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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 47

Fantasia Era 47
07:01:31 Jun 25th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Oh course you can Venomz.  Go for it.

11:16:44 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Doctor:

Fluffy 7, 8 and 9 are still alive.

Fluffy 7 is at max. power right now ^_^

Oh and I casted all of them xD, to answer your question TBL :P

11:28:01 Jun 25th 10 - Grumpy old Bastard:

Dear TBL, i closed the gates on Paradise Lost just for you, you actual pathetic loser. You are an imbecile of the worst kind im afraid, the kind that actually repeats it's nonsense until he himself believes it. Go cry, you failed.

12:27:54 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Evans:

ou have enough gold to train 739441 Swordsmen or 295776 Archers or 59155 Knights or 616201 Magicians or 14788 Catapults.
We can currently train max 833573 troops in this city. Keep in mind that the soldiers need homes and gold is needed to maintain the armies.

bored much ?

18:37:14 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Doctor:

18:41:06 Jun 25th 10 - Endless Destruction:

so was Big Bertha a pig? I had my $$ on Bozo the Clown wiping her of the dragon HOH ;)

21:54:01 Jun 25th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

@ Ez

wut? i never was intentionally hunting anyone ive been quite good at spreading my love around your kingdom i think. I'm not exactly that active myself, certainly not enough to STG like youself ;)

I notice you missed me out, despite my call for you to come get me :(

22:15:22 Jun 25th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

Okay, majorly going in circles here. It's like 2-3 pages of good stuff then 17-18 pages of bullshit, name calling and QQ'ing.

Face the facts here guys:

FEAR are mostly decent guys.

However, TBL is a big joke. He has no friends irl blatently apart from Path, so he follows us around every era pretending to be VU's knight in shining armour and saving everyone from the evil that is Raistlin, myself and Quietone.
One day he'll realise he must of been seen as a complete joke and his friends the "big boys" were figments of his imagination, as anyone who is a vet (I'm not a vet...) see's him for what he really is. A big, clown! One that probably goes around stalking people any wondering if he could get away with raping some hot young Korean(/wherever he's from) down a back alley, as his "fiancee" (whom I still think is a ladyboy, if he/she actually exists) doesn't give him the love that he wants.

My advice (you can call me your Agony Aunt): TBL, get some real friends? Thats some genuine advice there. You seem like the type that went to private school and don't know how to interact with anyone.
Don't worry about it I know a few people like it, just practice in the mirror and go outside and try some new hobbies :)

You're flames have no substance anymore. They mean nothing anymore. At least before you could get a few guys bloods boiling, now it's more pity on the poor Asian boy.

22:25:06 Jun 25th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

Forgot to say:

I lol'd about you're e-penor thing. You know what they say about Asian men, that's why alot of Asian girls go for English guys where I'm from. I'd watch your Fiance(e) if I were you. She might go for a young, strapping American who can actually give her a good time and maybe touch the sides? ;)

22:34:34 Jun 25th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

Wtf is wrong with you Wilber, an end of era rant and you forgot to mention me ? :-D . I even got a nice city in the end lol.

22:36:31 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:


Er, Wilberforce.... you do know that you are coming across as lamer than stalker Kobuskan, right?

FYI, I have never met Path in real life. I have however, been playing online games with him since the year 2000 (or 2001), and we have gone through a lot of ups and downs together in gaming life during those 10 years. So you are right in one thing - I consider him a real friend, though unfortunately, I have never met him. I hope to make our friendship a real life one one day :)

The RL friend you are probably referring to is Rob :P I met him in Malaysia when he came here for his internship :) I do consider him a friend except in game when we are on opposite sides in VU.

I do respect several players in your kingdom. I look back upon my cooperation with Ali during the HIV - Fate vs No Pulse war fondly. I also have the greatest of respect for Rob, Qassim and several other folks in your kingdom.

However, the dirty tricks that people like you, Quiet One, Hanky and Raistlin play, together with the camouflaging that you guys attempt, makes such a blatant mockery of the game, that it gives me no other compunction then to pound your kingdom into the dust, both in game and in forums.

