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Forums / In game politics / The Obligatory Arma Thread

The Obligatory Arma Thread
00:47:41 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Sigheart wrote: "Inactive is a really awesome player that should be in Fantasia."

It would seem he could do with a new name then. ;)

00:49:19 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Ms. Dung Beetle

Now I will have to continue getting pm's from that creepy Soccer guy.....

Not David Beckham?  Couyld you ask him for an autograph?  For my sister, you understand......

08:58:31 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I've only had four pm's from "that creepy soccer guy".

17:32:08 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

New arma from Sir scientist

19:26:51 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Now Carnage Is just sick,,, they are like the new super legacy.. thats is why Fant is boring . <--- lol how little you people know about the big kingdoms on Fant.

i mean please does 1 kd go from normal to uber leet then normal again or do you think you are missing something key in the way eras are decided on fant ;)

last era

1. Mr. Asystole Nemesis Dwarf 11689078
2. Mr. Kurosaki Nemesis Dwarf 10688406
3. Mr. Ingo Von Lucker Nemesis Dwarf 9768690
4. Sir Archias Nemesis Dwarf 9151849
5. Duke Borazon Nemesis Dwarf 9144347
6. Mr. Dark Orion Nemesis Dwarf 7919082
7. Mr. Tanc Nemesis Dwarf 7814342
8. Sir Auratus Nemesis Dwarf 7542655
9. Mr. Lassie ZEON Dwarf 7337314
10. Crazy Xuaron Nemesis Dwarf 6419687

era before that

1. Mr. Dark Orion Abydos Dwarf 6857673
2. Dark Lord Finwe Abydos Dwarf 6728280
3. Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho Abydos Dwarf 5462932
4. Mr. Diplomat The Weirdgrivi Legacy Dwarf 5143491
5. Ms. Tuguinha Abydos Dwarf 4970909
6. Mr. Salton Abydos Dwarf 4929468
7. Mr. Messiah ZEON Dwarf 4924961
8. General Konichiwa Legacy Troll 4395411
9. Mr. Sloth Abydos Dwarf 4267136
10. Mr. Rumpnissen The Evighetsmaskin Phi Empire Dwarf 4001327

and the era before that

1. Mr. Amon Hen Legacy Troll 10503455
2. Ms. Butterfly Dark Blood Troll 9440166
3. Mr. Sezymon Legacy Elf 9255089
4. Mr. Dark Blood Legacy Troll 8679726
5. Mr. Imperator Dark Blood Dwarf 7991573
6. Sir Drunken Legacy Dwarf 6978444
7. Mr. Supercalifragilistic Legacy Dwarf 6124976
8. Mr. Brashen Legacy Dwarf 5411468
9. Mr. Jetleeomg Legacy Dwarf 4841032
10. Mr. Kirk Cuddy Legacy Dwarf 4372921



19:46:03 Nov 26th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

And what exactly are you trying to say about us Osi?


And i am thinking the asnwer is....most of them are dwarfs?:P

19:51:40 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

I agree, Dung. I fail to see the point here.

19:58:06 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

im saying that saying a kd is sick and the new lgc because they are doing well in one era (not doing great or you would own the hoh) is ludacrus and that he should look a little closer at what goes on before saying things like that ;)

20:00:49 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

And the HoH is like the best way to determine how a whole Kingdom functions as one. I mean, it takes all the teamwork and fighting etc. into account and gives a very good representation of what happened during a Era.

20:08:01 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

thats not totally true :P would you say phi has rampaged across the map? or would you say phi were better then carnage a couple rounds back because they had a hoh player and you didnt? and describing any kd as sick and the new lgc because the have 4 hoh players and top the hoh chart with the most members for one era?

21:16:35 Nov 26th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

I agree with you on the part about his description. In my book legacy is still the kingdom to beat and the best right now....

But this statement is just plain silly...

