The Kingdom of PHI |
saying a$$ doesn't make you overly stupid : /
leave it dead....we moved on
yey Pi :D you know alot of numbers
PHI will not be remade NEXT ERA.
...but to all who thought PHI was a great/legendary KD, thank you! =) however, I cannot fully say that we were. Although we had our great eras but it was all due to our RL cooperating. (I'm not sure our greatest era was the one with smiths/aby but I do know that when PHI was around, Fantasia trembled =))
I am going to say this though, PHI will be back.. someday! =) and when we do, LGC, DB, ABYDOS, BOW, MAD, CARNAGE, FF and all other old vet KDs from the past better be back with their old/new lineups! It will be nice to turn back VU to the good ole days and settle scores again!
So I hope with this, people would stop tarnish old KDs names and realize that there is more to VU than just winning an era. I always wanted to imagine returning to a place where people/friends/mates would still want and welcome you back after being gone for sometime. VU is this place for me! and I hope it is or it will be for you too..=)
Mavich the always so Hot Naked Man-
Hmph! There goes my post..=(
Mavich naked dude lets PARTEH
oi, why does abydos receive dark red? we want pink!
Why is MUSIC not mentioned
why should they be? ;) jk. idk ask mavich :)
music didn't played allot in fant? :)
Mr. Zii
12/11/2008 8:25:37 AMPHI will not be remade NEXT ERA.
to all who thought PHI was a great/legendary KD, thank you! =) however,
I cannot fully say that we were. Although we had our great eras but it
was all due to our RL cooperating. (I'm not sure our greatest era was
the one with smiths/aby but I do know that when PHI was around,
Fantasia trembled =))
I am going to say this though, PHI will be back.. someday! =) and when we do, LGC, DB, ABYDOS, BOW, MAD, CARNAGE, FF
and all other old vet KDs from the past better be back with their
old/new lineups! It will be nice to turn back VU to the good ole days
and settle scores again!
So I hope with this, people would
stop tarnish old KDs names and realize that there is more to VU than
just winning an era. I always wanted to imagine returning to a place
where people/friends/mates would still want and welcome you back after
being gone for sometime. VU is this place for me! and I hope it is or
it will be for you too..=)
Mavich the always so Hot Naked Man-
I have to agree, this would be very nice :(
I was talking about the old KDs returning btw, didn't read the rest, so who knows what I'm agreeing to.
When Mavich union all the members i hope be in the list. I'm a proud member of PHI Empire and i'm waiting for the call to Rule fantasia as member of so unique kingdom.
"and when we do, LGC, DB, ABYDOS, BOW, MAD, CARNAGE, FF" haha true, you didn't write which one you wouldn't beat - ZEON! haha!
Mavich, when that day comes again i'll Give all my power to PHI.
but until then Prosapia Here i am :p
Hoy, Marcjen... well said! ;;)
"and when we do, LGC, DB, ABYDOS, BOW, MAD, CARNAGE, FF"
the yellow banner will always be your ally. :P
""and when we do, LGC, DB, ABYDOS, BOW, MAD, CARNAGE, FF" haha true, you didn't write which one you wouldn't beat - ZEON! haha!"
heh we never beat zeon it was always an obliteration of zeon ;)
disclaimer: im not intending to flame just friendly enemy banter =D
ill see you guys on the end of march or april :)
yeah i miss Phi as well. they were good friends or good enemies however the era played out ;)
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