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PHI townswapping II
07:53:55 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

ok, lets go over this again for Gothrim...

"The effect probably occurred when Kibayaki Sena woke up that morning and decided to train a handful more troops. A "handful" by his standards is probably like a couple hundred level 3's, lol. You do know who he is, don't you? Indeed, it isn't just him. Quite some few of our top people could pull a stunt like that. They are very good players. There are eras named after some few of them. More than one is up to 2 million/tick ahead of me and I'm not such a bad dwarf myself. I've been learning a lot."

You must be new, a couple hundred lvl 3's wont do jack for your kingdom as a whole.  even if you entire kingdom were to train over 1K lvl 3's all at the same time, you'd not go anywhere, except MAYBE 1%, and thats stretching it.  2 Million/tick?&nb*beep* I supposed to be impressed?  A couple of our guys had that like less than a week into the game, not a big deal...  And no, I don't know who Kibayaki Sena is, is he new as well?  Carnage is pumping out lvl 3's at a rate I have never seen before, I guarantee you that PHI is not producing more troops than Carnage, therefore your troops mean nothing anyways.

As for your other comments, you do know that gaining land doesn't up your score all that much, don't you? In fact it can lower your score temporarly since your troop costs rise, usually before you've fixed up fully exploiting your conquests. Meanwhile, if you're at war then, even if you aren't losing troops, at the very least you have them on the march, and thus costing money.

The key word here is TEMPORARILY, or "temporarly" as you like to say.  Do this enough like we do, and well, that temporarily goes away and yeah, you get the picture.  It sounds like you are trying to justify sitting inside of the blockers you are holding by telling me that it is good since it does not cost I on track here?

Now just to confirm a few things. When Carnage warred MAD at the beginning, MAD fought them off--Carnage had only one guy there, really, and very far from home. All Phi did was build blockers to keep more Carnage forces away from MAD.

Again, you are choosing to be ignorant of the truth.  MAD "fought him off" because of your begging and our pity on you.  Either way, it was one guy with a 5K army, how much "fighting" do you think there was?  And thank you for proving for me that PHI intentionally put up blockers to keep us from MAD, I presume so that you don't actually have to do any fighting this era...

This was written to me:

Mr. Wolf Spider [Havoc] (10/26/2007 11:33:43 PM) GOOD BAD
If you want another armory, you may take Axes and Saws. I threw all my troops at MAD and lost. =P

I didn't expect anything else. On the bright side, my army upkeep dropped +40k after getting ride of all those gaia. =P

This offer is for anyone of PHI....except perhaps Zerocool. He was so rude to us earlier. >.<

I'll hang onto Atsarga and see if MAD forgets about that city. All it has in it is GTs. XD IF they do end up going after it, go ahead and take it before they do. =P
[end quote]

So as you can see, Wolf Spider was offering me a former MAD city, while admitting that MAD had defeated him. In actual fact, MAD took both those cities back.

This point is entirely moot.  If you need to know why, look at my answer above...

As for the other complaints that we were town-swopping, the pictures Legacy posted in the earlier thread showed MAD prepping on Phi towns and Phi prepping on MAD towns in order to burn down those towns. This was done to clear space for the new wall.

So that you could sit inside of it and pump for the day when LGC finally breaks through MAD's lines and comes at you right?  And, this is about this thread and no other.  The evidence we see here is what we go by.  Nothing matters anywhere else until brought inside here for everyone to see.  If this is true, lets see some screen shots of the new wall and the cities which were burned for it to be able to be built...  Until then, you've got nothing here.

That wall is manned by us. In fact, both the major northern walls are manned by us so as to protect MAD from Legacy, Dark Blood and FF.

Lets see them.  I've fought MAD before, many times, and they should not need help from the likes of you to stay alive.

Finally, one of the people in MAD who lost his mine burned down to make room for the wall wrote me a bit. Here is part of it (part only):

Mr. Fraser [SBL] (10/28/2007 4:00:43 AM) GOOD BAD
hey, i got told by Mr. Zerocool The Berserker to raize your city. im just letting you know...
You (10/28/2007 5:33:47 AM)
Very well, I'm moving out now. It's still building troops, unfortunately, but not a lot.
Mr. Fraser [SBL] (10/28/2007 5:36:40 AM) GOOD BAD
i can give u maybe a few ticks if you need but i think it needs to be raized so a wall can be build... i think thats whats going to happen? lol im going to be loosing my only mine, so il be on minus gold pretty soon. tell me when i can destroy it... il be there in 1 tick
You (10/28/2007 5:42:08 AM)
No, destroy it as soon as you can! It shouldn't be a problem as I'm moving out all it's trained so far. I just meant you might take some small few casualties from the few troops it might still build. Nothing much I can do as i'll be offline soon.

