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Nirvana 17
01:15:48 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Yeah, its seriously gonna be a chore reading it :P I don't even know why I wrote the whole thing down, but was feeling a bit emo I guess :P

We don't really quite get anymore new, enthusiastic, eager to learn players coming to VU anymore....... such a shame.

01:18:16 Feb 23rd 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

Ive ran into some on latha.. me and a few others are fighting them this era. couple eras ago i was with them teaching. now all the sudden they are bad asses and tell me not to attack them else we will die. lots of funny messages :D

but yeah not many players that really want to learn anymore.

and you got the emo part right.. it just fades in and out sometimes..

01:22:10 Feb 23rd 13 - Prince Erythnul:

Stormy i loved your post , not only because i was mentioned in it next to those greta players but also because there is someone else in VU that likes to write novels :-)

And zond i know about control ..  i'm married so this is only place i can get any .. lol

01:22:15 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

I was just a bit tickled at the part where Salazar named ONLY 3 players as the talented guys on this map :P

I was looking at the map, and I was saying: waitaminute. There's Stewie, Tyr, Wolf, Phoenix, Elsin, Karac, Roxbury, Jill, Crissxcross, Path, and my kingdomates....

on top of Binh and Erynthul....

And I immediately wanted to get out of this map, since it was starting to look like another flippin mini Fantasia.... (dull)

01:24:35 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Makatu:

well if i may wouldn't the fact that the 2 strongets empires napped just make it like Fant ? ... just saying :-)

01:27:14 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Hey hey, don't ask me about inter-kingdom relationships here... :P

/me washes his hands off this matter.....

01:33:59 Feb 23rd 13 - Senturu (Mr. Forge):

wtfudge! why wasnt i mentioned in that long winded post! :/

01:41:25 Feb 23rd 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

i dont think anyone noticed you were with me senturu. you are like a ghost :D

and Ery. LOL at the controlling. haha xD

01:43:30 Feb 23rd 13 - Senturu (Mr. Forge):

when i do become a ghost im going to haunt all of you!

01:49:00 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Haha, sorry Senturu, I missed out on ya :P

Getting old, getting old!

01:49:32 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Makatu:

12:27:14 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Hey hey, don't ask me about inter-kingdom relationships here... :P

/me washes his hands off this matter.....

wasn 't asking mate , just stating the obvious :-) 

Senturu  i wish i was a ghost about 3 ticks ago ..well my army wished it was .. lol


01:52:07 Feb 23rd 13 - Zond (Mr. Want The Freak):

i left you army some! i wanted endless to still have some fun with you. would be selfish if i rof it all to nothing and left her no fun :/

02:03:29 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Toa:

:-) your such a gentleman zond .. lol 

02:05:46 Feb 23rd 13 - Stormy (Lady Charlize Theron):

i'm having an identity crisis here and all you guys can do is joke??!!

whats this about zond not controlling everything??!!! you mean, he made me worship him for nothing?

02:18:48 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

We all worship Zond.... he's a pus..... he's a cat :D

OK, maybe the two ladies on this map do not worship Zond.... unless there were things they have not told us about :P :P :P

02:24:20 Feb 23rd 13 - Zond (General of Beautiful Women):

we all keep secrets ;)

03:41:27 Feb 23rd 13 - Binh (Mr. Mewtwo):

"Binh, you especially... why are you treating this place like a mini Fantasia run?"

Sorry, can't help it. Salazar was like, "I land near a kingdom of 9 in nirvania". And I was like "oh really"? Then I did a research of who those 9 players are. And behold, I know every single one of them :P

So I was like "Yay, this world is not so bad after all if these people are playing." So I decide to join him in this world as a warm up exercise :P

03:47:21 Feb 23rd 13 - Tyr (Mr. Trollgaron):

Lol ty for mentioning me tbl :P not often I hear my name among such VU vets :)

Tho really taking nirv easy, got enough stuff going on on fant and zeta :P

03:51:37 Feb 23rd 13 - al (Mr. Harlem Shake):

and then there is candlewax vs pure

not a single mention :(

03:52:29 Feb 23rd 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

I'd rather not be.. Lol

05:27:04 Feb 23rd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

Since I'm not all that laid back, it would seem I am not welcome in Nirvana. :/ 

09:41:42 Feb 23rd 13 - phoenix (Flame Lord Phoenix Blaze):

i read the long post, =-)  thank you for the mention btw, this is the first era bb is back in a while we were aiming for a laid back era..... and then we saw valor..... and zonds kd (sry i dont remember the name right now)..... and binh and all the other big hitters out there....

so not the laid back era we had hoped for but glad to see that upon returning so many of you still play, glad to be back and playing again.

