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Forums / In game politics / Talents Era 49 Karac

Talents Era 49 Karac
21:15:09 Aug 31st 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

CW != Kill

CW = Crush Walls

Didn't say I killed them, said I crushed the walls on the city

21:37:00 Aug 31st 10 - Mr. Eddie:

well the quetion was pointed to jasmine and then you pop out of nowhere and in your answer reply to my question no they weren't spellweavers cause i had 80% cw.

23:30:27 Aug 31st 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

What he is trying to say is that if there were spellweavers then he would not have 80% on CW for me, he would have 0% ... does that clear it out for you? And thanx for the CW, forgot to mention ^^

02:28:56 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Eddie:

uhuh sure i'll guess we'll go with that =)

10:53:41 Sep 1st 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

ah those kunts are attacking me :(

21:02:38 Sep 1st 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


Casting Eye in the sky from Army of The Fallen upon City Probe One with 83% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The City Probe One from Mr. Narcissus:
City Probe One from Mr. Narcissus

When casting the spell 163 of our Shamans died and 54 got injured.

21:21:56 Sep 1st 10 - Mr. Eddie:

that's nothing i have double that in ponies

08:45:42 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

Casting Ownage from*** upon Kill with **% chance of success... andSuccessful!

ive decided, this is a very nice spell :)

18:38:37 Sep 2nd 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

i want to be a mage now :(

21:19:29 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Meatball:

Dominion is winning on the strength of their NAPs...

They have relations with:

British Petroleum
Fecking Feckers

3 out of the top six kingdoms, out of 5 if you exclude themselves

21:25:12 Sep 2nd 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

Who cares?  It's effin' Talents.

23:43:59 Sep 2nd 10 - Mr. Ragnarok:

orly meatball? r u sure? maybe it doesnt have anything to do with the amount of troops our guys have killed? or the amount of cities they have taken?;)

i was actually having my guys drag their heels against you because of a mutual friend in there, but hell, this post of yours has motivated alot of us:)

and marissa is right, its talents, most wont even care:P

08:36:56 Sep 3rd 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


Casting Eye in the sky from Army of The Fallen upon City Probe One with 88% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The City Probe One from Mr. Narcissus:
City Probe One from Mr. Narcissus

When casting the spell 220 of our Shamans died and 73 got injured.

09:11:13 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Eddie:

im still stronger =)

12:04:22 Sep 3rd 10 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol, its been on 1 of my blockers for maybe 2 days now, he is annoying

12:24:45 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Buttplug:

you're all bullies :'(!!!!!

17:54:59 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Meatball:

If its talents fck NAPPing everyone and fight everyone instead :P

23:39:35 Sep 3rd 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

Good idea, kill everyone you see :) Yey first million killed :)

  1. Ms. Jasmine has won 40 battles, captured 51 cities and killed a total of 1.011.716 men and women.

00:03:45 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Diodan:

Apparently not everyone understands that since it is talents, you should enjoy the game.  I mean just look at these lovely letters that I just received.

Ms. Bling Baby (9/3/2010 4:25:36 PM) GOOD BAD
come out and play u pussy going to hind all era in that town i lost alot of respect for you thought you were A MAN

Ms. Bling Baby (9/3/2010 4:31:23 PM) GOOD BAD

You (9/3/2010 4:55:20 PM)
So your calling me names. Lets see...

1. you attack a kingdom that was already at war with 3 other kingdoms, while hiding behind a NAP partner who is the biggest kingdom on the map's defenses...
2. use every cheat known in the game to overcome freezes
3. amass multiple 5x armies and fail to push more than few cities past our outer defenses...
4. completely destroy almost all of the few cities you captured and then fled south with your multiple 5x armies....
5. and have yet to be able to type a message that contains punctuation, proper spelling, and good grammar.

Ummm... yeah, I could really care less whether you have or have not lost respect for me, as I already lost all respect for you some time ago.

00:15:45 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. King:

It sounds like you're mad that you're getting pwned by a girl at a game. lol.

00:28:08 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Diodan:

:) That's just it. I am not mad, I actually find it very, very funny.  She has the biggest army on the map sitting in a tiny little city across from my kingdommate's city, while my army doesn't even make the top 20 much less the top 10 armies.  I mean honeslty, why would I march a 3x army out of the city to fight a 5x, 600 to 700K pony army in an open field.

Plus "she" is really a "he". So be warned if your not into that sort of thing.