...oh and just be careful to click on Fort Argonath and not Argonath Militia, lol. j/k ;)

Mr. Fraser [SBL] (10/28/2007 6:05:26 AM) GOOD BAD
destroyed... thanks for taking the troops out :)

[end quote]

Not gonna take the time to try to understand this...

Anyhow, he was one of those whose chances got pretty much wrecked when their part of the land got razed for the wall. So these guys talked among themselves and decided to form a new kd, as I understand it. They were not kicked by MAD but resigned, and I believe the idea at some point was that they would restart on another world. I don't know how successful they were at that and I suspect they may have bounced back onto Fant because the last hadn't left yet or some such.

So, they left "Peacefully" even though no one explained why they left in the first place, then after they were peacefully gone, MAD took their cities.  And then just because of some false statement about them accidentally landing back on Fantasia, they magically got back into MAD, but heavens no, they are not cheating!!  In no way are they resigning, letting their kingdom mates take their cities and then re-joining, never!  What gave you that idea?  (That was Sarcasm if you could not figure that all out...)

Finally, Gwn (Guner) is an old Phi player from long before my time, about 6 eras, he said. He's always played for Phi and his name has always been Gwn. But he'd been getting less active the last while and was kicked for being awol for 2 weeks, no less. That was his starter mine.

Thats great.

That's it folks. Legacy is making a lot of noise 'cause they're outclassed. It's still possible we could lose against all of Legacy, DB and FF, of course. But Legacy themselves don't cut it against these guys I'm with now.

Ok, yeah, your rag tag group of miscreants who have been together about 3-4 weeks now are much better than LGC, I totally agree (again sarcasm...).  Are you freaking serious?  I'm with Carnage, and I still know, in a very un-biased way, that PHI will never be more "classy" then LGC.  You really don't know what you're talking about.  Your a new player, and that is great, it's good to have you.  But you don't know the history of this game or those playing it, or even that of those you play with.  You think that the Kingdom you are in is amazing and because you are young in the ways of the world, you will fight even when there is nothing to fight for, and in a way that can be admired, but only to a certain extent.  If you don't know what you're talking about, just don't talk.

@ Mr. Ignis Bored And Back

Anyone can make up a story about how someone goes inactive...blah blah blah, and your kingdom took over his cities, and until you get caught again with another "inactive" person, this will likely be your story.

07:55:53 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

*Takes the "Longest Post Award" from the pedestal..."*

08:04:44 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

@ Duke Epyon

SBL is that group that broke of from MAD and were supposed to go to a lesser world, but are still on Fantasia.

Spartans Blood Lust

Kingdom Banner

Name: Spartans Blood Lust
Members: 3
Tag: SBL
Created: 10/29/2007 12:15:30 PM
Leader: Mr. Elliott



08:41:17 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

rofl, that takes the cake

10:04:31 Nov 10th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Architect, respect man, respect.

10:17:33 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:

I didn't want to get involved in this thread but I do have to make this post to say that for the first time Architect has respect from me. Very nice post.


10:55:36 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

looks at who has won the last 10 eras

Legacy 6 times
Vendetta once
Baccus once
Abydos once
Nemesis once

outclassed i dont think so..

getting weaker definatly ;)


12:22:52 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

i with click the green cross for that one :o

that was magrificent :)

14:18:30 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Ms Dung Beetle wrote: "But I do like your careful selection of pm's regarding our brief conflict with the mad guys. You seem to be portraying it as one carnage player being whipped by mad and we backed down immediately......hmmmmm.....should i bring out these saved convos with mavich, zerocool, etc.... that certainly portrays a different picture?"

I didn't mean to suggest that. Obviously we begged you to stop attacking MAD! I wrote a begging letter to Wolf Spider myself. Not official diplomacy, just pointing out the situation to him as I saw it.

In my post here I just wanted to make clear that there was no town-swopping, no feeding of MAD, and that they themselves eliminated Wolf Spider's armies inside our mutual core area at the same time as we built the blockers. We are after all entitled to build blockers around our core. Most kingdoms do that. Those that don't tend not to survive.

The important thing to note is that there were no other Carnage forces anywhere around at the time, and this all happened far away at the opposite end of the map from Carnage's core. Carnage didn't so much back down as lose interest--there was nothing more for them to achieve there.

