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starta diplomacy
13:13:10 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, you fool i'm the leader of AC and so far i'm fighting all of you in this area. so its  like 10-16 people against one and in the end you should win because you have loads more troops coming and resources. But i'll be back another day to claim it as my own.

13:21:33 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Slade:


*Slade Jumps into his VN and Sets of for Starta

13:59:55 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Nike:

Nike 3

Plague 0

20:49:08 Apr 7th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol how is it Nike3??

22:36:16 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Nike:

I took over 3 of your cities.

You have yet to conquer one of mine

22:57:25 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Nike:

The gates of hell are now open.

I love your city plague.

00:02:20 Apr 8th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, well its because all of warfire is attacking me at once and obviously you should win because all most of you are on hoh list and have more armies combined then me.

01:16:14 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Millman III:

it is rather cruel how our kingdom with just 4 active members gets picked on by the largest kingdom and their ally who combine to a total of 28 members.  Did nobody tell u this was starta?

04:51:13 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Nike:

lol is it our fault your members left for gaul?

10:26:04 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Zek:

What members ?  We have none of there members ....we actually have 1  Ex Warfire member who was also a member of Godlike once upon a time .

16:39:17 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Millman III:

this is a rather valid point, none of our members left for gaul...

02:23:12 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

DIRTY trick that GODLIKE made to Gauls with Sovereign swiching KD.

Is that the only way you can win us?Were you afraid abaut GAULS when we started or what?....

this is Godlike's Style....

02:43:16 Apr 10th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, nope soverign is a player that isn't honorable in my point of view. he was in ac and switched to the warring kd warfire and killed some of my kd members then made his own kd then went to gauls and then goes to godlike. i hate people who are kd hoppers.

05:34:35 Apr 10th 08 - Sovereign Everyday Combat:

It's only's for fun not for winning...

03:36:33 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Lord V:

AC >(Plague)

Soveriegn is a player who is allowed to make the jump.... wether Everday joined or not would not have changed the outcome of the war....the outcome was changed when UL joined the war-and the fact you focused all your energy in one little area....we allowed you to fight the original core and hoped you would put so much up against it....magic helped slow you down...

Perhaps you should have reconsidered attacking them? ...> (UL) Personally I think it led to some of your downfall- 

Yes we "x"ed the NAP but with your scouts in our core and armies on our blockers....had to, but we did not have to tell you how we would avenge ourselves or how we would fight to much away. N-E-Ways I dont think its dirty was just a little more thought out.

Remember Warfire and Godlike were already at war with you so that cannot be brought in as complaint against us because YOU sought the war with us, the fact we united doesnt change the amount of people you attacked and confronted....

its all good.


03:46:10 Apr 11th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, well remember one thing with me. when i get knocked down i don't sit there wondering what happened like godlike does. i get up and fight again and kick their but so hard that they don't want to fight me again. just wait and see.

04:35:26 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

"wether Everday joined or not would not have changed the outcome of the war...."

LOL, you realy belive what you are saying?

Apart of the power of sovereign, the another big reason that afected this to war was his poosition With him in GULS,we got all the south, and were advanging at north,  and when he left, we were vulnerable from east and north. ....

And don't tell me to put a spy into our Kd and then letting us vulnerable when he left, it a Honorable act....this is playing dirty...And objective people can know it... But well, you have acted like this, and now we have to figth the best as we can


Don't know if i have explained well in english, but at least i have tried

15:08:45 Apr 11th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

it is explained well and although i feel it is a valid point i still think this diddnt change squat diddly were lostthe day you started fighting with godlike end of should of stayed in your little comfy core if you didnt want to lose daryl.i know this probably sounds arrogant but it is fact.




(i know i stole that from lord V lol)

01:22:51 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Nike:

If you had really wanted to compete you would have combined kds. However both of you were too proud to do so, and so you failed

01:36:38 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion: still would of lost if you joined forces but at least you would of stood a chance.but your proud got the better of were both to proud to go to the other for help and thus you both sat there waiting for the other to come to you to give the appearence that you are some kind of war hero.thus this has left to your demise at the hands of my kinsmen.

05:29:46 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Whwn we arrived we allied with AC to figth Warfire, and Naped Godlike

Then we were growing too much, till get the first position on Kd's HoH, (before sovereign left gauls), and knew we were able to take the map.

