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Forums / In game politics / Pred member is traitor!!!

Pred member is traitor!!!
00:19:12 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Stalin:

ill say it again glad. everything that was done by angels members were ordered from me! so if your going to blame any one blame me not the whole damn kd.

01:45:59 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mainly wat he is pissed about Stalin is the fact that me and sabbath decided to make a kd ahead of schedule and we decided to attack him. Well he decided to attack first and we retaliated.

03:50:41 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

you put sticks into our wheels , but good era anyway

03:57:02 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well the beginning was good but when everyone wanted to stop the wars and try and get on the HoH thats when it got really boring. So we figured why be like everyone else. Get on the HoH by conquering. but ya very good era.

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