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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
16:09:36 May 10th 11 - Mr. Light:

Am looking for a KD in zeta. Played a few eras already. Currently playing as troll

05:57:14 May 23rd 11 - Mr. Uther Pendragon:

I heard that they are bringing great walls back. Is this true?
If so then i need a kingdom to join next era.
Whoever could use me(not the sexual way) just say so and ill send an app.

06:18:23 May 23rd 11 - Mr. Jakee:

A list of changes will be coming into effect after Fanta ends (After Zeta ends as well, for the GW and Merges)

05:42:38 May 28th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

Royal Order of Claidmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidmore
Members: 6
Created: 8/11/2010 2:39:41 AM
Leader: Prince Kevdwayne

Compare kingdom


“Remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.”
Mahatma Gandhi

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind."

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil but as a necessity, or even a duty."
Simone Weil

Evil. Mistrust those who rejoice at it even more than those who do it.
Victor Hugo

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

Evil lurks in the heart of man, and anonymity tends to bring it out. Internet flamers would never say the jagged things they do if they had to sign their names.
GARRISON KEILLOR, "Renouncing Evil Powers and Anonymity," A Prairie Home Companion, Jan. 12, 2010

If you wish to join please submit an application with PREVIOUS NAMES and the race you will be playing.

well i need some players got a great spot atm on mant and all i need is some manpower if you would like join send in an app and send me a message as i'm currently leading roc until further notice would really like to have my old friends back in here to kick ass with me if your out there

05:49:18 May 28th 11 - Princess Sladen:

JD, Is Kev even active anymore??

05:52:07 May 28th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

no he is not like i said i'm the current leader would you like to join? we have plenty of space

21:04:03 May 29th 11 - Mr. Roq:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Sleepless
Members: 5
Created: 12/28/2010 10:13:34 PM
Leader: Mr. Roq

Compare kingdom


We are a new kingdom with some very experienced players who are willing to help out newer players or work along side the veterans to make this kingdom known. We may be small but take pride in our loyalty, honor, ability to work as a team, and our stubbornness to never give up. All are welcome to apply as long as you possess these four qualities...

Plz include:
1. Eras of Exp
2. Previous Kingdoms
3. Preferred Race
4. Any other information you think is needed


Greetings everyone.  Sleepless is looking to recruit a few more players for the restart of Nirvana.  Do i have any takers out there?

22:40:57 May 30th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

moving this char to fant or mant, will anyone have me?


01:25:33 Jun 1st 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Forgotten One:

i will join with me on mant mate

03:46:14 Jun 1st 11 - Mr. Panic XII:

only after the association with Kev is no longer would i consider it...

i will always feel like ROC is Kev's kingdom and he abandoned me too many times to fight under that flag

07:20:02 Jun 1st 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:

hey were changing flags next era mate so if you want come finish out this era with us and we'll have a nice new flag next era

10:19:51 Jun 8th 11 - Prince Sladius The Shadow Mage:

15:52:07 May 28th 11 - Mr. Jackdaniels Old Seven:
no he is not like i said i'm the current leader would you like to join? we have plenty of space

LOL thats Kev for you, and nah, I got my own KD on Mant :)

11:11:44 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Acerf The Majestic:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Torment
Members: 4
Created: 5/13/2011 12:51:37 AM
Leader: Mr. Acerf The Majestic

Compare kingdom


Anyone wanting to join is more than welcome as long as you are active.


hi! i'd like to invite people to join my KD, zetamania has restarted which means merges and walls should be back. Come join us today :)

17:15:27 Jun 15th 11 - Mr. Mablung Culnmo:

Bane Elemental

Kingdom Banner

Name: Bane Elemental
Members: 4
Created: 6/14/2011 12:27:10 PM
Leader: Mr. Mablung Culnmo

Compare kingdom


An Elven Kingdom... Dark elf, Evil elf, High elf, Wild Elf, Wise elf. :P


- close -

17:16:07 Jun 15th 11 - Mr. Mablung Culnmo:

Bane Elemental looking for recruits! it is a kd in zeta! please do join!

03:40:09 Jun 17th 11 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

looking for a Zetamania kingdom.

03:57:28 Jun 17th 11 - Mr. Mablung Culnmo:

come join mine

09:29:46 Jun 23rd 11 - Mr. Glacial Kzat:

British Petroleum

Kingdom Banner

Name: British Petroleum
Members: 7
Created: 12/17/2010 11:55:52 PM
Leader: Mr. Glacial Kzat

Compare kingdom


British Petroleum. Back in business.

The S.A.S of V.U


BP will be leaving Midgard soon and heading to a world near you! Old friends or comrades most welcome.  Experienced players needed to join up with a small but effective unit.

Message a member with any questions you might have.

Many thanks

19:36:52 Jun 25th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Looking for a Kingdom next era on Starta...
I will be very active, playing as Halfer, attacking style.
Will need an active leadership and decent sized Kingdom please.
Write to me ingame, thanx

05:54:25 Jun 30th 11 - Sir Jondrus Pilferer:

Who wants me?

18:30:51 Jun 30th 11 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Aisha ;)

05:06:30 Jul 5th 11 - General Undercover Agent of:

I need a Fant kd plz.

07:14:07 Jul 5th 11 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

Same here

16:51:42 Jul 8th 11 - Mr. Soul:

I am in search for a  good kingdom that has a active leadership and knows what they are doing in the lower worlds 1000 exp max.
Already got asked by a couple of kingdoms in the higher worlds so i dont need any there.

