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Nirvana 27
05:47:45 Jun 11th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

2 dragons doe?

06:01:35 Jun 11th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXVI):

there were 3, i killed one! they've actually been on the map for over a week now xD

09:04:18 Jun 13th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

Arma anyone?

09:14:23 Jun 13th 14 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

Although the main caster for Stormcloaks, I had to nerf my sciences as part of the oop war.    Does anyone have the capability to cast Armageddon?

09:19:15 Jun 13th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

yes someone casted it earlier in the era but for some reason it got voted down

09:52:39 Jun 13th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXVI):

tasselhoff casted it.. a troll lol, hes been the one casting all them dragons

01:09:21 Jun 14th 14 - Mr. Sorra of Nirvana:

Yeah, I we can probably conjure up an Arma. Have a high power mage. But alas, there is still a war going on. We'll wait till the world is over over to cast. 

01:51:16 Jun 14th 14 - Professor Dimwit:

Ugh!  As much fun as I am having dancing around in Neutrals' core, I'd still be happy to have the era over and done with.

02:13:02 Jun 14th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

alcoholics about to sweep up the left overs stormcloaks left :p this war is over with.......end this world!

03:28:00 Jun 14th 14 - Mr. Ashaman Zek:

Im Having Fun playing Musical City's With Nipps =D

04:29:15 Jun 14th 14 - Emperor Palpatine:

oh come on I am in Neutrals core. let me finish first eh?

11:37:07 Jun 14th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

if the war youre talking about is the one with neutrals, then dont bother, we want the era over and have done for a long time. we only have a couple players who are even playing the rest are just waiting to restart

00:35:23 Jun 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Irritating):

i hope you guys are having fun, theres like 3 people in my kd who are even logging in anymore, why couldnt you just end the era when it was clearly over? im not expecting there to be many people returning to this map next era since youve made them wait so long

10:46:41 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Palpy Orcface:

oh the old whine that x amount of people are logging in. never gets old. era over is when arma finishes it or for you if you die or destroy all your buildings and quit. Not before. Your guys are still fighting which just shows your lack of respect for your team mates.

11:04:11 Jun 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Irritating):

yes mate, as you can see, everyones still enjoying playing  with you, even though weve been calling for arma for over a week now. I wonder if those inactives will return next era?

11:23:20 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Palpy Orcface:

never saw those players even come on the field sheesh.

11:29:44 Jun 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

and you probably never will cos you bored them to death!

15:06:55 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Perturbed:

I think a great many of us are waiting for arma.  I don't think Poodles has the ability to cast it.

16:09:20 Jun 17th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Apogee):

Tasslehoff of KH does.  We could ask Zeta to end the world.

17:25:37 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Sorra of Nirvana:

Yeah, we are saving up for Arma. But, on a side note, there ARE other wars going on people, just because it does not involve you does not mean the world is quite. But then again I don't blame you as Neutrals LOS is probably heavily diminished.

17:38:49 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Sorra of Nirvana:

Infact, there is a war going on between 2 powerhouse KD's that are both well fed and not to mention there are individual players trying to win the era by completing their spoil takeover from dying kingdoms [neutrals]. 

17:53:08 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Sorra of Nirvana:

Oh, and now that I look on the map, FYI you really don't have the right to complain about Arma when your still fighting. Winning an HoH spot or HoH top spot on a competitive world is one of the greatest pleasures of the game. Infact it determines who wins the era. You are preventing the possibility of that [by putting up heavy resistance] for some players, which by all means you have the right to do,  but then its kinda ironic when you turn around and complain why the world is going on for so long, when your actions in part contribute to prolonging it. 

So in essence, put down your arms neutrals haha. 

21:05:01 Jun 17th 14 - Mr. Ranginui:

As usual a world has become a 'bore fest' due to a diplomatic call at the beginning of the era ... these need to stop or whats the use of playing a 'war game '...

21:30:10 Jun 17th 14 - Polydeuces (Lord Valkyros XXVI):

Everyone here should just come to Mantrax, I don't think there are ever relations lol.

22:18:20 Jun 17th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

my kd hasnt napped anyone all era. in fact we landed late and still took on two different kds within our own core area

09:04:42 Jun 20th 14 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

Just checking in...Are all the wars over yet?   Can I email Admin and ask for an Armageddon?     Please post if your kingdom supports this move.

