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Nirvana warz
04:04:56 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

Death Approaches.......

04:11:31 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

For whom may I ask?

04:13:42 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Deathstar:

I ask whom too lol

04:21:53 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

we come even now, behold........

05:59:41 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Jang Star:

Mr. Dethklok


1/4/2009 10:04:56 PM


LOL.   No one should be afraid of this guy!

06:05:05 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

lol yeah I looked up what KD he was are right :-p

09:26:56 Jan 5th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:

can I play with him? tear our his bulging eyes as I sufficate him in my hand and rip open his chest and crush his heart, slice off his limbs one at a time and throw them to my Shadowhounds as a treat?! can I?!

17:26:19 Jan 5th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...he is in PKS Shezmu...

17:39:45 Jan 5th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:

I'll ask Grim then for permission lolz

00:46:30 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

Death Approaches, only Freedom Fighters will be spared.

I do not wish to fight a Demon but my thousands and thousands of Nazgul might. :)

21:50:40 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Cameraman:

is there anything happening in nirvana?

21:52:20 Jan 6th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Every other small kingdom is basically merging into Bringers of Death a little bit at a time. 

21:53:45 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Killer:

And Bringers of Death are dieing a little bit faster.

07:16:56 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Gethomridroke:

At least we're fighting until the end, against two far larger and superior forces coming from both sides that are allied no less. Don't make it too much of a challenge now.

07:22:36 Jan 7th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

You are fighting very stubbornly as Sir Resistance is showing.  Much respect to him.  We were lucky enough to have a good core of members that managed to stick around from last era and build up appropriately.  We got here because of the last few eras which were basically played with inactivity. *coughScicough* I just hope that this era will push us up the ladder.  Fighting until the end is an honorable way to go, rather than trying to hop to another KD.  You have all fought hard and I expect to have to fight just as hard to defeat you.  Good luck in your battles, you have been worthy foes.

18:50:30 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Killer:

I'm sorry, I meant no offence. You are fighting well, and I know you will do well when you restart(I'm sorry, I don't expect you to live for very long more).

20:23:33 Jan 7th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

I do have to props to a select few players who are fighting to the death with evry last breath and I have to shame those players who drop out and resign whend the end is near. There are quite a few good players here but there are more players here that need to learn more about the game.

03:49:05 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Rix:

just got a look at the massive peacekeepers/dark juggernaught that BoD has been up against the last bit. Kudos for holding out so long.

04:31:28 Jan 10th 09 - Endless Delerium:

what Dark jugg? crap, I just got here... does that mean I already missed out on all the fun? ^_^

ps - where is Sir Resistance, I have a message for him "third time is the charm" ;)

04:48:55 Jan 10th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Sir Resistance just up and died...I would also like to know Dark's intentions...

04:53:24 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Resistance:

='( i died. I'd like to give props to FF for killing me, especially Duke Michael Deallus (very fun player to play with lol.) I wish FF the best of luck. Bye Nirvana :'(

05:13:36 Jan 10th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

The army name game was fun for awhile...then I kept wanting to go elsewhere but he kept retaking the same burnt cities over and over -_-;

05:16:55 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Resistance:

yes, the army game was fun for a while. It was also fun watching your archmages dying over and over again at my blocker =P

05:19:01 Jan 10th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...Those weren't archmages for the 4th time :p  the first pure archmage army I sent against you was the one that crushed your final army.  The rest were mixes of riders, archmages, and mages because I was scrambling them together.  The first armies I sent against you were embarrassments that I called armies for awhile :p

05:26:09 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Resistance:

yes uh huh. sure =)

05:27:05 Jan 10th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Believe me or don't :p  Maybe wonder how you beat some of them much easier than other ;)  Doesn't matter now I guess XD

05:39:04 Jan 10th 09 - Endless Delerium:

As far as I know Freedom Fighters are "leave alone" but everybody else is tasty snacks (unless they're a NAP for this era)... but you'd want to confirm that with our Monarch because I get out of the loop sometimes ^_^

03:52:01 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Barney:


I shall raze the roof.

