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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
01:51:14 Apr 14th 12 - Pure (Mr. Ihavenoname):

We are on zeta, send in an app if you have a spare character, this kingdom is more just for fun :p


Kingdom Banner

Name: Faggotville
Members: 5
Created: 4/13/2012 4:41:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Ihavenoname

Compare kingdom


In kingdom app include:

Number of eras:
Previous Names:
Previous Kingdoms:
Race you will probably play:


21:12:29 Apr 14th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgalon):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Betelgeuse
Members: 5
Created: 3/16/2012 7:52:59 PM
Leader: Mr. Tyrgalon

Compare kingdom


The red star, like the planet Mars that derives its name from a Roman war god, has been closely associated with the martial archetype of conquest for millennia, and by extension the motif of death and rebirth. In South African mythology, Betelgeuse was a lion watching in a predatory manner the three zebras represented by Orion"s belt.


Recruiting for the soon starting era on fant :)

07:00:42 Apr 16th 12 - Zero (Mr. Lelouch):

Black Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Knights
Members: 6
Created: 3/7/2012 10:25:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Lelouch

Compare kingdom


Currently recruiting, everyone from new to experienced is welcomed to join. Only requirement is that you are an active player.


22:41:41 Apr 16th 12 - Mr. Revolution:

The Historians

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Historians
Members: 4
Created: 4/14/2012 2:10:29 AM
Leader: Mr. Revolution

Compare kingdom


"History is written by the victors."
Winston Churchill


Looking for members who want to be active and are willing to help build and stick to a strategy.

22:58:47 Apr 16th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Darlings):

Gokken? Do I really, really see Gokken there?

23:06:59 Apr 16th 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

Yes, he played on valhalla last age :P

02:32:14 Apr 17th 12 - Mr. Zorro:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Maniacal
Members: 6
Created: 3/6/2012 4:17:06 AM
Leader: Mr. Smash


Devourer of the weak.


04:26:27 Apr 17th 12 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

Raiders Of Gania

Kingdom Banner

Name: Raiders Of Gania
Members: 4
Created: 1/28/2012 10:23:24 PM
Leader: Mr. Orin

Compare kingdom


Come you masters of war
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks....
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

-Bob Dylan


Recruiting Active Members Only



We are Located In Starta Welcoming New And Old Players

07:24:27 May 7th 12 - Mr. Talck The Magnificent:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Graffiti
Members: 2
Created: 5/7/2012 7:20:44 AM
Leader: Mr. Talck The Magnificent

Compare kingdom



  • Mr. Talck The Magnificent

We are looking for new and old players to join. Going to restart on Nirvana next era.

17:37:38 May 7th 12 - Mr. Denko Raikiri:

Shinobi Empire is currently in Armegeddon is is looking for any player who wishes to join, veteran or new to VU.

22:18:51 May 7th 12 - Mr. Lead Nuke:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Nuke
Members: 2
Created: 5/7/2012 12:24:07 PM
Leader: Mr. Lead Nuke

Recruiting anybody... if you want to learn, want to see how long you can survive? want to farm and defend all these options are avaible for players that join "Nuke"

20:21:39 May 16th 12 - Mr. Kermit:

Strong, super active player looking for kingdom in fantasia. Also, i have a big wang... not sure if that matters, but it did matter to Ms. Piggy so ill just put that out there >.>

ingame msg me thanks!

20:33:27 May 16th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

spam devi with your apps

20:38:03 May 16th 12 - Mr. Kermit:

*spam spam spam spam* ....
*flap flap flap flap flap*
..... *flap flap flap* .... *flap flap flap flap* ....
*spam* ...

ok im done :D *whips hand on stirlin*

02:35:48 May 17th 12 - Mr. Isaac:

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 2
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Isaac


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom. 

We currently have slots for newbie's who are willing to learn and partake daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. 

ALERT: You will be deleted if you go 7 days inactive.


21:04:31 May 17th 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxes The Predictable):

Crater and Bean

Kingdom Banner

Name: Crater and Bean
Members: 11
Created: 5/18/2011 10:44:51 PM
Leader: Mr. Jellybeanz

Compare kingdom


Recruiting for the massacre that is going to be Mantrax this era.


00:49:46 May 18th 12 - Mr. Isaac:

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 5
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Isaac


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom. 

