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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Age 12

Zetamania Age 12
22:47:24 Jan 4th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

I like pizza :o

06:46:21 Jan 12th 12 - Zond (The Valhalla):

update, Beo vs Pks/FLL/Daff/Forsaken. 

epic, didnt realize we were such a threat :/ guess its cuz we got the 2 hottest women in vu.. IN THE SAME KD! thats right. right here in beo. But its cool, no matter if you beat us, you shall never take our women! :O

07:33:20 Jan 12th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Aisha is hawt but who is the other? Kool? :p

07:36:28 Jan 12th 12 - Zond (General Hug):

legend <3

07:37:31 Jan 12th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

If Slave is playing with you folks, where is her bi-Belgian sidekick, Lewatha? :P

BTW, I agree with Julie, Jasmina FTW!!! <3

P.S. Zondervan, not many of us are bothering with the game... at least, from the FLL side. You shouldn't have any problem rolling us over easily :)

07:40:28 Jan 12th 12 - Zond (General Hug):

Problem isnt rolling you guys over, its having to be spread so thin on a merged world ^^

and i think we all agree about Jasmine. <3

FLL are making excuses and i haven't trained a troop yet.

All this time i thought people were afraid of me...

I didn't realise they were that afraid though. :P

21:15:42 Jan 12th 12 - heroix (Mr. Unicorn The Voodoo Priest):

I remember Penguin saying FLL will win this era. Well...

07:46:21 Jan 12th 12 - Zond (The Valhalla):

update, Beo vs Pks/FLL/Daff/Forsaken.

you have a very tiny chance to be right after all.

22:16:03 Jan 12th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

You mad no?

23:00:04 Jan 12th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Sustainable farming isn't scary but large scale agri-business is. You never know what gene they might be modifying to stuff down your gullet...  and it appears like the agri-business moved south consuming some of those goodies they were talking about ;)

23:02:47 Jan 12th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

Blah blah wut Endless? You want a pizza peperoni?

23:18:51 Jan 12th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

I forgot your character is a moron, want me to say it again in simple terms you can understand sausagewannabesoldierboy? :)

23:24:06 Jan 12th 12 - Legend (I am Legend):

Yes please. Can you also say it slowly.

03:49:11 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

03:15:42 Jan 13th 12 - heroix (Mr. Unicorn The Voodoo Priest):

I remember Penguin saying FLL will win this era. Well...

07:46:21 Jan 12th 12 - Zond (The Valhalla):

update, Beo vs Pks/FLL/Daff/Forsaken.

you have a very tiny chance to be right after all.

Correct Heroix, we have a tiny chance to doing anything this era, and certainly not against a kingdom full of luminaries of the VU world like Beothuk :P I do not share Penguin's confidence.

However, I think we will soon be reaching a point of parity of power between our kingdoms, despite the troops Beothuk are amassing at two points. So, let's play a little game of time :) You guys have a window of opportunity to roll us over, since several of our halflings are occupied on the southern end of the map. However, that window of opportunity is rapidly closing. All our war elves are done and already have tens of thousands of archies trained / in training (mmmm..... archies.....), though some fella we have with the strange, Vietnamese sounding name of Binh, might already have a fair bit of them in his stash. Then there's that bloody farmer nub of ours (F U Random....) that we were able to stop building his 5th 90K, and is now throwing out about 40K axemen a day (I might be understating things a little, but oh well, some misinformation never hurts :P).

And of course, I personally have a smattering of berzerkers. Was able to build up a pretty decent army, I think.

Tick tock tick tock. If the opportunity is not exploited, the stalemate point approaches :P

04:06:32 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Kool:

luminaries of the vu world i like that one..

04:42:45 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Hey Kool *waves*

TBL here. How you been doing? :)

04:46:33 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Kool:

hi mate good to see you on zeta.. too bad we on opposite sides of the battle lines... have had a tonne of work lately during the xmas and new year brake so not as much time as i usally do to log in here..(though still enough lol)

07:59:02 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Occupied halflings?
When did the occupy movement come to VU!?

08:11:14 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

also i doubt that they are actually women. I stay away from you guys, there are enough sexual offenders in the Ga region as it is.

