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Forums / In game politics / Public Apology

Public Apology
21:17:14 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Alright, Here we go

I left Retribution at the end of last Era, as I thought I'd like to try a fresh start
I knew if I had told you guys I was joining Aurora you would have Flipped out
And dont deny it,  you would have
--> you know damn well I wouldn't have flipped, Osi might have flipped, but I would just try to keep you with us and if it'd be impossible, I'd just accept it. Exactly what I did when 1/4th of RET joined fusion in our second era. I tried keeping them, they didn't listen, so I just accepted it.

Im not sure why on earth I decided to post it in Priv forums for one, it came out I had posted it in Hangaround on Public view with Info about Retribution Merges Sizes, postitions
Which Lew told me on MIRC
--> and I'll keep mad at you for that, I really will remain mad about that for multiple era's. I even asked you if I could trust you with the info.

My second last comment = Even after I busted you, even after I learned to know you were Ptah, you still kept saying you weren't. You even tried telling me I had been drinking too much and asked me if I were on drugs.

My last comment is a positive one (after 3 negative ones) I do believe you've made this thread because you're truely sorry. and I appreciate that, however it will not make me less angry. You'll remain the only person on my ignore list on irc. and will probably be there for multiple era's. You have mis-used my trust, and made yourself a valuable foe.


Im glad you decided to post

Though You may of not flipped, Osi would have
And I would have proberly lost MirC contact with Bran and others due to me being in Aurora which I didnt want to happen
I truely liked the people in Ret, I didnt want to loose some of them, Including you

It was by pure Idiocy and Incompetence on my part
I posted it in Hangaround by accident
Only a few people saw it from what I know, as I got rid of it as fast as I could
Im not even sure why I was even going to post in Aurora Forum either
Proberly because I felt 'Smart', look how thats ended eh ?

Yes, You did Bust me
And Yes I did deny it, though I shouldn't have I guess
Sorry about saying you must be Drunk or on Drugs >_<'
I didnt know what to say
I wanted to tell you properly at era end that I was now in Aurora

I do understand your Anger
And I understand you Ignoring me
I really am sorry fully
I really am Lew.. Really :(

21:47:14 Jan 22nd 09 - Duke Arzun:

Mr. Sleepyhead


1/22/2009 3:30:56 AMif you were never in phi then you are not the  "Ptah" i know.. or you are just a copy of that person or vice versa. you used his name, and did what he did almost exactly what he did. Ptah in that time also claimed as transporter. 

he was a member of holy and  DB.

I was on the same page as you lol

Ya Revenge you're a tool as well as Ptah, good name choice.

22:21:55 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Killer:

I don't see why you, Revenge, needed to make a public apology, could you not just apologise to Lewatha and whoever else you may have insulted/etc. in messages? I have to agree with Bran, though perhaps not with the same choice of words. Honestly, I don't know what you're apologising about, nor for that matter do I care, but it doesn't take "balls" to apologise on a forum. Seriously, is someone going to come up and punch him in the face? Maybe some people feel like it, but I doubt that they are going to track him down to do so. He shouldn't have anything to apologise about in the first place, you shouldn't be complimenting him on the fact that he managed to post a topic.

22:25:44 Jan 22nd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

*Septim is currently working on tracking Revenge for his terrible sp@m, despite Killer's doubts*


22:31:20 Jan 22nd 09 - Trigger Happy Magic Man:

LOL... Both Abaddon and I know Transporter in real life.... When I saw Ptah in the Godlike *beep*s I asked Abaddon if Transporter had started playing again....

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