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Valhalla 55
22:47:09 Aug 15th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

its just not the same without people calling each other homogheys

23:32:21 Aug 15th 18 - Duke Chade Again:


00:12:57 Aug 16th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):


04:58:17 Aug 16th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

The real estate holdings have taken a hit this quarter, but we aren't bankrupt yet. Our defense contractors have found decent success in mitigating total losses but damage is significant and insurance didn't come through.

Sales have been good, and market prices has risen. We will work to correct this as soon as possible. Prices far too high for a capitalist.

08:06:53 Aug 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

As an experienced consultant, may i suggest lowering the price of stone so that your sales can increase and thus commence a positive next quarter ...

Did you guys stopped playing Cat n Mice? 😛😜

Well then, Brace yourselves... im coming...

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Mad And Dangerous Trolls
Mr. Snow Whites Zer

Nazgul Swatters
Mr. Old Sam

Mr. Gaiados Ignazis

Rivendell Riders
Ms. Jasmina

Lucky Charms V
Ms. Luck

Mr. Qanic

11:06:39 Aug 16th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

Chade you should get out of the stone business, it's not for you. Trust me.

14:12:10 Aug 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i know right ... i've quit the stone business 7 times already ....

00:50:24 Aug 17th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

Moving rocks is no way to make a living.

HnS days are almost over for this Era.

See you next time Consultant and your defense constractor fellows 😆😆 Godbless.

14:12:54 Aug 17th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

HnS days are not over because they dont give up, just like us.

They are very honorable adversary and we have both exchanged victories and losses throughout the last three years ... :)

even though banter mustn't stop :)

12:38:40 Aug 20th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

What the fuck is this

13:05:03 Aug 20th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i'd guess couple of square sprites with red dotted border ... 1px wide ... overlaid on a background image?

13:50:32 Aug 20th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

why use 7 or 8 brigades to siege 3 cities  🤔

15:07:39 Aug 20th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Overslept lol.

But none of those were besieged. Meant to merge up bit had to get to work.

01:30:02 Aug 21st 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

Ah okay, that makes sense. Can't say I havent had something similar happen, I suppose it happens to all of us sometimes.

The worst is when you're sieging a city with a big army and you can't be online when your reinforcements arrive to merge in and you know your enemy still has all 3 of their BTs

02:29:03 Aug 21st 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

*wakes up from VU hibernation*

07:37:37 Aug 21st 18 - Duke Chade Again:

02:30:02 Aug 21st 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

Ah okay, that makes sense. Can't say I havent had something similar happen, I suppose it happens to all of us sometimes.

The worst is when you're sieging a city with a big army and you can't be online when your reinforcements arrive to merge in and you know your enemy still has all 3 of their BTs


This cannot happen in KoH ... cause even if you fall asleep, TBL will come raging in your sleep to move ye ar$e

14:24:08 Aug 21st 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Off White Flag4Mr. Qanic100
Kingdom of Heaven8Lord Cancer98
Death Angels6Ms. Jasmina73
Hammer and Shield9Mr. Bigfield The Chairman14
Arian Brotherhood7Mr. Fwef13
Plus Ultra1All Might11
Varangian Guard3Mr. Sigurd I3
Rat Pack1Ms. Luck2

23:30:26 Aug 21st 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Maybe It's just me.. but how is the Arian Brotherhood an allowable KD name? 

01:00:30 Aug 22nd 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

I'm confident I can speak on behalf of all of my kingdom in saying that they'll be killed on sight for every era they're around.

02:26:09 Aug 22nd 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):


04:06:39 Aug 22nd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Where are they? I feel like the Nazi's would be a priority target....

Someone told me at Fant, Trolls are easy pickings... 

Dhuude, Trolls are NOT Easy pickings... Know before u say... 2 down, who dares to stand against me!

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 41 battles, captured 27 cities and killed a total of 2,585,188 men and women.
  2. Mr. Learner has won 47 battles, captured 25 cities and killed a total of 365884 men and women.
  3. Mr. Bigfield The Chairman has won 27 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 87325 men and women.
  4. Mr. Gaiados Ignazis has won 34 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 282679 men and women.
  5. Duke Chade Again has won 40 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 206963 men and women.
  6. Mr. Qanic has won 27 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 575637 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 41 battles, captured 27 cities and killed a total of 2585188 men and women

12:39:31 Aug 22nd 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

I'll eagerly volunteer to clear out the Arian Brotherhood every era, seems we're all in agreement in that regard.

Snow Whites Zer- I'm coming for you. The fight is on the way to your core, just like I said it was. The last men and women you kill will be your own troops. Mostly women.

