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Zetamania Wars I
02:19:56 Sep 18th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Ms. Rhiannia II


9/17/2007 8:47:37 PMthink about this one...jester is at our south...ritz is at our north and fa is coming in on our far we have been fighting on not one but 2 fronts...that fighting 2 wars at once while ritz and jester each figh just one soon we will be joining battle on a third how can you say we are a weak kingdom...if we were one on one with any one of these kingdoms we are at war with...i wonder who the true victor would be....

are you *beep*ting me??! Ritz just fighting 1 war?? Since we started, we've fought multiple kingdoms! Spartans, Excalibur, Jumpers, Special Forces, LW, all at the same time. Now we've been fighting you guys and NKOFF and looks like soon to be Jester and White Wolf

get your facts straight before you say stuff like that. we've been fighting battles in the north and south ever since we started in Zeta. I didnt say anything bad about DR, I credited you guys for putting up a good fight, so dun start on Ritz when we have been fighting this whole era

02:20:56 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

u cant complain about how many people you are fighting. diplomacy is just as important as military in this game. we could have had peace long, long ago and the grand scheme could be very different.

02:25:15 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia II: guys are SOOO sensitive...first i wasnt putting anyone down and second i was not complaining...i merely stated that you cant simply call DR weak because we havent defeated jester YET or ritz YET or whomever YET...besides...many things can happen between now and era's end.....

02:25:18 Sep 18th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Soccer, if that's directed towards me, then I am not complaining about fighting all of those people, I am complaining about how other people are wrongly viewing Ritz ;)

02:31:17 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia II:

i think he was talking to me...{{we could have had peace long, long ago and the grand scheme could be very different.}} probably refers to the nap we wont agree on

03:03:40 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I got a question, who the hell is leading NKOFF right now??

03:09:29 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Lol did you totaly ignore my Post Rhiannia? I didnt think you were calling us week. And I have no clue who is leading NKOFF now but they out number us and we are owning them =P

03:14:47 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia II:

no.Niveko...i read your are the only one who seems to understand what I am post was to epyon and soccer

04:04:10 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Lanfear:

Rhiannia excuse me but you were attacking us so I went attacked you guys. I am no squatter.

04:04:48 Sep 18th 07 - Sir Wessick:

Lords and Ladies,

I am Wessick Tilakmen, and I am the current ruler of the Noble Knights.  My apologies for not being on much...all work and no play I guess.  It is unfortunate that some grudges cannot pass.  But then that is what brings about wars. It is hard to forgive past wrongs, especially when they are so close in relevance.

So far I have seen honorable and well organized fighting on both sides.  Of course that is just what I see from the who is to say what goes on outside my own sight.  I wish you all well on whatever side you may be on.  And if I see on you the battlefield...may you fight well.

With honor and respect,

Wessick Tilakmen, King of NKOFF.
Keeper of the Cathedral of Lothon the Ever Living.

(And yes... I am a role just makes the game fun for me)


04:06:26 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Lol jsting making sure, I knew it wasent to me, just seemed like you didnt see it =P, And Hello Sir Wessick =)

04:12:52 Sep 18th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia II:

greetings King is good to meet you...and that is what this game is about besides all this fighting...roleplaying...

and lanfear...i said dont take it personal....i meant that...i spoke as i should a loyal subject of my kingdom...not as a real person with a grudge against another real person...this is just a game...remember that....

04:54:31 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Flame:

@Mr. Niveko

9/17/2007 9:09:29 PMLol did you totaly ignore my Post Rhiannia? I didnt think you were calling us week. And I have no clue who is leading NKOFF now but they out number us and we are owning them =P

numbers doenst mean anything if our kingdom contains more new players ( I am kinda novice not exactly new player) than experience players.

04:58:21 Sep 18th 07 - Sir Wessick:

We all start new...I am sure that if members of NKOFF stick around and remain active... they will come out on top.  And even if my kingdom least we had a heck of a time.

04:58:31 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

@epyon, the post wasnt for u specifically. but it goes for all kds, diplomacy is important. as for u, ritz smells! we are getting wafts of u down here, and it is destroying our troops morale! stay up north with ur allies! :)

05:06:45 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

@ Mr. Flame

Yeah but teh problem about being new is it doesent get you very many troops, Im pretty new myself, only my second Era, somehow I got in to a KD that require 3 eras with none lol, but anyways the advantage of that is I ask for advice, and now Im just as good as the rest of them, I think, I hope =P but still, if my KD typed advice to me all at once I think there fingures woudl fall out, but thats not the points, the points is that this game is to have fun, and I honor you for taking in new players, like Sir Wessick said We all start new, unfortunately it doesent look liek everyone is acitve =/

05:13:46 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

hey! we take in new players too! only 7 of our 12 have played an era before and only 5 of our twelve have played more than 3 eras. not relevant, but i wanted to post! HAHAHA

11:22:05 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

We all have new players, just NKOFF has the most because they were number 1 closer to the start up of zeta :P

if they weren't number 1 then FA would have like 50 players :P

11:24:17 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Ject:

no they wouldn't, FA have a maximum player cap of 25 players. were even considering 22 players a bit too many actully

14:13:42 Sep 18th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

Ms. Rhiannia II


9/18/2007 1:36:22 AMi SAID.....even if we dont win...we wont lose our core

and i SAID...there lives a purple flying krokodile in the bathroom :O

07:57:35 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

all i ask as a dr member that whoever wants to kill us please sign up on  the waiting list because you r behind a lot of kingdoms :)

07:59:48 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

and jesters why cant we have a nap  i mean we have bigger problems than dr and you.  I mean  this is no way how were going to get first.  if we can help each other out were just as strong as the first place kingdoms.  :).