14:34:47 Nov 10th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

After reading all this...I think Ill be doing some begging -.-

14:44:36 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

begging for sexy time?

14:50:18 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Architect wrote: "You must be new, a couple hundred lvl 3's wont do jack for your kingdom as a whole.  even if you entire kingdom were to train over 1K lvl 3's all at the same time, you'd not go anywhere, except MAYBE 1%, and thats stretching it.  2 Million/tick?&nb*beep* I supposed to be impressed?  A couple of our guys had that like less than a week into the game, not a big deal..."

You should have read what I wrote more carefully. I meant a couple hundred more lvl 3's before breakfast, lol. What I was really referring to is how he and some others switched a lot more resources to troops and raced up the HoH list at the same time. That produced the 10% effect you complained of. I know it did because I know what the kd orders were at the time and how they had changed from before. Obviously nobody can say more than that.

And I meant they were 2 million ahead of me, not 2 million in total, lol. I myself am well past half-way on the race to 10 million/tick. Can't say how far, of course. ;)

Mr Architect wrote: "So that you could sit inside of it and pump for the day when LGC finally breaks through MAD's lines and comes at you right?"

With all due respect to MAD, they aren't really manning the lines. They have done great things in the game for such a very small kd. They took care of Wolf Spider, took care of Detox (who actually managed to hurt us), and have launched a counter-attack or two at Legacy itself.

But it is Phi who are manning the principal blockers that protect both our core and MAD's from Legacy, Dark Blood and FF. Obviously MAD isn't big enough to do that all by themselves. And that's why MAD had to jump over that wall to get at Legacy. Simply repaying Legacy for having started the wall-jumping to begin with. But is is important to note that their core is surrounded by, and protected by, blockers belonging exclusively to Phi.

Mr Architect wrote "So, they left "Peacefully" even though no one explained why they left in the first place, then after they were peacefully gone, MAD took their cities."

It is quite normal, when players are trying to resign from Fantasia, that their kd mates take their cities. You would have to ask them--the players in SBL--what they are doing now, but I got the clear impression that they really were hoping to start a new kd somewhere else.

15:09:43 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Dark Lord Osiris wrote: "looks at who has won the last 10 eras

Legacy 6 times
Vendetta once
Baccus once
Abydos once
Nemesis once"

Interesting you should write that, because Phi has this thread on the history of our players and I've been learning a lot! =) Many of our players this era seem to come via Vendetta and/or Baccus and then via Nemesis. Many kd names missing though. Think of Invicta, Agent Smith, Serenity, Male Models, Borg...

Anyhow what do I know, just being a nubbit and all. A very proud and happy nubbit all the same. ;P

15:24:40 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

invicta was Oyas kd and most of those players have been phi for what 1era? lets see what phi looks like next era

15:55:02 Nov 10th 07 - Lord Oyawithoutinternet:

your not allowed to mention my kingdom, i own all copyrights

but to the point of the subject, i havent bothered to read any of this crap but swifty lgc has townswapped before, and is doing unsavoury things during this era (plundering db anyone?) so i dont think have the right to moan at others for one tactic when you are using another, can we just fight for the fun of fighting? or is that all lost on you damn people

16:09:03 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

go oya its your birthday?

16:15:38 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back:

"@ Mr. Ignis Bored And Back

Anyone can make up a story about how someone goes inactive...blah blah blah, and your kingdom took over his cities, and until you get caught again with another "inactive" person, this will likely be your story."

Sure, anyone can make it up. But Zeta can actually confirm our "story".

Finally, Gwn (Guner) is an old Phi player from long before my time, about 6 eras, he said. He's always played for Phi and his name has always been Gwn. But he'd been getting less active the last while and was kicked for being awol for 2 weeks, no less. That was his starter mine.

Thats great.

I love how that's your only comment.

As for the other complaints that we were town-swopping, the pictures Legacy posted in the earlier thread showed MAD prepping on Phi towns and Phi prepping on MAD towns in order to burn down those towns. This was done to clear space for the new wall.

So that you could sit inside of it and pump for the day when LGC finally breaks through MAD's lines and comes at you right?  And, this is about this thread and no other.  The evidence we see here is what we go by.  Nothing matters anywhere else until brought inside here for everyone to see.  If this is true, lets see some screen shots of the new wall and the cities which were burned for it to be able to be built...  Until then, you've got nothing here.

And your point is also entirely moot, since you have less evidence than us.

@ dung bettle

Yes, people can put pointless *beep* in the forum and get away. That's the "beauty" of the forums.

