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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
04:33:10 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Pride:

vet coming out of retirement went many names cant remember some where thoth of abydos and King Wind Magican of Broken Mirror in era of drakien

come on people

23:05:46 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

i kinda need some people to bring back my kd Kingdom of Hearts!!!

The current members are just lazy lol. I think i waited long enough

NamePostsRankRaceWorldLast loginA

* Eddo93LeaderDwarfDead.Today

Convict89ViceHumanDead.148 daysK / D
Leo34Mr.OrcDead.146 daysK / P

Kiol8Mr.HalflingDead.145 daysK / P

Seloc The Second27Mr.TrollDead.139 daysK / P

Wareazy2Mr.OrcDead.146 days

23:17:38 Mar 4th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

The kingdom name is lame, unfunny, and unoriginal.... lol :P

Why join that? 

01:31:45 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

those thins maybe tru but i was a member of the original kingdom of hearts and it was also my very first game so i love this kd and i will stick with it till i leave the game. No one other than me or sorra has remade this kd.

01:34:59 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

Kingdom of Hearts II

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom of Hearts II
Members: 6
Created: 9/14/2010 12:08:55 AM
Leader: Mr. Eddo

Compare kingdom


Kingdom of Hearts II is reborn!! We are a great kingdom with Mr. Edd As a leader. We are a decent kingdom who likes to have fun =). We have some good times and some bad ones but how you deal with them is what counts. So if your looking for a good, fun kingdom then this is the right kd for you!

Do not hesitate to send in an app now!!!! time is running out so hurry to become one of the few, the proud, the Hearteneeers!!

In you app please include the following:

-Past names
-Era"s of experience if any
-Are you loyal?
-How active are you?
-Are you a sheep or a wolf?
-Are you cooperative?
-Past kingdoms?
-Any useful information about you that would persuade our decision?


Seriously join us =). We can make it to the top somehow i just know it!

18:26:13 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

lol yeah how may eras you played eras?

17:52:26 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

must be 20 something

14:29:38 Mar 9th 11 - Mr. Aquilla:

Im bringing FEDs back, but if the numbers dont turn out well then i will be looking into joining another kingdom.
Any suggestions?

05:16:20 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Eddie:


06:34:52 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Aquilla:

Is that Kingdom Hearts?
Is Sorra still leading it?
What world will you guys be heading to

01:29:49 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Edd:

unfortunately Sorra has gone missing. He told me to lets remake kh and i agree then he never replies =(. But im still here and i led kh a lot more times than sorra!. So far including you and myself we have 3 members!

03:37:44 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Aquilla:

As of the moment i am trying to reboot FEDs but if i do not get as many members as i would like by the end of next era (or this one) then I will look into joining a select few kds

20:20:02 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

such as every kingdom i am in...

20:41:20 Mar 16th 11 - Sir Ghost of Horus:


Medieval Warriors

Kingdom Banner

Name: Medieval Warriors
Members: 5
Created: 12/2/2010 9:22:05 PM
Leader: Sir Horus XI

Compare kingdom


In the earliest Middle Ages it was the obligation of every noble to respond to the call to battle with his own equipment and infantry.

The knights were drawn to battle by feudal and social obligation, and also by the prospect of profit and advancement. Those who performed well were likely to increase their landholdings and advance in the social hierarchy. The prospect of significant income from pillage and ransoming prisoners was also important.

We are looking for a few good knights...serious inquiries please PM me

22:16:57 Mar 20th 11 - Lord Chade:

Guild Of The Fallen

Kingdom Banner

Name: Guild Of The Fallen
Members: 5
Created: 3/18/2011 12:48:29 PM
Leader: Lord Chade

Compare kingdom


Guild Of The Fallen is back!!!


we are recruiting again

00:17:14 Mar 23rd 11 - Sun Warrior King Zhang Liang of Shu:

Im looking for a kingdom to join. I am currently on Zetamania. I have had 16 eras of experience. Past names are Liu Bei of Shu, Sun Warrior King, Master Windu, Rosahn the Blackheart, and James Bond. Past three kingdoms I have been in are Federation, Forgotten Warriors and Hillbilly Mafia.

