Planet Hollywood The Movie |
The collapse of leadership : (
Do I sound collapsed you bottom feeder?
*boots the door down*
double trouble punks
Our hero's had no sooner settled, than a god awfull smell began eminating from the southern hills. One morning, it proved to be so bad, that it woke our hero from his drunken sleep. Feeling the effects of the previous nights drinking session, our hero stumbled to the kitchen, and starred in dismay at the empty coffee can. "Hanky" he yelled, who in turn mumbled something sleeply, before turning over and sleep mounting his teddy, muttering something along the lines of "random baby hanky poke your pokemon..." and making odd girating movements. Turning back to the desperate coffee situation, our hungover hero was suddenly overwhelmed by the putrid smell again. "time for the neighbours to leave..." he mumbled under breath, strapping his shoulder holster on. Heading to the southern valley, he smelt the rotten odour, and soon dawned on him that he had smelt this before. HIV smelt just like this. Finding Kayn, he realised why, as the sewerage eating creature was an HIV outcast, but for some reason, they always smelt the same. "Time to leave boys..." our hero shouted. Kayn looked up, shouting something as sewer waste spilled from the edges of his mouth. "Didnt your mama ever teach you not to speak shit with your mouthfull?" our hero yelled, as he watched Kayn work himself up into a frenzy... "Time for yippiekiya's I reckon..." our hero mumbles, whipping out his gun.
Can I join planet hollywood?
As the snarling shit beast lurched forward, his smell just infuriated our heros senses, taunting his worsening hangover. "this is gonna hurt you as much as it does me..." he muttered, squeezing of 3 rounds, as the deafening gunshots rang through his ears, sending his hungover state into "really bad mood mode... The shit beast stumbled backwards... before collapsing into a dung heap. " be back" it muttered, before slithering away into the sewers from where it came. " i'll still be here " our hero muttered, before returning home and kicking Hanky out of bed and sending him semi naked to find coffee. Closing his eyes, he wondered if this silly day would end.
As Bruce finished off the last of the shit beasts, he looked about him. "eeny meeny myni mo... which of the motherfuckers is gonna go?" he reloaded his gun, adjusted his penis and headed out on the path of "all guns blazing" destruction.
Oooohhh, he's so dreamy Our kd leader is so badass, wonder what he'll do next...
It wasnt long before our Hero met a mans man... he was the all american boy.. they named him Denim Dan. "wonder where that coffee went..." he thought "because I dont know about you, but I'm seeing Dead people". Denim Dan was talked about in the southern countries. He figured he could make life hell for our hollywood stars. As our hero meets face to.... "WTF" muttered our hero. Denim Dan stood 4 ft 2 inches high in heels. His bearded face spewed some obsenities through his rotten teeth. "Yippy kiya motherfucker" our hero mumbled, kicking the dumbass Dan dwarf right off the map.... "now onto more serious matters" he muttered, leaving denim Dan in need of some patchwork.
Cartoons are failed c rate actors.
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