Edit: *beep* is censored? huh?

16:54:31 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

This has to be the lamest flame thread ever.

17:28:10 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

"You must be new, a couple hundred lvl 3's wont do jack for your kingdom as a whole.  even if you entire kingdom were to train over 1K lvl 3's all at the same time, you'd not go anywhere, except MAYBE 1%, and thats stretching it.  2 Million/tick?&nb*beep* I supposed to be impressed?  A couple of our guys had that like less than a week into the game, not a big deal...  And no, I don't know who Kibayaki Sena is, is he new as well?  Carnage is pumping out lvl 3's at a rate I have never seen before, I guarantee you that PHI is not producing more troops than Carnage, therefore your troops mean nothing anyways."

"Wow" Im sure you penis got extended by miles after that post, I mean come on? Who cares about how many troops Carnage train? To be honest i sincerely doubt that the number exceeds the number of Phi has considering 50%+ of all HoH armies all era pretty much have been marked with the Phi flag(As of current when im writing this post that number is 6/10), Im guessing however in the Carnage world of dreams(Do you actually think someone is impressed by your era? Raping weak kingdoms all era and trying to grab the era win for once)

Even if your number of troops exceeded Phi, You still cant put them to use to any but Weak kingdoms, Grow some balls and come fight a real kingdom before posting.

The key word here is TEMPORARILY, or "temporarly" as you like to say.  Do this enough like we do, and well, that temporarily goes away and yeah, you get the picture.  It sounds like you are trying to justify sitting inside of the blockers you are holding by telling me that it is good since it does not cost I on track here?

Considering you seem to be the master of all strategy, Please work out a plan on how you would beat the numbers were up against, considering Legacy and DB+FF barely have made an offensive move all era, Trust me we've tried several times with limited success

Again, you are choosing to be ignorant of the truth.  MAD "fought him off" because of your begging and our pity on you.  Either way, it was one guy with a 5K army, how much "fighting" do you think there was?  And thank you for proving for me that PHI intentionally put up blockers to keep us from MAD, I presume so that you don't actually have to do any fighting this era...

Well, It seems you havnt noticed that Phi is up against LGC+DB+FF, our only ally is the small kingdom of MAD, We will protect them in any way possible.  Phi is not a farming kingdom and never will be, sorry to shatter your dreams.

So that you could sit inside of it and pump for the day when LGC finally breaks through MAD's lines and comes at you right?  And, this is about this thread and no other.  The evidence we see here is what we go by.  Nothing matters anywhere else until brought inside here for everyone to see.  If this is true, lets see some screen shots of the new wall and the cities which were burned for it to be able to be built...  Until then, you've got nothing here.

MAD were unable to cope with the Legacy pressure at the time, So we offered to take care of this front as well. MAD instead now are providing support on that front while we take care of the primary defences, MAD hasnt been in charge of the primary wall for over 2 weeks? I believe.

Lets see them.  I've fought MAD before, many times, and they should not need help from the likes of you to stay alive.

MAD and Phi has had friendly relations since many eras back, Weve stood up and protected them on several occasions, Personally I'd say they are the best ally we have, as they have never let us down. However Legacy was a too great task for them at that time and we relieved them off taking care of the primary defenses.

I really dont see how youve become such an MAD-expert, as you seem to be up to date with their current strength and all abilities inside their kingdom? Maybe you should just chill down a notch and let MAD do their own talking?

So, they left "Peacefully" even though no one explained why they left in the first place, then after they were peacefully gone, MAD took their cities.  And then just because of some false statement about them accidentally landing back on Fantasia, they magically got back into MAD, but heavens no, they are not cheating!!  In no way are they resigning, letting their kingdom mates take their cities and then re-joining, never!  What gave you that idea?  (That was Sarcasm if you could not figure that all out...)

MAD member number early era were 20, After these "Spartans" left the number is down to 15, I really dont see the logic in your math as they apparently are members of MAD again? Could you please explain how the member count has gone down if noone has left?

Ok, yeah, your rag tag group of miscreants who have been together about 3-4 weeks now are much better than LGC, I totally agree (again sarcasm...).  Are you freaking serious?  I'm with Carnage, and I still know, in a very un-biased way, that PHI will never be more "classy" then LGC.  You really don't know what you're talking about.  Your a new player, and that is great, it's good to have you.  But you don't know the history of this game or those playing it, or even that of those you play with.  You think that the Kingdom you are in is amazing and because you are young in the ways of the world, you will fight even when there is nothing to fight for, and in a way that can be admired, but only to a certain extent.  If you don't know what you're talking about, just don't talk.