Perhaps if you guys play the game with a little more dignity, we wouldn't be having this kind of bullcrap flames? And we can play this "war game" with some respect between one another?

Also I would advise you against stereotyping about my... penor size.... you never know when you might be shooting yourself in the foot with such ignorant statements :)

P.S. Fiancee has graduated from the University of Chicago :) I am typing to you from right here in the university campus itself. God, I love my holiday <3

23:38:17 Jun 25th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

The P.S sounded like a little desperate boy telling his mother he's having fun with his "girlfriend" when secretly he's batting for the other team.

As for the rest of you're post, as I said before, you're a joke. None of that in the post is worth answering because you know aswell as everyone else in VU you know nothing, yet you pretend to be the guardian of honour and dignity. It's all a load of bullshit. Maybe you should try a little harder to come up with the flames you used to do, eras ago.

Until then, please, continue to be mocked and belittled by Raist. I've never seen such a one sided argument, even flaming Justin (who turned out to be a much better guy for it) and Kath wasn't this bad. 

23:40:40 Jun 25th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

21:34:34 Jun 25th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

Wtf is wrong with you Wilber, an end of era rant and you forgot to mention me ? :-D . I even got a nice city in the end lol.

Deno, as much as I hate you (well, as much as you can hate someone online :P and as I'm sure you hate me too). You didn't do anything wrong that I can remember this era. You've been a good boy :)

23:42:23 Jun 25th 10 - Grumpy old Bastard:

I simply have to laugh everytime you post TBL. "dignity"? "camouflage"? I'm waiting for "ritual animal slaughter" and "latex&lemonade" and the circle is complete.

Get off your high horse you pretencious prick, have we wanted to steal your precious win we would have done so. I had 4 people volunteer upfront to give me everything they have just to see you cry about it (yes, people really like you). But guess what, the era win was never on my agenda until you started to stirr up all this crap on the forums, because you got worried over your man Sky there (who btw is as inept at being a hoe as you are inept at being a PR for your KD, considering the time and backing he had).

After checking out the endgame scores i realized that i almost won by bloody accident, so say thank you to your FATE friends, because i chose to have tons of (very costly) fun on their front instead of actually doing what every sane man would do in my shoes with the accumulated cash and era end nearing.

So how about you finally shut your piehole and find somebody else to talk shit about, like someone you actually a) know and b)preferrably somebody who wont put you down like the rabid little chiuaua that you are? Because your whining and cringing is just pathetic.

And before you go on droning about Barny, do you want to know why i got that one? Because i was gutted for income due to all the trained troops and needed something extra to actually be able to move them out if it came to that (i wonder what Sky needed those for), but then again you wouldnt understand that, as it takes at least 2 cells to compute, and you cant even get the one to fire up properly. You are shouting "hoe" and "farmer" and "lo and behold" yet you tend to forget that right around the corner you had a hoe of your own go and win the era, and he did it by design, i just accidentally stumbled into the HoH. So who's the lying hypocrite now, boy?

00:07:35 Jun 26th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

I dont understand you ppl though. Why you all have to bring eachothers real life into play. Both defending and offending bugs my head just as much. It realy isnt interesting here, its a game board, not Facebook. 

If i had any huge complaints i wouldnt have held them back. There were some borderline stuff, but nothing that could actually piss me off this era. Only thing was some wannabees trying to be big scale board flamers Ie team Vapor. 

TBL is actually a nice guy, and you guys are putting way to much effort into flaming eachother. It is all irrelevant now, the era has finnished and a new one is about to start.

What i sit back and wonders about is. If Sky fed off of Vapor, Grumpy fed off of Barny. Then we have 2 ppl in top 3 being backed off by their kds for not trying to play legitimately. In the end it is allways up to the KD leaders what they accept, becuase admin isng toing to interfer. 

You guys got a responsability to live up to becuase trust me on this. Random and me can setup a feeding schedule that can fuck everyone arround like no tomorrow. We dont realy want to do it, because we like the game. 

