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Forums / In game politics / Plague on Fant

Plague on Fant
23:34:06 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. Arzun:

Teirdel, TBL is a terrific troll and idiot. What he says hardly has truth to it.

00:12:55 Jan 28th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Well, most of us are normal, that's why a spastic like you hates it :)

But oh wait... what happened to this guy again?

General Maximus Decimus Meridius


20:20:13 Jan 26th 10

and no need for me to come to your core. as im sure you can tell. someone else in on there way to all on mant :)

Someone else on the way to all on Mantrax? Where is he? Do we need to farm up to take him down? From the sounds of it, I think we do :(

00:14:16 Jan 28th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Mr. Arzun


05:34:06 Jan 28th 10 Teirdel, TBL is a terrific troll and idiot. What he says hardly has truth to it.

At least I am a terrific troll and idiot :) You are a pathetic troll and idiot of absolutely no consequence and achievement :)

00:16:51 Jan 28th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

still see you avoid parts.. typical

00:20:03 Jan 28th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

So you can't answer my question Zondervan? Where is the guy you said is coming to take down all Mantrax?

And pray... what parts did I avoid? The one where you said that Fate is farming up troops? Why should I avoid that? We are trying to copy Domination's strategy :) No OOP war, farm up troops, hit BIG. :) Maybe even get one guy to solo a whole map by himself and take it out too... that's what you are saying right? ^_^

00:36:24 Jan 28th 10 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

how did the plague end up being an argument about fate and dom?!?  >_>  

00:36:45 Jan 28th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

So you've improved in the last 3 eras or so Zond? Nice to hear.. So now instead of being hopelessly incompetent, you've upgraded to just plain useless? :)

How those rocks work out for ya? :)

01:01:40 Jan 28th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:


Zondervan seems to have gone VERY quiet all of a sudden.... :P

03:58:42 Jan 28th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

its called a life if i do say. and those rocks huh? tell that to all you guys i killed. then you can talk.

and seems i have hlaf the number of troops as one fate member prepping on me and mine are spam hobs. and well doesnt look good for them.

i never said he was coming to take all of mant. i said he was coming. and from wat i can tell havent seen u on the i can say what i want right.

@ademo, still the same i see. all talk.

and i did have and oop war, ask all of dom plus the other kds. i didnt farm, never have in my life of vu.

as for this forum, im outie on this topic. (yes the bigger person leaves it as it is, we shall see who still wants to reply)

back to the plague, anyone got it still?

04:08:54 Jan 28th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Noble:

Theo, you really never learn when it comes to plague casting.. ;P

05:24:12 Jan 28th 10 - Chancellor Ademo The Hellbunny:

You're funny when you're angry Zond :) All talk? Lol. How quickly you forget.

I'd be surprised if you had seen me "on the field", as I'm a mage again this era.. Maybe if you communicated a bit more in your KD you'd know the roles of your enemies a bit better.

eg: We know in Fate, that YOUR role is to be a nubish speedbump.. Designed to slow us down half a minute or so before we get to the good players.

05:28:16 Jan 28th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

Sir Cadmus The Noble


22:08:54 Jan 27th 10
Theo, you really never learn when it comes to plague casting.. ;P
What was it that I didn't learn? I had a one shot chance and took it. I was about to be banished from the realm lol

21:39:11 Jan 28th 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

Flame Lord Phoenix


00:36:24 Jan 28th 10
how did the plague end up being an argument about fate and dom?!?  >_>  


When has something not ended up being that?

01:34:37 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Mustang:

I agree with lew, and this is my first era back and we always seem to be arguing with fate hahaha

02:12:10 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

Sexual tension is a powerful force..

02:13:04 Jan 29th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

I call dibs on Milla! :P

04:00:42 Jan 29th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

not really fate argueing with dom, more of them argueing with me over nothing :)

07:19:49 Jan 29th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

Well, you are correct Zondervan... when we talk about you, we are essentially talking about nothing :)

08:30:56 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIV:

This is all off topic, unless Zondervan is considered a plague on Fantasia.

Is it all done, the plague?

22:20:47 Jan 29th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

on starta ;)

06:50:00 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Cadmus The Noble:

Haha, I hope you've learned to cast it more than two clicks away from your kingdom's core, Theo. :P

17:48:40 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XV:

My Kingdom's Core?


Maybe you are thinking about way back when:

I casted plague with premission, on an NAP partner, as a last ditch effort to knock down some people's scores.


Well, it was on Fant, we had very few cities, and most were mine, and FC agreed that I could cast it on them.


I dont think it did much of anything though.

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