Sure, Legacy has a greater history, I do think greatly of some of the player capacity Legacy do posess, However you cant live on old merits. Legacy today isnt the same Legacy it was 10 eras ago, Nor is it the same Fantasia. Im sorry to break it to you but things do change, Legacy Isnt the strongest kid on the block anymore.

Id like to ask you Architecht, Where does this hate for Phi come from? As you seem to think we are a farmers kingdom, filled with new players. Do you even know what Phi strive for and have been striving for since it first was created?


17:40:43 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and phi wont be strongest kid on the block next era so fantasia improvements every era only Legacy has stayed pretty consistant

18:03:50 Nov 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Id like to ask you Architecht, Where does this hate for Phi come from? As you seem to think we are a farmers kingdom, filled with new players. Do you even know what Phi strive for and have been striving for since it first was created?

The only reason I can figure out my hate for PHI is the arrogance that has arisen in you guys ... You act like you are the new legacy in fantasia ... the best of the best ... Of course not all of the PHI players are like that ... I hope ...

Not going to say names or anything or point with the finger, and this isn't to offend anyone ... just sick of some lad's behavior in here ...

18:13:53 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Might:

Mielo, Architect is your multi?!

18:18:23 Nov 10th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

a lot of people dislike phi :P you guys are more arrogant then me and ford together! but it makes life interesting

18:18:44 Nov 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

why would he ...

18:19:28 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

"just sick of some lad's behavior in here ..."

haha welcome to the story of my VU life.

i even quit last era for 1 era toget away fro mthe drama of VU politics. I have been wondering for a LONG time how the people on VU can be so immature all the time.

Yes i have been down to the same level of imamturity as most of VU. I admire the few people on VU that actually have maturity. The sad part is that almsot none of them ever post ehre (cause there is almsot no way to psot ehre and be mature about it) what i wish is that VU would jsut grow up and act like teh adults that most of tehm are

18:20:14 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Wow. This thread has certainly gotten a little out of hand:P

Personally I dont care about the disagreements and arguments going on between legacy and db, none of my business and doesnt affect my kingdom.

However....I will come in here and be more than happy to answer such an assinine post as yours Carolus, considering you have decided to continue this sudden shift in the thread from legacy/phi to phi/carnage.

Architect is more than welcome to have his opinion, and express it, but it is not representative of our kingdom as a whole, even though thanks to guys like you and zerocool, that is quickly changing.

<Wow" Im sure you penis got extended by miles after that post, I mean come on? Who cares about how many troops Carnage train? To be honest i sincerely doubt that the number exceeds the number of Phi has considering 50%+ of all HoH armies all era pretty much have been marked with the Phi flag(As of current when im writing this post that number is 6/10), Im guessing however in the Carnage world of dreams(Do you actually think someone is impressed by your era? Raping weak kingdoms all era and trying to grab the era win for once)

Even if your number of troops exceeded Phi, You still cant put them to use to any but Weak kingdoms, Grow some balls and come fight a real kingdom before posting. >


How bout you grow some brains there and realize how ridiculous your little rant is. One thing I will not let go unanswered is some twit who comes in here daring to portray us in the manner you have!

As a kingdom I am more than proud of all of my brothers. Not just this era, but eras past we have more than established ourselves as a top kingdom. And we have fought the real kingdoms, but apparently your knowledge of past eras in Fant is missing. Legacy, DB, Zeon, BoW, Phi, we have fought most of the kingdoms and stood our ground in each conflict. If you want confirmation mate, go check in with your king Mavich, who knows firsthand how we fight, considering he was a member of ours last era....we cant help where we landed this era either....and considering our place on the rankings, everyone is technically weaker than us (even though i would consider legacy and db more than our match:P)

Oh, and dont start in on the whole hoh list crap. Most of those armies are dwarves, *beep*

Wait....what am I doing? Why should I even have to bother defending my kingdom to the likes of you? Silly me.



One thing to point out. You say to come fight a real kingdom. Alright. Am i to take this as an offer from Phi for us to enter into the conflict in the east and fight you guys? Because I am pretty sure your enemies would love to see that happen.....

I guess we do have some things to talk about in our kingdom after all regarding diplomacy......




*this post has been sponsored in part by the Elect Fizban for world leader campaign


18:33:24 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Dung beetle....considering how you just said that Architect doesn't represent your entire kingdom in the forums, it's pretty odd to take Carolus' as representative of his entire kingdom.....I don't have anything against any of you guys, I just think PHI is unfairly being picked on. Architect began some pretty intense flaming of PHI and they're just responding.....

