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Sarafan Knights
04:46:33 May 24th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


i told him that he was underestimating me and he didnt even listen to me....

04:58:13 May 24th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:

the both of you


05:02:37 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Better put magic protection on it or I could smoke it >_>

05:23:13 May 24th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


there will be soon enough friend

05:30:26 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Good....the bigger your pride....the harder your fall >_>

Im not wasting my gold on catapults like I did my 1st era....knights can easily make up for them....even if it means higher army upkeep...

09:15:57 May 24th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

lol just look at the power difference...
ok heres us

SKSarafan Knights31Sir Peter Abby Jackson100

and here is you guys

BCThe Black Chain14Sir Syuveil40

all they have is their pride :P

11:58:20 May 24th 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

I think you guys are underestimating them ;)

13:07:17 May 24th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

only time will tell mate

15:58:24 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

I dont underestimate anyone....I just overkill :)

16:02:32 May 24th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

BC is many times stronger then that % can tell



BP nor anyone else will Defeat us

16:17:17 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

......I think your ego is getting to big for that head of yours......I think SK is many times stronger than our % can tell.... =p

16:52:51 May 24th 08 - Mr. Reyal:

/sigh....So...i just joined SK for the march to BC.  you know you now face my army called Sigh.  look it up on the highscores page.  it's been there for a good long time.  Deal with it. 

17:10:44 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ohhh this is gonna be fun as soon as I get my army close....

17:17:45 May 24th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

ive never cared to even look at the power of a kingdom and the hoh is messed up 50k gaia will be on the hoh before 500 nazzies are on the hoh.

50k gaia = 50k op
500 nazzies = 75k power

17:23:37 May 24th 08 - Sir Slade:

Mr. Burninglegion fuk your a tool

and im going to have fun Destroying your Buildings :D

19:53:25 May 24th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

=-) i didnt even know we had a thread, smiley

08:31:14 May 25th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

lol, i soo agree with charley

19:15:19 May 27th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


Slade you are the tool, and Peter Jackson... i wouldnt think i'd see you support this Savagry...

Slade you are underestimating me, and i do not appreciate it...

01:10:03 May 28th 08 - Mr. Reyal:'re about to get raped...and you're still talking crap....



01:11:31 May 28th 08 - Mr. Reyal:

and those cities of yours just south of dark fires are on the list

01:30:07 May 28th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Yeah I think PJ would support this "Savagry" because you talk crap, you HAVE talked crap, and still are.....why dont you stop hiding your armies over your cities and let me RoF them into cinders......its making me sad that I have to come in there and drag your ass out

02:42:03 May 28th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

pj only supports savagry :P

02:57:29 May 28th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Oh shut up PJ >_> you nubcake ☺

07:46:12 May 28th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

:O not nice charley not nice

12:51:13 May 28th 08 - Mr. Mager:

DF is the best Kingdom so join DFR

14:14:15 May 28th 08 - Mr. Ant:


02:17:48 May 29th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

^-_-^    <======  ears =-)

05:34:57 May 29th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:


well one that people will read anyway :P

04:28:47 May 30th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


*beep*, did i laugh at PJ?

: D


04:29:46 May 30th 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:

btw PJ

are you going to join Sanohs emo kd next year?


sounds like fun


i actually want to... (Strangely)

hes rubbing off on me

23:51:01 May 30th 08 - Mr. Sarafan:

Mr. Burninglegion said:
"BC is many times stronger then that % can tell
BP nor anyone else will Defeat us"

yeah u wanna change that statement a bit now? cause u guyz are gone from Zeta now lolz....Pwned..........have fun in Valhalla...lolz

00:16:33 May 31st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

somebody shoot this guy? all the damn z's everywhere. and arrogance. gah slade what happened to SK? :D

00:52:58 May 31st 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


Bruiant i like you

BP diserves the credit for this...
Though i am still not dead yet...

im like Osama Bin Laden

(hiding in caves and such)


02:07:56 May 31st 08 - Mr. Garfield:

and just like him we'll get you then continue to release tapes "proving" you're alive so we can keep getting military funding

04:29:37 May 31st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Carthac will cause us to spend billions in gold on trying to kill him....and then get killed by some random KD who none of us would expect......and yeah BP deserves the credit for taking the mines....but we opened the door for them...without us im sure that you would have held them better....

04:51:07 May 31st 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

no i say that BP did most of the work, but the breakthrough that they got through Uren farms was because solitis cant build a blocker and most of the armies left the blocker to fight shinobi

05:08:54 May 31st 08 - Mr. Garfield:

yea things would be different if we couldn't just walk by. bc could have brought up reinforcements to the line and lasted who knows how long. luckily the way pressure remained on the blcokers they couldn't retake the losses and here we are

06:26:37 May 31st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Yeah we took Uren Forest and Farms andthen a BC army retook Uren Farms and BP took it.....was carelessness on that part that no force was left to hold it...

13:27:07 May 31st 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

oh yeah i forgot we had this thread :P

09:11:54 Jun 1st 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

what thread pj i dont see anything

>_>     nothing over there

<_<     nothing over here either

nope no thread

23:37:25 Jun 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

He didnt look up or down!! 

^_^ nothing up there

V_V nothing down there either

O_o  where am I?

00:48:33 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

>_<   I SEE ERNIE!?! how did you get there......

02:50:16 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

....Because I said so....

13:01:31 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

oh damn, im so lost

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