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Forums / In game politics / No more blue flag.

No more blue flag.
18:43:37 Jan 24th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Damn....really sad tidings Rox. This game just lost some of its luster.
 There goes the yardstick I always measured myself and mine against. Sad to see you guys go. Wish I had accepted one of the offers to join Lgc over the years now so I could of played alongside you guys rather than usually fighting you. Now I'll never get to do that. :(
  As the name says, your are leaving a Legacy that will be extremely hard to equal or surpass.
*raises sword in salute*

19:21:47 Jan 24th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Best KD ever. All glory to Roxbury.

20:26:54 Jan 24th 09 - Ms. Romanian Gypsy:

Lord Protector Nimic


1/24/2009 6:21:47 PM
Best KD ever. All glory to Roxbury.


all glory to swiffers!!!!!

22:34:20 Jan 24th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Sad to see lgc go, I was a part of the kingdom a few times, and ironically part of a few alliances that were against them as well as with them.

I nearly managed an era win a few times, but settled for second place, often to a legacy player.  I have too retired from VU, my last few eras were a disgrace to myself as my time commitment was far inferior to that of the more active players now days.  Real life has cought up with me, and being semi-active for 18-20 hours out of a day is no longer possible.

I will probably still check in on VU from time to time, just to see what is happening, but my time of actually playing is coming to an end.  Its been great Legacy, on your side or against you, i'm sure the game will be different without you.  Thanks for all the good times old players of Legacy (too many players to list here) as well as players of DB and Holy.  Goodluck with your future kingdoms.

23:11:02 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius:

okay....this is the part where Rox comes in and says...JOKE!! and we all get on with vu like normal!!

...i kinda noticed there decline....but i luckily got an era in with lgc x) but this era they where missing some key players, that i realised was the glue to lgc's structure. i hold playing in lgc the highest ever honour or the best achievement i have ever made in kd i have ever been in also as they where very friendly and understanding.

If that blue flag really goes it will leave a gap in vu...that NOBODY can fill....i just hope all lgc players dont quite...cus im not ready for vu to turn upside down!!

23:11:40 Jan 24th 09 - Prince Mielo:

have a nice trip dvs, you were one hell of a human being :):).You will be missed :)

23:27:07 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon: I will miss the ever present blue first eras where dedicated to get Legacy to fall because it was so dominant in fantasia lol :P but my kd( Zeon usually) never succeded in that really. I have a lot of respect for Legacy and Rox, it will take a long time before someone can match their achievements, if ever...

23:48:50 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Aphrodite:

I am so touched by this so i wrote a short poem! Hope you like it :)

You carried on the heritage of the Legendary Warriors

The Zealots that survived SARS

You, oh warriors who defeated Hamish´s bad writing

And Fordius smilies

The end of a diffrent kind of era then we are used to here on Visual Utopia

But we will remember your Legacy

23:50:01 Jan 24th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

what no mafia reference? :D

23:52:37 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Aphrodite:

No mafia reference. MObsters not liked.

23:54:09 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Aphrodite:

Also might be bcoz i didnt play. Only returned to hear that Rambo got his ass deleted for cheating. So didnt think that was the brightest of their history. Dunno what it was all about tho.

01:17:14 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

dvs :'(

dont do it!

02:24:08 Jan 26th 09 - Swedish chef Brashen:

After playing 13-14 eras with Legacy its been sad to be a part of the decline of the kingdom.

But since most of us either quit or maybe should have quit due to RL reasons and lack of time and interest, Im happy we are disbanding now before we totally ruin the Legacy of Legacy,
Some say the reason we are not dominating anymore is because the overall standard has become much higher and sure that might be part of the reason.

But the biggest reason is that Legacy dont have 24 lunitics who live and breath VU anymore and gladly set a alarm just to smack our enemies b4 falling asleep again, personaly I only had that activity a few times and I knew I been far from the higher standards of Legacy and im lucky to been able to see such great and spirited players up close,
 but it been really fun playing with all u crazy people and I will miss it and miss it already.

