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Words of Wisdom
03:36:36 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

Wow... you don't see anything wrong with people fighting a kingdom they just quit, and yet when someone lies to you you think its wrong?

05:03:16 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

there really needs to be a thread devoted to NaP/MaP here is another one who cannot be trusted to keep his word...this is a warning to any who would seek an agreement with borazon...he does not honour his word...


Duke Borazon [CON] (11/14/2007 1:11:11 PM) GOOD BAD
I am sorry but we are not interested in a NAP at the moment. But I can assure you that we will not attack you unless your armies threaten our cities/troops etc.

You (11/18/2007 10:43:37 AM)
did borazon just take north wall?
Mr. Bogdan [DR] (11/18/2007 10:43:57 AM) GOOD BAD
yea and I think he burned a 90k town to justin
You (11/18/2007 10:44:35 AM)
guess the cf is done then and its is war with them

so as you can see, after "assuring us" that he would not attack us so long as we did not threaten him...he did a bit more that threaten us, he and his army came sweeping down upon us burning and destroying as they went. trusting borazon is like trusting a deadly viper not to strike.


there is no insult here...just facts...not even the part about the viper is an insult...i compared his actions to that of trusting a viper...which i would be foolish to do.

05:12:05 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

mr i dont see anything wrong with people choosing to declare war against a kingdom they just is just something that happens. i have a big problem with someone in another kingdom who acts like they are you dearest friend suddenly attacking your cities...i dont understand that kind of thinking, i myself refuse to fight a friend even when their kingdom is at war with my kingdom. when i offer friendship, it isnt fake nor is it for ulterior motives, it is for real. so i dont understand when i am betrayed.

when this happens, i give my erstwhile friend every opportunity  to show that it was a mistake. if they insist it isnt and they want war, i will give it to them. not willingly, but i will.

i am the type of person who wants to believe good of people, who wants to trust them. so when someone gives their word, i taske it personlly when theybreak it. perhaps i have to soft a heart, but i would still rather be this way than have a hard heart.


06:55:39 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Yes, of course. Having an informal CF (which might not even have any terms....) puts you so much closer to a person than being in the same kingdom.


How could you think betraying your own kingdom is not as bad as attacking a CFed kingdom? It's not even a freaking NAP agreement! Contrary to what you may be thinking (since this is what you argued...) I'm not saying trusting him is bad. Breaking NAPs is bad, being unable to trust the person you're dealing with is also bad. But you seem to think that saying a few peaceful words to another kingdom is much more binding than even joining that kingdom....

Oh, and it's still insulting. That's like me saying "Relying on person A to display intelligence is like waiting for the universe to blow up for no reason." It's an insult....You called him dishonorable and untrustworthy. You called him a liar. Relying on the fact that you didn't outright say it in those words is...well....stupid.

Oh, and the "I'm sorry but we're not interested in an NAP right now" part should have meant something to you. Not to mention, that's hardly becoming friends, that's just a polite response. Wasn't their intention to attack you then...that's all he really said.

06:58:36 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Mkron:

um, anyone heard the phrase, "Alls fair in love and war" ?

08:14:13 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

ok, look, i merely put in here that a person cant be trusted to keep his word...if you guys want to defend him so fiercely, well, i suppose that puts you on his level, which means i wont be trusting you to keep your words either should i ever run into you. 

enough is enough...i get your point. i am tired of this endless arguing that does nothing but give me a head-ache.

you seem to love these poor lying underdogs so much...why dont YOU NaP with them...perhaps in gratitude they will not kill you.

13:58:07 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Ovation:

dam righT!

14:44:34 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Wizardus:

I'm not saying what he did was right. I am saying that what he did was not as "untrustable" as quitting the kingdom that YOU ARE IN and declaring war on them...
I mean, if you think that's OK, then I am certainly not going to accept you into my kingdom. And you seem to like these people who quit their own kingdoms, and not only that, but declare war on them...
Yes, enough is enough.

19:26:02 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

PLEASE! ENOUGH ALREADY! beating a dead horse will not make it get up and run again...i promise you.



***i need some excedrin now***

19:33:50 Nov 20th 07 - Sir Verll:


20:30:08 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

head-ache medicine here in

22:31:09 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I love how you say "enough is enough!" and then go on to try and make it seem like I love NAP-breakers and say that I'm untrustworthy...

