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Valhalla 78
10:53:00 Dec 17th 21 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

>.< Dread, why not stay back and rest more?

11:58:42 Dec 17th 21 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

Funny thing about the name, I never wrote Dread, name was supposed to be Dark Dreams but VU changes it to Dreads. Now people call me Dread even though name always consists of Dark (Spawn etc) but I was told there was a player called Darky or something so now I can’t be called Dark. Goal is to kill as many people as possible to earn the name Dark, so can’t rest, need to kill.

18:03:08 Dec 18th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

BL has been a pain all Era haha I shouldve hired him before Alba did! :D


Its been a thoroughly enjoyable era, its over for me now :P 

I hope to have one city after this tidal wave to sit back and enjoy the show

12:02:15 Dec 28th 21 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

Its quite a fun era indeed

Lots of wars and fighting :-)

02:45:07 Jan 3rd 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

Could I get a play-by-play? :p what’s happening out there??

11:26:02 Jan 3rd 22 - Lord Caedus:

It's like christmas time on the frontlines of WWI 

17:15:13 Jan 3rd 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Yeah everyone took a Christmas break it seemed lol love it

17:28:31 Jan 3rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

this done yet? you're unironically 2 months into the era

I’m pretty much out. 30 million in reserves, but it isn’t worth trolling raven any longer. It was a hell of a fun back and forth 

18:05:24 Jan 3rd 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

Not even close to end... 

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Raven Clan8Jarl Eivor100
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield83
Albatross8Lord Caedus64
Elysium4The Ancient Aeneas of Troy52
Ursidae6Doctor Schepp The Grizzly16
Tickled1Ms. Endless2

10:52:24 Jan 4th 22 - Lord Caedus:

It's still enjoyable - lots of honourable play and the unofficial Christmas armastice was a nice touch haha 

It all hangs on whether we can hang on to these blockers now. If they fall, the era is over.

13:16:17 Jan 4th 22 - Mr. Whopper:

yeah, the christmas break was perfect for everyone. It would be nice to have the same break this year during Christmas and Easter. I think most players dont want to play during these holidays. 

00:25:57 Jan 6th 22 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

Fun era :) well played all, had fun whacking ur armies even if I'm about to be swimming with the fishies myself lol

Your character Mr. Karmatic has won 16 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 1452477 men and women

10:28:36 Jan 6th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Yeah it's been a good era - It was good that we were able to survive as long as we did - seem to have annoyed the entire map! 

11:07:32 Jan 6th 22 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Its nice seeing Alba become a strong and capable kingdom unlike what we were when I was leading. Good job everyone there:-)

12:06:41 Jan 6th 22 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

Edi we had some good era as I remember it, but we were always the underdog :) which is fun

20:07:14 Jan 6th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Yeah and activity and other issues were a problem. It’s been fun co-ordinating and playing on Val - I think moving to this map helped reignite a bit of passion as it felt like we were all building toward a better game. 

19:43:12 Jan 9th 22 - Mr. Nonop:

please stop going further in the battlefield. The time for war is over.

do cast arma.

11:55:47 Jan 10th 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

Funny, people saying don't Arma Mantrax 

And Arma here 

The Ancient Aeneas of Troy

Mr. Ghost II
Raven Clan

King Perilous
Hammer and Shield

Mr. Epi
Hammer and Shield

Mr. Dark Dreads
Raven Clan

Doctor Schepp The Grizzly

Top 6 members from 4 different kingdoms 

13:37:31 Jan 10th 22 - Lord Caedus:

I have a little city called 'Vote Arma' which I'm not building up but it's there for voting when the time comes. 

If people wouldn't mind leaving it untouched (having already been slaughtered) then I would appreciate it. <3

17:48:48 Jan 10th 22 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

Hammer and Shield  declares war on Elysium. 

We offer peace to Albatross.

We declare war on Ravens. 

18:04:53 Jan 10th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

It's been over two months....

18:14:37 Jan 10th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

lol yes... idk whats taking so long.

Alba is gone.
Raven+Ely so pretty much 1 kd.
HnS is just the opponent who are resettled so should not be an opponent which you must kill b4 arma!

18:16:53 Jan 10th 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

I’m still going Ice! You ditched me!

18:18:21 Jan 10th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:


Good spirit mate. Keep it going :P

18:20:28 Jan 10th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Casus belli takes time.

We have not attacked them and they have made 5 hostile attacks on us.

We have not attacked them and they have attacked us.

18:22:20 Jan 10th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Raven+Ely vs HnS. Its completely unfair! 

18:25:22 Jan 10th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Who said it was unfair?

Raven and Elysium vs HnS, Urisidea, and whatever is left of Albatross is remarkably well matched. We do only have four players, but we are well active.

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Raven Clan8Jarl Eivor133
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield100
Elysium4The Ancient Aeneas of Troy57
Albatross7Lord Caedus29
Ursidae6Doctor Schepp The Grizzly20

20:26:08 Jan 10th 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

I am pretty much the only member of Ursidae left active. 