<(not doing great or you would own the hoh)>

HoH doesnt mean crap in regards to whether a kingdom is doing good or not. As I pointed out, most of them were dwarfs (Sezymon as an elf and at #3, you badass!). We all know how screwed up the HoH ranking is, in this case most of the attention going to dwarfs. HoH armies dominated by dwarves, HoH cities are mostly dwarve cities with cavers, and of course HoH rulers are mostly dwarves. You dont see much Carnage there simply because most of our players arent dwarves (weird i know but still...)

But what i did take issue with was your listing of the eras with nemesis, legacy and abydos, implying that Carnage doesnt belong with this group. I am sure this is not what you meant, but thats still the impression it gives. We havent won an era yet, but does that mean we are just a "good" kingdom or "average" kingdom?

By using that logic, Bacchus Monks would have to be considered in the same group as legacy because they won an era and dominated the HoH, and i am not going to even bother explaining why this is absurd:p

<they are doing well in one era >

"looks at past 6 or so eras of finishing in the top 3 or top 4 ranked kingdoms".....not just doing good one era only mate....

21:48:40 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

HoH armies dominated by dwarves

i disagree. trolls have been dominating it this era, with some dwarves and a couple halflings and humans thrown in for good measure. orc is the only race that isnt represented

21:50:10 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Sun:

trolls on HoH?

21:54:29 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Armies sun armies read!

21:56:33 Nov 26th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i only went back 3 because thats when baccus won by staying out of the wars ;) i havent made my mind up about Carnage yet

22:19:06 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Ms. Dung Beetle


11/25/2007 4:45:33 PM

I loved the ownage of an arma town, damn that was funny:D

But did you have to cast it all over again? I was ready for this headache of an era to be over with:( Now I will have to continue getting pm's from that creepy Soccer guy.....


isnt that the only reason u still play? ;)


22:22:58 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Ah! That creepy soccerstud! (Not to be confused with Bekham) RUNNNN!!!!111!

06:20:26 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

same question goes for u dak.............. :)

06:31:34 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

You can send me creepy messages!

Write the letters to  Spoon okay, it'll get to me. That's spelled with two O's.

08:10:43 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Osi, why are you being all pissy?  You've got nothing to be mad about.  Your playing pissed because you are feeling inadequate on the battlefield so you gotta come in here and try to bash us.  A big reason as stated before as to why Carnage does not own the HoH is because we do not farm... 

You consider Nemesis a great kingdom?  They did the same as Bacchus or whatever, they farmed and did nothing all era.  If Carnage were to stop killing like we do so well and farm for an era I guarantee you'd see Carnage owning the Hoh, but again, it would be because we would be playing like the Majority of Fantasia, that is Farming all era for a top spot... 

As far as Abydos goes, you cant even keep the Kingdom together.  Oya isn't even coming back this time, so it'll probably fall apart again since he did all the planning.  You've tried to piece what it once was back together like 3-4 times now?  Yes, Abydos was once great KD, a Very long time ago, now it is with the small kids on the block.  LGC and DB usually earn their spots by killing things in much the same way that Carnage does, for this reason, they deserve them.

As stated before, you know just as well as any of us that the HoH is really screwed up.  We have 7 dwarfs in a kingdom of 35.  Can you seriously compare that legitimately to a kingdom with 20+ dwarfs?  How many Dwarfs are in PHI?  Can you tell me that?  I'm guessing alot more than 7...

08:20:42 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Legend:

There are 9 dwarves in Phi, no flaming, just stating the facts....

08:30:16 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Carnage doesn't farm, lol that's a laugh. You go ahead and try "farming for an era", see if you can survive to the end. My bet is that probably not...dishonorable KDs tend to get backstabbed when they don't make enough armies.

Nemesis wiped out LGC and DB, which is more than Carnage has ever accomplished on the battlefield. Sorry but the KDs you wiped out this era are not even in their league.