Anyways, I don't get what everyone's got against Phi. A few of their more outspoken members were quite arrogant in this thread, and others, but just as many tried to make a case quite cooly but got flamed away without any real answers. I got nothing against Phi, imo they've done ok this era. If any of this townswapping stuff is true though, my opinion is definitely different. But I don't know that, and no one else really has much proof.......other than insulting little flames of course ;)

Notes: My post is NOT necessarily representative of my kingdom, and I've got nothing against any of the kingdoms. I am NOT flaming anyone here. Please refrain from insulting my person and/or making retarded comments. Thank you, and have a good day =)

18:36:28 Nov 10th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Ahhh...nice indirect flaming there, implying i am a hypocrite;)


I know Carolus is not representative of Phi, if he was, then god help them.

But when someone posts in here that we need to stop picking on the little kingdoms and come fight a real kingdom, i cannot help but respond to that. Even though each member is free to share their opinion, they still have to watch what they say because *beep* like this can lead to worse stuff down the road. Even personal opinions have effects on the kingdom and community.

But I would have assumed many would have known that, apparently not....

18:51:03 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

Alright, This thread has gotten way out of hand out of respect for my kingdom and kingdom mates I wont sink any lower, if anyone wants to discuss anything feel free to send me a message instead.

21:17:00 Nov 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

No Mielo is not my Muilti nor am I his...

What Dung said about my opinion not being the representative view of the kingdom is entirely true, I hope none of you were thinking that Carnage as a whole was working along the same lines as me, though, as stated there, they may be soon.

Id like to ask you Architecht, Where does this hate for Phi come from? As you seem to think we are a farmers kingdom, filled with new players. Do you even know what Phi strive for and have been striving for since it first was created?

I would not call it hate.  I would call it something slightly less intense, maybe like an extreme dis-like.  Mielo pretty much nailed my reason for not liking you guys, and it's the same reason I don't like zeon, and the same reason I used to not like LGC, but they have calmed down a little to a tolerable level.  It's because the few of you that post in here are so incredibly arrogant as to make me sick to my stomach.  Also, from the beginning of our relations with PHI, Zerocool has had absolutely zero cool about anything.  He threatened war because of a scout while 6 of theirs were already in our core, at least on of which was his...  He threatened the same war because of a 5k army that was going to fight MAD and happened to be passing by him.  I can spew crap all over the forums and it's not really a problem, whether you like what I post or not is your choice.  However he elevated this to a point where he was sending threats of war to several people kingdom wide through PM's.  This is a bit more serious considering he is a vice.  HE can give me crap for whatever he wants and it stays at that level, me and him.  However when he elevates it to them breaking our relations off and going to war, that can not be kept at a simple thing between me and him.  This and other stuff on-going are the reasons I don't particularly like PHI.

00:42:06 Nov 11th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Gothrim gothrim gothrim...

From previous posts of my esteemed self in this parody of a thread you should have noticed that I am hardly to be taken seriously in this matter. But you may, of course, interpret what I have written above any way you like. Only advice I can give you is that if you continue seeing threats everywhere, you may very well be afraid of your own shadow in a while lad.


Lady Dung Beetle, would you be so kind as to send your Dung beetle underlings in here to gather all the...dung and roll it somewhere out of sight? I dont think my sensitive person can take much more of these feaces people insist on dropping off around here.

07:22:41 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@Archi: You and Dion are the new diplomats, with Dung in the back seat? At least, that is what I thought.

@Phi: I never disliked PHI (and affiliates) when it started during the 3-man kingdoms (i think) era. But please read carefully: some people are trying to compliment you and keep relations going here, if you so choose to throw everything out into the dumpster (which Dung Beatle will not even devour), GAME ON.

I am pretty riled now, and when people twist facts that are presented, I have an urge to show a certain finger of mine.
Like I tried to say before, there are people in PHI (and MAD) that can fight a very clean war, and my respects goes to them. However, PHI and MAD almost always mess up the diplomacy due to some hot heads. Now, get Carnage out of the picture (or at least, this thread), and give the "smaller" kingdoms their due respect. Calling BoW, Zeon and Predators "small" is not exactly a good way to make friends. Ignorance is your bliss, but my hypertension....

10:11:14 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Firestorm:

" Er... I saw Lithos making out with Quietone!  They secretly plan to have kids who will take over Legacy, Dark Blood, and Phi all together!  We must kill them before their evil scheme begins! "

I feel sorry for those kids!