04:44:42 Jan 11th 09 - Endless Delerium:

If I bow will you leave me at least one city here so I can sell me wares? ;)

04:55:12 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Barney:

It depends on if "wares" is a code word for sexual favors.

05:20:07 Jan 11th 09 - Endless Delerium:

I checked and apparently the market isn't set up for a brothel ;)

05:24:52 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Barney:

How so? I swear that there are slaves for sale.

07:11:24 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

O_o he does have a point...since I don't want to be bothered stating it elsewhere, Freedom Fighters does NOT accept kingdom hoppers.  That means if you are/were in a kingdom we were attacking and are trying to join us, sorry but that will not be accepted.  You can argue it with Scientist but we prefer to recruit people at our convenience.  I am sure Dark would take you ;) they like people.

08:09:03 Jan 11th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Duke Michael Deallus


1/4/2009 8:01:07 PM
Darn... *sends out his ghost sp@m* Muahahah!

You cannot be affiliated with any sp@m due to the Deallus Act. You were kicked from Sp@malot, and as such you have no sp@m privelages. You are also a moderator, so if you were to use sp@m, I would have to bring it to the attention of a great many individuals.

*waits for Deallus to cry*

08:11:55 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

....dude...that was completely offtopic...and that post was a week ago anyways.  Going to sleep so stop being a bother ffs -_-

08:12:39 Jan 11th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

If you think this is bad, you should've seen me ten eras ago!

02:46:20 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

I'm comeing for you Barney

03:35:48 Jan 12th 09 - Lord Heroditus:

So... let me get this straight... it is OK for Mods to *beep* but, no one else?

How do I get to Nirvana?  I want to visit Charley  :p

04:31:21 Jan 12th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...Kev quit being a smartass :-p  I was joking about sp@mming ghosts anyways...haven't trained really any this era ;-)  Would love to see what you would throw...not that you would make it to us very easily...of course I have classes starting tomorrow so I won't be able to sit on here and listen to you complain about my behavior...

04:45:28 Jan 12th 09 - Lord Heroditus:

Who's complaining?  I was asking a question, it is called an inquisitive mind, guess you never heard of it ... and I really do want to know where you are... so I can visit..... for tea... and crumpets  :p

"If you believe everything your parents or your teachers or your government tells you, you are a fool."     Bruce Springsteen

05:11:29 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Barney:

Mr. Dethklok


1/11/2009 5:46:20 PM
I'm comeing for you Barney

Meh, I don't remember doing anything to you? Why so mean?

I'll come to you.

05:24:52 Jan 12th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...I call you does that mean I can consider you something like a weird parent? So...I shouldn't believe what you tell me? Okay :p  and no visiting or I call the police :D  (PS-You can go meet Scientist.  I am sure he likes tea and crumpets)

06:35:37 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

Not realy anything that you did to me but just the thought of a good fight. I'm still looking for the big Naz army you were talking about.

06:50:33 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Barney:

Naw lol I didn't send that your way. I ended up only putting like 300 of em' out to pasture on you guys and Dark, and razed 22 cities =P

Still have 200 of em in your Starta core, so far those 300 Nazgul let me pump another 2.5k on Fant.

19:22:19 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

Well it is nice that you can put numbers out there for us to see.

19:51:55 Jan 12th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

You have to catch them first I am sure.

04:21:03 Jan 13th 09 - Lord Heroditus:

Duke Michael Deallus


1/11/2009 11:24:52 PM...I call you does that mean I can consider you something like a weird parent? So...I shouldn't believe what you tell me? Okay :p  and no visiting or I call the police :D  (PS-You can go meet Scientist.  I am sure he likes tea and crumpets)

I do not mean RL you nincompoop... what makes you think I want to trudge through snow and ice to see your sorry face  :p   I just want to let my nazzi's play with your ghosties... hehe

04:44:41 Jan 13th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

lol ghosties...well...we cannot all be realistic I am sure ;) 

23:41:38 Jan 19th 09 - Endless Delerium:

War has been declared on Dark, good luck to both KDs and lets have fun ^_^

FFFreedom Fighters11Lord Scientist39


DarkDark46Monarch Vampire Queen100

23:50:23 Jan 19th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Why in the Nirvana topic? lol

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