08:36:35 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Oya isn't even coming back this time, so it'll probably fall apart again since he did all the planning. <--- lol erm no he didnt? Oya didnt do much planning at the end because he simply didnt want to be a leader thats why he left lol, and Abydos beat lgc have you? and i dont remember flaming carnage :) i flamed some nub for making stupid statements now if you want to go around  saying kds that you couldnt even beat 42 vs 20 then go ahead and make yourself look stupid yes thats right you couldnt beat us when you had double our numbers and you have yet to beat ANY significant kd as far as i remember so before reading things as flames and making up LIES go reread what i wrote you ass tard

08:40:16 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Really?  Already sinking to name calling?  I thought higher of you both, guess I was wrong.  I'm done here, there is no reasoning with you people.  Sadly I once considered Sloth and Virgin friends, and used to think Osi was a decent guy, I see I should have just listened to what the rest of VU was telling me, time wasted I guess.

08:50:56 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

If by the "rest of VU", you mean the dishonorable hypocrites in Carnage that powerplayed PHI the second they caught a glimmer of the HoH, then sure go ahead and listen to them. I don't see Legacy or DB in here clamoring to stand up for Carnage.

Every era I have seen Carnage NAP the strong KDs, war a few weak ones and farm to gain good position. Then you proceed to insult your NAPed KDs in the forums, in the hopes to annoy them enough so that you can vulture them to win.

Carnage tries to say they're a "war KD", while all they've accomplished is beating up on new player KDs using 2x their amount of players. Currently you guys are NAPed with every single remaining Fantasia kingdom. At least I had the courage to fight good KDs such as LGC/DB when I made my own KD, win or lose. You don't think Naerey's ambitions of winning an era had anything to do with breaking our NAP terms?

10:17:50 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Is Architect the Carnage "diplomat" or is he just freelancing? If the former, then they need to do some serious rethinking, lol. ;)

11:10:06 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Red Back:

I think Carnage and Legacy landing next to eachother last era and warring from the start helped Nemesis in their war. Legacy was weakened by our early warring and was in no shape to take on Nemesis. I'm not sure if the outcome would have been the same if we hadn't landed next to eachother bit it was a factor in favour of Nemesis..

12:10:44 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Software Bug:


Look at what PHI has done. There's your answer. If you cant even see that, then I will not take the trouble to explain it.

12:59:31 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

As far as Abydos goes, we have taken on Legacy and won. We have also lost. But how do you think we won an era? Because when you take out the best players, then you're the only one left on the HoH. When Carnage takes on the best and wins, then Carnage will win an era. Otherwise, there will just be too many good players left to dominate the final standings. You can beat 50 kingdoms that are just OK but the best players will still be at the top. And 80%+ of the best players are in Legacy, Dark Blood, Phi and Carnage.

15:58:23 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

As always Architect does not speak for us as a kingdom, he is off trying to start trouble again. (Damn son, here i thought venomz was the troublemaker:(

I am not going to even bother responding to alot of the drivel in here. Not worth it, because as history has shown era after era, people will always choose to believe what they want to believe regardless of what is said.

But I woud like to point out several things and then leave it at that.


<Carnage tries to say they're a "war KD", while all they've accomplished is beating up on new player KDs using 2x their amount of players. Currently you guys are NAPed with every single remaining Fantasia kingdom. At least I had the courage to fight good KDs such as LGC/DB when I made my own KD, win or lose. You don't think Naerey's ambitions of winning an era had anything to do with breaking our NAP terms?>


  1. We are not napd to every last kingdom on Fant.
  2. Courage to fight good kingdoms? Lets takea look in the past at who carnage has fought.

            a.) Several eras ago we fought a good one on one fight vs. Phi.

            b.) 2 eras ago, instead of accepting the offer to join a strong alliance that was beating legacy down, we instead chose to fight abydos, zeon, jesters as well as red hand.

            c.) Last era, we fought 2 solid weeks pretty much by ourselves against legacy and db, then decided we had bigger things to worry about so proceeded to fight zeon, music, and bow.

Looking at the past 3 eras of who we have fought, it would look like we have pretty much fought every major kingdom that has been on Fant. Now if i were to use Auspice's logic in the above statement, none of these kingdoms are good kingdoms.

Seriously, after reading these posts, i wonder if you guys breath smells like poop from all this turd flying around.