11:45:16 Nov 11th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

no offence but preds and bow are small kds.. not top kds Zeon is doing ok but have a few eras untill they are going to be considerd a top kd.

14:12:36 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Lord Ladybug wrote: "But please read carefully: some people are trying to compliment you and keep relations going here."

And is so noted, and our thanks. What Carolus wrote is not the kd position, I'm sure. So let's launch "Kiss-a-bug Week" =)

14:36:42 Nov 11th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

Noting the folly of their previous words and the implied repercussions of those, PHI now seeks to make amends. You where hinting at fear from our quarters Gothrim, do I now smell that very affliction from your corner of the ring?

16:56:53 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Currently we have Legacy, Dark Blood and FF against Phi and MAD. That is 3 against 2. Adding Carnage would make it 4 vs 2. Duh.

Question is, why is Legacy so desperate to stir up trouble with these kinds of threads. Why does Legacy need Carnage in on their side? That, people, is the question that confronts us all. What signs of decay and degeneration afflict these once-proud rulers of Fantasia?

(anyhow that's just imho...actually i'm not supposed to post here but i'm bored).

17:34:06 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

Well mostly its boredom also its really funny to see all your reactions. I personally don't care really about the enemy or what they do - I couldn't name more than 1 or 2 players from any kd I've fought in the past and when this age ends I won't remember any of the people I've killed or been killed by.

17:47:11 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@ Gothrim: We are NAP. * Yes, my High Council is going to get me for this. * and even though we are a bunch of bloodythirsty chaotics, we still *gasps* honour NAPs. Just to let you guys know, our era progressed from:
1) Havoc vs Predators (nearest neighbours, unfortunately)
2) Havoc vs Zeon (Enemy number 1 on our charts) + Predators
3) Havoc vs BoW, Zeon, Predators.

It is 1vs3 now. We are HAVOC, but not mad (pun not intended, or ..., sorry Aloy).

22:20:43 Nov 11th 07 - Mr. Stonefly:

yes i am of Carnage! no my views are not shared by my entire kingdom <<<new Carnage disclaimer :P

why is it we have to read anything about our kingdom in a lgc/phi thread? i had much respect for phi but it is failing and shrinking. i still do respect my mates Senturu and Mavich and still respect their loyalty to their kingdom....( oh, by the way this is  Draven under a new starting nick) but i don't understand why the post of Rex even happened. very immature in my opinion. Rex didn't flame the people flaming him, he flamed Carnage itself, which po'ed me to no end. if you really want a piece of Carnage, come and get it. but if you want to be brothers in nap then be that only. Carnage has proved themselves as a top kingdom over and over again, and if it means doing so 1 more time then so be it. i fear no one in this game, not phi not lgc not anybody, but i do respect them.
...........the end of my rant.

23:36:26 Nov 11th 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

"You could care less"; I will assume then, you care a great deal about our opinion of you. Whatever that opinion may be- and how interesting it could prove to delve deeper ino the issue - I feel there is another topic that needs to be adressed here.

You claim to intimate knowledge regarding the doing of Legacy and seem to have concluded we are some sort of evil empire set to the destruction of everything that lives. Now I do not recall any event, in recent history, that may justify that sort of opinion. Unless of course you chose to listen to people that cant think clear as soon as one of our names is mentioned. I do however hope you possess a shred of intelligence and can manage to look past what other people tell you.

As quite a few people here have stated already, Legacy is not what is once was. We´ve gotten older and have other things to do than sitting and watching VU 24/7 (*gasp* we have lives! *gasp*). It is only natural that a new group of very active people are starting to step into the spotlight. With that, kudos to carnage! Would never have thought the nub Venomz would survive a single round, let alone build a respectable KD!

23:38:03 Nov 11th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

@Ignis: Uhmmm.....sure he did:P That explains why carnage wasnt mentioned at all in his post...he directed his post completely at archi himself....not at our kingdom.......

<Wow" Im sure you penis got extended by miles after that post, I mean come on? Who cares about how many troops Carnage train? To be honest i sincerely doubt that the number exceeds the number of Phi has considering 50%+ of all HoH armies all era pretty much have been marked with the Phi flag(As of current when im writing this post that number is 6/10), Im guessing however in the Carnage world of dreams(Do you actually think someone is impressed by your era? Raping weak kingdoms all era and trying to grab the era win for once)

Even if your number of troops exceeded Phi, You still cant put them to use to any but Weak kingdoms, Grow some balls and come fight a real kingdom before posting. >


Yep....nothing about us at all......


