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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 14

Zetamania 14
19:47:04 May 9th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Yeah I know. I can see you guys trying to finish off ROC down here.  Missed seeing whether it was your KD or BK who took that 90K off of the Historians.  I suppose when it's just BK and Frogs they'll have to decide

22:13:03 May 9th 12 - Mr. Ramza Beoulve:

eventually about BK, who knows what is happening

00:29:42 May 10th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

who cares :p

01:03:04 May 10th 12 - Mr. Dandelion:

The dice on this world are so mean.  Please fix

02:43:19 May 10th 12 - Foggle (Mr. Fark):

Endless/Ramza - One word answer: politics. Two word answer: luck and politics... and maintaining good relations works until it doesn't anymore: QED.

Ramza - Must say I breathed a happy sigh of relief when I saw that you were in with Chaos and the Frogs. The clinical efficiency with which you culled us when we turned up late last time was nothing short of awesome. Not so fun for us, but impressive none the less.

All left to play for.

04:26:47 May 10th 12 - Mr. Zalbaag Beoulve:

"Ramza - Must say I breathed a happy sigh of relief when I saw that you were in with Chaos and the Frogs. The clinical efficiency with which you culled us when we turned up late last time was nothing short of awesome. Not so fun for us, but impressive none the less."

- i was going to attempt solo again, but i was personally asked to join this alliance (may leave next era for solo again or join someone else). Your alliance in even a short time is most impressive last era, gave me a ran for my money. Definitely if i had a short time ahead, but easily ineffective with what time i had compared to what you guys had and put out there was definitely impressive. In all honesty about politics, is what makes eras interesting.

00:36:39 May 11th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Congrats to BK, you broke the blocker.  Your spoils await.

I won't be razing anything so enjoy what little I had ;)
but still a big BOOOOOOOOO for coming and taking our ROC spoils before we could :p

have fun, see ya around the map next era maybe... dunno yet
that was sort of fun, we lasted longer then I expected
but also not so fun now that it's over ;)

04:32:11 May 11th 12 - Mr. Something:

I had taken and retaken Yaah Trick and Yaah Trick II three or four times before you showed up and started randomly attacking everything. I doubt you guys would have been able to break through ROC's blocker if my kingdom wasn't also attacking them from the North. You guys probably would have lasted longer if you tried diplomacy. Just a suggestion for next era. :P

05:32:11 May 11th 12 - Endless (Lady Fingers Terroramisu):

Suggestion noted but we weren't really interested in diplomacy ;)

11:24:50 May 18th 12 - Mr. Zombie Donut:

What happened???  We were just about ready to come back OOP and kill everyone, and the world ends!!!!

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