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SS and Greg Talk
07:43:32 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

Mr. ruby iam an expeierenced player also ur also keeping this thread alive and theres nothing wrong with that.

07:46:28 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

O and it WAS JUST A JOKE when i said i would turn emo.


16:55:40 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

:S U guys still posting here??? lol, that's just tooo funny..especially since we are warring u guys now :D

17:05:15 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

yoshi u are exp player? lol

19:56:01 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Dire Wolf:

[01:43] Mr. Gallyon: I had declared war upon SS by sending a message to sir Aizen the day that i left..that was 28 july, Sir Aizen asked me not to attack yet, because i had to honour the 48 hour rule... so we did KD did not knew i declared war..but we were already at war..then, when i got internet connection i publicly told my kd..and they started to attack, but we were at war before already..therefore, sir mafia is a traitor on Point 4 of our Ally pact, i know that means we are allowed to take sir mafia over, though we have not done that yet, and now i am going to tell you why...if we attack Sir Mafia, i am sure we will get troubles with you, and the kingdom of Mystical, i really Liked Sir Mystery, so i am not going tobetray his trust in me, also, I think SS is an enemy of both of us. so weshould focus ont hem and not eachother, therefore i am willing to let Sir Maffia switch to your kingdom without any attacks from us, but... if sir mafia is going to take all SS city's infront of our feet, i think u understand we do not like that, so not move below the rivers

Wow.. thats a very nice plan there, and really bad spelling by the way =P

Anyways I got more, theres lots of crap said by Gallyon here.

20:12:42 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Dire Wolf:

[01:46] Mr. Gallyon: Sir mystery knew that we were going to war SS LONG before we were even allied
[01:46] Mr. Gallyon: he knew our whole plan
[01:47] Mr. Pulse: I also knew that you WERE GOING to war
[01:47] Mr. Pulse: You were going to start the war on Tuesday for what I was told
[01:47] Mr. Pulse: Mystery told me that also
[01:47] * Mr. Arcanus has joined Nirvana
[01:47] Mr. Gallyon: well, like u could see, that's not true
[01:47] Mr. Gallyon: anyway
[01:47] Mr. Pulse: You declared the war prematurely

See Old Greg, and Gallyon, I knew this wasnt a coincidence, you guys where planning to attack together... But now not only a feeling, theres proof, and I see you dont give a rats behind about Pulse or Mystical, so you used them to get us weak, and now you want the core to yourselves.. tisk tisk tisk, not very honorable, you told me you didnt need help from mystical while we where chatting:

[01:06] Mr. Old Greg: we didnt need mystical to help us
[01:06] Mr. Old Greg: dont give me that crap
[01:06] Sir Dire Wolf: lol, I dont need to give you what you already have
[01:07] Sir Dire Wolf: You waited for the moment we were weak
[01:07] Sir Dire Wolf: coincidences are not always this great
[01:07] Mr. Old Greg: im not a "holy angel" if a KD is playing badly ill play badly against them
[01:07] Mr. Old Greg: what they deserve
[01:07] Mr. Old Greg: if they cant take it dont do it
[01:07] Sir Dire Wolf: Im not asking you to stop
[01:07] Sir Dire Wolf: I say you are just denying what you did
[01:07] Mr. Old Greg: we had a planned attack all along, gallyon was on holiday, when he returned we would war
[01:08] Sir Dire Wolf: and that is wait for the moment we were weak, like a coward would do
[01:08] Mr. Old Greg: we didny wait for anything
[01:08] Mr. Old Greg: you was winning your war when gallyon left
[01:08] Mr. Old Greg: not my fault your KD lets in players you cant control
[01:09] Sir Dire Wolf: lol.. then we were loosing, but you thought, well look they are weak now, if we get there fast we get it all, and mystical doesnt.