 I will admit our relations are a mess this era. But no worries, we are doing no naps at all next era, just to avoid the headaches.

And sloth is right, you can only be the best when you beat all the erst, something carnage hasnt done yet, we will see next era.


Our own nap with Phi is screwed up, with both sides seen as breaking terms. Wont even bother to explain ourselves, just because we dont have to. Now then, believe it or not, there are those in Carnage who are trying their damnedst to keep the nap and peace between us (myself being one of them). Trust me, if we were going to break our nap, you would have already known about it, judging by the amount of troops on our borders with you. Am i to take your claim that we broke our nap as the official stance of Phi? Because if so, then in Phi's opinion the nap is void and we may as well consider you hostile, which i know alot of carnage guys who would love to hear that.



16:16:32 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Correction to one statement i made above

< c.) Last era, we fought 2 solid weeks pretty much by ourselves against legacy and db, then decided we had bigger things to worry about so proceeded to fight zeon, music, and bow.>


It should read "then all 3 kingdoms (which i meant when i said we) decided we had bigger things to worry about (the anti-legacy/anti-db/anti-carnage alliance in the north"


Did not want to leave the impression that we didnt consider legacy and db a threat, imo they are the best kingdoms each era (why else are they so popular in the forums;D)


16:34:36 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Oyawithoutinternet:

(why else are they so popular in the forums;D)

because of me, obviously....jeeeezzz....

16:36:26 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

<smacks head> Of course! I didnt account for the Oya factor! That must be it. Where can we get our own Oya?



17:18:20 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Google it!

18:07:01 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Thanks for proving my points Dung Beetle. You admitted yourself that all of Carnages troops are on PHI's front. Now if you aren't NAPed with every KD on the map, how is it that you can afford to put them all next to a NAPed neighbour?

2 eras ago you might have fought Abydos, but it was a pathetic attempt. You had 40 players to their 16 and the best you could do was hold a blocker? Not sure what era you mean by a) but whatever. As for fighting LGC/DB, I think it was more like a week before you realized you were losing. Sure you fought BoW/ZEON/Music, but you had FF and PKs on your side. Yet still you couldn't win against them either. Maybe if you'd spent more time focusing on your war and less time flaming Nemesis on the forums, you'd have won.

Our own nap with Phi is screwed up, with both sides seen as breaking terms. Wont even bother to explain ourselves, just because we dont have to. Now then, believe it or not, there are those in Carnage who are trying their damnedst to keep the nap and peace between us (myself being one of them). Trust me, if we were going to break our nap, you would have already known about it, judging by the amount of troops on our borders with you. Am i to take your claim that we broke our nap as the official stance of Phi? Because if so, then in Phi's opinion the nap is void and we may as well consider you hostile, which i know alot of carnage guys who would love to hear that.

Wow what a load of self-contradicting garbage. First you admit you broke the terms (which is what I said), then you leap to wanting the NAP anulled because a non-Vice calls you dishonorable. You'd like that as it wouldn't make Carnage look bad...we all know no KD will trust Carnage again if they vulture PHI themselves. What Carnage has done almost as bad though. During this era like the last, you've signed NAPs with KDs that have convoluted and contradicting terms with each other. Then when you can't live up to playing both sides, you state you're trying to follow the terms of the other NAP.

18:31:44 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

This is why I never bother posting on these forums.

I never admitted breaking the nap terms. How bout you re-read what i said first. I said both sides see the other as breaking the terms. I also said you are "claiming" we broke terms. <looks on what he wrote> Nope, never said we broke the terms. Seriously, its not rocketscience here mate.

Why are our troops on your borders? Hmmm....lets see. Maybe because all of the kingdoms left to fight are behind blockers of napd kingdoms? Maybe....or can it be the very credible evidence we have firsthand of Phi planning on a napbreak themselves and attacking us...could be that too....

About the other stuff i wrote, just my opinion, just as yours is that as well, your opinion. <starts to see now what legacy has been talking about>

But I give up, no since in flaming here. If Phi feels that we broke the nap, and you are intent on escalating the situation between our 2 kingdoms with your insults, then so be it.....i am tired of trying to keep calm heads around my kingdom...