Just to clear things, I'm not defending NAP you're trying to make it seem like, but there are other things that are worse. Not to mention, from the message you posted, there doesn't seem to be any promise/comment/wtvr that says he won't attack you.....

11:32:16 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

Wow this thread doesn't really stick to anything speciffic...ever...

Bakes>Blakes>Bush>America>War>Excedrin... :)

Ms.Rhiannia, plz bring order to your thread ;)))

[>Mr.Terrorist was here<]

15:35:28 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

i tried...nobody listens. everytime i bring it back on topic someone wants to cry how i am being a traitor-lover. so from now on i will simply post those who break agreements with us. it is then up to whomever reads this post to decide if they wish to trust those people in the future...plain and simple. if you want to flame and argue about will be talking to yourself, because i refuse to answer such posts. period.

16:13:43 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

Well girl, just keep your calm and keep it cool - it's a virtue... ;)

18:11:45 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:


18:19:52 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

rhiaana wins all against her lose the court rules bakes untrustable and nuuby

19:45:39 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Terrorist: closed :)

20:50:14 Nov 21st 07 - Sir Verll:

Darn...I'm feeling so HIGH atm....Weirdo bischen ich!!!

21:50:36 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

*sighs with relief   :o)

22:26:03 Nov 21st 07 - Duke Borazon:

Duke Borazon [CON] (11/14/2007 1:11:11 PM) GOOD BAD
I am sorry but we are not interested in a NAP at the moment. But I can assure you that we will not attack you unless your armies threaten our cities/troops etc.

You must interpret things different than I do.  Not my fault.

22:39:54 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Mr. Sickman


11/16/2007 5:01:49 AM

omg i can cast every single lnown spell even armaggedon too bad i have no mage units.


ermm from last page its fake quite obviously because the other sciences would b alot higher as you would know, as you get a science up the rest increase in price , its a lie and i would have thought you would have had too pay alot for level 16 magi aswell and no way would he have that money 12 digits for gold...

I dont think so , its not so mpressive after all............

02:57:03 Nov 22nd 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

Duke Borazon


11/21/2007 2:26:03 PM

Duke Borazon [CON] (11/14/2007 1:11:11 PM) GOOD BAD
I am sorry but we are not interested in a NAP at the moment. But I can assure you that we will not attack you unless your armies threaten our cities/troops etc.

You must interpret things different than I do.  Not my fault.

that is so lame borazon...let me else should i interpret this "But I can assure you that we will not attack you unless your armies threaten our cities/troops etc. "???

we were nowhere near your troops or cities, but i watched you wait for our new member who built to close to the river to come oop so you could come across thru his city, which you did. then you went on to attack as many cities as you could and havent stopped yet and we never threatened you....seems to me that is that you interpret things differently, quite conveniently so!

09:51:11 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

CON stands for Convicts. Never trust a word of a convict :)

16:45:28 Nov 22nd 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

lol @ terrorist...i also seen that connection in there...

17:07:50 Nov 22nd 07 - Duke Borazon:

Haha, you guys are just mad because 2 guys are pwning you.

17:14:08 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

Borazon, who are you kidding? You announced an assuring CF and then dishonorably started attacking them yourself - that is quite disgraceful...

17:25:37 Nov 22nd 07 - Duke Borazon:

I sent Bogdan a message saying I was going to attack him.

17:26:41 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

lmao, you guys try to act like you're trying to stop this pointless discussion and then keep making jibes...wtvr, I don't feel like arguing any more....Borazon didn't promise any kind of peace, if you can't see that, not my problem.

17:30:40 Nov 22nd 07 - Duke Borazon:

Thanks Atreides.  Want to be my friend on Facebook?!

17:48:41 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

Mr. Revenge


11/21/2007 10:39:54 PM
Mr. Sickman


11/16/2007 5:01:49 AM

omg i can cast every single lnown spell even armaggedon too bad i have no mage units.


ermm from last page its fake quite obviously because the other sciences would b alot higher as you would know, as you get a science up the rest increase in price , its a lie and i would have thought you would have had too pay alot for level 16 magi aswell and no way would he have that money 12 digits for gold...

I dont think so , its not so mpressive after all............

lol u figured!!!