Lol yeah right, getting mysticals help was not only your plan, but you were completely dependant on it, and now you throw mystical aside by not giving a crap about them, especially since Pulse wants to have the same freedom you do, but you guys say the core is all yours blah blah blah, mystical is only wasting their time with you, you always want to control everything huh:

[01:36] Mr. Pulse: He has all rights to that area
[01:36] * Mr. Arcanus has joined Nirvana
[01:36] Mr. Gallyon: he has all rights to that city
[01:36] Mr. Gallyon: but not to that area
[01:37] Mr. Gallyon: there are lots of cities in the area that he has that are not taken yet
[01:37] Mr. Gallyon: there is no need for him to move down here
[01:37] Mr. Gallyon: i hope you can understand that we do want our own piece of SS
[01:37] Mr. Pulse: He has his own war strategy regarding SS - you do not set that
[01:38] Mr. Pulse: On top of everything, We were at war with SS since the beginning of the era
[01:38] Mr. Pulse: You joined a few days ago, and you dare to state claims on SS cities
[01:38] Mr. Gallyon: yes, i do
[01:38] Mr. Pulse: that is not fair
[01:38] Mr. Gallyon: i've discussed that with Sir Mystery
[01:38] Mr. Gallyon: u should know what ur talking about
[01:38] Mr. Gallyon: anyway, about Sir Mafia..
[01:38] Mr. Pulse: Mystery told me nothing, therefore nothing was discussed or agreed upon
[01:39] * Mr. Arcanus has left Nirvana
[01:39] Mr. Pulse: But today that is not the point that we are at
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: and we discussed it with Sir Mystery
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: he agreed to it...
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: and i dont like the way ur acting towards me now

[01:40] Mr. Pulse: Today we're nap''ed, allied against ss
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: not napped
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: ALLIED
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: both things are completely different
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: anyway
[01:40] Mr. Gallyon: about Sir Maffia

[01:40] Mr. Pulse: if there is any will from the greg side to maintain that, they must stop setting ridiculous onesided terms
[01:40] * Mr. Arcanus has joined Nirvana
[01:41] Mr. Pulse: don't get confused Gally, I still have respect for you and your KD, but that must be mutual <----( What a shame its not mutual )

Yellow: He thinks he knows everything

Green: Thats right, when the KD improvements leadership you must discuss with the new leader all threatys made.

Blue: He wants to you treat him right, even though he doesnt give a rats ass about you.

Red: Changing subject trying to trick you into doing what he wants, see he only cares about himself.

(( Now I see, I was always right in doubting fuzzy little man peach, and I always knew they had no honor, especially now looking at what they planned, about Mystical, you shouldnt be comanded by fuzzy, you should think for yourselves and know that you made us weak, you did more damage than fuzzy, one: a coward member left to you, two: you took out yoshi and rehiula, three: you where the initial war... So the SS core, if I am to die, I think should go to Mystical, since you guys where a real war, and where honorable throughout it, not fuzzy, fuzzy used a NAP to assure his victory, they also played with you guys and used you, so the SS core belongs to Mystical more than anybody else... the Reason for me to say this is because its true... enjoy)

[Special thanks to Rochneer, who died and even so stayed in our KD, even if he is new to SS and had no need to stay, he had the balls and honor to do so.]

20:13:04 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Lol, Dire wolf :) Rocheer has been copying for you?? :D...

whatever you is true... and i do not watch my spelling as long as it is understandable i dont worry ab it.. :P oh, and there's no need for you to try give me a bad reputation, I already have one :D. u can ask everyone that knows me, there's lots of bad things to tell ab what i have done in my past here :D...

20:14:13 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Dire Wolf:

Shut up looser, I put this here for Pulse and some others to see, I couldnt care less about what you say, lol, your a rat and even more of a coward than Mafia.

20:45:22 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Dear Sir Dire Wolf,

Wasnt it you that reminded me that this was just a game?? I will not go into all the accusements you have thrown at me. I can clearly see that you hate me deeply. And you may do so if you wish too. Do whatever you want to do, The Fuzzy's know the truth and that is all that matters.

Yours Sincerely,

King Gallyon of Greg

ps. I would like my members not to post in this topic anymore

21:29:30 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Guthix III:

im not saying anything anymore cause i dont want to get in this crap

15:19:04 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

I am starting to hate some people ^^

Sir Dire Wolf, it is a politic game, it was obvius, if Mystical started to win the war, your neighbor kingdom would start to attack you and then would say THEY are winning...

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