Don't tell me that we should have stayed into the core if we don't want to die, because this is imposible...What a borring game would be if we only can stay at our core building , without fighting...I prefere to enjoy some days of war and lose, that get borred for all era.

16:02:11 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Lord V:

well its a game daryl and though it may not turn out the way you want sometimes it is about the fun....regardless of who did what - who said what there will always be someone trying to prove the point to favor their side of the situation....

you say to have fun you rather play to war, well you are at war so have fun---you are a good player and I have spoken to you in chat and know what you are saying...its just bad timing and unfortunately sorry been burned real bad  last era or two by archshade when he was leader ----n he knows it too--- not going to have him snooping our lands to do it again...but neways....

hope your exams went well ----


01:39:32 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

well, hopefully exams went prety good (I can't say the same about this war--)

Yes, this is a game, and seems you are gona ake all..but what will you do then? After taking gauls and other little KD,...What are you gona do?


05:14:48 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Nike:

Farm the rest of the era. DAH!!!

08:17:56 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Undercover:

Maybe cast some armageddon :-)

14:39:10 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

Thats we deafeted guals practically and AC practically what do we do know.

14:39:10 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

Thats we deafeted guals practically and AC practically what do we do know.

22:12:13 Apr 14th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, i had enought deceiving for one era. i think starta this era was bad because it was full of backstabber's. i fought okay concdering it was 16 godlike members against me. so i killed lots of their armies. next era will be better more people to fight off kds like godlike and we'll start in the same area.

22:53:05 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

THE main problem we had this era in starta was that we started too late. We could gorw fast, and would can have been able to take the map, but a lot of players were so inactive, or started too late,,,,and we payed that...
I hope a revenge in another era --


The war is not over...Till all my armies will be dead , (or a new world open :p) I'll keep taking cities back again, killing armies, and destroying everything i can.

19:13:29 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion: gonna get you killed my brigade and my division.YOU WILL FEEL MY VIRTUAL

21:46:28 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol stupid Mr. Duke Kathandarion you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. Godlike has no honor or respect i rather die then surrender. you have so much traitors in you kingdom it isn't funny. i don't care if its starta either so all the people who use that line cut that poo out.  Over all i have to say Godlike and Warfire is not a honorable kingdom to be in or even consider. they'll leave you to die in a heartbeat.

22:09:10 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Kathandarion, if I die, it won't be  because of you.

I'm only taking cities and destroying most of them, and yesterday i was on HoH again....So that means that your power must be too weak .....I'm sorry for you

02:34:33 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Near:

Sir Plague, what is this mass deceit you speaketh of? I am aware of one person who has switched kingdoms, but surely this does not qualify as an era of deceit? Does this even qualify as deceit on his part? The reason for "start"a is to "start". Kingdoms do not stay on starta forever, because it is merely a starting point. The wars are simply practice for higher worlds. Once on higher worlds, changing kingdoms is deceitful and unhonorable, but while on Starta, is it not wise? Rulers need to find the kingdom that suits them, and that they will be able to work with to conquer the world. So why is it unhonorable to search for the right one? Henceforth, your point is invalid.

You are just mad that

HELL G O D L I K E 25 Mr. Lord V 100
AC Assassins Creed 8 Sir Plague 6

02:36:19 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Near:

and duke kathandarion is awesome, and you WILL feel his virtual wrath.

02:41:33 Apr 16th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, well if you want to get all fancy pants. no my point isn't invalid because its to practice for higher worlds. to me and other players it doesn't matter what world your on but as long as you honor your kd and respect everybody its fine. i'd played prob way longer than you so i don't think you'll even know what i'm talking about.  its like school, in middle school you build the fundamentals for high school and in high school you build the fundamentals for the rest of your life.  i see that if you don't like a kingdom that doesn't do anything sure go ahead switch. but he switched constantly and other players went to you. if i see you guys again next era your going to die with no mercy. i'll get back my old kd mates.  but this era so far has been okay, because its like 4 members against 25

20:18:39 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

well...I'm tired of go taking everycity and destroy them...It's so borring...

Sym city II will be my last target

I'm gona leave waiting to any new world opens, I thing it's Testa's turn .