<Stormcloaks supports an administrative Armageddon...we will not have the capability of casting it>

10:05:03 Jun 20th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Woodeh):

Woody, an outsider to niv wanting to start a kd here, supports the move :p 

12:19:54 Jun 20th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Slayer of Worlds):

Neutrals supports it.

14:43:05 Jun 20th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

Alcoholics supports it

14:44:30 Jun 20th 14 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Irritating):

13:43:05 Jun 20th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

Alcoholics supports it

i dont recall being consulted?

15:12:20 Jun 20th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

Maybe it was the voices in my head......

16:17:04 Jun 20th 14 - Duke Chade The Dungeon Slave:

Stormy's Dungeon supports the decision

04:03:13 Jun 21st 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

Maleficent supports it!

What can I say, it was a great movie :)

16:18:32 Jun 22nd 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

You (6/21/2014 11:50:05 PM)
lol I like your tactics, earthquake your prize :p
Mr. Danthi (6/22/2014 2:32:20 AM) GOOD BAD
Glad you liked it. I didn't intend to take it so easily, the earthquake would be a better tactic indeed if I were fighting against someone smarter, someone who didnt leave his largest city unprotected. Nice move! I would never expect that.


Can anyone handle being teased a little? I'm fresh oop and he actually thinks I should have the defence to stop a well built up mage that has probably been farming for a while now? Get real lol..

Maybe someone can give me pointers on how to beat a  probably farmed up elf (era long) as a dwarf oop.

He may not have farmed all era, I have no idea.. but it looks like he's been farming waiting for the era to end anyways.

16:23:41 Jun 22nd 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

im guessing he didnt realise you just came oop? or hes like the guy we encountered on mant who gets a kick out of take kds out before theyve had a chance to catch up!

16:27:09 Jun 22nd 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

He had to have known. He SS'd me probably the minute I went oop lol. I was working so it was roughly within a few hours of being oop that he SS'd me and then sent small army of what I suspect were AM's. I haven't been able to kill them due to being frozen and the fact he's farmed up and I am no where near.

00:18:29 Jun 23rd 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

16:35:32 - People of Life lead by Mr. Votrona attacked and took over Cant See. They also took 76 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 1 slaves from us! We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle.

16:35:14 - People of Votron lead by Mr. Votrona attacked and took over Shutup. They also took 7777 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 124 slaves from us! And 1300 of the peasants in the city where taken as slaves! We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 1300 peasants in the battle.

See older news

Is this an act of war stormcloaks?

02:22:52 Jun 23rd 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Slayer of Worlds):

I would assume if they took two of your cities, that would be an act of war.

04:45:05 Jun 23rd 14 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

I am investigating the attacks.    As far as I knew, Stormcloaks were just sitting around waiting for Armageddon. 


20:20:26 Jun 24th 14 - Mr. Pol Pot:

i thought there were people who can cast arma? whats the hold up. could be weeks waiting for Zeta to cast it. and then if some screw around and vote no, 10 days more. Tasselhoff lets get a move on.

01:47:21 Jun 26th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

Did somone cast another dragon.......

03:09:18 Jun 26th 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

I saw 2 littles ones travelling together last night.

03:36:29 Jun 26th 14 - Mr. Nipply Tingles:

anyone get a recent look at either of those big dragons?

12:21:41 Jun 26th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Tojam):

No arma yet? Yawn! 

22:05:00 Jun 26th 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

Yeah where's arma? Being hunted by KH everywhere I go isn't much fun. I'd prefer it be in an oop situation where I might stand a chance.. And not one way oop like when I started last week :p

00:33:59 Jun 27th 14 - Mr. Ranginui:

Sorra get it cast and stop trying to 'sneak' up the leader board by attacking anyone not in your 'diplomatic pouch' .. ;p

10:01:15 Jun 27th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

ppl that are holding off the end of era are being stupid cos come next era there wont be anyone around to play again as all their characters will be used up. a week or two ago i knew quite a few people who were ready to land and we were going to make several new kds

00:18:02 Jun 29th 14 - Mr. Insane Ciroc Boi:

three more little dragons smh

01:24:49 Jun 29th 14 - Rora (Ms. Crystal Goddess of War):

I see 4

12:48:15 Jul 2nd 14 - Mr. Nipply Tingles:

60 days and still going woo hoo!!!!! BORING

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