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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Age 8

Zetamania Age 8
10:34:00 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

Don't try twisting my words. You tried bringing up "newbies" and how the larger kingdoms teach them better, I just mentioned that they shouldn't be a factor as Zeta is in the top three upper worlds. Upper worlds doesn't mean the cap should be higher, it just means more experienced players tend to play on one of them. Personally, with how the current population is, I think Fant and Mant's cap should be lowered because of how it's turning into what I call in some games "superguilding" which seems to be happening on Fant, in a big way. But I digress, Zeta's cap is fine as is. 

It's a soft cap at that. Just have two or three people drop and move to a location, have everyone drop in one of the three kingdoms, and then all join together under one flag and walla! Your 20-30 man kingdom. 

Hard work, I know. :P 

11:21:06 Jun 19th 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

imo the cap on this world was the implementation of a bad idea 

thought up by some player (s)
(don't remember who and cba to find the thread) 
and not by ZeTa 
and should be removed (let peeps police themselves)

if people want to limit the number of people they want to play with, have 3 men KDs, 10 men KDs (or whatever) with then they should do so but don't shove their opinions on what is fun down my throat  by making it a game mechanic; because its a pita to make workarounds and I'm kind of lazy ...which is why I cba to play this map (and haven't since era 3 of it) except I wanted to see GWs; but if I had remembered what a pita it is I'd have passed on seeing them and probably passed on VU altogether because it reminds me of how playing for fun became  irksome and non-fun and makes me not want to play it at all :p   

12:38:08 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Veigar:

how to merge armies with allies? how come i cant seemed to merge de?

16:08:02 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Maraudr Die Kill Die:

Pretty sure it has to be with the same race.

16:16:30 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Veigar:

oh right! LOL! okay..

17:32:46 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Polymer:

Beothuck11Ms. Jennaside319
Lesbocy11Mr. Mielo152


Forsaken4Mr. Crown Royal Thefallendrunk100

to be fair it is only one beothuck player so far

17:57:46 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Crown Royal Thefallendrunk:

but still a little cheap dont you think

18:44:50 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

Not really, could've been any other kingdom that settled there.

20:07:38 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Mar:

It's a very defensible location, I'd of loved to start there

22:11:29 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Maraudr Die Kill Die:

I was there on Mant, untill I got killed off by a much bigger KD. VU isn't fair. Remember that. :P

23:13:17 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Panic XII:

i've died alot... its ok, i wont get butthurt about it

02:50:29 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Crown Royal Thefallendrunk:

i know but hey it's not over yet panic we still got fully operational cities to whoop some ass with and plunders that are just a hop and  a skip away

02:53:10 Jun 20th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

19:23:11 - Weather forecast says fog will hit Hiya for 9 days

18:51:46 - The progress of Hiya has been hindered by magic!

lol... when will i get sunshine? :P

04:32:05 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Kathulu:

Now that I got kicked out of my kingdom I don't know what one to join. I want to join a themed kingdom because those seem to be a lot of fun.

Talking about my alt on Zetamania

07:22:54 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Veigar:

hmm.. still cant really merge.. i dunno how to merge.. even with the same race.. i cant merge..

07:36:41 Jun 20th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

your army by there army and u click merge?

09:38:15 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

no, it's still not possible.

10:07:20 Jun 20th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

is there an error that pops up or wat?

13:45:03 Jun 20th 11 - Mr. Polymer:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck10Ms. Jennaside292
Torment12Mr. Acerf The Majestic270
RED Academy11Lady Macbeth of Arunun254
Celestial Crystal10Mr. Veigar219
Lesbocy11Mr. Mielo207
Bane Elemental7Mr. Mablung Culnmo136
Peacekeepers13The Architect136
Forsaken4Mr. Crown Royal Thefallendrunk100
The Great Duchy of Lithuania9Mr. Vytautas Didysis32
Zona Oeste1Mr. Louis Pocho3

06:21:46 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

Don't feel bad Horus, they are NAP partners.

Perhaps you should NAP PKS like you use to do on this map and give them a run for their money :D

06:22:50 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

Zond, you'll get sunshine when you spank me off the map :p

06:25:05 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

maybe if the dice were fixed i would :p but then again if they were u would actually be able to cast magic lol

06:43:36 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

lol, yeah that would be nice :p

06:46:19 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

guess its fair :P u cant cast and i cant win a battle.

06:59:06 Jun 21st 11 - Mr. Polymer:

PKS and us arent bordering yet and I think they are involved in some fighting of their own right now...

07:10:59 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

well they did try to spank me but I don't think those 2 attempts count as fighting 

15:36:48 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

oh look someone left my kd and is now attacking us inside our core..