I hope Legacy will be rememberd for its great past and not our decline.

07:38:46 Jan 26th 09 - Prince Mielo:

I'm not sure Brashen ... its a bit late for sorrow now, isn't it? You youngsters just hop in in this game and ruin everything that once was great and good ...

18:07:43 Jan 26th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Yeah, you youngsters, Mielo ;)

18:10:05 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Linetwist:

:-D grandpa Mielo

18:25:02 Jan 26th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Just becase he likes to violate children doesnt mean he is a creepy old man....

hes a creepy middle aged man =)

Brash in the immediate future i think we will remember the decline but in the distant future *if the game has one* Legacy will be remembered in its prime.

18:29:47 Jan 26th 09 - Prince Mielo:

it's so awesome I have the skills to turn a topic about me :) ...


20:54:52 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

Thanks for the nice words everyone. It was more than I expected, considering that lgc has been something of an introvert kingdom, and have not always given our enemies the credit they might deserve. However, there was always respect on the battlefield.

Taking a step back, lgc has adapted to zetas game improvements in various ways.. in the first eras of lgc there were no merges, so individual skill was everything. As merges came along, and then great walls.. it alienated a lot of top players in all kingdoms, who missed that hour to hour warfare and that furious pulse of the game.. and they were replaced by other players with different play styles.

However, any talk of a "decline" is a non-issue, as the game at the moment simply doesnt require that much of a kingdom.. all you need is a few over active merge leaders and then a mass of people to fill the merges for you. So there has been no decline in lgcs play in terms of what we can do on the battlefield, in fact last era was one of our best where we battled 5 kingdoms for one month, and took 2-3 of them down with us before we *ehem* had to take a 1 month tactical.. coffeebreak ;)

But nothing lasts forever. Maybe its time for zeta to create a kingdom, and play a little of his own creation? =P

20:59:50 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Farmer Feanor:

LGC has been the kingdom I measured my kingdoms against since I started VU.  LGC will be missed by all of us who fought against them or along side them (or both).

18:06:54 Jan 27th 09 - Duke Arzun:

I remember I was always in some anti-LGC Kingdom (usually IE...) but I never really was against the players. This game would not have been fun without you guys : ) (Of course there are some exceptions...)

verlord Dvsmasta


1/24/2009 5:34:20 PM
Sad to see lgc go, I was a part of the kingdom a few times, and ironically part of a few alliances that were against them as well as with them.

I nearly managed an era win a few times, but settled for second place, often to a legacy player.  I have too retired from VU, my last few eras were a disgrace to myself as my time commitment was far inferior to that of the more active players now days.  Real life has cought up with me, and being semi-active for 18-20 hours out of a day is no longer possible.

I will probably still check in on VU from time to time, just to see what is happening, but my time of actually playing is coming to an end.  Its been great Legacy, on your side or against you, i'm sure the game will be different without you.  Thanks for all the good times old players of Legacy (too many players to list here) as well as players of DB and Holy.  Goodluck with your future kingdoms.

Sad to see ya go Dvs, looks like I outlasted you in #darkblood after all : )
Unless you decided to idle there forever even after you leave :P

No one can really say that they hate LGC, cause if not for legacy, there would be no DarkBlood! :D

19:46:27 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Sezymon:


00:11:53 Jan 28th 09 - Prince Mielo:

and we all know DB roxxors! ... That's the kingdom that REALLY would've been missed ^^

01:35:59 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Marius:

there has always been a convergance of people to stand against the great kingdoms... mafia had rambo slayers, Zetas zealots has everyone that played at that time... LGC has Serenity followed by who knows how many and then Darkblood. So if the convergance is still around then it will become the great kingdom and then the role will be turned and it will happen again and again...