00:41:12 Jun 26th 10 - Clown Yucko:

random is a retard. just try to flame me random, and you are dead , even with a shit flame you are dead ! :* you know that i love you :)

01:35:23 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Wilberforce, if you insist on being retarded, no one on this planet can save you :) As Path says... it is always good to let Wilberforce flame... his intelligence level will be immediately self evident :) 

Raistlin, feeling sore that your deeply laid plans and enormous activity on the stone market missed you out on the era win? :P You are starting to sound as bitter as Kobuskan. Did you know... if those 2.8 million knights (or whatever the fvck troops they are) of yours were present when your comrades tried to rush our Geodude or Clink blockers, we would have been dead for real, and the congrats thread would have been for DOA and you?

Instead, you farm and STG up, only train your troops 3 days before era ends to aim for the crown, then, when you miss it, rant like a grandfather that we were trying to feed Sky, that Sky was our hoe, and that you almost won by accident, and what not, LOL!

Oh wait... you killed a jaw dropping 5050 troops? Your 2.8 million troops must have been damn effective against Fate and Relentless. Or was it 5050 troops of Barny's that you killed? :P

You lied about your stone interceptions, you lied about your activity levels, now you try to cry "meh" and say that you almost won the era by design. Luckily, the general intelligence level of VU players is about 3X higher than Wilberforce's and Quiet One's. We can see through the crap you try to spew :)

P.S. Everyone in Fear is as surprised as everyone else that our "hoe" won. Hell, he himself wasn't aiming for era win, until probably the last 2 days, when he saw he had a chance of winning :) The person I feel for is Kaizen, because he had almost 100% more land than Sky, and no one expected science levels would give so many points. But no one wanted YOU to win, that's how much they view you with disdain.

03:28:18 Jun 26th 10 - Sir Horus VII:

Can we petition for Kaizen?

05:53:30 Jun 26th 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

Since i should be on fanta next era can i make one request:

if you are all going to use such crazy names for yourselves at least publish a players name guide in here for us noobs.

like....i know who binh is and i know who tbl is...but you have to do the binh

and wilbur looks like lew

raistlin gets a lot of mentions but that name isnt actually here.

it gets hard to follow.

at least deno, doomhammer, mzzery, endless etc stay consistent with their names....i am not important enough to worry about mine...but all the "big" names when they start swapping takes an entire era to work out who is who for us stupid people...

06:13:41 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

Raistlin/Raist = Grumpy old *

06:39:27 Jun 26th 10 - Duke Random The Silver Buttrapeachu:

@wilbur... racism doesn't become you. Talking real life stereotypes into a game board isn't a very good thing to do. infact, bringing real live issues that people have into an online comunity is a low way of hiding your own incompetencies by showing someone elses.

tbh if you want to hack people over real life problems, only do it in person where you can't act all e-tough, but where you have to deal with the real life consequences of your actions.

I do remember a certain penguin getting a nice game ban for attacking a persons real life issues on a much lesser level than resorting to racial taunts.

p.s pengu, you suck <3

p.p.s. can I feeding?

08:20:01 Jun 26th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

btw, TBL overall got the most awards this era

11:37:39 Jun 26th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

@ TBL, haha yeah sure. You act like the voice of VU but really, nobody likes you. You ruin every KDs reputation you join. Don't you notice that?

Infact, I think you'll find it's the other way around, even if everyone is 3x more intelligent than myself, they see through the bullshit you constantly spew. It's quite funny actually, you're propoganda against us used to actually be decent, now ytou get owned by Raist constantly.
It's like a backstreet boxer getting put on his arse constantly, then getting up and getting put on his arse by a slight breeze.

Don't worry TBL, everyone feels sorry for you, the exact same feeling we get when we see a limping dog.

13:52:33 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Pure Sex Appeal:

Shut up you bunch of homoghey socially retarded mentally downgraded anally attached poof bags. u got ass whooped because ur tactics failed on an epic proportion. And having played with and against TBL for many era's, i now believe his little asian willy is more than adequate to insert into your rectums and give you the pleasure u so desperatly seek.
So as your new god... bow down and worship homoghey bitchpoofs.

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