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Forums / In game politics / Nirvana 5

Nirvana 5
13:38:03 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

I am Karl Heinrich Marx! Founder of the revolutionary Communist Manifesto! My ideology of Marxism will overthrow you western capitalist pigs as the Red Army once again comes to prominence!

Да здравствует революция! 

17:51:47 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

oh hiya random! didnt know you quit =(

02:10:44 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Stupid Genius:

C'mon, Orange.... you outnumber us, all of us have been fighting since OOP, you have an allied buffer in between us, and a cf with the only other kingdom on the map..... so why don't you have us dead yet? :P

22:08:31 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Retard:

You forget to mention that i have been afk for a week lol

23:47:59 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Korwyn:

So I'm back from my 3 day vacation did I miss anything important? hehe =)

20:38:13 Mar 17th 11 - Mr. Retard:


10:26:55 Mar 19th 11 - Mr. Xtard:

So, anyone willing to take me into their kingdom??... I feel so very very lonely here :p

04:20:05 Mar 20th 11 - Mr. Korwyn:

Looks like we have some BT buyers this round =)

22:26:55 Mar 20th 11 - Mr. Xtard:

weeeee!! i'm not lonely anymore :D

23:01:06 Mar 20th 11 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Yeah good for you but wtf what happened to your banner?

23:19:34 Mar 20th 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

Had a mishap with accidental kicking of a member. Had to remake to get them back in, and thought we may as well get a shiny new banner :) Doesnt look so good on the map though...

23:47:48 Mar 20th 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

Pfft looks Smexy to me :P

22:40:45 Mar 21st 11 - Mr. Xtard:

Dont you critisize our awesome Banner ;):)!!! soon the whole Nirvana world will be seeing nothing else except our new banner :D

03:52:35 Mar 22nd 11 - Puppy Smurf:

lol often enough, only simple designs work well, on the map.

20:45:42 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

Nice to see Orange stuck to their 24 hour notice of dissolving their CF. Funny how we have had hostile actions taken against us LONG before that 24 hour period expired.

I thought Dark Wolf would of kept to it, he seemed a decent enough of a player to do that. Apparently not.

23:40:36 Mar 22nd 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

lol i got spells cast on me 2 hours after the notification. 

10:31:11 Mar 23rd 11 - Puppy Smurf:

Guys guys, these are the same people who napped one of the larger kingdoms, and cf'ed the other, to go try taking out a 4-5 man kingdom. lol

You're expecting some sort of code?

23:04:19 Mar 23rd 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

lol probly not.. but i expected more from wolfie tbh.

01:48:15 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Dark Wolf:

I do formerly apologize for any hostile actions taken during or before the 24 hour notice. I did not have access to the internet when the KD voted to end the CF and was unable to enforce the last 24 hours of the truce.

This is not an excuse, but I wanted to explain the circumstances.


03:47:10 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

Alright wolfie ^_^

But now i get the pleasure of killing you all :P

13:56:04 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

Your apology is accepted, however your kingdom was aware of the 24 hour truce. The member who informed me of the termination included in his message about it.

However, it is done now. Let us see how this 10 vs 20 match ends out.

21:39:07 Apr 2nd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

whoa whoa what does that have to do with nirvana?

22:06:59 Apr 2nd 11 - Puppy Smurf:

It was a copy/paste he put on about every active politics topic. :P

18:35:36 Apr 3rd 11 - Mr. Eddie:

i see =)

23:41:48 Apr 4th 11 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Heart Fury
owned by Mr. Eddie

I tried to find this city but its not here on Nirvana.

06:06:56 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

haha yea it is thats where my powerful army is after killing so many armies i went there to rest but rest asssured im training more =) i kill all who pass by me =)

19:55:06 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Well dude I sorta know where you are so imma avoid it and you have fun being where your at =)

20:10:11 Apr 5th 11 - Mr. Panic XI:

that mainly means me, at least i beat you twice before you booted me!

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