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Forums / In game politics / Vengeance Recruiting [Mantrax]

Vengeance Recruiting [Mantrax]
23:29:03 Jan 28th 09 - Sir Vidar:

I wish you luck Deadpool

01:05:11 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Thanks Vidar. We will need all the help we can get ;-P

23:22:23 Jan 30th 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:


If you join V in the next two days you will recieve one of the following prizes..

1. A years supply of chocolates courtesy of Willy Wonka

2. A punch in the teeth courtesy of Kimbo Slice

00:04:54 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:


02:44:03 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Yes we are recruiting...apply now!!!

04:10:31 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Sky:

Hey there Deadpool :) Good luck! You might not need it... ;)

04:13:01 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Yeah things might be looking up Sky :-p

04:54:09 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

well, V may be back next era, but it won't be the same V that played this era. We had some dissention amoungst some of our teammates and we are losing quite a few players (about 10). so we need a few to replace them....SAD DAY

05:14:19 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Bush:

Which world will you play?

05:15:05 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

prolly new player world X after losing most of our top players :(. Oh well...i guess losing to RET wasn't as honorable as I thought it was....


00:53:41 Feb 1st 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Not sure which world. Will Zeta let us pick a world or will they force us to go somewhere? Its a wait and see thing. But we are still recruiting if anyone is interested.

07:51:39 Feb 1st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Moose Jaw


1/31/2009 5:15:05 AM

prolly new player world X after losing most of our top players :(. Oh well...i guess losing to RET wasn't as honorable as I thought it was....


--> how so?.

18:42:00 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Moose Jaw:

It was to me Lew and the players that stayed. But some didn't believe that they way we played the "chess/merge game" with you was their cup of tea. Thus, they left and started their own KD. I believe that we lost to one of the best KD's in the game that's left, they believe that if some of us didn't hold them back we could have beaten RET. I don't agree, but hey...what the hell do I know?

19:00:04 Feb 1st 09 - Duke Insane V:


17:12:38 Feb 2nd 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Ok we are still recruiting for any of you late starters come on in we have plenty of room.

17:19:15 Feb 2nd 09 - Duke Random:


17:52:31 Feb 2nd 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Hey said "they believe that if some of us didn't hold them back we could have beaten RET." That was not our belief....but that was last era and this is this era so lets move on.

23:39:58 Feb 2nd 09 - Princess Aurora:

Well I think we are still recruiting. So anyone who comes in gets sprinkled with my fairy dust.

00:29:50 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

"Princess is back!!" She can sprinkle me anytime. I may disband PKS and just join Vengeance. :)

01:34:24 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:

whatever deadpool and moosecrack.   We didn't want to play in a scared kingdom anymore.  sorry

03:26:56 Feb 3rd 09 - Lord Sky:

Btw, you might see some familiar ODC faces in Vengeance :P

03:43:50 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Death Proof:

Oh Jondrus...dont get so mad. I didn't mean harm.

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