<note sarcasm>

23:59:25 Nov 11th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Would never have thought the nub Venomz would survive a single round, let alone build a respectable KD!

Ha! It were the people around him. We just choose Venomz as our King to add to the humiliation of whomever we defeat. ;)

And yes, we are the evil Kingdom bent to the destruction of at least most that lives (Why kill the good looking women?) Its unfair LGC still tries to steal that title from us.

00:26:56 Nov 12th 07 - Lord Senturu:

what others tell me? or how about what i see?

ive seen posts from OLDER members of LGC telling others that they are the victims of every era. but that is false, ive been around long enough to know that isnt true. you guys are shameless.

Im not saying that PHI hasnt had its Faults either. yes. we have done things that we are not proud of. yes we have done things. the same things that LGC FIRST started doing. yes it was wrong of us to tell you to stop doing it and play fair, when we ourselves began to do it.

BUT, you cannot deny that many of your older members are not arrogant! you should know better than anyone else that several people are. they are harsh and cruel to others for no apparent reason. they dont listen to people. they instead dictate others.

ms. Dung Beetle

""legacy are evul, legacy wants to eat babies, legacy cheats""

the second one? i doubt. well mabye swifty does it. but the Third one? you cannot deny that Lgc has come up with well. put it lightly. "clever use of game mechanics" to pull off some things that look like its CHEATING.

perhaps if lgc didnt do that. then no one would say that they are?

00:44:22 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Architect:

@ Mr. Carolus Rex

Actually rex flamed archy, because archy flamed phi. 1 line post. :)

Show me where I "flamed" you.  If presenting facts against you to support my cause where I am not directly attacking anyone is considered "flaming", then I do belive you need to re-adjust your thoughts about what is considered "flaming".  There was not a single time where I said, "you all suck", or anything that was a Flame.  You started the flaming, I did nothing except present the facts.  Show me 1 time where I flamed you.  Presenting facts again you that you don't like does not count as flaming.

Oh and next time when you want to flame me, please do use proper English

00:52:09 Nov 12th 07 - Lord Ladybug:

Archi, you sound more likely than I in pointing the finger I had mentioned.
Still waiting for them to present their facts, or else, just rest the case. We know who knew what anyway.

01:09:00 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Mog The Moogle:


dude, ignis posted that, not carolus. =p

01:29:25 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Yeah, Ignis explained that Carlous said it.  I don't care about Ignis saying that he flamed me, I am asking for an explanation from Carlous because he was the one who flamed me.  I am just using his post as a reference.

04:04:15 Nov 12th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

of all the posts here.. the leadership of MAD stayed quiet and observe how this flame thread where used against PHI and perhaps MAD.

The Spartans' three members left us without notice. They decided to leave fantasia. We have no option but to take their cities. Our enemies saw this as townswapping, and i understand why our enemies are flaming here. I didnt kicked them for inactivity or for any secret agenda. If you guys dont believe it, why not asked the Spartans (attn: Mielo), If you still dont believe it, its not our problem already.

Early in the era, a member of FF went to Fantasia and gave his cities to FF members, our enemies never saw it as townswapping or maybe they never saw it actually. sigh.

Every kingdom have their own policies and rules that their members must obey. Im sure every kingdom has inactives, no one can avoid it. If they will be kicked, Its natural to take their cities or are they too kind to give it to their enemies. I dont think so.

My kingdom is not the usual kingdom who includes flaming thread on their @r$enal. We saw walljumping, riverjumping and crosswalls too. Its not my problem if our enemies will do it against us, instead I promised that we will do it better than them if they will use it. Maybe my enemies just got jealous when we wall jump too much.

I ruled MAD together with my 3 viceroys like a dictator. Thus, posts made by our members will not represent the whole kingdom of MAD officially. If you have problem with my kingdom... asked me or my vices. I'll appreciate it very much and will even asked your comments to make my kingdom more effective (and mature, right Lewatha?) :)

ps. on the MAD/Carnage little incident, I found that little Carnage army arrogant enough to take our cities and then informed me that he (since he is not representing Carnage) is open for diplomacy, so I spend enough resources for his removal, in the end before he surrendered his army, I found PHI tried to arrange peaceful relations for us, I cant blame them. Instead I pity that Carnage army as a victim of diplomatic strategies.

05:41:48 Nov 12th 07 - Sir Patton:

So much long-winded drivel in this post, and most of it just makes me want to claw my eyes out while I want to try and read it.

This is VU folks, not the US House and Senate here. (Or name another incompetent efficient government body of your choice)

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