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Forums / In game politics / Superheroes vs. Lgc

Superheroes vs. Lgc
19:16:08 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

everyone needs to shut the fek up and fight.

19:18:44 Sep 4th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

hmm a history lesson?
Last era

Ret is at war. Ret asks elements for a nap. Elements say they are thinking about it. Elements attack Ret.

This era

Super is at war. Super asks ret for a nap. Ret say they are thinking about it. Ret attacks Super

ok so why are you whining on the forums about how unhonourable we are.  i guess your memories only last for one era eh

19:21:17 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Euranus:

Were you guys whining last era? ^^

19:22:43 Sep 4th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

no where near as much as they are :)

19:45:18 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

I thought you liked it when they squeal while you're taking 'em from behind Osi? ;-)

19:47:53 Sep 4th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

all i can say is welcome to fant whole different ball game leadership wise :) 

19:49:16 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Oh yer ;D

19:51:57 Sep 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I just realised something...

you guys were asking us to NAP and fight LGC... so that'd be 2 VS 1 too...

hyprocrits much?

19:53:10 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Rofl, you got burned

Stay away from Fire next time

19:53:40 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

"hyprocrits much?"

Not to mention they wanted secret NAP with Legacy to fight Ret, so they only have something against 2 v 1 when it's them that are 1.

19:53:43 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

By the way, welcome to Fant. Where getting double teamed, triple teamed or flat out gang banged is a way of life here.

20:09:00 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Juggernaut:

 Gl to Legacy and RET, but you have to realize that last era, elements took on RET, ROC, and PREDs, right in a row, RET and ROC at same time, so shut up about unhonorable last era. Oh, and I'm for trash talking, but this is a little uncomfortable:

 getting double teamed, triple teamed or flat out gang banged is a way of life here.

you liked it when they squeal while you're taking 'em from behind Osi

  "Ya guys! yur gonna get boned in the @ss, cus that's the way we like it in Fantasia! w00t *beep* power !!" - wtf? 

20:11:05 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Thats the way it is...

If you dont like getting burnt, dont play with fire

But as most children, your gona have to learn the hard way

20:12:45 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Juggernaut:

wtf dude, lol, so now they're fiery d!cks ?  And you like children? I'm not even responding to this thread anymore. :P

20:15:48 Sep 4th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

jugg it doesnt matter. you screw us we screw you. you do it again next time we do it back another time and so life goes on :)

20:18:30 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

That was a weak attempt at a burn Juggernaut. Seriously, what do they teach folks in Mant nowadays? 3 kds in a row? Anyone can do 3 in a row, or did you mean simultaneously? Besides, when you talk kds you've fought, you're going to have to bring in a few bigger names to meet what Lgc has done.

As for the homersexual jokes, Fant's just weird that way. Though the IRC channels are worse. ;-)

20:18:55 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Juggernaut:

Ya ROC and RET were at the same time, some Preds thrown in there as well, and I agree, Legacy is a great KD, just not RET. :)

-wasn't a burn, just a reminder of how ridiculous everyone sounds. :D

20:20:42 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Why wont you respond to the thread?

Is it because you don't like the facts?

Is it because you can't help but wonder ' Why the *beep* did we screw over Ret last era?'

Is it because your *beep* blocker has been literally walked past?

Is it because your *beep* team-mate has taken his army out leaving the blocker weak enough for my Scottie-Dog to pwn you?

Is it because your sad because you and your *beep* kingdom are going to Starta?

Please, if you want an arguement, youve come to the right guy

<- Rev ->

20:21:29 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

Butthurt faggot is butthurt!

20:43:20 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Euranus:


20:52:29 Sep 4th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

Life is bad! aleins are bad! bad thing are bad!!!!

22:11:41 Sep 4th 08 - Sir Super Shyers:

hey, i wasn't in Elements last era, why do i get the bad rap?
lol, it's all good, cuz i've not fought LGC or RET.

22:59:04 Sep 4th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

betray Elements...fornicate a wee bit, then submit ot he powers that be...bunsenburner on! :D

00:22:49 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Frederick:

"If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

00:59:24 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Charley Deallus:

Demonic Shezmu


9/4/2008 5:59:04 PM
betray Elements...fornicate a wee bit, then submit ot he powers that be...bunsenburner on! :D
Sir Frederick


9/4/2008 7:22:49 PM
"If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
The powers of the bunsenburner are great!

03:50:03 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

Dark Lord Osiris
hmm a history lesson?
Last era
Ret is at war. Ret asks elements for a nap. Elements say they are thinking about it. Elements attack Ret.