17:03:43 Jun 21st 11 - Duke Makavelli of Honor:

Yeah. (p.s it was my core , i got here first lol)

17:05:25 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

i landed before era even began, granted i was north of you.

17:06:57 Jun 21st 11 - Duke Makavelli of Honor:

Either way it dont matter. I said my piece to Acerf and to SFD.

20:59:29 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

Spank em Kath!  Give SFD an extra hard one from me  ;)

21:06:32 Jun 21st 11 - Duke Makavelli of Honor:

Mr. Rim Job (6/21/2011 9:03:08 PM)GOODBAD
For someone who got so angry about racism, you sure do play into stereotypes.
You (6/21/2011 9:05:01 PM)
black people are stereotyped to be traitors?

I really hope this isn't A Torment player agreeing with the racism that was directed towards me on the VU group on FB. 

Or one attempting to proclaim that somehow there is a stereotype for black people betraying kingdoms on vu LOL 

21:07:55 Jun 21st 11 - Duke Makavelli of Honor:

Mr. Rim Job (6/21/2011 9:06:33 PM)GOODBADNah, you made that claim. I mean lazy and unable to support a family (or rather in this case, a KD). If I weren't out of town right now, you'd already be dealt with. You're completely sloppy.

Is it only me who fails to see how this relates to me leaving the Kingdom?

21:17:17 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

I bet my husband's black ass makes more then he does Kath.  

Is his stereotype based on some TV show from the states?  or is he speaking from years of observation do you think?  he sounds like a small penor dude  >>>>If I weren't out of town right now, you'd already be dealt with.<<<<

23:33:08 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

I would like to thank Beothuck, Lesbocy, Bane Elemental , Torment and Peacekeepers for the gangbang.  You're making Zetamania interesting this era for us!
<3 RED 

On a more serious note, "Scotty, what's left?" -- Kirk, "Just the batteries. I can give you inpulse power in a couple minutes." -- Scotty, "We don't have a couple minutes." -- Kirk

23:34:21 Jun 21st 11 - Mr. Joe Cool:

<3 trekky womenz

23:40:41 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

hey only me and dexter are attacking you and mithras :P its even!

23:44:35 Jun 21st 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

That's not true, but you don't and didn't have the line of sight to see it all :p

It was bound to happen though, we have a split core. ^_^
At least I got to see how stupid great walls will be :)
Better get back to talking to ZeTa about free BTs Zond, you haven't spanked us dead yet and if that distracts you from it for a bit thats all good with me :p

23:47:57 Jun 21st 11 - Mr. Mielo:

You're fighting one player of our kingdom ... :) Sorry for that massive gangbang!

23:51:25 Jun 21st 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

tell him get online :p and i will.

00:02:02 Jun 22nd 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

Mielo, I know :p  and he got our two testers :D

that'll learn them fookers for just testing and not actually training anything! :D
your NAP partners are moving up though so does that mean he needs support:? 
I think I have a pair of support hoses around? idunno tho.. maybe not, I keep forgetting how old I am :p  I tend to stick to age 2 so I can yell No alot and have some fun throwing frustration tantrums ;)

00:45:32 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Mielo:

I was just stating how I saw it, didn't meant anything personal. :)

00:53:48 Jun 22nd 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

I didn't take it personal :) the theatrics are more to amuse myself then anything else, have to find something to do while Im getting my ass kicked :)

I knew when I saw that guy over there it would be troublesome, thats Ryan The Archion from MAD isn't it? :D

05:06:36 Jun 22nd 11 - Lady Macbeth of Arunun:

OK, so the future line-up  Torment and PKS vs Beothuck and Lesbocy.  

Way to NAP guys :p (guess nobody really likes the 10 man cap) :p

still to weigh in .... Bane and Celestial, will they NAP each other or have they already
does anybody know or care

potential 3-way 2KD Nap wars or just a 2 way battle for the map
Stormy, email me the results :p


01:14:41 Jun 23rd 11 - Mr. Maraudr Die Kill Die:

Well... I can see 2 great walls... both of which are compleatly useless. :P A normal blocker would have worked much better. :P

01:41:06 Jun 23rd 11 - Mr. Barney Stinson:

Can you post a screenshot? for those of us not on Zetamania

02:24:53 Jun 23rd 11 - The Architect:

02:34:24 Jun 23rd 11 - Mr. Maraudr Die Kill Die:

And the gates arn't even closed. lol.

Also, the "Great Wall of Hurrying is even more pointless than that one. :P

03:14:40 Jun 23rd 11 - Mr. Joe Cool:

that blocks with that town there? O.o

04:45:11 Jun 23rd 11 - The Architect:

Yeah, that's how walls work, so that people can still get through them, but they have to take out that city first.  It's useful if you can consolidate 2 or 3 blocker points into a single area, thus multiplying your defense that many times and giving you less ares to defend.

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