04:08:21 Feb 24th 13 - Endless (Ms. Miranda Kerr):

I can be bought with flattery, chocolate too :D

<3 TBL

BTW, remind me to fire up skype and chat your ear off as soon as I get finished up with the apartment hunting and other dull chores that are keeping me semi-silent atm... I need to catch up so if we ever meet I can have oodles to tell your fiancee about them escorts (Dalak, Stormy, etc etc) };> muhahaha :)

04:43:54 Feb 24th 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Can't wait to hear from you babe <3

Speaking of the fiancee, I will be travelling to Hong Kong on the first of next month and staying there for two months. Knowing how averse she is to VU (if Stormy's woman calls VU the other woman, catching me playing VU puts my fiancee into DEFCON 1 mode....), I am pondering how to do the sneaky without her knowing about it :P

Girlfriends and VU do not get along unfortunately :(

Looks like the time I can spend feeling up Stormy and Sean Sean will be rather limited in the coming months :(

11:42:12 Feb 26th 13 - Duke Chade The Creep:

01:05:46 Feb 23rd 13 - Stormy (Lady Charlize Theron):

i'm having an identity crisis here and all you guys can do is joke??!!

whats this about zond not controlling everything??!!! you mean, he made me worship him for nothing?


Wait...what???? you two-faced-enormously-egoistic-supa-dupa-evasive hypocrat!!!!

Last night you were telling me how much you adore me and idolize me, and now you are saying that you worship Zond???? I am jealous and i am going in the other room to suffocate him in his sleep and then i am after you!!!!

/me tears to pieces his "Stormy is a God!" membership card

01:29:02 Feb 27th 13 - cxc (Mr. Deathman Wal):

Then south-east of us, is where a couple of Godzilla type monsters truly lie.

The kingdom of HO contains Jill (last era's Fantasia winner, and leader of Beothuk - aka leader of many capable and experienced players), Crissxcross (previous era winner, one of the game's premier players, and famously known as the player who forced Dark Blood to disband), Roxbury (whom you are acquainted with in Legacy, and is one of the dinosaurs I described above - played since the Betas), and finally, this dude called Path / Psychopath (you should ask Binh about him.... for me, he is, in my experience, one of the 6 best players to have ever played VU in my time :P [Binh is one of the other 6 :P]).

Haha how funny, I like the idea of having a small mini fantasia here :D.
When I started to read this long novel, I wondred why Stormy is writing so much (compared to you guys I never checked the names and chars :D). After I finished the third paragraph (10% of the hole text) it got cleat it has to be tbl, muhaha. It took so long to understand because you were writing so much without mentioning some special people "dear" to you, almost tricked me ;).

About my beeing here, I think Jill wanted to continue my special training in throwing me into worlds where the enemy allready has started several days ago.

So take it easy, the welcome-party for my OOP debute on this world was more than heartly, it took several days till the visitor(s) decided to leave again. Well I think it is time to return the favour.
So let's have some fun there with our fanta äh nirvana party :D.

03:49:39 Feb 27th 13 - Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence:

Cwap. After dealing with Binh, now we have to deal with Cwissxcwoss? :(

Is there no end to the trespassers who would soil Valar's fair R & R resort? This is our turf, peeps. Where Stormy sunbathes naked and us Valar perverts take pictures of him for our private collection. We wanna enjoy, rest, and get nub-bashed at our leisure, folks! Fantasia is that way!

/me points that way towards Fantasia

07:14:04 Mar 18th 13 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. James Bond):

Nirvana is so boring!

Also, Zondy is a pu$$y.

08:46:42 Mar 20th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Stormys Grise Eminence):

Congwats Stewie :)

10:11:11 Mar 20th 13 - Mr. Venomz The Naked:

I vote myself MVP for this era.

14:05:20 Mar 20th 13 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. James Bond):

Thank you TBL :)

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