Ahahaha, we'll meet soon mate. Just dont Run like DA ☺😊

16:25:25 Aug 22nd 18 - Matthew (Chief Mathew):

The only direction I run is forward.

First Von Darkmoor, then you. I go for the bigger ones first.

If u thought Von is bigger than me, you made a mistake mate 😎😜


I go for the bigger ones first.

As i said, the bigger one is mostly me ❤💖💟

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Mad And Dangerous Trolls
Mr. Snow Whites Zer

Mr. Von Darkmoor

Chief Mattis

Death Trolls
Mr. Ambrose II

Mr. Eidar

More II
Mr. Learner

19:36:31 Aug 22nd 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

He was bigger when I typed that and he'll be bigger again when he has 2 hobgoblin left and you have 1.

20:26:44 Aug 22nd 18 - Duke Chade Again:


11:16:22 Aug 25th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

so ...

what's up?

16:20:21 Aug 25th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

Just waiting to light your core up so bad that the fires in NorCal seem small. Had some minor setbacks but that's just life and it is what it is.

21:16:21 Aug 25th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

No, last time I checked, that was not what's up ...

Almost 3 Mil Kills now 😆😆😆 Does anyone even got 700k kills? Lmao 😜😛😚

I dont think anyone has guts to Not Run away from me except @Mathew, although he had some bad Luck n lost his Cavalry ☺😊

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 55 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 2,903,129 men and women.
  2. Mr. Learner has won 49 battles, captured 25 cities and killed a total of 370293 men and women.
  3. Mr. Bigfield The Chairman has won 29 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 87453 men and women.
  4. Mr. Gaiados Ignazis has won 38 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 408259 men and women.
  5. Mr. Qanic has won 33 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 634565 men and women.
  6. Duke Chade Again has won 48 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 406897 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 55 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 2903129 men and women


Snow Whites Zer- I'm coming for you. The fight is on the way to your core, just like I said it was. The last men and women you kill will be your own troops. Mostly women.

I hate killing women mate, i'll rather capture 'em as slaves or sell em to highest bidder at Auction. See u in ur core mate 😎👍

21:02:32 Aug 26th 18 - Princess Aisha:

Ivanho you have that many kills cause there are some doushes in DA that do not want to give up and die, like Sam and Jasmina who keep training halfling armies who are easy to kill :-)

I am just spamming you guys on Valhalla before I focus on Fanta :-)

Princess Aisha:

Ivanho you have that many kills cause there are some doushes in DA that do not want to give up and die, like Sam and Jasmina who keep training halfling armies who are easy to kill :-)

I am just spamming you guys on Valhalla before I focus on Fanta :-)

Well i had +1 million Kills before i even Started attacking DA 😀😁😂 

Whoever comes close from my army is as good as dead 😎😜😛 And if you're thinking, My army not Rank 1, so no worries,- You're doing a Mistake. Ponies has no match against Zerkers 😆😆😆

21:43:11 Aug 26th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

we just got lucky with location, thats all it is ... everybody knows that location at beginning of era is key :)

02:45:17 Aug 27th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

It doesn't help that peasants flee and run. 

11:28:51 Aug 28th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i gotta say that this has been the most warlike era in Valhalla history in a while .... everybody is fighting big time :) thats why i love open maps

11:31:37 Aug 28th 18 - Bran (Mr. Rees Mogg):

im glad you put a red box around the battles fought. i cant imagine id have been able to find it otherwise

11:47:37 Aug 28th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

I'm told he put it there for you specifically.

11:53:21 Aug 28th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

you've been told correctly, Matthew

12:08:47 Aug 28th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

Thank you Chade. I'd like to request a bolder and thicker red for our friend next time, but this was very thoughtful work.

I'm glad you put a red box around the battles fought. I can't imagine Bran would have been able to find it otherwise.

13:14:33 Aug 28th 18 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):


I'm glad you put a red box around the battles fought. I can't imagine Bran would have been able to find it otherwise.


13:27:45 Aug 28th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

oh come on ... bran is smarter than that .. he would've found the battles, but he would've found the letters, the commas, the bold, the normal, the background image, the font change, the font color and then either his head would explode from so much information or his brain will just display a "504: gateway timeout" error.

i simply helped his CPU disregard some of the other information

19:11:50 Aug 28th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

With all this trash talking you would think KoH killed everyone, but as soon as things got a little bit complicated, as soon as there were more than 2 large armies against you, you pulled out the diplomacy card and NaPed HnS. That is where great kingdoms like FW differentiate themselves from others. Still a great era for you guys.

21:19:01 Aug 28th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

yeah we did ... did you like it?

02:23:43 Aug 29th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

With all the trash talking I do on the forums you'd think I was a dominant player on every world


I am

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