06:43:12 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. The Good Soldier:

Who is "he" then?

07:41:10 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

One of the so called veterans in the game, you can use the "history" and find out about most players... I guess he's best known as Bling Bob of Predators, but he has been in many KDs, active player and I guess good, its just shame he acts like a little kid sending these messages. Though it might be a tactical decision to provoke the opponent.


07:57:10 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Kali:

You're all wrong, its Jennaside :p

09:08:22 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. The Good Soldier:

^ Exactly my point.

09:24:09 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

owned by Ms. Bling Baby

10:04:31 Sep 4th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

She is indeed a she...i can 100% guarantee that. i have known her for 3 years. lol

17:06:40 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Eddie:

lol what fdoes that have to do with anything? Wether a he/she, she'he still acts  like a 5-yr old sending messages like that. I got one too but i dont wanna post it.

17:10:14 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

Its not Jennaside for sure, she would not send such messages. Just because he made army name like that does not mean its her... though I guess you can always go and ask him/her...

18:20:32 Sep 4th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo:

I have this person on Skype so i sorta know them.

18:31:32 Sep 4th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

it is jennaside we messaged each other. i know her quite well as i have said.

18:44:06 Sep 4th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

I dunno Jennaside, but I've heard she's EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVUL :|

Well, she's Canadian, so it must be true :P

18:49:17 Sep 4th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

she was the a leader of EVIL actually after i left it...but we are talking about another game..

07:18:14 Sep 5th 10 - Mr. Irule Here Too:

cant it her really? how many nebs players came over here lol

07:25:25 Sep 5th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

hehe, I think he is referring to the original EVIL kd :)

08:09:05 Sep 5th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

yes not nebulous EVIL..the other one.."the game that can't be ever mentioned"

08:47:18 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Endless Newly Transgendered:

Who has scouts I can spank? :)

10:48:55 Sep 8th 10 - Ms. Palpy Unhappy Hubby Died:

my husband did but then he died :(

16:52:34 Sep 8th 10 - Ms. Bling Baby:

1. you attack a kingdom that was already at war with 3 other kingdoms, while hiding behind a NAP partner who is the biggest kingdom on the map's defenses...
2. use every cheat known in the game to overcome freezes
3. amass multiple 5x armies and fail to push more than few cities past our outer defenses...
4. completely destroy almost all of the few cities you captured and then fled south with your multiple 5x armies....
5. and have yet to be able to type a message that contains punctuation, proper spelling, and good grammar.

1. I never attack you first my leader did and was fighting you long before i got there and you do what your leader tells you.
2. I didnt realize  i was suppose to stay in freeze sorry and there not cheats :)
3. I didnt want the towns. and i destroyed them so if you took them back they be no good to you
4. I was going easy on your kingdom cause i felt bad for ya :( hence why after i took control of kingdom i offer you a cf but didnt really matter since dom attack you but at least i offer .

5.Why would i care about punctuation,spelling or grammer im not taking a english test im having fun :)

6. and yes i was just trying to get on your goat maybe i went alittle to far and for that i am sorry i never meant any of it i happen to like you thats how i show i care:)

and last but not least who is this Jennaside you all think i am?

19:25:47 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Palpy Hates Ewoks:

Ms. Bling Baby (8/23/2010 10:14:20 AM)GOODBAD
hope you are treating the ewoks better? so hows your era going so far palpy ? 

19:33:06 Sep 8th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

That's a fake!  Palpy clearly edited the copy/paste!

19:47:19 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Live Five:

Clearly edited.

07:15:12 Sep 9th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

lol why would i even bother.

12:31:05 Sep 9th 10 - Ms. Bling Baby:

The darkside always tries to trick people.

22:06:44 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Evans The First:

This is a request to get cracking with armageddon :)

00:11:25 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Endless Newly Transgendered:


not yet

I just got here and I want some fun first :)

15:38:49 Sep 10th 10 - Pope Psychotic:

Can we please feed Endless some scouts , she been away and needs something to Spank............ :)

18:36:05 Sep 14th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

We really need Arma here... its getting annoying...

19:25:26 Sep 15th 10 - Ms. Marissa Miller:

Anyone wanna let me plunder? :)  350mil to go ^.^

03:59:56 Sep 18th 10 - Ms. Jasmine:

Should we make a petition for era to end? ^^
Or we gonna find some skilled mage to farm up magic levels to cast Arma... its so boring :\

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