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. 

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. 

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership


20:04:19 May 19th 12 - Xerxes (Mr. Xerxes The Predictable):

Crater and Bean

Kingdom Banner

Name: Crater and Bean
Members: 10
Created: 5/18/2011 10:44:51 PM
Leader: Mr. Jellybeanz

Compare kingdom


We need anybody, new, experienced, whatever. Undemanned against Binh is a recipe for dying. Just apply and hope you can learn fast if your a new player.


05:51:33 Jun 2nd 12 - Mr. Isaac:

Attention. Please read the following. It may apply to you.

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 3
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Isaac

Compare kingdom


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom. 

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. 

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom. 

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership


23:19:03 Jun 2nd 12 - Mr. Bwannigunz:

considering playing one character for a while for the nostalgia.

not incredibly active. can be a decent fringe player. Dwarf or orc.

i want to join a kd with competent leaders, on a map that isnt too far into the era

PM me if you have a kd that  fits my criteria. if you have a skype channel then that is also preferred

19:00:32 Jun 6th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

try legacy

21:06:00 Jun 6th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

LEGACY is recruiting again, forward all apps to devi

12:44:22 Jun 10th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Devi never replied to my message.. so I'm assuming that means I didn't get in. Bahh, I hate large KD's anyway, haha.

12:17:24 Jun 29th 12 - Mr. Hamish The Third:

Black Flag is a small effective kingdom in Fant of no more than 10 members. We desire to earn respect through hard work, efficient combat, and optimal strategy. Our members MUST be active, there is no exception. We will train those who are willing to learn. If you wish to be a part of this please contact Hamish. Experience is preferred, but not required. Activity is required.

War, that mad game the world so loves to play.  ~Jonathan Swift

20:03:58 Jun 30th 12 - Sir Jondrus:

I'm looking for a KD to play in on Zetamania. 

12:42:33 Jul 5th 12 - Mr. Edelstein:

Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: Holy Roman Empire
Members: 4
Created: 7/4/2012 7:51:21 AM
Leader: Mr. Edelstein

Compare kingdom


The Holy Roman Empire is looking for respectable and honorable members, the current form of government as of July is Imperialistic. Cabinet opportunities are open as well as advisory positions.

Our mission, expand and bring order to all Kingdoms of utopia. 


14:25:10 Jul 5th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

18:13:49 Jul 5th 12 - Wilberforce (Princess Kate Middleton):


I'm looking for a KD at Starta. PM me ingame please.

12:53:08 Jul 12th 12 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Zephyran):

I'm looking for a kingdom in any world.

PM any requests.

22:39:23 Jul 14th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

I'm looking to start a KD in Zetemania with someone.  Anyone care to join?  I don't care if you're new, old, good, bad, someone I know or someone completely strange, I just wanna make a small kingdom of my own.

22:20:55 Jul 15th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Ok have a kingdom!  We are accepting any offers for people in Zetemania!

Kingdom Banner

Name: Mercury
Members: 2
Created: 7/15/2012 9:40:16 AM
Leader: Mr. Arthur Dent II

Compare kingdom


We"re a sleek kingdom. We enjoy fun, and killing. We keep relations to a minimum. We will accept anyone and everyone, join us!


03:23:03 Jul 23rd 12 - Ms. Arwyn:

Looking for new and old players in Latha!

House Stark

Kingdom Banner

Name: House Stark
Members: 2
Created: 7/23/2012 3:12:21 AM
Leader: Ms. Arwyn

Compare kingdom


House Stark of Winterfell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros and the principal noble house of The North; many lesser houses are sworn to them. In days of old they ruled as Kings of Winter; since the Targaryen Conquest they have been Wardens of the North. Their seat, Winterfell, is an ancient castle renowned for its strength. Their sigil is a grey direwolf racing across a field of white, and their words are "Winter Is Coming,"

We are currently accepting any new or old players as of right now. Please send in the following in the application.