00:38:39 Mar 23rd 11 - Mr. Samual:

Liu Bei, I believe you forgot your most accomplished kingdom, Legion Of Roma, remember we conquered all of Nirvana = D

01:08:08 Mar 23rd 11 - Sun Warrior King Zhang Liang of Shu:

Lolz I know samual. I was refering to the three kingdoms just recently I have been in. I still remember that era.

02:22:23 Mar 23rd 11 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

I am currently looking for a kingdom, I play since era 25 on and off, please send a message with kd description.

17:39:16 Mar 23rd 11 - General Who:

I have 2 free characters.. so wats up.

21:37:45 Mar 23rd 11 - Mr. Julius Caesar:

Looking for members, this is Samual by the way (Mantrax)

Empire of Rome

Kingdom Banner

Name: Empire of Rome
Members: 2
Created: 3/23/2011 5:28:10 PM
Leader: Mr. Julius Caesar

Compare kingdom


Looking for former Legion Of Roma players, contact me if you were in the kingdom then please.

Accepting players of all experience, just fill in the questions below and send in an application and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

1. How many eras experience do you have (If any)?

2. What race do you play as, or if you haven"t landed yet, what race do you intend to play as?

3. What kingdoms have you previously played with (If any)?

4. Do you have any previous names? (Have you ever had a different character name)

5. How often will you be able to sign on in an normal day?

Era 48- Nirvana- Conquered the world of Nirvana, though disbanded after the era ended as I had some personal issues which prevented me from being able to come onto the game
Age 6- Starta- To be updated

-- Next Era --
Will be updated at the end of the era

-- Note --
This is the former "Legion Of Roma", though as someone has their kingdom name as "Legion Of Roma" and have gone inactive the kingdom will be called "Empire of Rome".


11:01:52 Mar 24th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

Looking for a Good troll player for a new kingdom on mant.

15:35:08 Mar 25th 11 - Mr. Tom Bombadildo:

looking for a decent troll player on Mant this era

20:34:35 Mar 26th 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

-_- Stay away Bran!! Troll player is mine !! :P

18:39:52 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Tom Bombadildo:

wouldnt be a problam if you didnt quit my kd >.>

21:07:50 Mar 31st 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:

The troll is already taken by GOTF ;)

03:41:18 Apr 1st 11 - Mr. Pride:

The Kingdom Of Hidden Shadows is currently looking for experienced players that are active.

08:39:22 Apr 17th 11 - Mr. Thugish:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 5
Created: 3/13/2011 11:11:36 AM
Leader: Mr. Thugish

On starta, looking for experienced players and new players all alike. Dominated Starta last era and is looking to do so again. 

15:23:24 Apr 17th 11 - Puppy The Pawerful Wizard:

Dominating a map with no competition is hardly worth a mention. :P

19:25:49 Apr 17th 11 - Mr. Pride:

Hidden Shadows

Kingdom Banner

We are hidden shadows we are looking for active players on fant experience not necessary activity is. if you wish to join send in application and I will get back to you asap

07:44:28 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Roq:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Sleepless
Members: 6
Created: 12/28/2010 10:13:34 PM
Leader: Mr. Roq

Compare kingdom


We are a new kingdom with some very experienced players who are willing to help out newer players or work along side the veterans to make this kingdom known. We may be small but take pride in our loyalty, honor, ability to work as a team, and our stubbornness to never give up. All are welcome to apply as long as you possess these four qualities...

Plz include:
1. Eras of Exp
2. Previous Kingdoms
3. Preferred Race
4. Any other information you think is needed


Sleepless is currently recruiting for the upcoming Valhalla era.  We are looking for new or veteran players, as long as you are active.  Please feel free to send us your application and we'll get back to you as soon as possible...

