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Valhalla 56
20:52:26 Oct 4th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

she remembers... its the last orgasm she had

20:53:58 Oct 4th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

hmm, you weren't here an hour ago ?!

stop day dreaming mate ... i think you need your QAs to check your code ... i mean brain ... surely you have had a merge conflict somewhere

21:08:16 Oct 4th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

nah, performing at 100% efficiency, ask your mrs..

22:14:19 Oct 7th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

We kindly ask KoH to get their sh1t together and start coordinating and stuff, or else the era will be too boring for us. 

People say you are the powerhouse of Valhalla, start acting accordingly!

11:20:47 Oct 8th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

I, on behalf of KoH, promise we will get our sh`t together, but cannot promise when ... we are extremely young and not in a hurry - the time is in front of us ;)

16:52:29 Oct 8th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):

but you're still spamming gaia?

17:24:57 Oct 8th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

no, just building ... should I start spamming gaia?

19:05:08 Oct 8th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

As I understand KoH did not really do diplomacy before and now NAP with HnS two eras in row.  you best friends now?

21:53:01 Oct 8th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

By "do diplomacy" I assume you mean "no relations" :) If that is the case - yes, we rarely have relations. But rejection of peace offer is also a diplomatic answer, so technically we DO diplomacy ;)

but then again we love to be unpredictable and innovative ;)

why we have relations with HnS? Well its kindda our business, but im in a very good mood today, so im gonna tell you a story ..

3 yrs running we kept on fighting HnS all the time, because they were the only kd on the map to match us (and very often, surpass us). Also, like us, they are honorable to each other as well as to their adversaries and allies. And regardless of their skills, wins, losses, they have been here to stay for a long period of time!

And I sincerely hope that they are here to stay for the future too.

KoH's team have never been the best of the best in this game. We are best of the best because of the bond we have (you can ask Jasmina, she knows perfectly well). Being such type of people, we understand that a kingdom that endures ups as well as downs in its development, but is consistent in its presence, is worthy having relations with, once in a while. Hence, our relations with HnS ... they are in their "downs" for the past few eras, but they will bounce back! Once they do, all guns blazin and sh`t :))

23:31:59 Oct 8th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

I am glad HnS has been around for so long

And yes, KoH as well.
From what I heard, DA is basically Jasmina and Sam, who were Ursidae members but left cause others were inactive. 
If its so nice there, she would return I guess, but I am sure you guys are all cool, Jas does not speak poorly of you guys, so I just joke a bit :-)

We need some more new blood on Valhalla, one more kingdom would be good, so its not always 1 vs 2

00:40:30 Oct 9th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

jokes and banter are all good mate ... just look at that old c\/nt bling ...

00:56:12 Oct 9th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

c\ /nt yes. old no

07:22:02 Oct 9th 18 - Duke Chade of The Chain:

thats  the spirit bling

22:38:25 Oct 15th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Unprovoked aggression on our resource operations and peaceful trade will not go unanswered. War is declared against  those responsible . 

23:18:07 Oct 15th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):

What does that even mean?

23:44:24 Oct 15th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

We have consisted and traded alongside Death Angels and Atlantis for mutual profit.

Both have launched unprovoked attacks upon us, disrupting our operations.

00:21:09 Oct 16th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Django):

Ah - so that's a bit more clear than "Those Responsible"

01:20:16 Oct 16th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

I would presume those that attacked us unprovoked, after trading so many millions on the market, would at least announce their war, after coexisting side by side for weeks.

03:11:24 Oct 16th 18 - Ms. Priestess:

Building a city with a large army near 2 of ours I'd consider as provoking. Not to mention allowing our enemy to rebuild around your core untouched. 

03:59:33 Oct 16th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Being on the same map as me is a provocation. 

06:36:45 Oct 16th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Our people had lived alongside one another for perpetuity. Has no one spoken to you about parlay and the art of diplomacy?

Even id you want war, there are dkgnified ways to go abouy it.

06:46:19 Oct 16th 18 - Gilth (Mr. Gilian):

Small halflaumn avalkuk avoo much.  Nalkroro ukhould kulknej paausan for your nauk-ukourceuk.  Lat liwo mat!

07:17:14 Oct 16th 18 - Mr. Sam Power:

The friend of our enemy is our enemy. You chose the wrong side Bigfield.

10:16:24 Oct 16th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds
Now sit back and enjoy as the story unfulrs
This is a land of nightmares, of spirits unclean
Where the darkest horror is the one yet unseen
This is a place without pity, a world with no hope
An unholy place of darkness where mortal men cannot cope
The only lights are the fires, in this land of lost souls
The hellish heat rises, from the ground made of coals

I am your Nightmare, defiler of dreams
Be as loud as you like, for I relish your screams
This is your new home, your own personal hell
I am your only companion, tormenter as well
My words are my weapons, my tongue is my knife
And with these things I'll torment you for the rest of unlife
I know the unknowable, I have seen your soul
The only way to escape it is to leave dead and cold
But even that cannot save you, you'll be sent right back
Into this darkest of nightmares, into the pits of the black

Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds
I am the cyclone beginning to whirl
I am the dark dream that has just begun
So stick around with me and we'll have lots of fun
I'll destroy your whole world, I'll kill all your friends
But please do not worry, I'll save your soul for the end
I'll rip your heart from your chest, and devour it whole
As you take your final breath, I shall capture soul
I am the darkness that comes in the night
Don't try to resist me you won't win this fight

Now you're mine for eternity let the torture begin
I think we will start with damnation and the judgment of sin
Then we'll move on to torture, that's my favorite part
Then we'll end with the damned, ripping your body apart
Welcome to damnation eternal, your hell starts today
God can no longer hear you, no matter how much you pray
Welcome to your eternal nightmare, we'll be the best of friends
This is the start of eternity the darkness will never end. 