09:26:48 Jan 13th 12 - MUSE (Mr. Middle Earth):

but not all FLL is fighting you right now...

10:49:24 Jan 13th 12 - phoenix (Mr. Eeeet):

yea >_>  i think there are only 3 fll on that front... maybe 4 

10:53:52 Jan 13th 12 - Princess Aisha:

Good luck all in future wars :) I tend to always end up in Kingdoms that are getting gang banged, most eras are like that. But I guess its better that way, at least its not boring, you fight all era. I dont understand why people keep using NAP whoring as tactic in the game, but I guess its a tactic like any other, so I respect it.

<3 Jabba :) though you quit, great to see you again :)

11:00:25 Jan 13th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Hey Jasmina <

I got suckered in again :( I blame Julie who blames Random who blames...... bah, he has no one to blame but himself!!! :P I'm already regretting it big big time :( :(

11:05:32 Jan 13th 12 - Princess Aisha:

Similar situation here too, I got back just this era to see these merged worlds, but I'm not playing this any more, might go to another world or quit playing again. I guess its true what they say, when you start playing VU, quitting isnt really easy, its an addictive game.
I must say I am surprised realising so many of the big names in that Kd, and you still end up NAPing more then half of the map.. You do realise soon you will have nothing to do ^^ As even a great Kd like this where I am, will fall when attacked by three other Kingdoms. But well like I said its better to fight 1 on 3 then 3 on 1. People say VU is a game of tactic and diplomacy, so a combination of getting top playing in the Kd with a NAP whoring tactic is the way to go? :P

20:42:29 Jan 13th 12 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

You can blame Zond and Archi if you want, they switched up tags on us mid-OOP fight ;)

Aisha <3 if you're not playing on Nirvana and have a spare character come tinker as a Panda again... we're likely to get killed so it won't be boring :D

20:45:39 Jan 13th 12 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

tinkering.... sounds fun

regarding quitting, I did it and lasted a whole month before I was back.... its friggen impossible

22:34:17 Jan 13th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Forgotten Warrior):

Mostly because you have this huge chunk of time where you used to play VU... so you just play again.. lol

05:42:54 Jan 14th 12 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

I agree on the quitting thing. I stayed away for a little over a year but the withdrawls started to hit me bad. I would wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat and a twitch.

I wasn't saying we were fighting the whole kingdom. I was just making a comment. Ease up a bit and have some fun.

06:23:42 Jan 14th 12 - Zond (Mr. Life):

Aisha is mine on nirvana! bug off endless :p

06:50:14 Jan 14th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Oh crap....

Pez & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Princess AishaKingdom Banner
Size:Horde (Millions)
Status:Moving South

We have made 21 hostile attacks on them and they have made 22 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns around the same amount of land as we do.

Send Princess Aisha a message

Merged armies

Owned by Princess Aisha

People of Mithras of Arunun
Owned by Prince Mithras of Arunun

Owned by Ms. Jennaside

Halfers Pride
Owned by Princess Aisha

Mini IV
Owned by Mr. Simos

Dark Angels
Owned by Princess Aisha

10:08:13 Jan 14th 12 - Architect (Mr. Ender):

I just wish that 41% I had on that FLL merge would have gone my way...this could all be looking very different right now...

15:01:30 Jan 14th 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Nightsiayer):

u probably are right that we are not fighting the whole kingdom, but hey! 2 of your members that we are fighting are top 2 in this world, whereas the whole FEDs actually restarted from scratch like 1 week after OOP and u guys start attacking, and when u guys attacked, its not the whole kingdom defending the core, its only a few... 2-3 fellas defending supporting magic and so on... and look, now just what happened?? stormcrow out of no where joined ur kingdom, and send a bunch of troops to our core, binh also sent some troops over, and silverspike is getting ready to fight us as well.. thats alrd 3... got alf, middle earth, mork and zaphod... thats 7 of your members fighting us, not to mention pluto has just landed a city in our core... and we have how many members defending?? we have probably approximately 10 members who have troops around/mage.... which all of us have started later than u guys..

so i see.... u guys need approx half of your kd members to deal with us.... i guess thats an achievement... hey! beothukers!!! stop screwing around and make sure u kick their asses while they are bz with us....