16:56:02 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

kingdoms that want to kill DR:

1. Jester

17:23:31 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Why will Jester not NAP DR? Reason #1, we want our core back, so we won't NAP until either you give it to us, or we take it. Reason #2, you took in a Traitress...

18:05:54 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:


You hold them against taking in a traitor yet you did the same thing to us? How is that fair?

What I can tell from DR stories and Jester stories, you both still had armies in that core area whilst discussing a NaP - but as usual on VU politics one will always deny.. and it will go into one big slagging match.

Why can't you just split the core 50/50, DR fought well and earned that core if I am not mistaken and if it was your core and you lost it during fighting, you don't really deserve any of it back - but try to make a compromise.

You belong to the south, if you want to fall to the north then carry on fighting each other over nothing.... and don't say you don't care just because jester isn't forming up again next era.

18:09:32 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Who the heck did we take in who betrayed you????
We were in peace talks when DR started taking our cities...

18:27:40 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

MassiveDestroyer, oh so kindly left us and took almost all our KD's colonies purely because we were working on our economies, then joined you guys...

So don't *beep* at others for taking in traitors.

And about the 'peace talks' no one will know what happened because neither side will agree to one story.... and until that happens no body who wasn't there when it happened can believe either side...

18:42:20 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Ermmm... Who are you? I can't seem to find you on the map.

19:17:41 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I am a vice of Wolf, we are located towards the right side of the map.

19:43:58 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

squiddy, our relations with DR dont concern u, so leave it between us. while we were in talks, i upgraded their status to "in talks" which has a note saying not to attack due to the possibility of hurting the negotiations. i also posted in the DR thread to not attack them, or face being kicked. we left all our armies in our cities, and didnt take any DR cities, while they took many.

about massive, we didnt have LOS when i accepted him. i didnt even know which kingdom he came from. he applied, and i recognized the name from previous eras playing with him, so i accepted. it was his choice to go about attacking u. we had no relations, so there is nothing wrong done there.

it is very different when two players join the enemy in the midst of a battle. accepting an enemy's member while knowingly doing so, in the middle of war, is a very different thing indeed.

Jester does not flame, and i feel like i have gone too far in this thread. We will not be posting anymore on these matters. feel free to PM me, and we can discuss whatever you wish.

Good luck to all kds on Zeta!

19:58:51 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Well, when your petty war could mean the south's survival then yes it does concern me.

Regardless of what he situation was, you still accepted a traitor. I only replied as I did when I hear you complaining about it, yes the situations were different but the end result was near enough the same.

I wasn't posting out of the blue, it was in response to Erunion Telcontar. I don't have much of an issue with this any more, just found it funny how your members complain of such things.

P.S. because of the DR/Jester war we will need a LOT more than luck to win this fight....   

20:09:32 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Bogdan:

I think you shouldn't talk about this any more. the war is on and it will probably still go on until one side goes down.

21:25:19 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

That's like saying, "The cake is there until someone eats it", of course it will go on until one of the KD's are killed off, lol.

21:59:24 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Gurath:

Thanks for talking with us Soccer.  Negotiation that goes ignored or is refused is better than failing to attempt a negotiation at all.
I can say for certain that errors were made on our side, and with some degree of certainty that your actions were not entirely condusive to peace.
I don't know the whole story because I wasn't paying all that great attention and because I recieved only a very small portion of the communication that occured.
Thanks for trying to work it out, and sorry it didn't go better.
And no, the fight will go on after all the kingdoms die. :D  The native people will continue fighting for us. :D

22:03:58 Sep 19th 07 - Lord Epyon:

cant we all just get along?!??! ;)

22:17:01 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Burre:

Welcome to zetamania; the farmers paradice!

22:17:51 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Of course we can! Just leave all your cities undefended, and let me take half of them. That way no one has to die ;)

23:01:38 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

alright, lets hold a zetamanian peace council! all kds that show up automatically get NAPs with the rest! sry, but Jester cant attend,we have a prior arrangement ;)

23:02:55 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Oh, and as part of the terms of the NAPs, no troops allowed to be trained ;)

23:32:19 Sep 19th 07 - Ms. Lanfear:

To get in you have to donate 100$ to Jester.

23:54:51 Sep 19th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Which is then given back to all donaters. ;)

01:30:55 Sep 20th 07 - Lord Epyon:

guys, the forum is Zetamania Wars

...not Zetamainia Pussy Fest

01:53:38 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Haha and why would we want a Nap? We are taking all your cities already, Im fine with that personaly =D

06:19:58 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

Ject come and bring your 100k axemen because it seems to me that ritz and jesters r not giving the DARK RIDERS enough of a challenge so lets have at it.  One extra kingdom wont be that  bad i mean im up to the challenge.  I might actually have to start using my main force.


06:24:39 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

ya, lets gangbang them!

06:55:28 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

you can try because while half of our kingdom is relaxing and sitting around the other  half of the kingdom will take you out soccermage

14:54:17 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

i say , DR and jesters , wtf , stop fighting

14:57:59 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I agree.

16:30:52 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

We will not be posting anymore on these matters. feel free to PM me, and we can discuss whatever you wish.

Good luck to all kds on Zeta!

He, but than the others do't know what you are saying..! that's that's...hum i don't like it :( now nobody can make reamrks about it and this threasd gets boring :(

16:34:01 Sep 20th 07 - Mr. Tabul:

Stop fighting with spatans too!
Havent's you better kd's to fight with?
Is this all you can? Fighting a dead kd?
Beter use your armies against Fa or Ritz instead of catching already ruined players around the map...
You say you are great etc. jesters... but....

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