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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 16

Valhalla 16
01:06:44 Nov 24th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Daanikkaal):


02:40:04 Nov 24th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Daanikkaal):

There goes my city. xD

21:27:15 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Valhalla 16 so far:

LDK and Stormcloaks set themselves up for an oop war in the Northwest corner.  BoD (wisely) vacated the area to the southwest edge.  Lost Souls set up on the west edge fringes in between the oop warzone and BoD.  Several smaller kingdoms have appeared; they appear to be mostly farming so far.

During initial protection LDK consistently outmanuevered Stormcloaks.  Three Stormcloak players were prevented from setting up cities in a timely fashion because LDK kept armies under their initial "People of" armies or established cities first.   LDK also set up a mini- protected core in the eastern edge of the oop war area, while Stormcloaks were forced out to the more exposed area south of the bridge.

The oop war has been fun, but at this point anyone watching the score count can tell that LDK is winning the oop war against Stormcloaks.  Four Stormcloaks players have been mostly wiped out.  I think one, maybe two LDK players has been wiped out.   LDK's superior experience shows.

21:47:27 Nov 25th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

The smaller kingdoms are in fact, not farming, but fighting OOP

23:31:03 Nov 25th 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Daanikkaal):

We would have no idea :)

00:07:51 Nov 26th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

TCT is actively fighting against Hydrogen, LDK, and two independent players. 

02:41:10 Nov 26th 12 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

Lusitanos are fighting Blood Dragons, they thought we would be an easy feed. They were wrong.

03:46:17 Nov 26th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

2v10, i'm impressed. 

02:19:08 Nov 27th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Hydrogen isn't going down without a fight. More details later.

00:16:06 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Blood of Dragons8Mr. Torgun Bloodletter130
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste10Mr. Vytautas Didysis100
Stormcloaks10Mr. Timur79
The Craziest Thing5Mr. Harder Better77
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul67
Lusitanos2Mr. Elite24
Hydrogen Dioxide7Lord Dacarta12

02:07:52 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Blood of Dragons8Mr. Torgun Bloodletter179
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste10Mr. Vytautas Didysis129
The Craziest Thing5Mr. Harder Better100
Stormcloaks10Mr. Timur95
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul70
Hydrogen Dioxide7Lord Dacarta28

LDK is still going strong, even though they're fighting two NAP'd KDs. All it would take is a nudge in the right direction for the tables to turn. 

19:07:02 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Nariek:

yaye were big xD... a wopin 1/4 the size of the THIRD place kingdom lol we gunna kill you all... chomp you down ankle bitter style xD

22:27:48 Dec 3rd 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

BoD incoming too :) 3 kingdoms vs 1 :)

20:01:00 Dec 6th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

cloaks and ldk should have allied xD they would be much better off right about now.

20:33:39 Dec 6th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Nah, they would have stomped the map. Easily. 

02:37:20 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Timion:

When I realized that a Stormcloak  NAP agreement with TCT would create a 4-1 vs LDK (LS, Bod, Stormcloaks and TCT), I sort of halted the TCT/Stormcloak negotiations because I thought that a 4 to1 would be too unfair.   TCT just recently burned a 25k elf city in a clever manuever on us, so right now the political situation is not a simple 3 on 1.   I think, right now, its

TCT and H202 (at least 1)                vs Stormcloaks


                             Bod and LS         vs LDK


But I really don't know much about LS and Bod's political agreements. 


03:04:40 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

I captured one city, RunAway, but it was retaken. 

I proceeded to destroy 3 cities, smaller in size. 
I confirm the elf-city destruction. 

Because I had no magic support whatsoever, 100% of my maneuvers were blind, and 85% of my efforts resulted in a mage freezing my forces - in which someone followed up and killed my forces. It was literally 1 vs Stormcloaks.

Now, to recount what led up to this point: 

It was during the negotiations with Mr. Timur that I discovered how actually dreadful the LDK situation was. When I realized they were fighting LS & SC, with BoD coming soon, I took the opportunity to slow SC down and attacked. If I did anything else, LDK would have been split between three KD's and the full force of Stormcloaks would slam down on me and my KD. It's not like anyone would come to our rescue once Stormcloaks had their bounty. Besides, with LDK dead and the rest of the KD's napped, the only logical leftovers were TCT.

Another note: My KD has not intended to attack LDK. They're on the other side of the map and there are ten of them. Even if we had desired to attack them, it would be foolish. I can see it now.... we take a city, and four other KD's don't mind swooping  (each KD double our power). 

03:05:29 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

OH! the elfcity was my 4th city to destroy

19:33:46 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

apparently you dont know much about TCT and H2O2's relations either xD

19:52:51 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Lol. No kidding. We've been fighting Hydrogen since OOP.

20:22:43 Dec 7th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

well more of sitting about now with a ceasefire in place but soon we will be back at it again *sighs*
(hence why it was only chocolates after you, they are keeping their core secure from us xD)
please BoD,TCT dont beat us around the map when your done with LDK and SC, lol

03:57:11 Dec 8th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:


Prepare your most powerful army south of RunAway and I will meet you there with mine on the field of battle. 

Do you accept?