17:51:02 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

and buarzon.... plz bieng a leader u shud be more honest

17:51:23 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Bogdan:

I sent Bogdan a message saying I was going to attack him.

are you shore you did that before you start attacking or only after that?

17:57:04 Nov 22nd 07 - Duke Borazon:

Yes, I told you before we took/destroyed two of ur 90ks.

Here is my message translated:

Duke Borazon [CON] (11/14/2007 1:11:11 PM) GOOD BAD
I plan on attacking you later but I am busy attacking other people atm.  I'll wait to attack you until its more convenient for me.

18:19:35 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

So what you're saying is that

I am sorry but we are not interested in a NAP at the moment. But I can assure you that we will not attack you unless your armies threaten our cities/troops etc.

is the same as

I plan on attacking you later but I am busy attacking other people atm.  I'll wait to attack you until its more convenient for me.

18:45:03 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Bogdan:

borazon better don't post any more lies. you sent me a message that is true but only after you burned 1 90k and took over 1 wall

18:52:12 Nov 22nd 07 - Duke Borazon:

No, I sent the message before both of the 90ks, you need to stop posting lies.  And I didnt even break the "CF" (which we didnt even have) it was ur kd mate attempting to cast a spell on me (which is threatening my army).

18:54:37 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim busts in with a SP@M cannon.

"What happened?! I shall shoot anybody who did something bad...m'kay?"

19:18:10 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Kalnapilis:

Septim, you really don't have much of anything better to do, than to just keep flooding the forums with your childish *beep*ming, eh?

19:28:18 Nov 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"You just realized that? Jeeze, where have you been? Under a rock?"

19:38:56 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Terrorist:

Lucias Septim is a mentally handicapped boy, everyone knows it... We all feel very sorry for him... ;(

20:36:18 Nov 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:

Mr. Kalnapilis


11/22/2007 7:18:10 PM
Septim, you really don't have much of anything better to do, than to just keep flooding the forums with your childish *beep*ming, eh?


16:13:00 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

well boarzon as well as a big lier ur a bad one now everyone knows that, and everybody wont be making any stupid deals with ur dodgy trampy unhonourable kd or u urself...*mumbles consequence pffft convicts

17:16:33 Nov 23rd 07 - Duke Borazon:

1  Please learn/type at least close to proper English, I can barely read that.

2  We never made a deal with your kingdom.

3  We have 2 "deals" aka NAP's and haven't broke them.

17:38:11 Nov 23rd 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

then ur next language class better be english...except for a couple mispelled/typed words, wich we all do when typing fast...that is quite easy to read and clearly understand.

you obviously have no clue that when you "assure" someone that you will or will not do a have given your word on it isnt a as put forth by game rules...but if you cannot keep your word, no one will trust it, or you. havent you ever heard they saying "my word is good as gold"?

congratulations...lets see if you still have them end of era.

13:43:12 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Opium II:

trust, NAP's or gold??? confused

17:04:36 Nov 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius X


11/23/2007 8:13:00 AM
well boarzon as well as being a big lier ur a bad one now, now everyone knows that, and everybody wont be making any stupid deals with ur dodgy trampy unhonourable kd or u urself...*mumbles consequence pffft convicts


Mr. Justanius Fontainius X


11/23/2007 8:13:00 AM

Well Borazon, before you were a big liar, but you're an even worse one now, and everyone knows that. Nobody will be making any stupid deals with your dodgy trampy unhonourable Kingdom or you yourself...

*mumbles consequence pffft convicts


As for the action, I still have no idea what that means. You're welcome with the help Justainius! And no, I don't really have a part in this conversation, I just felt like correcting something...

17:28:12 Nov 24th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Septim eats baby seals

22:23:10 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:


22:57:32 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Archias:

  • "20:05:32: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:05:38: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:04: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:05: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:45: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:51: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:54: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:07:03: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:12: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:18: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:23: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:08:52: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:11:08: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:11:47: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:11:53: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:11:56: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:05: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:10: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:12:16: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:25: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death."
  • this is a tricky scout to kill, despite your awesome magical ability...

    and're making Borazon VERY ANGRY!!! *He turns green and sprouts some muscle out of nowhere ripping everyone's head off, including the creepy jewish hobo in the corner* gah! and the crowd goes wild, I laugh....

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