Eras Played:
Other Kingdoms you were in:
Why do you want to join:

"Winter is Coming"

11:36:26 Jul 23rd 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

that is a terrible logo for stark

13:24:37 Jul 23rd 12 - Ms. Arwyn:

They're all terrible IMO 

04:41:10 Jul 25th 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Lukethe):

I got a lot of time on my hands currently. I am looking to fill it with some VU. Anyone interested in a out of date, probably forgot most of the tricks, player who needs some VU fix? I NEED MY VU FIX! :D

06:44:21 Jul 25th 12 - Ms. Arwyn:

I'll be glad to have you. Although I am in Latha.......not much going on so far but like you I'm a little out of date and just trying to get my "feel" for the game again lol

08:51:06 Jul 25th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Luke you can join me in Mercury ;)  in Zet

09:20:14 Jul 30th 12 - Pirate Lewatha:

Just came back from Cambodia and I'm looking for one or two kingdoms to play for for a few months. Send me an ingame PM please... 

17:50:35 Jul 31st 12 - Mr. Theodore Roosevelt:

22:46:47 Aug 2nd 12 - Mr. Ramza Beoulve:

Back from vacation, anyone want a dwarf player in Zetamania, send me a pm if you need another member to the crew.

11:10:37 Aug 3rd 12 - Lady Boot of The Twos:

Legion Of Roma

Kingdom Banner

Name: Legion Of Roma
Members: 4
Created: 8/1/2012 12:45:44 PM
Leader: Mr. Peasant Samual

Compare kingdom


-=-=- Requirements -=-=-

- Must be active.
- Must be active in the KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

-=-=- Application Questions -=-=-
1. How many full eras have you played?
2. What race are you using, or intend to use?
3. Any previous names or kingdoms?


17:11:31 Aug 5th 12 - Sir Isaac:

Leon Nemeios

Kingdom Banner

Name: Leon Nemeios
Members: 4
Created: 5/16/2012 11:41:25 PM
Leader: Sir Isaac


Currently accepting new Applicants. Please submit with your application your name, age, time zone, and a brief bio about yourself and how frequently you may be on visual utopia. If applicable, please state how long you have been playing as well and your last kingdom.

We currently have slots for newbie"s who are willing to learn and partake daily matters in the Kingdom and are determined to make a difference.

Our Vices are skilled Veterans from VU and played in some of the top Kingdom in VU History

Please inform us whether you are a defender or attacker, so that we have a better understanding your main role in the kingdom.

We are looking mainly for active members, who are willing to be dedicated to the Kingdom.

ALERT: You will be kicked if you go 7 days inactive without informing leadership


If you are interested put your coffee down and join now.

23:36:37 Aug 15th 12 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

Army of Anubis

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 10
Created: 6/28/2010 4:18:38 AM
Leader: Prince Anonymous

Compare kingdom


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than dont waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Aggressive expansion


- 2 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 4 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.


I am back and in need of active players. For the first couple of ages of AoA's return, requirements and app questions will not matter. I only ask that you be active to the best of your ability.


04:52:54 Sep 1st 12 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):


Still looking for members for new age of Mantrax

09:45:24 Sep 4th 12 - Mr. Assasin The Silent:

I have a free character and I would like to ask is anyone recruiting on Mantrax? How long ago did the era start? Is it too late to start now, would I be too behind?

09:47:49 Sep 4th 12 - Mr. Dacarta:

Could use a few more members in Candlewax (formerly Tip of the Spear) on Starta.

09:53:25 Sep 4th 12 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

* MantraxOpen50002karta314618%
It has been around 30-38 hours now, everyone is still in protection. You would be a little behind but you could make it up if your active.

If your looking to join a KD there your welcome to join AoA, we could use the members.

12:33:17 Sep 4th 12 - Mr. Assasin The Silent:

Thank you for the offer guys, but I will not be able to join.
The same thing happened like when I complained just week ago...
Clicked restart, no option to not spawn, so I dropped on the map
Now I will just let it die... Thank you anyways

(like you see, there is no option to join Kd, or to not spawn)


We have no cities nor armies left. Our foes have defeated us!


I do not want to join a kingdom right now!

Rulername: , son of Borg
Titles (king, sir, lord, etc) will be removed from the ruler name.
Race: (Read about the races in the forum)

Delete character
Are you sure you want to delete this character?

Whether you restart or delete your character, the story will not be forgotten. But after you have restarted or deleted, you will no longer be able to edit the story!

- close -

13:20:15 Sep 4th 12 - Mr. Dacarta:

You have to leave the kingdom you're in first. Then, go to Kingdoms and apply to it. Once you get accepted, you'll put in that world, and you should be good.

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