10:58:43 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

Looking for new kd to join then backstab later on :) pm me if your interested :)

17:14:15 Apr 23rd 11 - General Who:

09:47:04 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Revenge Niggaz:

A K/D.


 - Be a good k/d that doesn't get trampled by Osi and Wilberfaggot if they play this game

- Understand I am the greatest player in VU history

- heil dur furuh

- can teach me the game again , sort of

Me -

good player
been in tonnes of top k/ds like 30 eras ago
played since like era 25 till like era 45
has mirc

please message my main acc, as my main is still forum banned so i MADE THIS ONE


~ Revenge

Report -

09:47:50 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Revenge Niggaz:

my main acc's name is

Sir Revenge The Veteran

Report -

16:31:01 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Sladius:

:O Join me in RED Rev.. i want your alll mighty skills in VU.. you are the 1337est of the 1337...!!!!!!!!

18:45:23 Apr 28th 11 - Mr. Antonio Luna:

We are looking for players!

Medieval Warriors

Kingdom Banner

Name: Medieval Warriors
Members: 4
Created: 12/2/2010 9:22:05 PM
Leader: Mr. Antonio Luna

Compare kingdom


In the earliest Middle Ages it was the obligation of every noble to respond to the call to battle with his own equipment and infantry.

The knights were drawn to battle by feudal and social obligation, and also by the prospect of profit and advancement. Those who performed well were likely to increase their landholdings and advance in the social hierarchy. The prospect of significant income from pillage and ransoming prisoners was also important.


20:00:10 Apr 30th 11 - Mr. Newguy:

I am looking for a top Kingdom. I have played for a long ass time and gone under various names.

My previous names have been Tobleronx SeZymon and Ghouma

07:11:19 May 1st 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Looking for a solo player on Starta who would be willing to be a mage for me.  I am in the Southwest corner of the map.

08:41:12 May 1st 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Never mind, I've got one.

10:16:31 May 1st 11 - Puppy The Pawerful Wizard:

Lies! You made one!

14:12:19 May 1st 11 - Duke Random:


10:46:29 May 2nd 11 - The Architect:

Can haz play with someone?

20:19:10 May 2nd 11 - Mr. Baked:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Vongola
Members: 1
Created: 5/2/2011 8:08:40 PM
Leader: Mr. Baked

Compare kingdom


Welcome to the Mafia Family Vongola...

Looking for dedicated,friendly competitive players...
If anyone is interested send an a app...(:


13:54:48 May 4th 11 - Mr. Glacial Till:

19:53:46 Nov 10th 10 - Mr. Mark:

Hi everybody. The world of Midgard ends soon.just incase you forgot already! 

As this is (obviously) the world where kudos is lost and gained in VU,  the great Kingdom of  'British Petroleum' are currently seeking to recruit a couple of skilled warriors.  XD

Please send your apps to us for a swift response and start on a newly spawned world. 


british petroleum

Kingdom Banner

Name: british petroleum
Members: 8
Created: 8/11/2010 3:45:46 AM
Leader: Mr. Meatball

Compare kingdom


Currently only accepting experienced, skilled players

13:56:19 May 4th 11 - Mr. Glacial Till:

^^  erm...i copied that from above...meatball is not leader now..Glacial Till is leader.   :P

anyway...send me yer apps! 


13:59:56 May 4th 11 - Mr. Glacial Till:


22:54:59 May 7th 11 - Mr. Glacial Till:

ffuk, does anyone read this nowadays?

BP anyone?? Midgard

23:07:01 May 7th 11 - Mr. Drakyr:

long time player lookin' for kd for Zeta, or Fant..

played since isabel

21:19:57 May 8th 11 - Mr. Smoke Fat Doobies:

on midgard atm and looking for a good KD

have 2 spare characters untill 2non 50% worlds open andwill be looking for KD in them also :)


10:38:39 May 9th 11 - Mr. Sladius:

SFD!!! <3

Come join RED in Mant

<3 Slade

20:58:52 May 9th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

mant doesnt end for ages mann :D
im on fant, mid and zeta :D

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