guys but got no time to play :(


19:12:01 Jul 7th 07 - Sir Paffician:


Owner: Mr. Condinho
Size: 387 building(s).
Kingdom: Templar Crusaders
Gates: no gates
Kingdom Banner

Condinho in new kingdom!

19:16:40 Jul 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Woohoooo  they're now 2% of our power ZOMG!!1

19:22:17 Jul 7th 07 - Mr. Gilthas:

and erm, what does this have to do with Music right now?

19:22:52 Jul 7th 07 - Sir Paffician:

hahaha of course they are! They own half of mirror core :D :D (j/k because now its jesters core )

19:23:31 Jul 7th 07 - Sir Paffician:

just saying where musics spy playing!

19:26:36 Jul 7th 07 - Mr. Gilthas:

It should be quite clear right now that he wasn't a Music spy. He was a Mirror traitor, that is true. He was accepted into Music for about 8 houres, which was a huge mistake. Though he isn't part of our KD, so this shouldn't be posted in a thread with Music as title.

03:09:04 Jul 8th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Condinho is a hit and run traitor sneak up in red hand and run away from my army =\

04:41:12 Jul 8th 07 - Mr. Rubyian:

Basically, he's black-listed. Anybody who accepts him immediately becomes an enemy of everyone. Cures the condinho prob for good and makes VU alot funner for everyone ;) lol.

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