I would have liked to get a more equilibrated war with GODLIKE, but for some reasons i have said before, things gone diferent.I hope a revenge in another era

so Bye, and enjoy the end of era if you can (It's farming time!!)  lol  

04:48:13 Apr 17th 08 - Sovereign Everyday Combat:

Message From Sir Plague


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Sir Plague [AC] (4/16/2008 5:50:37 PM) GOOD BAD
Hi, I was wondering next era if you would like to come join Assassins Creed. We are a good kingdom as you seen but need more people to fight big kds like Godlike. just letting you know godlike is not a good kd to stick with for long, they betray and break every nap and map. We will be getting more people for next era and we've selected you to join Assassins Creed Next era.

Sincerely, Sir Plague

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I'm proud that I was "selected" to join Plague's kingdom ;-)

04:53:50 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Mr. Nike


4/7/2008 11:51:13 PM
lol is it our fault your members left for gaul?

I didnt >_> Some of us got lost in a space time continuum and landed in fantasia........not liking it right now......

08:42:03 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

Sir Plague


4/15/2008 8:46:28 PMlol stupid Mr. Duke Kathandarion you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. Godlike has no honor or respect i rather die then surrender. you have so much traitors in you kingdom it isn't funny. i don't care if its starta either so all the people who use that line cut that poo out.  Over all i have to say Godlike and Warfire is not a honorable kingdom to be in or even consider. they'll leave you to die in a heartbeat.

at least im still a tool in the shed unlike you,were are your cities oh yh we have them.were is you honour oh yh i wiped my @ss with ityesterday.

09:04:44 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

and to add to that.I have been with godlike for about 3 ERAs.i feel that with the exception that our name is godlike everything else you said is actually certified *beep*.we have one 'traitor'.i have a you think a player should be bound to his KD.almost like slavery.or do you think he has free right to move KD.if you and Gaul based your whole KD on one or 2 players being there Whole KD then you are a sorry excuse for a leader.If you was a real Leader you would stop snivering and get off your ASS and do something.but nooooooo you would much rather whine.i could bewrong but with the exception of soveriegn everyday combat i dont even know a player who left your KD or Gauls to join us.And you talk about you are selecting good members.i bet you sent that too everyone you thought would forget this is starta.the best players wont be here so if you want to pick and choose the best in the world youll end up with a one man kingdom.

Lord Kathandarion


(sorry im addicted to that thing Lord V does)

10:41:46 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i truly honestly with all my heart........just dont give a ****.

10:56:01 Apr 17th 08 - Sir Slade:


12:36:04 Apr 17th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, you really don't know me. i had other people go to warfire to.  i have people coming to join next era, and some people you didn't see this era play because of work.  i'm not a bad leader either, if i must say. 

"if you and Gaul based your whole KD on one or 2 players being there Whole KD then you are a sorry excuse for a leader.If you was a real Leader you would stop snivering and get off your ASS and do something.but nooooooo you would much rather whine.i could bewrong but with the exception of soveriegn everyday combat i dont even know a player who left your KD or Gauls to join us.And you talk about you are selecting good members.i bet you sent that too everyone you thought would forget this is starta.the best players wont be here so if you want to pick and choose the best in the world youll end up with a one man kingdom."

to this stupid comment i must say don't insult people who have more respect and is known more then you and how about possible spell check or mabey being able to write properly? i don't sit on my but all day, i had good players then an incident happened and some are coming back others will stay with zeon. i choose people from higher world to you fool, you have to mix a kd with new and experienced people or it won't work to well.

13:01:16 Apr 17th 08 - Sovereign Everyday Combat:

Plague...wouldn't be insulting his spelling/grammar....

13:05:54 Apr 17th 08 - Sir Plague:

i think Mr. Duke Kathandarion is feeling hurt because i don't want him to join Assassins Creed.

13:32:11 Apr 17th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i still stand by what i said

21:31:51 Apr 17th 08 - Sovereign Everyday Combat:

I wonder why anyone would WANT to join AC?

22:06:16 Apr 17th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, lots of people do. its a better kingdom then most kingdoms out there.  its respected among their enemy's and we play with honor. 

11:34:58 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

to this stupid comment i must say don't insult people who have more respect and is known more then you and how about possible spell check or mabey being able to write properly?


21:43:21 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Thingol:

arrrgh drop it, noone cares!

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