And anyone else find it ironic that I am being lectured on about honor from one of the agent smith crowd?

18:34:00 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

This has nothing to do with Armageddon! Think of why its happening! Look into your souls!!!!


18:38:58 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

hmm neither can i

18:41:20 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Indeed. We need the troops to defend ourselves. Besides, BoW is still attacking us there.

40 v 16? Read before replying:

    b.) 2 eras ago, instead of accepting the offer to join a strong alliance that was beating legacy down, we instead chose to fight abydos, zeon, jesters as well as red hand.

19:02:06 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Arch you started it and i WASNT flaming carnage untill you flamed and made lies up about Abydos i was showing that you cant take one era as a kd being the new lgc every era is different

Really?  Already sinking to name calling?  I thought higher of you both, guess I was wrong.  I'm done here, there is no reasoning with you people.  Sadly I once considered Sloth and Virgin friends, and used to think Osi was a decent guy, I see I should have just listened to what the rest of VU was telling me, time wasted I guess.

 b.) 2 eras ago, instead of accepting the offer to join a strong alliance that was beating legacy down, we instead chose to fight abydos, zeon, jesters as well as red hand.

strong alliance? Afaik the only alliance beating down lgc was ZEON and Abydos we were the only kds in the so called alliance and unless someone was doing dip for me (if so please tell me who) you wernt invited because i know i didnt invite anyone to the Zeon/Abydos alliance.




19:06:42 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

phi and mad

they were also nap'd to you if you wanna call it an alliance like i do then so be it which ever you call was a group of kds fighting the same ppl


why people are getting caught up in using such a technical term is beyond me... used to alliances meant something but now adays it's only basically a nap so you can say that zeon and abydos were in an alliance only while you were just nap'd to the rest that makes it some how better in your eyes?  it's the same just choose to call it something else and degrade others for it.....



19:09:17 Nov 27th 07 - Duke Mielo:

If by the "rest of VU", you mean the dishonorable hypocrites in Carnage that powerplayed PHI the second they caught a glimmer of the HoH, then sure go ahead and listen to them. I don't see Legacy or DB in here clamoring to stand up for Carnage.

What a lame argument is that? Are you trying to say, 'we got more friends then you'? No you don't ...

I remember carnage as not giving up ... If I am completely honest, sure they've napped the strongest before, who hasn't? They made it up then by delivering us a pain in the ass and a hard fight in the beginning of last era and more era's ago. Carnage has proven many times before the stripes they are worthy ... So imo you are just spewing Bull. again ...

Jesus what is this on the forums? Is this some kind of hobby/treatment against boredom, all these ridiculous flames that end up on nothing then just another macho stalemate era to see who's the strongest? it's bull!!

it's LAAAME!

19:15:51 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Sun:

lets all quit VU and play starcraft, dota, WoW. Flaming is more fun on there.

19:17:25 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

why people are getting caught up in using such a technical term is beyond me... used to alliances meant something but now adays it's only basically a nap so you can say that zeon and abydos were in an alliance only while you were just nap'd to the rest that makes it some how better in your eyes?  it's the same just choose to call it something else and degrade others for it.....


keep your nose out of things you are clearly misinformed about quietone. (ive highlighted words because i know you have trouble reading)

We napped PHI AFTER thats right AFTER beating lgc we didnt nap MAD at all so your clearly wrong thier, and we napped PHI so we could war carnage on one front.

We DIDNT gangbang Legacy at all. if you would remember we ALLOWED lgc to engage phi in a 1 on 1 war because we belive in fair play. we didnt kill mad because they hid behind phi. we allowed jesters to fight preds one on one not because napping jesters gave us any benifit. no because newb kingdoms deserve a chance. could we have killed them both... hell yeah we could did we ?? no we allowed them to war each other and we gave the winner a nap for thier good work.

you see unlike you i dont forget favours. i know when Abydos was new we were given a break by a large kd (yes that was lgc) which allowed us to war kingdoms that wouldnt kill us in hours, grow together and learn as a kd... You know its ok to help out some people sometimes ;)

19:21:05 Nov 27th 07 - Duke Mielo:

We DIDNT gangbang Legacy at all.