03:18:13 Jan 28th 09 - Ms. Romanian Gypsy:

mafia had rambo slayers

lol :)

07:35:05 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Messiah:


07:55:25 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Jet:

I've played with Nimic, Swifty and LP since Beta 6 or so. Other names like Fred, Fordius, Sezymon, Roxbury, Val, BFT, Cobra (I wanted you back), Elsin, Ben, Bane, Devi, Grag, Ez, Kc, Brashen, Fizban, and so many others epitomise the best that I have seen play this game. I have relationships stretching back many years with some of these peeps, and am very happy for that.
All the newer guys that have come through have been awesome as well - Verll, Barny, Warlock, Wyzer, Fraser, and many others have continued on with the LGC fighting spirit. We held our own for a long time with only 12 active players this era thanks to the efforts of these guys.
Good luck to all in the future. I am looking forward to playing with some new blood, and am hoping that it can revitalise me and once more make me give a sh*t about this game.

13:14:23 Jan 28th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

"mafia had rambo slayers

lol :)"


ON: <3

08:14:44 Jan 29th 09 - Duke Akenad:

I've only been around since era 24, but even then I feel that VU just lost part of its... well... legacy.

It's been fun fighting you:  there has hardly been another kingdom that can do so much with so little, against so many.  Or a kingdom that absolutely refuses to go down with a bitter fight to the very end.

00:58:16 Jan 31st 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Well since Legacy Kingdom page is no longer, I am going to post my farewell here.

To all of you that have been a part of Legacy, it has truly been a honor and a privilege to be a part of the proud and respected Blue Flag.  The harmony and banter was unlike any other Kingdom that I have been a part of, and will be greatly missed.  No other Kingdom will be able to compare, they can only try and copy what you have accomplished, and the great stories and adventures that have been created from the many eras and personalities that have made/been a part of Legacy.

I just wanted to say thanks, and best wishes to you one and all.

Sincerely, Wyzer

01:13:48 Jan 31st 09 - Grumpy old Bastard:

*steps out of the darkness*

Have fun all ye Z's that i loved so much :)

*vanishes again*

10:25:13 Jan 31st 09 - General Essen:

Sexy times :)


<3 from sydney

11:14:45 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Kobo Daishi:

I wander what relevation we are going to see pop up next era

12:54:55 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

Oh I see what you did there, there's a new kingdom called Revelation and you used the same word for wondering which new kingdom there will be, very clever.

12:57:25 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Cobra, you missed one thing

[/Sarcasm] :P

13:15:41 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

A dark legacy will be next era's great revelation.

14:09:49 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Lmao cobra.

17:04:53 Jan 31st 09 - Ms. Bona Dea:

will miss the blue flag... :/

17:59:10 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

Special For Legacy :)

21:33:36 Jan 31st 09 - Duke Senturu:

thats a perfect tribute to Legacy :D

21:35:13 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Phosphorus:

I dont see anything O_O

22:00:37 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

so get glasses

22:16:35 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Woody:

Legacy will be missed....

cheers for the toonage :p

23:02:05 Jan 31st 09 - Duke Akenad:

Nothing like cheesey 90s animations to commemorate one of the best kingdoms of VU.

06:27:55 Feb 1st 09 - General Essen:

dab a dee dab a diiii

07:41:03 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Remus Lupus:

I have not heard this song in ages, I love it :P

09:18:09 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Phosphorus:

Now I see the vid!

Couldnt see it yesterday D:

I have Blue Da ba De on my iPod :D

Such a great song <3

09:39:04 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Theophilus VI:

Never had the oppertunity to play with legacy, but I had the oppertunity to play against them. Took one of their cities, they took it back, we reclaimed. Not really much to say, but I take it you people take the game seriously.

And yes, I DID say you people.

09:41:21 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Theophilus VI:

For Roxbury:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

23:41:45 Feb 1st 09 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

how could you

now I will have to listen to death metal all day to get rid of that in my brain

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