Just to explain who i am,

I am mr. Soul aka Jermey

I just started this era on the newbie world "Latha" 5-10 days later from the actual starting point and i am now ranked nr 1 in most powerful leaders and i have the most troop kills.

I play human and i want to get good at it first before i go any other race.
I dont want to be a mage preferable a attacker.

I am active also on the kingdom forums (got around 250 post in 10-15 days)
I think i am easy to go along with and i will do what i am told.
I will take advice with open arms thoh if its bad advice or i think so i will ask till i am satisfied.

And aisha+fungi will vouch for me because they both want me in the upper worlds :P .

If you want me please message me to this character in a lettter.

Thanks for reading,

Soul aka Jermey

01:13:58 Jul 15th 11 - Death Lord Draven:

Old player ex Carnage and Fate vet, I was a good attacker, dont know about new play just yet, anyone interested?

03:08:34 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Hannon:

I am looking for a KD in Fantasia.

04:19:40 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Phire:

Looking for a KD on Zeta decent troll attacker can also play halfer and elf.

07:50:22 Jul 15th 11 - Mr. Jack Daniels The Defender:

forsaken will take you

04:43:52 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Quonos:

I am actually looking for the POFF... anyone know if they are still around.  Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame.  Namely which World they are in.

06:15:48 Aug 1st 11 - Architect (Mr. Reptar):

They are on Fant.

02:10:56 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Quonos:

Thanks a lot.

19:47:28 Aug 12th 11 - Mr. Twamao:

Ok.  So who the hell are these kingdoms?  If you want me to join your kingdom apply here and answer the ff questions:

1.  Who the hell are you?
2. Why would I join your stupid kd?
3. What benefits would I get if I join you.

07:38:31 Aug 14th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Solo Arthur):

1. I am Twamao, the one and only

2. Because I am Twamao, and you should join me because I'm Twamao
3. You get the special benefit of being with Twamao, cause I'm so cool.

;)  Been a while

11:44:59 Aug 17th 11 - Mr. Twamao:

You're still alive.  Where is your horselord?

02:30:00 Aug 18th 11 - Canucks (Mr. Hermes):

looking for a kd

16:11:03 Aug 18th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Solo Arthur):

My horselord is riding his horses of course.

19:05:33 Aug 20th 11 - Stormy (Mr. Cthulhu):

i'm on starta and all alone....i am easy and will put out on the first date....i am into any and all which kingdom wants muh bodeh?

p.s. if it helps, i have man-boobies...

11:23:46 Aug 21st 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

I am also alone and on Starta.  I don't put out as easily as Stormy but when I do it's much more exciting ;)  Anyone interested? :P

P.s. if it helps, I don't have man-boobies.

12:32:26 Aug 26th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valhalla):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Valhalla
Members: 3
Created: 8/24/2011 10:11:56 PM
Leader: Mr. Valhalla

Lookin' for a couple more to join up on the world of Valhalla.  Message me if you're interested!

15:58:54 Aug 28th 11 - Mr. Frostfire:

One Man Wolf Pack

Kingdom Banner

Name: One Man Wolf Pack
Members: 1
Created: 8/28/2011 3:44:16 PM
Leader: Mr. Frostfire


Dont mess with the big bad Wolf .
I,m here For Fun,You nubs Dont scare me .

-Open For Friendly Relations.
-Not Recruiting

Here some pick of me ;)

05:15:28 Sep 2nd 11 - Mr. Puppy That Likes Drooling:

I am looking for a KD to join on any world other than fant and vallhala. I am offering to be a halfer mage and hope i will help.


20:08:20 Sep 4th 11 - King Burninglegion The Ancient:

Burninglegion has returned from about 8 months of inactivity, who would accept this battle hardened Vet. into their ranks?


Located in valhala

20:23:56 Sep 4th 11 - Mr. Manowar:

METAL will, BL ^^

19:27:42 Sep 9th 11 - Mr. Notawere Wolf:

Flame Lords Legion

Kingdom Banner

Name: Flame Lords Legion
Members: 3
Created: 9/8/2011 8:36:23 AM
Leader: Mr. Not Phoenix

Compare kingdom


yay walls! yay merges! yay FLL

Some may recognize the flag. Others should recognize the flag. Soon, Everyone will recognize the flag! Come join us on Zeta!

We have VERY experienced wall builders here. ;-)

14:33:53 Sep 10th 11 - Soth (Prince Toki Wartooth):

When this era of Fantasia comes to an end I once again pledge my sword to whomever champions a worthy cause. I trust competition remains as fierce and bloody as ever so my return to the battlefield is filled with the highest of expectations. Friend or foe we shall meet soon enough.

Knight of the Black Rose

23:39:33 Sep 22nd 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

I've been waiting with this character for quite some time already, its a shame no world opens soon... When will some world end so we get another restart? Mantrax is only place where I can go now, and they started long time ago so dont want to go there...
So, to be ontopic, looking for a Kd in first world that opens...

02:43:11 Sep 23rd 11 - Mr. Ensign Xlviii:

Well, Von has been attempting to cast arma already, but unlucky so far. lol

05:27:36 Sep 28th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros VIII):

Sol Invictus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sol Invictus
Members: 2
Created: 9/27/2011 6:49:34 PM
Leader: Mr. Valkyros VIII

Lookin' for some players to join us on NIrvana, who aren't afraid to fight 'til the bitter end.

07:23:33 Sep 28th 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Father of Twins):

looking forward to tangling with you again

07:29:12 Sep 28th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Try Harder):

As am I, still good fun on Valhalla.  We're not through yet :)

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