13:35:09 Dec 8th 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

BoD farmers farmed not bad armies :)

13:35:44 Dec 8th 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Blood of Dragons8Mr. Torgun Bloodletter154
Stormcloaks9Mr. Timur103
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste10Mr. Vytautas Didysis100
The Craziest Thing5Mr. Harder Better89
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul49
Hydrogen Dioxide7Lord Dacarta44

20:04:38 Dec 9th 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Blood of Dragons8Mr. Torgun Bloodletter201
Stormcloaks9Mr. Timur129
The Craziest Thing5Mr. Harder Better116
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste10Mr. Vytautas Didysis100
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul61
Hydrogen Dioxide8Lord Dacarta60

07:14:37 Dec 10th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Crusader):


  • LS has no relations with BoD, in fact McBoo and Torgun initiated an all out attack on us sending their HoH armies.
  • LS has CF/NAP (can't really remember as it was taken out on our forum) with SC.
  • LS's Anonymous has been killed by LDK and only 4 of LS are still playing and all of us are semi to inactive.
  • As BoD marched toward us, LS are forced to CF with their long time rival LDK.

But the Era is not close to its end, so we better enjoy it more and expect more from us. :)

10:49:08 Dec 10th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Lost Souls has a NAP with Stormcloaks.

23:07:12 Dec 10th 12 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

BoD farmers anyway ;D better to them not come next era :)

23:13:54 Dec 10th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

I think BoD made agreements with everyone because they were afraid they would be jumped early era, since they won the previous one. 

This is why KD's ought to go by an honor system and post their agreements onto the forums. But until then, it will be subterfuge, cloak, and daggers - without betrayal we hope. 

02:09:45 Dec 15th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

no more talkie talkie?

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Blood of Dragons8Mr. Torgun Bloodletter479
Stormcloaks9Mr. Timur278
The Craziest Thing5Mr. Harder Better238
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul100
Hydrogen Dioxide9Lord Dacarta100
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste8Mr. Vytautas Didysis7
Lusitanos2Mr. Elite4
 idk but i think were doing pretty good for fighting shirenke (magic support), Paperthick and dimwit
its more or less a few of us vs them so im surprized we havent been fully over run already xD

relations are
H202 cf TCT till SC dead or arma.
h202 and TCT vs SC
BoD Farmin for now.
LS... doing what ever LS has been doing all era idk i dont have los over there.
also LS is your city east of the battlezone for LOS or you plan on joining the fight?

15:46:21 Dec 15th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Bod is going to attack Stormcloaks in about 11 hours.   Ofofof has already began moving armies toward us.


21:30:34 Dec 15th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

 so basically you guys are screwed and have to pull armies back? just leave us our citys with some Sandwich's on the table's please  ; P

22:24:15 Dec 15th 12 - Dakarta (Duke Dakata):

Don't be c0cky Xanatos...

01:11:12 Dec 16th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Stormcloaks certainly should lose to Bod.   I encouraged Bod to just claim victory and cast Armageddon.    They, like us, however, might lack that capability at this point in time.

BoD's biggest players are triple the size of most of our players; we might just act passive and hide behind the 50% protection rule.  The big Bod players could counter that tactic easily be destroying their own buildings, but us being non-offensive would probably buy us a day or two.

One of our elves made L8 magic tonight, but his economy is weak, so it will still be some time before he can cast Armageddon.

04:06:56 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Timur:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Blood of Dragons 7 Mr. Torgun Bloodletter 189
The Craziest Thing 5 Mr. Harder Better 101
Stormcloaks 9 Mr. Timur 100
Hydrogen Dioxide 10 Lord Dacarta 25
Lost Souls 8 Prince Erythnul 22
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 8 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 14


And TCT rises to 2nd place.

04:37:21 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

... we never planned on making top slot. 2nd place was the intention since day 1. 

09:08:58 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Timur:

"... we never planned on making top slot. 2nd place was the intention since day 1. "

Can you cast Armageddon then?

As you and BoD consume us, we will lose that potential.  And it sounds like Bod will not have the ability this era.

19:31:11 Dec 19th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Mr. Xanatos

Mr. Awesome Ninja

I don't know their mage levels, but they might be able to. 
Unfortunately, you guys killed Xanatos, so I don't think he'll be able to.

Anyways, it's not in my power to do it. I'm an orc. 

13:36:19 Dec 20th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Crusader):

I dunno why Bran sent his 85k Zerkers to me and let it to be fried and slaughtered by merely 1/3 of its power. Underestimating a 2 time Valhalla winner?

This era was a really good one but LS is inactive this time, maybe next era we can come out again and win the era.

14:33:24 Dec 21st 12 - Mr. Ofofofofof:

Bran was distracted by how awesome you are, you shine so bright he was like a moth hypnotized, in fact i feel your influence drawing me to you. Oh i wish to bask in your glory!!! oh wait no i wish to bathe in the blood of your children.


21:26:53 Dec 23rd 12 - Mr. Dimwit:


1.  BoD going to squash TCT next; or
2.  Anyone able to cast arma; or
3.  Someone going to request arma?

The thoroughly vanquished are curious. . . .

00:08:20 Dec 24th 12 - Mr. Salazar:

1. NAP. 

00:50:58 Dec 24th 12 - DVSklown (Mr. Boombastic Semi Fantastic):

no one can cast arma, maybe Zeta will do it for us.

05:16:06 Dec 25th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Ryan The Crusader):

@Ofof, how long till you arrive here? I'm waiting. My children are ready for the bloodbath.

Also TCT, thank you for the loots. :)

05:20:38 Dec 25th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Didn't get any loot out of me, that's for sure :)

Yeah, but thanks to your KDs almost 200m giveaways. :)

05:56:41 Dec 25th 12 - Mr. Run Wit Chocolates:

Inactivity isn't my fault. 

Can't expect me to protect several players, some blockers, and fight as well. 

07:31:20 Dec 25th 12 - DVSklown (Lord Squidward Tentacles):


07:33:28 Dec 25th 12 - DVSklown (Mr. Ofofofofof):

im on my way

03:24:14 Dec 27th 12 - Mr. Timur:

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 17 people want the age to end, 4 do not, and 8 people have not voted.

Now we just need a few more people to vote.

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