12:54:29 Oct 16th 18 - Ohmly (Duke Ohmly):

Tim Vallie...nice....try this

Oh, lonely death on lonely life! Oh, now I feel my topmost greatness lies in my topmost grief. Ho, ho! from all your furthest bounds, pour ye now in, ye bold billows of my whole foregone life, and top this one piled comber of my death! Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering foe;

to the last I grapple with thee;

from hell’s heart I stab at thee;

for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.

20:46:08 Oct 16th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

Simple way of control of the market:

Just kill people other than your kingdom members and allies that use the market;
And that is the plan... simple.

04:31:04 Oct 17th 18 - Queen Zephyros:

Maybe you should follow your kingdom creed with the market and not overprice stone.  Your kd most expensive, yet you advertise cheapest goods. 

05:16:01 Oct 17th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

We are at day 19 in the era, and Fantasia is at day 15
Why does it feel like Valhalla will be over much much sooner than Fantasia.
Because of how small the map is?

05:26:39 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Yes, the map is smaller, forces fights to happen and confrontations quicker

13:00:37 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

We ensure that supply and demand reign supreme. It is the one natural law that can never be broken. 

We have secured a price ceiling of stone and supply enough to make sure it nevet goes above that point.

But alas, the time for producing is over. We must address distiebances.

13:04:01 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

and now you can address the funeral services for your armies.

13:52:05 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Those aren't armies. Just some cheap labor we found that werent in line for a promotion.

Come a little closer and see our deals.

14:51:09 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Perhaps a review of my body count before making such requests

15:35:31 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Consider all action moving forward as a highly leveraged hostile takeover, with the intent of asset stripping and redundancies to maximize hostile investors investment yields and bonus dividend payment, which as a one off event is tax deductible 

15:54:39 Oct 17th 18 - Stormy (Mr. Sturmcrahe):

That last post was epic I have to admit....

16:33:52 Oct 17th 18 - Ohmly (Mr. Bilbo Baggins):

Our Corporate lawyers are filing an injunction as the "Death Angels" hereafter known as "DA" failed to file the appropriate paperwork required by the SEC according to the Willams Act of 1968, 14 U.S.C.S. § 78(a) (1968).
 Excerpt: " required to be registered under federal law, to disclose the following: the source of the funds used in the offer, the purpose for which the offer is made, the plans the purchaser might have if successful, and any contracts or understandings concerning the target corporation to the SEC."

DA is required to Cease and Desist or suffer the consequences if it actions.

16:43:31 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

DA are not an American based company, thus are not required to file SEC notifications. And as a non corporate entity, by its nature of being a collective rather than a corporate entity, it falls outside of the remits of the SEC or any other Federal Trade Organization.

17:19:09 Oct 17th 18 - Ohmly (Mr. Bilbo Baggins):

A a Co-op. This is also a legal entity working together to acquire assets for it members. As it is international, you will need to comply with the United Nations Conventions on Contracts and the Sale of International Goods and  file with the World Trade Organization, identify your trade agent or distributor, and comply with all import and export taxes.

At any rate, we are implementing a shareholder rights plan, allowing our existing shareholders the right to purchase additional shares at a discount in a split of our stocks as well as hiring a proxy-solicitation firm to review the terms of the takeover.

My guess is the rest of our shareholders are unlikely to side with the Co-op.

20:26:16 Oct 17th 18 - Phat (Grand Moff Django):

Then the members of the DA Co-op will simply acquire the assets of Hammer and Shield.

23:59:18 Oct 18th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

As Chairman, I welcome the return of Urisidea to the realm.

02:16:06 Oct 19th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Where did that come from?

Sam and I, founders of DA are remaining two active Ursidae members who left and made our own kingdom.
But since we are closest to Ursidae you can get, we will accept the welcome :-)

02:23:31 Oct 19th 18 - Queen Zephyros:

We're holding an election for a new board of directors for Valhalla. 

05:25:30 Oct 19th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Dr. Schepp the Grizzly!

He is the leader of Urisidae and nestled in as a human with a few cities already.

We welcome his addition. Schepp never went to war with us without notice. We appreciate the old honor. A good trader.

 Not a traitor to civility.

07:22:59 Oct 19th 18 - Queen Zephyros:

Age soon to be over now, his addition is meaningless.  He may not even make OOP.

07:27:53 Oct 19th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Just another corpse to add to the pile

10:03:50 Oct 19th 18 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

21:35:31 Oct 17th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Consider all action moving forward as a highly leveraged hostile takeover, with the intent of asset stripping and redundancies to maximize hostile investors investment yields and bonus dividend payment, which as a one off event is tax deductible

I remember the good old days when I used to aggressively speculate on event arbitrage opportunities. Well, they were opportunities for the bankers to take the opposite side of the trade against me and profit off my .... lack of inside information.

Lost a healthy 6 digit sum too, sigh. There were so many times I felt a lot stupider than Wilber, greatest VU player to ever walk the planet. Only 1 in 3 to 1 in 5 M&As make money for their shareholders, and I mostly punted on the losers.... I guess I was born to my name *sob*

12:46:02 Oct 19th 18 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

“Meaningless?” Hey now that’s no way to make friends :P

14:50:00 Oct 19th 18 - Queen Zephyros:

Next era maybe different. :)

14:52:50 Oct 19th 18 - McMax (Mr. Lucky Luke):

The world is too small to start/restart in now.

Just - if my last scout get's killed, I will reconsider.

19:22:34 Oct 19th 18 - Mr. Sam Power:

I'm coming for it! 


Army Info
Commander:Mr. Lucky LukeKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Kingdom of Heaven
Size:Scout (1-5)

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