19:21:33 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Ms Dung Beetle wrote: "Am i to take your claim that we broke our nap as the official stance of Phi? Because if so, then in Phi's opinion the nap is void and we may as well consider you hostile, which i know alot of carnage guys who would love to hear that."

As I understand it, Architect evacuated all troops from a blocker, allowed Legacy to take the blocker and move through, and then retook it again. On the other hand, Lord Carnage has kept the gates of Westgate closed and has apparently kept troops inside. A small Legacy army has been hanging around quite some time and even prepped on Westgate, but never took it.

So it seems clear that while one or more members of Carnage have violated the terms of the NAP outright, others have held honorably to it, so it certainly is not voided. What every kd needs to keep in mind, though, is that having a good rep for consistent honoring of NAPs requires keeping discipline among your members.

And yeah, you did well last era against BoW, Zeon and Music. The fact that the first two kd's suffered severe internal problems did detract a little from your victory but that wasn't your fault and nobody knew when you started out how bad it would get. Yeah, they were high on the HoH and you certainly didn't lack for courage.

Ms Dung Beetle wrote: "Maybe....or can it be the very credible evidence we have firsthand of Phi planning on a napbreak themselves and attacking us"

Lol, your spy needs a psych evaluation, then. Only someone really insane would suggest we take on Legacy, Dark Blood, Freedom Fighter and Carnage, lol ;)

19:22:39 Nov 27th 07 - Sir Dionysus:

I try to avoid these flame wars, but this thread has gotten absurd.  Regardless of how the scores turn out, this era was dominated by Carnage.  You say Carnage only warred with week kingdoms, we fought everyone on our half of the map, simultanously and wiped them off the map.  That is why we are allied with most of the remaining kingdoms, because three top five kingdoms were all but eliminated by Carnage this era.  Zeon and BOW are quality kingdoms, and Zeon in particular put up a great fight.  Who has Phi eliminated this era? 

19:26:33 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

zeon and bow are not top 5 kds :P zeon is close maybe a top 6 but bow sucks ;)


the point is you CANT dominate an era when all 4 of the major kds are still alive and kicking it just isnt possible :P

19:26:37 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Osi you of all people are the worst at it.  You come to these forums and talk down about other kingdoms for doing the same things your own kingdom does only you let yourself be ok with it because of some technicality the word "after" plays such an important role to you doesnt it?  Well your timeline is a bit off from my recollection of the history of that era and like i said, you and most people in this forum come in here and shame other kingdoms for doing the exact same things you yourself do on a regular basis.   You make it somehow different in your imagination but whatever.... maybe i am clearly misinformed i hardly played that era.....or wait ...didnt i?  Phi and DB warred not legacy so how you sat back and let them have a 1 on 1 fight hardly makes any sense of that era that you are referencing...but like i said ....whatever....


i'm not going to waste time with the debate you get off on so much i'll just let it go....yet again



19:32:27 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

actually Q i think you will find its LGC and DB who come here moaning about alliances .

you Moaned when the big kds attacked you. yes it was a bit of a gangbang but you specifically moaned at Abydos and ME even though we were warring you for a week before baccus zeon and carnage attacked you. you belived thier was an alliance when thier wasnt even a 4 way nap/

your kd then did nap every major kd to come after us. while we were busy warring 7 other kds. a bit of hypocrisy never hurts eh?

my timeline is off? well considering i know when i made the nap please tell me when you think it was made? after lgc were defeated and db were killed by PHI. we were in the middle of a kd vote on who to war next carnage or phi. Carnage attacked us and made the decision for us so we napped phi because carnage outnumberd us 2:1.

and please show how Abydos had mass alliances on a regular basis? because afaik the only Major alliance we had was with Lgc and Hearts.

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