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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Age 5

Valhalla Age 5
23:13:02 Apr 8th 11 - Mr. Crowley:

just out of curiousity...can 2 arm cities exist on the same world?


oops..wrong char..Dokken here

01:19:15 Apr 9th 11 - Mr. Caocao:

If you cast Arma then it takes over the old one and restarts the count.

04:00:26 Apr 9th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

No, you have to destroy the old town in order for someone to successfully cast arma again.... or else people casting arma early wouldn't be a huge problem. People would just cast arma to counter it. :P

12:42:54 Apr 9th 11 - Mr. Samual:

Cao's right, if someone casts Armageddon, and afterwards someone else casts it it will restart the counter and the Armageddon city will be the new city where the new person cast the spell. 

People were complaining about it a few eras back on Fantasia as people kept on recasting the spell so the world didn't end for ages. 

14:12:12 Apr 9th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Dude, they tore down the town and recasted it. lol 

They cast it on a 1 gt town so it's cheaper and easier to cast.... thing is, the wreckage on a 1 gt town takes 2 ticks to clear and the town to disappear, cancelling arma. THAT is how they kept recasting it.....

13:46:07 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

14 mins until something interesting happens....

14:08:00 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

with no warning Wittyusername leaves KD and starts attacking Metal ... what a dishonourable little fucker ... hes just tryna win this era on Valhalla ... sad really

14:14:12 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

uhhh, is that wrong? sorry didnt know :)

btw i planned this 2 and half weeks ago, and was expecting to die for it. Hardly call that winning the era.

14:42:18 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

Haahaha so that's what you meant in the message :L I thought metal were going to backstabb Boo :L

14:53:30 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Errr yes, it seems i wont be as successful as previously thought. I didnt expect our mage tower to be heavily defended (i cant take it even with 70k warlords),  that and theres an "issue" with this valhala world thats put me in a little danger :/. I'm not expecting to win anymore against metal, but its still very fun creating a bit of excitement end of era :) Dont you agree? :) And if you cancel your arma, then all the more fun :)

15:07:21 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

I don't see us holding out for much longer though :L And I really cbfed waiting another week whilst being dead :P

15:19:26 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

And the Benedict Arnold award goes to...

16:04:51 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Great:

oh witty you were working with LS(pure) and pure you coulda warned us a piece of shit was in our kd, i love how you decided to wait till all of our armies were gone too, i assume when you pulled your army reinforcements about 2 and a half weeks ago is when you put your operation in to swing?

16:18:50 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

Xanatos in the message he never said anything about leaving your kingdom. He asked me to cancel arma because something interesting was going to happen soon. I assumed you guys were going to backstabb BOO :L

16:23:52 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

We would never do that. Especially after what happend to us with Sleepless last era. :P (not exactly back-stabbing, but still.)

Besides, everyone knows the deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.

16:25:21 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

so manowar, no hard feelings right? mind if i rejoin next era? I promise not to do this again :)

@xanatos just realised that it was 1 and a half weeks ago, not 2 and a half :P you know when i went inactive? i did that so i would have enough money to fight you guys lol.

16:37:42 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Oh sure, no hard feelings... not like we were going to win the era or anything. :P But hey, I'm all for second chances, tell you what, I'll put it to a vote on the KD forum, if they vote yes then I'll let you rejoin. :)

16:40:30 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

errr suddenly i dont really want to rejoin. I bet you'll kick me and then kill me sometime early era lol.

17:20:32 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Of course not, doing that would make me no better than you.

17:43:14 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

hahaha such a hypocrite. Don't worry, i'll make an effort to put you out of your misery before the era ends :)

17:58:11 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Hypocrite? That's funny, I don't remember betraying anyone. But hey, I always knew you were a treturous bastard, I just didn't think you would betray me. But now you have. Which is sad because I was probly one of the only people still playing VU that actually liked you. So go on and delete your account again and make a new name so no-one knows who you are, so you can play VU without getting hated on by everyone who knows you. And sure this may be just a game and you might not care as long as you're having "fun", but you're still a dick.

18:25:07 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

I'm just going to say this. I like him he makes the forums interesting which hasn't happened in god knows how many eras :L

18:54:04 Apr 13th 11 - General Who:

You have been warned Mr. Steal Your Girl

19:02:18 Apr 13th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Can't say I'd trust witty in my kingdom, but this is mildly humorous. lol

19:05:55 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

General Multi ... what were you saying?

19:10:17 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

Would it be frowned upon if we let him into LS just so we can watch the show?

19:14:14 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

lol i would be willing to do that actually.

And manowar, thanks for killing my army :) you just got rid of the 50% rule for me :) now i can FINALLY kill you and dokken, who were previously protected :)

19:21:58 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Just sent an app :)

19:22:27 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

That's... weird... you were preping on one of our cities, I thourght that didn't count as a hostile attack?? But oh well, my pleasure, keep sending them up so I can kill them. ;)

19:24:56 Apr 13th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Did Zeta fix that, finally? o.O

19:58:44 Apr 13th 11 - General Who:

Im taking about your post.

22:53:00 Apr 13th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

i'm pretty sure yu'd be quite mad too General Multi if everyone in Gotf send all their armies to the front line then some1 in the KD, whose been training alotta troops in your core just ups and leaves take'n everyones cities in your core starting with your magic city(;

23:08:06 Apr 13th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

This is why I'm extremely slow on recruiting. lol....

00:10:18 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

lol i didn't wait for our armies to leave. I waited unil i could be very active. I would have done this anyway even if the majority of our army was at base. Its not like our core is 100% undefended either, i have already lost over 100k troops, and theres a 500k army only a few short ticks away.

02:15:39 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

yeah yur right ... its not 100% un defended it 95% undefended ... 

all in all yur a traitor ... itruely hope some one shoots you in the head(;

thank you very much

03:19:30 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

well about a week ago someone tried to stab me to death. Is that good enough? :)

11:10:03 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

nah, had they actually killed you then it would have been good enough 

11:18:51 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Taniwha:

Pure we won't be accepting the application .

13:51:38 Apr 14th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

so much hate. What did i do wrong?

00:18:22 Apr 15th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

your mistake was being born(;

04:00:38 Apr 15th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

I wasn't born. I didnt witness it nor do i remember it, so it must mean it never happened.

01:08:03 Apr 16th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

traitors plan is back firing ... he gettn booty tickled

02:05:02 Apr 16th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Not back firing. Like i said, i didn't expect to win.

02:25:56 Apr 16th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Lets look at the kills made by both sides

me = 300, 000
them = 250, 000

quite a blood bath ain't it :)

07:13:17 Apr 16th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

He's a martyr!!

10:42:40 Apr 16th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

haha, soon he is ... after iwipe his armies out(; ... chump i've killed more of yur troops then yu've done mines ... don't play pretend Witty(;

12:45:36 Apr 16th 11 - Sir Dropkick:

u taking my cities has killed more troops because of low income :'(

14:31:38 Apr 16th 11 - Mr. Steal Your Girl:

sadly he couldn't take you armory so he skipped it ... bahaha ... so much for stock piling troops in our core and us leaving it pretty much undefended, he couldn't even take your armory with his stock piled troops ... sad really

06:30:14 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

end of era so meh. Heres what you guys never managed to kill :)

  Ready: 12002
Injured: 0
  Ready: 38939
Injured: 0
  Ready: 212315
Injured: 0
  Ready: 190850
Injured: 0
  Ready: 0
Injured: 0
  Peasants: 0



No clue how i ended up with that many mu's... lol

07:12:45 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

Would have been a lot more if you had of stayed with us. :P

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