15:35:44 Jan 14th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Liu Bei of Shu):

lol ah Iceworks you are so funny. Made my morning, you did.

22:07:33 Jan 18th 12 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Yeahup I hope Beo does make some progress. These bullies can be quite annoying.

23:18:21 Jan 18th 12 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

Sad, all you guys have done so far really is take out my magic city and held on like cockroaches.  Damn dwarves building tunnels and screwing up my lovely towers ;)  <3

02:22:14 Jan 19th 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Jahrakal):

yeah... cuz u guys atked us off guard... its not even a fair war to begin with... we dont even have a complete core with set up blockers... we restarted 1 week after OOP and after i just OOP.. i had to train like mad to liberate most of our cities... how is that fair??

02:56:27 Jan 19th 12 - Architect (The Architect):

It's rare that anyone starts with a complete core with setup blockers these days, too many kingdoms.  If that's what it takes to make a fair war in your mind then the odds of seeing a fair oop war are extremely rare now.

03:06:22 Jan 19th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Marvin The Martian):

You can't complain about it not being a "fair" war.. as the saying goes, all is fair in love and war...  If you're worried about not having a core set up with blockers I laugh at you...  Take a look at SIN and AL on Nirvana... We've been back and forth fighting eachother for 11 days since OOP and we settled right beside eachother with no blockers whatsoever.  Besides, FEDS were up before OOP they just got beaten and had to move ;)


03:08:55 Jan 19th 12 - Architect (The Architect):

Feds had SOMEONE inside their core that helped a bit to take them down... =)

04:39:02 Jan 19th 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Jahrakal):

06:18:21 Jan 19th 12 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

Sad, all you guys have done so far really is take out my magic city and held on like cockroaches.  Damn dwarves building tunnels and screwing up my lovely towers ;)  <3

i meant we werent really able to do anything since we just restarted... 

06:37:56 Jan 19th 12 - Mr. Palpy With Big Hammer:

I think it is unfair that Endless and I aren't near each other so we can't play the mage ownage/reownage wars like we did on fanta. Who do I complain to?

07:00:20 Jan 19th 12 - Endless (Ms. Mazikeen):

you've been a pain in my backside Ice, so you did do something ;) time tell me what race you are playing ;)

07:18:47 Jan 19th 12 - Mr. Palpy With Big Hammer:

think we are both elves, no? Let's get a bite to eat, come over anytime...or I can visit your place if it is convenient...

12:09:46 Jan 19th 12 - Iceworks (Mr. Jahrakal):

LOL!! :(... this was the most tiring battle ever for my life since ive played vu... LOL! stopped for few eras and just got back this era on zeta and have such problem.. ah well.. 

14:26:29 Jan 19th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Liu Bei of Shu):

Well if it isnt Palpy lol

18:28:46 Jan 19th 12 - Emperor Palpatine With Deathstar:

Liu Bei! I saw you bought some goods on market from me but i couldn't find you? How is the great Liu Bei!!

19:15:00 Jan 19th 12 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

Help from the inside huh?
Am I going to have to cut all of my kdmates heads off?

19:53:51 Jan 19th 12 - Mr. Palpy With Big Hammer:

nah i was selling cheap-he literally stole them off me :)

You got a good player there Uther, that guy never gives up.

00:26:33 Jan 20th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Liu Bei of Shu):

Erm, I should be careful when I trade with the enemy.....

Thanks Palpy!!!

04:16:19 Jan 20th 12 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir The Mage):

10:08:55 Jan 19th 12 - Architect (The Architect):

Feds had SOMEONE inside their core that helped a bit to take them down... =)

What the hell are you saying??? we are just us... defending our core... and I think it is now the 2nd week when FLL attack us and still cannot push through... 

waves and waves of armies are pouring in and cannot push through... and come to think of it that they have the economic advantage,.. 

It just a bad luck for us that coming here and landing on a bad spot,.. and have  to restart and after one week, after OOP,.. feds had been attacked.. but that is the way of this game,. there is a lucky one and there is the unfortunate one..

my federation comrads.. we shall strive!... live or die... 

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