Due to a long standing history of honorable warfare and times of peace with the Kingdom of Hammer and Shield, my actions of war will be in tandem with Bigfield.

This should come as no surprise as my kingdom has seen continuous conflict with Elysium and Raven Clan this era.

07:31:53 Jan 11th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Yup, you forgot about Horses haha. That too :) 

14:55:01 Jan 12th 22 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

Perilous your full army vs my full army

Lets go, to finish this era

22:24:58 Jan 20th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Casus Belli.

You (1/19/2022 9:02:35 AM)
I'm going to need an affirmative message within 24 hours that Kingdom of Heaven will not be hostile, or else we will consider this trespass an act of war.

Ms. Endless (1/19/2022 3:05:41 PM) GOOD BAD
if making a city that you decided to attack is considered an act of war so be it

You (1/19/2022 5:33:04 PM)

It isn't the city itself. It's the fact that it's called Rest Stop and is midway between our core and a very large dwarf army headed this way.

The implication is that you intend to March further.

Simply clarify that you will not attack us, and you may build as you wish.

14:26:56 - Stop And Frisk lost a battle against The Peasants Revolt from Ms. Endless. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 500 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

Let this serve as public notice that Hammer  and Shield attempted protocols of diplomacy and has Cause for a defensive War.

22:29:32 Jan 20th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Aeneas of Troy):

I don't know...what right did you have to Stop and Frisk Endless?

I smell Dwarf profiling here...

00:51:35 Jan 21st 22 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

The perp had the frisker on the way only after the last message was sent.

All he had to do was tell me where he was going and he would have been free to go. 

00:54:07 Jan 21st 22 - Endless (Ms. Envy):

Seriously, the guy preps my city then sends hostile message, talk about red flag to endless bully:p

interesting aside, it gave me the message that attacking his army wouldn’t be considered hostile since he was attacking his city, the message lied lmao

02:09:03 Jan 21st 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

There must have been a magic cast or something.

We have attacked them and they have attacked us.

12:33:08 Jan 22nd 22 - Lord Caedus:

Anyone got an eta on arma and end of the era? Even if it's a ball park figure? 

12:41:10 Jan 22nd 22 - Ms. Elle Ravenous:

I do not really want to end the era when there is enemy 1.5 million Axemen and a large Archmage army as well (5th in HoH as Elf) and HnS core was never in danger all era. So maybe once these two armies are down, we'll discuss ending quickly? Edit: And of course Schepp of Ursidae as Elf also rebuilt nicely, and surely a large Archmage army.

I did not really want to cast Arma because I feel we can end it instantly when time comes. But if majority agrees we could cast now and then have people vote yes and no so that we have a 10 RL day countdown. What is the general consensus when to end it?

12:43:24 Jan 22nd 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Keep the era going till the time comes. Don't  finish  it early before final clash.

12:47:59 Jan 22nd 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

I like how HoH scores include so many kingdoms

Quite a fun era :)

The Ancient Aeneas of Troy

Mr. Ghost II
Raven Clan

King Perilous
Hammer and Shield

Mr. Dark Dreads
Raven Clan

Mr. Epi
Hammer and Shield

Doctor Schepp The Grizzly

12:01:21 Jan 23rd 22 - Lord Caedus:

yeah keep it going by all means - was just asking for a ball park figure :) 

14:45:05 Jan 23rd 22 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

We have three or four plays yet.

That said, we arent opposed to having a 10 day timer with a countdown to move things along. 

17:44:46 Jan 23rd 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

Valhalla always seems to end up a fun realm (even when I’m pretty much killed off early). 

A big thanks to HnS for allowing me to rebuild in their lands. If more of my members respawned we might’ve had a larger roll to play here at the end.

With that said - I’m not going anywhere >:) so starting a 10-day might be in the best interest of the realm 

Any solo players (or players needing a change of scenery) Ursidae is recruiting for next era.

21:08:00 Jan 23rd 22 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

We will be down to 3 or 5 players next era as well. 

05:54:28 Jan 24th 22 - Endless (Ms. Endless):

somebody feels beat?

Dragon (id=2059)

Our scouts have found a dragon!

12:02:13 Jan 24th 22 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

1.5 million Axemen dead

Whos next? :-)
I really want that 5 million milestone

Your character Mr. Dark Dreads has won 36 battles, captured 19cities and killed a total of 4200656 men and women

20:00:21 Jan 24th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

We all bow to your ferocity, oh great Dark One!!

20:00:21 Jan 24th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

We all bow to your ferocity, oh great Dark One!!

08:57:57 Jan 25th 22 - Ms. Elle Ravenous:

Lets see if we can damage these two quickly, and then no need to wait 10 RL days, end it right away :)

Mr. Epi
Hammer and Shield

Doctor Schepp The Grizzly

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