Actually, last era was more like this: Elements asks Ret for NAP. Ret declines. Elements invade RoC, Ret attacks Elements. RoC/Ret is loosing so Ret asks for NAP to destroy their allies(Preds). Elements say they will consider it. Ret gives Elements 24h to decide(but doesnt tell this to the vice in charge of diplomacy). Just before the 24h is over Ret msgs Elements and sais they are dissapointed. Elements then destroy both Ret and their allies(Preds).

Dark Lord Osiris
This era
Super is at war. Super asks ret for a nap. Ret say they are thinking about it. Ret attacks Super

More like, Super is not at war since they havent ooped yet - but they offer Ret a NAP. Lewatha tells Super that they are voting on it, that she and Osiris if for a NAP but the other vices hadnt replied yet. Ret then attacks Super while they are at war with LGC.

Dark Lord Osiris
jugg it doesnt matter. you screw us we screw you. you do it again next time we do it back another time and so life goes on :)

we never screwed anybody! probably becouse we have so small penises. 

anyway, there is the real history for ya. but enough with that and lets get back to the battle.

03:51:51 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

short version of my last post:
Ret are dirbag supervillains.
Superheroes will kill them for the sake of justice and all that is right.

04:09:16 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

Mr. Lewatho


9/5/2008 5:52:29 AMLife is bad! aleins are bad! bad thing are bad!!!!

i agree, them aliens keep taking my organs...

04:18:29 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

I love ret! they are my heros! and i prefer heros over superheros!

07:02:00 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

"Superheroes will kill them for the sake of justice and all that is right."

you might want to start winning battles then

07:58:48 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Dark Lord Osiris


9/5/2008 7:02:00 AM

"Superheroes will kill them for the sake of justice and all that is right."

you might want to start winning battles then


10:44:58 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

Winning battles? Osiris are you real? You guys have what taken 4-5 undefended mines because 1) I was offline for 2 ticks 2) i was offline to sleep.
All your *beep*ty armies you sent at us that I managed to intercept I slaughtered or had plus 90%
All your *beep*ty armies which are "inside" our core I again could have slaughtered them, except maybe for your two damn trolls. Again I need to sleep so you guys sneaked past like scared little mice!
But then i suppose stuff like that happens when 1 guy is soley defending against an entire kingdom. So how about instead of claiming we are not winning any battles and instead of sneaking past in the night because you know id slaughter your ass, you all come and fight me you pussy!

11:00:57 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Im pretty sure walking past a blocker, shouldn't happen anyway

11:08:28 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

if i was online you wouldnt have been able to and you know it. ive slaughtered every army you sent! so *beep*

11:12:48 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Don't get mad, get glad!! :)

11:14:54 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Casting Eye in the sky from xxxxx upon Scream with xxx % chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Scream from Mr. Impulse[S]:
Scream from Mr. Impulse


Oh noes :S!

/me trembles

11:15:16 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Thats his super duper army!

11:21:39 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

and compared to the *beep* that ret has been sending it is indeed super. shame none of you newbs can take me out eh so your just making ret look like a complete bunch of newbs there mr ice dude.

11:28:10 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

One, Its Sir

Two, if your so special how come we are eating away at your core?

Three, Unlike your *beep*ish kingdom , we arnt pumping lvl ones


Once youv'e had your juice, come back

12:36:00 Sep 5th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Pumping level ones!? Yet in the EitS you yourself provided us with they appear as level 2s, and even level 3s! *Gasp* Shocking!

12:43:29 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Thodt:

Don't be fooled by his charmed looks, there are indeed 6 lvl 1's in there, a force to be reckoned with.

13:17:57 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Duke Gilthanas


9/5/2008 12:36:00 PM

Pumping level ones!? Yet in the EitS you yourself provided us with they appear as level 2s, and even level 3s! *Gasp* Shocking!

You stay out of this ;P

14:17:44 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Evans:

revenge your digging a hole. shut up... and impulse. youve just met the wrong armies....

"I again could have slaughtered them, except maybe for your two damn trolls"

me and Qassim ?

16:02:06 Sep 5th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

lol............cant foget this.

"they took advantage of me sleeping! They walked right past my blocker!"

was it open? that seems like a dumb idea...

16:26:21 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Qassim:

dosent really matter anymore that blockers mine now =)

17:44:41 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

For god sake stop whining DB is getting attacked from 4 KDs and i don't see them doing the same thing as you people.

17:53:52 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

stop whining about people whining khalifa. its just lame.

17:59:20 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

"stop whining about people whining khalifa. its just lame."

Pathetic comeback was pathetic.

18:15:07 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

hahahahha you have the balls to call us *beep*s but you STILL have no mages?

hmm i have yet to see an army come south that i cant freeze or RoF at will....

18:54:06 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

i think im the only one putting mages in armys :D

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